Characteristics of Learning Outcome

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Characteristics of Learning Outcome

- Measurable
- Observable
- Student Centric
- Indicates direction of learning
- Assessed
- Demonstrated


The student understands proper dental hygiene.

At the end of the course the student will be able to demonstrate mastery of dental hygiene
procedures to avoid dental damages. /ensure better oral health.

Students will be familiar with the major theories of the discipline.

Students will be able to explain the importance of major theories of discipline to maintain
classroom order.

Students will be familiar with withdrawal, smoothing, forcing, compromising, and problem
solving in conflict-resolution

Students will be able to describe (assess/evaluate) withdrawal, smoothing, forcing,

compromising, and problem solving in conflict resolution to provide initiative in promoting a
peaceful country.

Student will be to apply process of conflict resolution to solve

The student understands why there are seasons.

To outline the causes of each season to carefully plan the activities per season.

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