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Cytology Lab Batch 2015

Coordinator: dr Jan Tambayong FK UPH Labs, 3rd Floor

Week Date Group Learning Objectives

1 6-Oct B 1. Understand and identify the different phases in Cell Cycle
2. Understand and identify different types of Organelles
8-Oct A 1. Understand and identify the different phases in Cell Cycle
2. Understand and identify different types of Organelles

2 13-Oct B Repeat Session from Week 1

15-Oct A Repeat Session from Week 1

3 20-Oct B 1. Identify different Cell Types: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar

2. Know the type of epithelia in these type of cells in the body
22-Oct A 1. Identify different Cell Types: Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar
2. Know the type of epithelia in these type of cells in the body

4 27-Oct B 1. Identify different types of cell surface modifications: microvili, stereocilia, cilia (kinocilia)
2. Know examples of each kind of modifications in the body
29-Oct A 1. Identify different types of cell surface modifications: microvili, stereocilia, cilia (kinocilia)
2. Know examples of each kind of modifications in the body

5 3-Nov B 1. Identify different Types of Epithelia: Simple, Pseudostratified, Transitional, Stratified (keratinized and non-keratinized)
2. Know examples of each kind of Epithelia in the body
5-Nov A 1. Identify different Types of Epithelia: Simple, Pseudostratified, Transitional, Stratified (keratinized and non-keratinized)
2. Know examples of each kind of Epithelia in the body

6 10-Nov B Repeat Session from Week 5

12-Nov A Repeat Session from Week 5

7 17-Nov B Repeat all sessions

19-Nov A Repeat all sessions

8 23-Nov B Try out

24-Nov A Try out
25-Nov B Discussions of the Try out
26-Nov A Discussions of the Try out

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