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Good day!

I’m here to represent our group to present to you our research which is entitles”
Behaviour Assessment of Tricycle Commuters in Golden Country Homes Subdivision, Alangilan,


Here, in the Philippines we all know that the use of tricycle has become the essential mode of
transportation in most developing cities. Golden Country Homes is a subdivision which composed of
mostly students fron batangas State university Main campus II and westmead internation school.
Tricycle is the prime mode of transportation in Golden Country Homes Subdivision . the resident or
especially the student preference for alternative mode of transportation aside from their own cars is the
passenger tricycle. Here in GCH a total of 50 tricycle ang pumapasada


There are 4 problems that we encountered during this research. For instance first of all, there
are factors that affects the comfortability of the passengers such as noise pollution associated with

Second, due to the increasing volume of commuters, it has resulted to higher demand for
transportation inside the subdivision. The researchers observed that the number of tricycles in terminal
aren't enough especially during peak hours, emergencies and night-times that causes delays.

Third one is the uncomfortable design and behaviour of the tricycle drivers.

And lastly terminals are too far especially to the Westmead students


For the objective of this research, first To evaluate the behaviour of tricycle traffic in Golden
County Homes. Second , To know if there is a sufficient amount of tricycle to accommodate passengers.
Third To identify the behaviour of drivers during peak hours. Fourth, To analyze the location of tricycle
terminal stations in GCH. And lastly To identify passenger peak hour

For the methodology, our group started the research by preparing the materials needed. We
collected our data through survey, interviews and traffic counting from three points, in the entrance of
GCH, Batstate U main II and Westmead school. We had analyzed and interpret our data and come up
with conclusion and recommendation.

As you can see in the first pic, this is the traditional tricycle in Batangas, (mababa ang bubong ng
pinaka trike disadvantage sa mga matatangkad)

The second picture is the approved tricycle fare in Golden Country Homes ( sa halagang 7 pesos
bawat isa, komportable ka naman ba?)

This is the result of Survey conducted to the drivers

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