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Bulan Materi Deskripsi

Januari  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar
Be: Who’s that? How old is he? I’m 12 years old. This is
my brother Steve. Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
Have: I have fair hair. He has blond hair. descriptive text in the
Present simple tense (+ frequency adverbs) classical context.
Present continuous tense:
like+ _____ing Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple functional
go + _____ing (riding, fi shing .…) written text in the classical context.
What kind of pets/books … do you like?
Possessive‘s: Steve’s friends. Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function functional text with actions in classical context.
What’s your/his/her job? What do you/does he or she/do?
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
Kata benda: airport, friend, guitar, horse, teacher about discussing a topic and a fact
Anggota keluarga: aunt, brother, child, dad, father, .
grandfather, grandmother, mother,
mum, parent, sistertwin, uncle
Pakaian: dress, jacketshirt, trousers, T-shirt, uniform
Kata kerja: drive, fi sh, fl y, like, meet, play, practise, ride,
sing, wear, work
Kata sifat: untuk menjelaskan seseorang: short/tall,
long/short hair, blue/brown eyes
Kata depan: at the back, behind, in front of, in the middle
of, next to
Frasa: do your homework, free time, go camping, go to
bed, go to the cinema, play the
guitar/drums, see you soon, work hard
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation
Februari  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar
Present tenses
Past simple
Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
Present continuous future
descriptive text in the classical context.
Let’s … give the plants some water.
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function
Membicarakan tentang rentetan peristiwa dan kegiatan rutin
Membicarakan tentang suka dan tidak suka Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple
Memberikan saran functional written text in the classical context.
Menjelaskan proses
Black Mountain is on television before / after dinner. Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
Before they go home, they sometimes go to Carlo’s Café. functional text with actions in classical context.
When Melanie gets home, she feeds the fi sh.
AfterMelanie feeds the fi sh, she watches television. Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
After that I ... . Then I ... . about discussing a topic and a fact
What kind of programmes do you like?
Shall we … go to Carlo’s Café?/Why don’t we go to Carlo’s
Café tomorrow?
What’s it called? It’s called ... .
Zero conditional: If you water a plant, it grows.
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary
Time + Days of the week
Kata benda: computer, drum, fl ower, heat juice, piano,
lesson, place, plant, rain, sun,
television, water
Kata kerja: brush, clean, dress, need, play the piano,
wash, watch TV
Kata sifat: bored, excited, happy, sad
Acara TV: action fi lm, adventure story, cartoon, cookery
programme, history programme,
nature programme, the news, quiz show, soap, talent show,
sports programme, travel
programme (A programme about …)
Dunia alam: cactus, cycle, earthleaf, petal, root, species,
seaweed, stem, sunlight, vapour
Kata kerja: believe(d), boil(ed), burn(t), change(d),
complete(d), die(d), feed/fedget/got
home, grow/grew, order(ed), win/won + collocations with
have, make, play, etc
Kata benda: application, form, gold, medal, information,
radio, schedule, team
Kata sifat: brilliant, independent, online, painful, pleased,
polite, popular, secret, terrible
Kata keterangan: immediately, only, really
Ekspresi: What’s on TV tonight? 84 per cent (84 %) I can’t
believe it! That’s brilliant!
Be careful, I have an idea
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation
Bunyi ejaan ‘o’ dan ‘or’. Simbol fonetik = [ɔ]
and [ɔ:]

Bunyi/ejaan ‘a’ and ‘u’. Simbol fonetik = [ǽ]

and [ʌ]
Maret  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar
Have to/don’t have to Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
Need to/don’t need to descriptive text in the classical context.
Present simple/continuous
Past simple
Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple functional
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function written text in the classical context.
Going to
Too/either Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
Show something to somebody functional text with actions in classical context.
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary
Pakaian: baseball cap, coat, dress, gloves, hat, jeans, Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
pullover, scarf, T-shirt, shoes, about discussing a topic and a fact
shorts, socks, swimsuit, uniform
Hewan: bird, crocodile, dolphin, elephant, fi sh, insect,
polar bear
Umum: counter, diceend, kilometre, mug, player, rule,
Kata kerja: become, catch (fi sh), come back, discover, get
(cold), get (food), start, stay,
Kata-kata yang melukiskan emosi: bored, excited, happy,
Pakaian: blouse, mini-skirt, shirt, skirt, suit, tie, trainers,
trousers (a pair of ___s)
Kata-kata yang melukiskan emosi: (a bit) nervous,
Hewan: (emperor) penguin, seal, whale
Alam: bamboo, female, hunter, killer, male, member
mushroom, temperature, waterfall
Pertunjukkan kuis: buzzer, host, round, score, studio
Kata kerja: appear, build, explain, keep warm, lay (eggs),
look after, look for, weigh
Kata sifat: close, together, extra, volcanic
Juga: Something/anything/anybody/nothing including
I’m so excited. It’s OK. What’s the matter? What’s the
problem? That’s great. Why not?
I have no idea.I hear … That’s right. Good luck/Thank you.
Guess what?
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation
Bunyi dituliskan seperti air/ear/ere. Simbol
fonetik = [ɛə]
Bunyi yang ditulis dengan ou/ow. Simbol fonetik = [au]

Maret : Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS 2)

April : KBM dan Ujian Praktek
Mei : Ujian Sekolah (US) SD
Juni : Libur Puasa
Juli : Libur Akhir Tahun

Agustus  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar

going to
present continuous + simple Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
before after when descriptive text in the
should/shouldn’t classical context.
comparatives + superlatives
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple functional
Too small/not big enough written text in the classical context.
How long does it take? It takes …
How far is it from X to Y? Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
How much does it cost? It costs … functional text with actions in classical context.
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary
Waktu (+ am/pm): day, week, month, year Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
Makanan + minuman: cake, chips, coff ee, juice, about discussing a topic and a fact
sandwich, tea, water
Pakaian: cap, dress, jeans, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, suit,
trainers, trousers
T ransportasi: bus, plane, ship, taxi, train
Kata benda perjalanan: backpack, camera, passport,
return, single, sunglasses, ticket,
Tempat-tempat wisata: beach, campsite, farm, hotel,
Kata benda lain: Game, boy, letter, neighbour
Kata kerja: burn, take off , turn off
Angka: up to a thousand +
Waktu: second, minute, hour, half, leap, year
Kata kerja perjalanan: leave/depart, arrive/get to, pack,
Kata kerja lain: go off (alarm), hold, iron, post, set (an
Kata benda perjalanan: adult, business class, dining-car,
distance, economy, fare, (suit)case, timetable, tunnel
Kata benda lain: alarm, clock, headphones, laptop
(computer), MP3 player, umbrella
Hewan: cheetah, falcon, sailfi sh, sea horse
Tambahan: about (= approximately), at least
Ekspresi: It’s just right! (They’re just right!)
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation
Bunyi/ejaan ‘th’. Simbol fonetik = [ɵ] Siswa menuliskan
huruf-huruf yang hilang dalam kata-kata yang bunyinya

September  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar

Would like + noun/would like to + verb
Adverbs Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
Can I have ...? descriptive text in the
There is/ are + countable/uncountable nouse classical context.
There’s some rice in Picture 1.
There are some snails in Picture 2. Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple functional
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function written text in the classical context.
Is there any salt?
Are there any elephants in Africa? There aren’t any Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
elephants there. functional text with actions in classical context.
Is there any gold in Europe? There isn’t any gold there.
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
Negara: Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Chile, China, about discussing a topic and a fact
France, India,
Japan, Mexico, South Africa, the US
Benua: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North
South America
Makanan + minuman: fridgestarter, main course, dessert,
crisps, soup, vegetable
Kata benda: building, museum, parkplan
Kata sifat: famous, high, kind, special
Negara: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Russia
Makanan + minuman: cheesecake, cherry, green beans,
kilo kiwi, meal, peach, pepper,
salad, saltsnack, snail, steak, stew
Mineral: diamond, gold, silver
Kata-kata lain: aquarium, centimetre, ground, market,
monument, orchard,
owner, port, receipt, receptionist, stall
Kata kerja: ask(ed) for, blow/blewknock(ed), over,
move(d), order(ed)
(food), pay/paid, forshare(d), slip(ped), smell(ed),
Kata sifat: delicious, double, frightened, hard, ill,
miniature, national,
soft, traditional
Frasa: I’m sorry, the top/bottom(of), Cheers!
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation
Bunyi ‘th’ di akhir kata-kata. Simbol fonetik
= [ɵ]
Siswa menuliskan dua huruf ‘th’ yang
hilang pada setiap kata.

Oktober  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar

Present simple + adverbs of frequency
Past simple, especially negatives and questions Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
Why did you ...?Because .... descriptive text in the classical context.
I think he should ....
a / the (fi rst time / second time mentioned)
Directions: How do I get to …? Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple functional
be good / bad for you written text in the classical context.
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function
Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
I’ve been to Paris/I haven’t been to Rome
functional text with actions in classical context.
Infi nitive of purpose: He went there to look for his phone.
When did you last … use a phone?
Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
I have a headache etc.
about discussing a topic and a fact
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary
Fasilitas: beach, hospital, library, park, police station,
school, zoo
Permukaan Geografi : desert, forest, jungle, lake,
mountain, river, volcano, waterfall
Campuran: camera
Kesehatan: healthy, ill, well
Bahasa telepon: phone (verb), ring (verb), send a text
message, Hi, it’s Paul
Turis: book of photographs, change (money), customer,
model, mug,
postcard, souvenir shop
Persoalan kesehatan: chickenpox, a cold fl u, headache, a
runny nose, spots, stomach
ache, temperature, waiting room
Pertolongan pertama: bandage, bleed cut (verb + noun),
hurt plaster
Campuran: fat, orchidpocket, sugar, temple
Kata kerja: get off , look for, press, take a photo(graph)
Kata-kata lain: almost, back/forward, immediately, instead
Ekspresi: Are you all right?, Sorry, I don’t understand.
What’s the
matter?, wash your hands, go to hospital, go to bed, Well
Expressions with ‘get’
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation

November  Tata Bahasa/ Grammar

There is/isn’t/are/aren’t
Past simple Reading: Ss are able to understand short simple functional
Comparatives/superlatives of short adjectives descriptive text in the classical context.
 Fungsi Bahasa/ Function
Whose is it? It’s mine/yours …
Comparatives and superlatives of long adjectives
Better/best worse/worst Writing: Ss are able to express meaning in a short simple functional
 Kosakata/ Vocabulary written text in the classical context.
Kehidupan kota: bridge, monument, museum, park, river,
tower, zoo, art gallery, metro station, palace, pavement Listening : Ss are able to understand and respond a short simple
café, statue, underground,train
functional text with actions in classical context.
Kata sifat: beautiful, dangerous, delicious, fantastic, fast,
interesting, popular
Speaking: Ss are able to express a short functional text orally
Perjalanan dengan kereta: carriage, luggage, platform,
about discussing a topic and a fact
Lukisan: abstract, landscape, portrait, still life
Profesi: architect, artist, genius(!), musician, scientist
Kata campuran: accident, kid
Kata kerja: cheer, enjoy, examine, pick up
Kata sifat: amazing, artistic, crowded, old-fashioned,
romantic, wonderful
Kata lain: still
Ekspresi: No problem. Have a nice journey. look/look
like/look the same. Are you sure? Yes,
I’m positive. I’m completely wrong. Can I help you? I
agree/I don’t agree/I think … Wow!
 Pengucapan/ Pronunciation

Desember: Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS1)

Mengetahui, Bekasi, Oktober 2018

Kepala Sekolah SD Islam Teratai Putih Global Guru Mata Pelajaran,

(Doddy Matin Zulfadhli, SE MM) (Gitaning Hapsari, SPd)

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