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1 Measure Transitive verb Measure the level of happiness where you live.
2 Hardly Adverb You are hardly ever tired.
3 Stressful Adjective David thinks Sardinia is less stressful than other countries.
4 Vineyard Noun Glenn dreams of owning a vineyard and making his own wine.
5 Worldwide Adjective The worldwide shortage of rare metals is a threat to manufacturing.
6 Die out Intransitive verb Most of the polar bears will die out by 2050 as a result of global warming
7 Below Preposition The coffee maker is kept below the coffee cups.
8 Headache Noun After being hunched in front of a computer all day Fiona got a tension headache.
9 Worried Adjective Do you feel worried about anything?
10 Nowadays Adverb Pecorino cheese is not very popular nowadays.
11 Allowed Adjective Smoking is allowed, but only on the balcony.
12 Steep Adjective The house was at the top of a steep hill.
13 Wheel Noun The wheels on the bus went round and round.
14 Slope Noun The ball rolled away, down the slope.
15 Injured Adjective If you have ever been injured.
16 Fail Intransitive verb The plan failed because they ran out of money.
17 Crowd Noun The circus act never failed to attract crowds of curious people.
18 Crash barrier Noun She got ejected onto the crash barrier.
19 Encourage Transitive verb The teacher encouraged them to discuss the book in class.
20 Beard Noun The suspect is about six feet tall and has a beard.
21 Fumes Plural noun Fumes from the spill forced the evacuation of nearby residents.
22 Scooter noun I ride my scooter to work unless it's raining.
23 Pedicab Noun This area abounds with tourists, many of which tour the quarter in pedicabs.
24 Monsoon Noun At what time of year does the monsoon start?
25 Flood Noun The government sent the military to help save people from the flood.
26 Ban Noun Many cities now have a smoking ban.
27 Rickshaw Noun Instead of riding a motorbike, we hired a rickshaw to take us to the night market.
28 Crossed Adjective He crossed the street when the traffic stopped.
29 Leave Intransitive verb I'm going to leave this town at three o'clock today.
30 Purchase Transitive verb I purchased some office supplies yesterday.
31 Climb Intransitive verb We still have to climb before we can descend into the valley.
32 Crampons Noun He's probably wearing the crampons now.
33 Doubtful Adjective Rose told her client it was doubtful that she would finish the work by Friday.
34 Glacier Noun The glacier has retreated more this year than in the last decade.
35 Heel Noun James had huge calluses on his heels.
36 Hike Noun Mike went for a hike with his wife in the evening.
37 Rope Noun Helen used two pieces of rope to attach the swing to the branch.
38 Stable Adjective The weather has been stable for several days.
39 Unsafe Adjective It's unsafe to fly so soon after you've been diving.
40 Narrow Adjective The narrow road made passing other cars difficult.
41 Coast Noun There are fine beaches on the coast.
42 Clean-up Intransitive verb phrasal We have to clean up before the guests arrive.
43 Collect Transitive verb He collects model cars.
44 Litter Noun The streets were filled with litter because the waste
45 Rubbish Noun Can you take the rubbish out to the bin please?
46 Shocked Adjective Wendy was shocked to hear her brother was getting divorced.
47 Volunteer Noun We need volunteers to transcribe this manuscript.
48 Disgusting Adjective Cockroaches are disgusting creatures. He has a disgusting habit of not showering.
49 Helpline Noun If you are unsatisfied with this product, please call our helpline, open 24 hours a day.
50 Average Adjective My average score was 2 under par.
51 Tribe Noun One of the tribes indigenous to this region is the Mingo.
52 Nomadic Adjective The nomadic population numbered over 1.2 million.
53 Sunrise Noun Dan set off at sunrise, as he had a long way to travel that day.
54 Elder Adjective Fiona's elder sister is a lawyer.
55 Oil drumbs Noun Okay, this guy was found in an oil drum.
56 Play by ear Transitive verb phrasal I read music well, but I have a hard time playing by ear.
57 Pans Noun The bacon is sizzling in the pan.
58 Parades Noun There was a parade to celebrate the home team's victory.
59 Floats Intransitive verb The science teacher showed the students that pumice can float.
60 Dull Adjective The thesis was so dull that I fell asleep reading it.


61 Cattle Plural noun The farm next door has cattle, but they don't grow any crops.
62 Plain Adjective The dress was plain, with no frills.
63 Acre Noun The Duke owns several thousand acres in the Highlands.
64 Burnt Adjective He burned the documents so nobody would ever see them.
65 Butler Noun Mr. Carson has served as the butler for the estate for many years.
66 Fetch Transitive verb Brian went to fetch the mail.
67 Guest Noun We are going to have three guests over tonight.
68 Servant Noun Before the Second World War, many UK households had servants.
69 Unwelcome Adjective We had planned to go camping, so the rainy weather was unwelcome.
70 Ambitious Adjective She was ambitious enough to aim for the company's presidency.
71 Flipper Noun We saw the flippers of a school of dolphins going by.
72 Rod Noun Jack used a wooden rod to knock the ball out of the tree.
73 Zip Noun as adjective The bag has a zip closure.
74 Blade Noun Occasionally chef sharpen the blades of their knives.
75 Blow Intransitive verb The winter wind blows from the west.
76 Crop Noun Grandmother's farm always bore crops of corn and tomatoes.
77 Ensure Transitive verb You should avoid drinking coffee in the evening to ensure a good night's sleep.
78 Flat Adjective The ground was flat enough to put a chair on.
79 Grid Noun Jessica used the grid on the map to figure out the distance that they needed to go.
80 Silo Noun Several tons of corn were stored in the silo.

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