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Biology 2019-2020 

Dear Parents and/or Guardians: 

You are receiving this letter because your child is currently enrolled in my Biology class. My name 
is Ms. Johnson and I graduated with my Bachelor’s of Science in Biochemistry from University of 
California, San Diego and received my secondary science teaching credential from California State 
University, Fullerton. I am thrilled to bring my science background, teaching assistant/tutoring, and 
student teaching experience into the classroom for my first year of teaching. I believe that students learn 
best when they engage in authentic science experiences, which involves collaboration, technology, and a 
focus on skills that will prepare students for the 21st century. As a teacher, I plan to facilitate students’ 
construction of knowledge and skills that will enable them to do science like experts and foster a warm 
community of learners who never stop wondering about the world around them. 
This course will engage students in authentic scientific practices including, but not limited to, 
investigation, developing and using models, argumentation, and constructing explanations and designing 
solutions. In doing so, students will gain valuable scientific knowledge that will contribute to their lifelong 
development of scientific literacy. Students will have opportunities to solve problems in groups, work 
with real-world data, and construct explanations of everyday phenomena. All the while, students will be 
encouraged to form positive and healthy relationships with their peers and promote a classroom culture 
of safety, respect, enthusiasm, and curiosity.  
I hope to hear from you whenever you have questions, concerns, or excitement regarding your 
child in my class. I am always available via email at ​​ and am available 
during school hours on the phone. I would be happy to set up an appointment for an in-person 
conference as well.  
Finally, I want to invite you to attend Back to School Night on Tuesday September 3, 2019 at 
7:00pm to further discuss the course and your child’s success. I look forward to meeting you. 
Ms. Johnson 

Contact Information: 
Teacher Name: Ms. Johnson 
Room Number: C06 
Email: ​ 
Phone: (949) 285-6802 
Classroom Expectations 

Remember, San Juan Hills students  When you enter Ms. Johnson’s 
Ride for the Brand:  classroom: 

​B​alance academics, activities, and  ● You are respected, and you will 
social/emotional needs.  respect others. 

​R​espect and include those from all  ● You are capable scientists willing to 
make mistakes. 
backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. 

​A​pply higher-level thinking skills to a broad  ● You are responsible for your own 
work and for putting your best work 
range of college and career contexts.  forward. 
​N​urture relationships with their communities  ● You are ready to help others and be 
and positively contribute to society as a whole.  a good classroom citizen. 

​D​edicate themselves to setting and reaching 

meaningful goals.  
Classroom Rules: 
1. Cell phones remain in backpacks unless instructed otherwise. 
2. No eating or drinking, except for water. 
3. Arrive to class prepared to learn—materials, homework, and a positive attitude. 
4. Keep workspace clean and organized, putting materials away after using them. 
5. Show respect for peers, teacher, and yourself. 

Rewards  Consequences 
● Raffle tickets given for exceptional  ● Written warning and short teacher 
behavior: turn in raffle tickets for  conference after class 
prizes  ● Phone call home and written plan to 
○ 5 tickets:​ Listening to music  improve behavior 
during tutorial  ● Detention 
○ 10 tickets:​ Late homework pass  ● Referral to office 
● Teacher helper 
● Positive call home 

Routines and Procedures 
Attendance and tardies 
Students are expected to arrive to class on time unless they have a documented excuse. If a student is 
to be absent all day, guardians must either call the 24-hour Absence Line or email the absence through 
School Loop. All students who arrive late to school ​must​ report to the attendance office and sign-in, 
even during lunch or passing period. A parent or guardian ​must​ call prior to lunch to verify the reason 
for arriving late to school. If a student leaves early, they ​must​ sign-out at the attendance office and a 
guardian ​must​ call prior to the student leaving OR the student must have a signed note with the time 
they are leaving. Unverified absences need to be cleared within 3 school days or else it becomes a 
truancy. Truancies need to be verified through the truancy hotline. 
Detailed attendance information: ​  
24-hour Absence Line: (949) 234-5592 
Tardies Line: (949) 234-5568 
Leaving school early: (949) 234-5568 
Truancy Hotline: (949) 234-5933 
Make-up work and late work 
Pursuant to CA Education Code 48205, a student​ absent from school is allowed to complete all 
assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided, and receive full 
credit upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time. The teacher of the class shall 
determine which tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical 
to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence. When returning to school, 
check the “Absent” folder for materials missed and then have a discussion with me about the timeline 
for turning in work. 
Late work will be half credit unless student uses a Late homework pass, in which case the assignment 
can receive full points. Consistent late work will result in a teacher conference and written plan to 
improve and to make up points lost. 
Collecting and returning work 
Work to be turned-in will go in the basket labeled “Turn In” at the back of the classroom. Homework 
completed in Science Notebooks will be checked at students’ desks during warm-up. Periodic formal 
Science Notebook checks will require students to turn in their notebooks in the “Turn In” basket. Tests, 
quizzes, and other work will be returned to students individually.  
Routines for starting class 
1. Come into class with a positive attitude, prepared with necessary materials including: Science 
Notebook, pencil, eraser, and any other assigned materials. 
2. Sit at seat and quietly copy date, objective, and warm-up question into Science Notebook. 
Respond individually to the warm-up question in Science Notebook. 
3. When timer or song ends, listen for direction from teacher. 
Routines during class/group work 
1. Pay attention to time allotted—teacher will constantly use kitchen timer to chunk out activities. 
2. Listen to verbal and written instructions and consistently indicate understanding when 
3. Lean in when working in groups, listen to others and contribute positively. 
4. Remain on-task and keep an organized workspace. 
Routines for ending class 
1. Return to seat when prompted. 
2. Copy any to-do’s or homework in Science Notebook. 
3. When instructed, complete a daily reflection in Science Notebooks, an individual exit slip, or 
group exit slip. 
4. Collect all personal materials and return classroom materials. 
Routines for moving about 
1. Restrooms:​ Ask before leaving the classroom to use the restroom. Take the hall pass. 
2. Obtaining materials:​ Only obtain necessary materials when teacher has instructed students to 
do so or as needed during allotted work time. ​Obtain lab materials ONLY with teacher 
supervision and when instructed to do so. 
3. Miscellaneous:​ Sharpen pencils, use tissues, wash hands, etc. at students’ discretion and when 
not disruptive to the class. 
Getting help 
● Use the “Questions” box to leave a question (anonymous or not) about the day’s lesson, or other 
topics. These questions will be reviewed at the end of the day and addressed either individually 
or with the whole class, with student anonymity.  
● I am available before and after school, as well as during passing periods to discuss strategies for 
improvement and to set up plans for help. 
● I will request students who need extra help or time to make up work to be in my tutorial period. 
● Set up parent/guardian, student, and teacher conference to discuss strategies for support. 
Scale  Weight 


Academic Integrity 
Academic integrity at SJHHS means honesty and responsibility in 
scholarship. Both teachers and students need to obey the rules of 
honest scholarship. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and 
unauthorized alteration of teacher or student materials are all 
examples of academic dishonesty and will have consequences 
according to the SJHHS Discipline Policy and Procedures Handbook. 

Review this syllabus with a parent or guardian. Sign and detach this slip then turn it in on Friday. There 
will be a syllabus quiz during the third week of school. 

Questions or concerns:  

______________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 
Parent/guardian signature   Parent/guardian phone number & email 

__________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 

Student name printed Student signature 

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