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Research · June 2015

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3910.9285


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1 author:

Kasurika Dissanayake
University of Moratuwa


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Dissanayake D.M.K.W

(100106 G)

Degree of Bachelor of Science of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

May, 2015

D.M.K.W Dissanayake 100106 G

The Research Thesis was submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for
the Degree of Bachelor of Science of Engineering

Supervised by Dr. C. S. Lewangamage

Department of Civil Engineering

University of Moratuwa


Sri Lanka

May, 2015

I declare that this is my own work and this research does not incorporate without
acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a Degree or Diploma in any
other University or institute of higher learning and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it does not contain any material previously published or written by another person
except where the acknowledgement is made in the text.

Also, I hereby grant to University of Moratuwa the non-exclusive right to reproduce and
distribute my research, in whole or in part in print, electronic or other medium. I retain
the right to use this content in whole or part in future works (such as articles or books).

……………………………………… Date: May 13, 2015

D.M.K.W. Dissanayake

The above candidate has carried out this research as an undergraduate research for the
partial fulfilment of the Bachelor of Science Degree under my supervision.

……………………………………… Date:

Dr. C. S. Lewangamage


The commonly used electrical, lighting & telecommunication transmission poles in Sri
Lanka are made out of normally reinforced concrete. Despite the heavy weight and poor
aesthetically pleasing appearance of them, those poles could stand ahead of steel and
wooden poles due to their comparatively low cost and durability. However the rising
material and labour costs in production of normally reinforced concrete poles, urges the
pole production industry to find new low cost alternatives.

Most counties use spun-cast technology to manufacture transmission poles/towers, grid

sub-stations structures, circular precast spun piles and many other structures.
Nevertheless, it has never been attempted in Sri Lanka to anything other than production
of hume pipes. This report presents case studies related to feasibility and design study on
low cost spun cast utility pole production in Sri Lanka. The “Pre-stressed Concrete
Transmission Pole Structures Recommended Practice for Design and Installation”
published by ASCE in 2012 was used as the guideline for this study.

In this study, alternative low cost spun-casting poles have been proposed for Sri Lanka
Telecom (SLT) & Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB). It was found that about 20%-40% of
cost saving and about 10% of weight reduction could be archived by using this technology
for the production of utility poles in Sri Lanka.

Key words: Spun-casting, utility poles, SLT, CEB


I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the each person who made my effort on
this research become a success.

First, I would like to thank my research supervisor, Dr. C. S. Lewangamage, for providing
me all the necessary guidance and support at each step to reach my target. Without that
guidance this research would not have been a success.

My sincere gratitude is extended to Research project Coordinators Prof. H.S. Thilakasiri

and Prof. Saman Bandara for coordinating the research project in a very organized
manner and providing all the necessary guidelines to carry out the research and setting
up milestones, which encourage me to complete the research without any delay.

Then I wish to show my gratitude all the academic staff of the Department of Civil
Engineering at University of Moratuwa, starting from Professor S. M. A. Nanayakkara,
Head of the Department.

My special thank should go to two of my beloved friends in the university, Miss. J.A.M.
Wijeratna and Mr. K.K.G.K. Danushka, for their unconditional support and continuous
encouragement from the beginning to the end of this research.

Finally, I would make this an opportunity to express my gratitude to all the other people
who have given me support, courage and guidance including my family members, friends
and the non-academic staff of the Department of Civil Engineering

D.M.K.W. Dissanayake


DECLARATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
ABSTRACT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
LIST OF FIGURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
LIST OF TABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
LIST OF EQUATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii
INTRODUCTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
1.2 Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 Scope--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.4 Objectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.5 Methodology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.6 Outcomes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
1.7 Arrangement of the report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
LITERATURE REVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.1 General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.2 A brief history of Prestressed Spun Cast Concrete Technology ---------------------------------------- 5
2.2.1 Pre-stressed Concrete Utility Poles ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
2.2.2 Spun Cast Concrete Industry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
2.3 Comparison of Performance with Different Types of Utility Poles ------------------------------------ 8
2.4 Standards and Guidelines ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.4.1 Concrete Materials ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
2.4.2 High Strength Reinforcing Steel Strands --------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4.3 Shear Reinforcement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4.4 Concrete Mixes for Spun-cast Concrete Poles --------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.5 Steam Curing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.6 Typical Machinery & Equipment in a Spun-cast prestressed pole manufacturing factory ------- 16
2.7 Typical Concrete Poles Failures ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.8 Studies done in Sri Lanka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.1 Problem identification and selection of Objectives ------------------------------------------------------ 23
3.2 Literature Survey ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.3 Case Study and Design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.4 Cost Calculations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.5 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
DESIGN OF PRESTRESSED SPUN CAST POLES ------------------------------------------------------------------ 25
4.1. Design Criteria --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
4.1.1 Ultimate Strength ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
4.1.2 Cracking Strength ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
4.1.3 Shear and Torsion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26
4.1.4 Deflection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
4.1.5 Prestress Losses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
4.2 Design Methodology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4.2.1 Ultimate Moment Capacity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4.2.2 Cracking Moment Capacity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
4.2.3 Zero-Tension Moment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
4.2.4 Calculation of Shear Capacity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
4.2.5 Calculation of Torsion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
CASE STUDIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5.1 Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
5.1.1 Design Loading ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
5.1.2 Design Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33
5.1.3 Final results of the design for CEB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
5.2 Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
5.2.1 Design loads -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
5.2.3 Design Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
5.2.4 Final results of the design for SLT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
COST CALCULATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
CONCLUSIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
Bibliography ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41
ANNEX 1- CEB Specification for Reinforced Concrete Poles --------------------------------------------------------- ix
ANNEX 2- SLT Specification for Reinforced Concrete Poles ----------------------------------------------------------- x
ANNEX 3- Design Calculations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix


Figure 1-1: Methodology ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2-1: Types of Prestressed Poles ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-2: External/internal view of a spun-cast pole ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-3: Typical steam curing cycle- (Rajagopalan, 2002) .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 2-4: Automatic concrete mixture (left) and spinning machine (right) .......................................................... 17
Figure 2-5: Boiler (left) and Moulds (right) ............................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 2-6: Tensioning Machine (left) and a Gantry Crane (right) ................................................................................ 18
Figure 2-7: Heading Machine .......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-8: Pouring concrete with automatic feeder ........................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2-9: Attaching mould to the Bridge Crane .................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2-10: Shear failure caused by vehicle impact ............................................................................................................ 20
Figure 2-11: Longitudinal cracking, corrosion and spalling caused by differential shrinkage and segregation
of concrete mix ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 4-1: Concrete stress area and assumed stress distribution in the pole section ........................................ 28
Figure 4-2: Stress Distribution at Cracking Moment ............................................................................................................ 30
Figure 4-3: Stress Distribution at Zero-Tension Moment .................................................................................................. 30
Figure 0-1: 6 strand arrangement ................................................................................................................................................... xii


Table 2-1: Comparison of Performance with Different Types of Utility Poles (Oliphant, et al., 2012) .......... 10
Table 2-2: Equipment for Prestressed Concrete Pole Production: Source- (Shijiazhuang, 2015) ................. 16
Table 5-1: Design loads on CEB poles ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Table 5-2: Design Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Table 5-3: Dimensions of the Different CEB Poles - * Ground supported length is taken as 1/9th of pole
length ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-4: Results of the Design for CEB Poles ...................................................................................................................... 34
Table 5-5: Design loads on SLT poles .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 5-6: Dimensions of the Different SLT Poles - * Ground supported length is taken as 1/5th of pole
length ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Table 5-7: Results of the Design for SLT Poles ........................................................................................................................ 36
Table 6-1: Cost Calculation for production of 100 no’s of 5.6m length poles (SLT) ............................................... 38
Table 6-2: Cost comparison of Proposed Poles with Equivalent Currently Using Poles ...................................... 39


Equation 4.2-1: Concrete Compression .......................................................................................................................................... 28

Equation 4.2-2: Steel Tension ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Equation 4.2-3: Equilibrium of T & C .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Equation 4.2-4: Ultimate Moment Capacity ............................................................................................................................. 29
Equation 4.2-5: Cracking Moment ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Equation 4.2-6: Zero Tension Moment ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Equation 4.2-7: Factored shear force .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Equation 4.2-8: Nominal Shear strength ................................................................................................................................... 31
Equation 4.2-9: Shear strength of concrete .............................................................................................................................. 31
Equation 4.2-10: Shear strength from steel ................................................................................................................................... 31
Equation 4.2-11: Factored torsional force ................................................................................................................................ 32
Equation 4.2-12: Torsion or circular prestressed concrete poles ........................................................................... 32


Abbreviation Description

SLT Sri Lanka Telecom

CEB Ceylon Electricity Board

ASTM American Society of Civil Engineers

ACI American Concrete Institute

BSR Building Schedule Rates

Chapter 1


1.1 General

Concrete has been used as a construction material over centuries in globally.

Since it is a mixture of material which has no shape, different methods have been
used to cast elements out of concrete. Spun-cast Concrete technology is a several
decade old technology which is ideal for producing economical precast concrete
elements. With the introduction of pre-stressing for concrete, spun casting
concrete elements have become one of the strongest, lightest and cost effective
methods of manufacturing poles and cylinders. The most common feature of
Spun-cast concrete elements is the cylindrical hollow nature of the middle which
makes the final product lighter.

1.2 Background

Spun-casting is not a new technology for Sri Lanka since we have been
manufacturing' spun concrete pipes since about 1940 by using it (Mendis,
1980).But it happens to be obvious that we haven’t had enough technological
knowledge or an industrial inspiration to improve the range of spun cast pre-
stressed products in Sri Lanka. While we stuck with old machines and technology,
the world has moved fast with different materials and methods to produce
different spun cast pre-stressed elements. (e.g. Transmission Poles/Towers,
Street Yard lighting, Traffic signal poles, Overhead electrical traction poles for
Railway electrification, Grid Sub-stations Structures, circular precast spun piles,
etc.) Even though we have a very little researches on this sector of concrete
casting in Sri Lanka, we have enough chance to follow researches done on
different countries of the world, and design our own products.

Today there is a discussion in finding low cost alternatives for concrete

utility poles in Sri Lanka. And it is a good opportunity created by the market to
re-think about this valuable technology and find a competitive answer for that

1.3 Scope

This study includes alternative design and cost estimation of Circular Spun Cast
Pre-stressed Concrete Poles which can be used as utility poles in Sri Lanka.

Chapter 1

1.4 Objectives

With the material and labour cost for production of normal reinforced concrete
is increasing continuously over the years, the both manufacturers and buyers
should find new solutions which can provide cost effective alternatives for them.
Spun-casting has proved to be such an alternative prestressed pole production
technology in most of the foreign countries. So, the main objectives of this
research is,

 Study the feasibility of using spun casting poles as an alternative to the

utility poles in Sri Lanka
 Propose a low cost alternative spun-cast pole design for utility poles used
by Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) and Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB)

1.5 Methodology

The steps followed in completing this research are given in the following chart.
Detailed explanation on methodology is described in a separate chapter.

Problem Identification
and Litrerature Survey



Design Study for loading Design Study for loading

and testing and testing

Alternative Alternative
Pole Design Pole Design



Figure 1-1: Methodology

Chapter 1

1.6 Outcomes

 Alternative spun-cast prestressed poles for Sri Lanka Telecom and Ceylon
Electricity Board were designed to comply with the specifications of each
of the companies.
 The cost calculation done for the design according to the Building
Schedule Rates (BSR) 2013, proved over 20% of cost reduction is possible
with this proposed alternative poles in this study.
 Because of the hollow nature of the poles, about 10% weight reduction
was achieved, with respect to the normally reinforced concrete poles.

1.7 Arrangement of the report

The report consists of 7 chapters with Introduction, Literature Survey,

Methodology, Design Procedure, Case Studies, Cost Calculations and finally the

Literature review begins with the history of spun cast concrete technology and
prestressed pole structures. Different structural configurations of poles and
advantages of spun poles over other types of utility poles like wood, steel and
normal reinforced concrete is discussed in this chapter with reference to the
available literature. Then standard and specifications for the materials which are
recommended by selected literature is described. A brief description about
steam curing and typical machinery & equipment in a spun-cast prestressed pole
manufacturing factory is mentioned. Finally some findings from previous studies
done in Sri Lanka on spun-casting are discussed.

Next chapter is about research methodology. The steps which were followed in
completion of this research is mentioned by step by step with some details.

“Design of pre-stressed spun cast poles” gives the detail design procedure which
was followed including the formulas used for the design of poles mentioned in
the design case-study.

Two case-studies were done and according to the specific loading and testing
requirements of those case-studies, alternative spun-cast prestressed poles were
designed. In the next chapter the results of the design for these case-studies are

Cost Calculation for the poles according to the BSR-2013 and current market
price of materials is given in the next chapter. Also a comparison of cost with the
equivalent normal reinforced concrete poles is also done in that chapter.

Chapter 1

The conclusions chapter summarizes all the work done and in the research,
results and outcomes and future work need to be done in this area, to extracts
more benefits from spun-cast technology.

Appendices are also attached which contain manual calculations done in

designing the poles and publications of CEB and SLT, which mainly related to
specifications of pole testing and acceptance criteria of those companies.

Chapter 2
Literature Review


2.1 General

Spun casting has a long tradition in production of concrete elements. In this

literature review, I have gone through different articles, research papers and
books published in locally and internationally which are related to the pre-
stressed spun cast concrete elements. The main objective of this survey is study
the background and the capabilities or potential of this technology to change the
precast concrete industry of Sri Lanka.

2.2 A brief history of Prestressed Spun Cast Concrete


Concrete poles have been used since the invention of reinforced concrete.
According to the article named “Spun Prestressed Concrete Poles – Past, Present,
and Future”, the first concrete poles had used in Germany in 1856 for supporting
telegraph lines. (Fouad, et al., 1992) Joseph Monier of France had produced the
first iron-reinforced concrete poles in 1867.The concrete poles had increased
strength and durability but usage was limited due to the heavier weight when
compared to wood and steel.

2.2.1 Pre-stressed Concrete Utility Poles

In 1930, Eugene Freyssinet developed the first prestressed concrete poles. They
could withstand higher loads without cracking and could exhibited elastic
characteristics. (Thomas E. Rodgers, 1984) When the World War 2 stuck the
world, a shortage of steel had boosted the production of prestressed poles
because they require less R/F steel. (Fouad, et al., 1992)

Pre-stressed concrete poles are lighter but stronger, and they require less
reinforcing steel. The concrete is generally in compression, so cracking is unlikely
except from rough handling, and the concrete used is of higher strength so it can
withstand the pre-stressing operation. Due to the special manufacturing process,
in which the poles are spun at high speeds, they have a smoother surface that is
denser and less permeable. This lower permeability in combination with the
absence of cracks prevents corrosion of reinforcement or pre-stressing wires.
The pre-stressed concrete can be made stronger and slender. (Ahmed &
Munudhada, 2013)

The two types of pre-stressed concrete poles predominantly used in the electrical
utility industry are centrifugally cast (commonly referred to as spun cast) and

Chapter 2
Literature Review

statically cast. Spun poles have a round or a polygonal cross section with a hollow
core that is created by the spinning process. The size of the hollow core depends
on the pole diameter and wall thickness. Statically cast poles have a square or
polygonal cross section with a core that is solid or a hollow core formed by a
retractable mandrel or a permanent form. Although both centrifugally cast and
statically cast poles are referred to as pre-stressed concrete poles, each has
differences in performance, specification, and recommended use. (Oliphant, et al.,

Pre-stressed concrete poles are primarily used in one of the following four
structural configurations:

 Cantilevered
 Guyed
 Framed
 Combined (Concrete pole substation structures)

Electrical utility applications for these configurations include transmission line

structures, distribution line structures, and substation structures.

Figure 2-1: Types of Prestressed Poles

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.2.2 Spun Cast Concrete Industry

The first spun cast concrete poles were first produced in 1907, by a German firm
Otto Schlosser in Meissen, northwest of Dresden. A wide range of spun concrete
poles are produced, ranging from 6 m long, 200 mm base diameter poles to 100
m long, 2 m base diameter poles. These poles are used for flag poles, sign poles,
telephone/telegraph poles, street lighting and electric power line poles, overhead
power lines for electrical trains, etc. Sometimes several pole sections are joined
together to produce poles over 100 m long, post-tensioned and used as towers
for communication equipment. (Thomas E. Rodgers, 1984)

Firms are trying to find new application fields and reduce the cost of production,
transportation and installation. Today even more spun-cast reinforced concrete
columns are installed into high-rise buildings and other structures. (Völgyi, et al.,

Spun concrete piles are another product which has obtain the attention of the
precast industry in recent years. They can be produced in a hollow, circular cross
section of high density R/F of pre-stressed concrete. Their efficient mass-to
strength weight ratio allows longer lengths which eliminate the need of joints.
Accurate dimensions and smooth dense finish of the surface are also helpful. The
skin friction of the piles also increases due to the two surfaces created by the
hollow cross section and so the bearing capacity of the pile just increases than
similar sizes of square piles. (Anon., 2005)

Today the quality control of spun-cast concrete elements is based on testing

cylinders or cubes compacted with vibration. The properties of spun-cast
concrete, first of all its strength, are different due to the difference of the
compacting method. Published literature indicates that the strength of spun-cast
concrete is higher than that of a specimen compacted on a vibratory table. (Völgyi,
et al., 2010)

Circular hollow cross-sections are always better for longer poles. As they’re
hollow, they weigh less. And because they’re circular, strength is equal in all
directions. They are spun at high speeds in the casting operation, the concrete is
denser and stronger. Cylindrical poles can be made, but most spun-cast poles
have a uniform taper from top to bottom. The taper usually ranges from 0.15 to
0.18 inch per foot. ( (Thomas E. Rodgers, 1984)

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.3 Comparison of Performance with Different Types of Utility


There are three types of poles used for utility work in Sri Lanka. They are
normally reinforced concrete poles, steel poles and wooden poles. Therefore, to
justify the use of prestressed spun concrete poles over those poles, we have to
look into the advantages of spun poles. If we list them down,

 Cost effective direct buried design

o Installation of spun pre-stressed concrete poles requires no special
foundation systems. The poles can be simply embedded in the
ground unless in a very poor soil or special requirements are
 Long maintenance free life span
o Operational life of over 60 years
o The spinning process compacts the concrete at 20 g and results in
concrete with very low water-cement ratios, down to 0.28[-]. This
results in high compressive strengths and virtually pore-free
o The smooth and practically pore-free, highly compressed surface
requires no special inspection, coatings, nor any additional
protection against corrosion.
o During their service lives, these concrete poles and bolted
connections require only visual inspections.
 Resistant to fire/termites/ corrosion & high resistance to sulfate attack
o The spinning and the tensioning of the steel strands produce a
dense and pore-free surface that is extremely resistant to
aggressive environmental conditions
 Comparatively less weight with normally reinforced concrete poles
 Variety of heights and classes
 Minimal vibration and deflection
o Concrete is generally in compression, therefore cracking is unlikely
except from rough handling and extreme loading conditions
 Aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly
o Long life expectancy, use of local raw materials and resources, and
minimal maintenance all reduce the CO2 footprint of poles.
o All materials in a prestressed spun concrete pole are 100 %
o Pre-stressed spun concrete poles are designed to resist high loads
without stays, which avoids clutter and optical pollution.

Chapter 2
Literature Review

 Resistant to vandalism and theft because they have:

o No scrap or resale value
o No value as wood or building struts for houses
 Made to client’s specifications with preformed holes
 No drilling necessary. Assembly of fittings is easy
 Amenable to being stored and stockpiled even in remote areas, because:
o Weight of poles discourages theft
o Poles will not corrode or rot
o Rectangular profile is easy to stack
 Varity of colours and finishes

(Frank Dittmar, Habib Bahous, 2011), (, 2010),

(, 2014)

The following table shows a generalized and qualitative comparison of Spun Cast
Concrete poles with common alternatives. Here “Favorable” represents the better
performance with respect to the considered parameter while “average” and
“poor” carries the usual meanings of those words. The comparison has been made
for typical direct embedded, tangent structures with a fixed right-of-way width.
The ratings are based on the experience of the committee members of
“Prestressed Concrete Transmission Pole Structures- Recommended Practice for
Design and Installation”.

Chapter 2
Literature Review

Table 2-1: Comparison of Performance with Different Types of Utility Poles

Wooden Steel Fiberglass
Parameter Spun
poles poles Poles

Installation Cost Average Favorable Poor Poor

Life cycle cost

Favorable Poor Favorable Poor
(50 years)

Favorable Poor Favorable Favorable

Salt water/
corrosive Favorable Poor Poor Average

Average Poor Favorable Poor

Ease of
Average Favorable Average Average

Average Poor Favorable Average
at Replacement

Short duration
Favorable Poor Average Poor
fire resistance

(Oliphant, et al., 2012)

2.4 Standards and Guidelines

The two main materials in the pre-stressed concrete poles are concrete and steel
reinforcement. Here, the guidelines and specifications of those materials are

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.4.1 Concrete Materials

Selecting specific quality materials for the spun cast poles is very important to
ensure the safety, durability and quality of the pole structure. Grade 50 concrete
is selected for this particular design but high strength concrete from 50-100
N/mm2 is used for pole production. ((NRECA)., 2009)

 Cement
o Portland Cement shall be either Type I, II, III, or V Portland cement
conforming to ASTM C150 (ASTM 2011c)
 Fine Aggregate (Sand)
o Fine aggregate shall be a natural sand, consisting of clean, strong,
hard, durable uncoated which conforms to ASTM C33 (ASTM
2011b). Fine aggregate should be free from clay, silt, salt or other
impurities that are harmful and initiate early deterioration of the
o The aggregate shall be well graded from No. 4 to No. 200 sieve.
o Sea sand is not suitable due to salt nature
 Course Aggregate
o Coarse aggregate shall be clean, tough, crushed stone conforming
to ASTM C33
o Maximum size aggregate should be 3/4 in., and not exceed three-
fourths of the clear spacing between reinforcing steel and pole
surface. In the designs done during this research, coarse aggregate
with maximum size of 14mm aggregates were used.
o Resistance to abrasion shall not exceed 40% as tested in
conformance with ASTM C131.
o Absorption shall be less than 4 percent or aggregate shall be
saturated with water prior to use in concrete
o AIV is less than 20% for crushed aggregates
 Water
o Water should be free from foreign materials in amounts harmful to
concrete and embedded steel.
o It should not contain concentration of chloride ions excess of 500 ppm
and sulphate ions in excess of 1000 ppm.
 Admixtures
o Water reducing, retarding, and accelerating admixtures should
conform to ASTM C494 (ASTM 2011a).
o Admixtures should not contain chloride ions in quantities that
would cause the total chloride content of the concrete to exceed 0.4
pound per cubic yard.

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.4.2 High Strength Reinforcing Steel Strands

It is expedient to use pre-stressed high strength reinforcing steel bars or tendons

and increase a cracking resistance and flexural stiffness of slender spun concrete
columns. However, a bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded columns reinforced
by non-prestressed high-strength steel bars may be significantly greater than the
prestressed ones. As it is known, yield strains of reinforcing mild steel bars are
lower than ultimate concrete compressive strains of these columns. Contrarily,
ultimate strains of high strength steel bars exceed concrete strains at peak
compressive stresses. Thus, high-strength steel bars increase a bearing capacity
of compression members due to a redistribution of ultimate compressive stresses
between their materials. (Kliukas, n.d.)

Poles are prestressed with either uncoated, stress relieved steel wire (ASTM
[2010c], grade 250 or 270) or uncoated low relaxation and stress relieved seven-
wire strand (ASTM [2010b], grade 250 or 270).

In designs done in here, prestressing stands with 0.2% yield strength over
1600N/mm2 and Tensile Strength of over 1750 N/mm2 is used which has 3,5%
of minimum elongation at maximum load.

2.4.3 Shear Reinforcement

Generally the design of prestressed concrete poles is governed by the flexural

capacity. However elements used as piles or columns have to have considerable
resistance against shear force. To be able to examine the resistance of the hollow
cylindrical spun-cast concrete elements against shear we need to know the
strength properties of the concrete in the wall of the spun-cast concrete elements.
(Völgyi, et al., 2010)

Spiral shear reinforcement surrounding the longitudinal reinforcement (strands

and bars) helps to resist radial stresses caused by the wedging effect of the strand
at release. Actually the shear strength provided by the concrete us deemed
adequate to resist the design shear forces and therefore shear reinforcement
provided by the helical steel is not a necessity. However spiral reinforcement be
placed for the entire length of the pole due to longitudinal cracking in overload
situations. It have a significant role in controlling or minimizing cracks
attributable to torsion, shear, shrinkage, or temperature-induced stresses.
(Kuebler, 2008)

The spiral reinforcement generally conforms to ASTM A82 (ASTM 2007). Its size
should be in the range of No.5 to No. 11 gauge wire, depending on the pole use
and size. To resist the radial stresses that occur at transfer of prestress, more

Chapter 2
Literature Review

spiral reinforcement is required at the tip and butt segments of the pole. Other
areas of high shear stress, such as guy wire or other attachments and near the
ground line, may need additional spiral reinforcement.

The minimum clear spacing of spiral is also described in “Prestressed Concrete

Transmission Pole Structures”. It is four-thirds of the maximum size of coarse
aggregate and should not be less than 1 in. The maximum centre-to-centre
spacing should not exceed 4 in. unless it is shown through tests that the
performance of the pole is not impaired. (Oliphant, et al., 2012)

Therefor the selected Spiral shear reinforcement will be 2.5mm diameter mild
steel wires with 250 N/mm2, 14% of minimum elongation at maximum load and
tensile strength of 350 N/mm2. Centre to centre spacing between successive
spirals are decreased at top and bottom and minimum is provided in the middle.

Figure 2-2: External/internal view of a spun-cast pole

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.4.4 Concrete Mixes for Spun-cast Concrete Poles

In spinning process of the poles, concrete mixes can undergo serious segregation
problems and the dry or coarse mixes would not consolidate properly. Therefor
Dilger, Ghali and Rao (1996), Dilger and Rao (1997), and Wang, Dilger, and
Kuebler (2001) determined that special mix designs were required for spun cast
concrete poles. For this drying shrinkage, freeze thaw, chloride penetration, mix
proportions and mixing time, spinning speeds and duration were all investigated.
Differential shrinkage between the inner and outer layers was linked to the
longitudinal cracking of concrete poles causing deterioration, reduction in
strength, and reduced life expectancy. Longitudinal cracking is also identified as
a typical problem. (Kuebler, 2008)

To eliminate segregation and therefore significantly improve the strength and

durability of concrete poles, special mix designs were suggested. Then reduction
of fines in the concrete mixture is necessary to minimize segregation of the coarse
and fine aggregate components of the mixture during the spinning process. A low
water-cement ratio is also required to achieve high strength. However, a low
water-cement ratio along with the reduction of fines results in harsh mixtures
difficult to compact. Hence, the use of superplasticisers becomes necessary.
Spinning speed and duration are also important. High speed leads to good
compaction but also to the segregation of aggregates. (Völgyi, et al., 2010)

The minimum design 28-day concrete cylinder compressive strength f'c is 5,000
psi. Generally 6,000 to 12,000 psi strength are being used. ASTM C39 (ASTM
2004) is used to determine the compressive strength of concrete. (Oliphant, et al.,

2.5 Steam Curing

Primary method of accelerated curing is the use of elevated curing temperatures,

which enables the concrete strength to develop quicker and so the poles can be
removed from the moulds within 6 - 8 hours after pouring. When using elevated
temperatures in order to increase the curing rate of concrete, three main factors
should be considered:

 Rate of temperature rise

 Maximum curing temperature
 Heating time

Steam curing is a method in which elevated curing temperatures and the addition
of moisture during the curing process are both used in order to accelerate the

Chapter 2
Literature Review

rate of strength gain. The basic method of steam curing at atmospheric pressure,
for the most part, follows the same stages present in any accelerated curing
process involving elevated curing temperatures. (Vollenweider, 2004)

1. Before any induced temperature increase is started, the time to the

commencement of the initial set is required to allow the hardening phase
to sufficiently resist thermally induced stresses. (Heritage, et al., 2000)
2. Next, a heating period, with a temperature rise of 40C to 150C per hour, is
employed in order to reach a maximum curing temperature, generally
between 600C and 700C.
3. This is followed by a steaming period, typically lasting six hours while
maintaining the maximum curing temperature.
4. Last is the cooling period during which time it is sometimes necessary
release the boundary constraints of the forms, prestressing tendons, etc.,
in order to prevent damage from the development of thermal stresses.
(Vollenweider, 2004)


Temperature C





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (Hours)

Figure 2-3: Typical steam curing cycle- (Rajagopalan, 2002)

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.6 Typical Machinery & Equipment in a Spun-cast prestressed

pole manufacturing factory

Table 2-2: Equipment for Prestressed Concrete Pole Production: Source-

(Shijiazhuang, 2015)

Equipment Application Specification

Measuring and
Concrete PL800:48m 3/h (capacity is dependent
batching raw
Batching on concrete pole specifications and
Plant production capacity)

Mixing raw JS750:out-put:25m 3/h capacity is

materials into dependent on concrete pole
concrete specifications and production capacity)

Power of motor:22KW
Spinning Driving mould to
Distance between shafts:800mm
Machine spin
Spinning speed:60-600rpm

Mould To form pole Depends on length/diameter of pole

Power consumption:5.5KW
Heading Heading HT wire
Machine or PC steel bar
Speed of heading:4-6 head/min
Max strength of clamp:50T
Max of upsetting force:16T

Tension of HT
Tension Dependent on prestressing steel tensile
wire or PC steel
Machine force

Cutting bar into
bar cutting Depends on steel length and diameter
given length

To generate Rated Steam:800KG/H

steam for curing Rated Steam Pressure:0.4Mpa

Chapter 2
Literature Review

Temperature: 151ºC
Steam capacity is dependent on
production capacity

To lift up and
move mould and Load:20T Span:30M Height 4M(Standard
Bridge Crane
finished configuration)

To lift up and
move finished Load:10T Span:30M Height 6M(Standard
Gantry Crane
products to configuration)
storage place

To feed concrete Feeding speed is dependent on
into moulds production capacity.

Figure 2-4: Automatic concrete mixture (left) and spinning machine (right)

Chapter 2
Literature Review

Figure 2-5: Boiler (left) and Moulds (right)

Figure 2-6: Tensioning Machine (left) and a Gantry Crane (right)

Figure 2-7: Heading Machine

Chapter 2
Literature Review

Figure 2-8: Pouring concrete with automatic feeder

Figure 2-9: Attaching mould to the Bridge Crane

Chapter 2
Literature Review

2.7 Typical Concrete Poles Failures

The main design loads on poles are typically due to wind on the pole, arms, and
fixtures. These loads primarily produce bending moments, but also shear forces,
and torsional moments. Kuebler has presented some of these failures in his
research “Torsion in Helically Reinforced Prestressed Concrete Poles” and two of
the major failures are briefly mentioned here.

 Vehicle Impact
o Normally the result of a vehicle impacts is the shear failure of
concrete poles between the bumper level and the ground. A typical
shear failure caused by vehicle impact is shown in the following
figure. The crack caused by vehicle impact originates at the
bumper level and proceeds diagonally towards the ground level.
o The use of tight spirals can minimize the damaged area of the pole,
while longitudinal reinforcement can provide the pole stability in
the case of complete concrete section loss.

Figure 2-10: Shear failure caused by vehicle impact

 Longitudinal cracking, corrosion and spalling of the pole

o The main causes to this problem is the segregation of the concrete
and poor concrete mixtures. Segregation creates a layer of fines
and cement paste along the inner surface of the wall. Differential
shrinkage between the fine layer along the inside of the pole and
coarser layer on the outside of the pole can cause longitudinal
cracks to develop in the weaker cement paste layer. Then Water
infiltration causes rusting of the steel reinforcement leading to

Chapter 2
Literature Review

corrosion issues and increase cracking and spalling of the

o With proper quality controlling at production of the pole, these
failures can be minimized.

Figure 2-11: Longitudinal cracking, corrosion and spalling caused by differential

shrinkage and segregation of concrete mix

2.8 Studies done in Sri Lanka

Apparently, studies on spun cast pre-stressed poles had never been conducted in
Sri Lanka at a broader scale. And even though some researches may were done,
they haven’t been published to get the attention of public. The only detailed study
I could find had done by Mr D.L.O. Mendis, and there we can find some interesting
facts about the history of the use of this technology in Sri Lanka.

The first use of spun concrete technology in Sri Lanka appears to have been by
the Indian Hume Pipe Company, which has been manufacturing' spun concrete
pipes since about 1940 using imported process technology. The River Valleys
Development Board, the State Development and Construction Corporation and
the State Engineering Corp., have also established spun concrete plants within the
last 20 years or so. (In 1960s) (Mendis, 1980)

Chapter 2
Literature Review

In this paper Mr Mendis suggest to use this technology for manufacturing of half
round cylindrical lining for the irrigation channels, conduit pipes without any
reinforcement which are used to carry underground cables and also hollow
tapered concrete poles in Sri Lanka.

Perhaps the most elegant product of spun-concrete technology that has been
developed locally is the hollow tapered concrete pole. This product has many
applications including light transmission poles for electricity and
telecommunication as well as light poles, as an alternative to the solid rectangular
R. C. C. poles and the pre-stressed concrete poles which are used at present. Heavy
transmission line poles as an alternative to fabricated steel pylons and towers,
various special uses such as flood lighting poles, chimneys or exhaust pipes, etc.
are also possible. A hollow concrete pile may also be developed in the future. All
these products are in commercial production by patent process abroad. (Mendis,

Chapter 3
Research Methodology


3.1 Problem identification and selection of Objectives

Even though it can be highlighted that the Spun Cast pre-stressed poles have lot
of advantages over conventional pole production technologies, the knowledge
about this technology and its applications are very rare in Sri Lanka. So, it is
beneficiary for both country and the industry to have a new view or a discussion
about spun casting and its potential applications. This research will not be a
guideline for future spun pole design/production but it can be an example or a
light for the development of the technology in the country.

3.2 Literature Survey

It is always easy to continue something with the experience of the past, rather
than starting something fresh or all new. Actually the world has moved fast
forward with this technology while we were stuck with it for the production of
cylinders. Many researches had been doing this area with different case studies
and applications, different materials, curing technologies, Modal Behaviours of
concrete elements by different academics and professionals around the world.

3.3 Case Study and Design

A pole generally acts as cantilevered structure, and should be designed and

analysed as a member subjected to flexure. Since shear forces are small compared
to bending moments, pre-stressed concrete poles are very resilient. Axial loads
are small, too, and are generally ignored except when the structure is guyed.
Stress induced by handling, transportation and erection should always be
considered in design. A pole has to withstand equal bending moment in opposite
directions and this requires uniform pre-stressing.
There are different standards and guidelines developed by different countries for
the design of spun cast pre-stressed poles. Circular Concrete Pole National
Standard of People’s Republic of China- GB/T 4623-2006 and Standard
Specification for Spun Cast Pre-stressed Concrete Pole- ASTM C1089-13 are the
most popular. Indian standards also are available but they are not so popular and
used in their local designs only. (E.g. IS: 1343-1980 & IS 1678-1998)

Chapter 3
Research Methodology

For this design classical pre-stressed concrete theory, as described in ASCE/PCI

(1997) and PCI (2010) and the guidelines described in Pre-stressed Concrete
Transmission Pole Structures Recommended Practice for Design and Installation
were used. Based on the steps & formulas involved, a design program was
prepared in MS EXCEL. There, I had to consider the different sizes, loadings, safety
factors and other requirements of the poles of expected customers of the poles.
(CEB and SLT)

3.4 Cost Calculations

One of the major benefits of Spun Cast Pre-stressed poles is the reduced cost in
terms of manufacturing and lifecycle. So a small cost calculation was done to
prove the design id feasible and cost effective to proceed with the manufacturing
as it is. Programs for cost estimation were developed & linked with the main
program. Rates were taken from BSR 2013, current market price of materials and
considering wagers of workers in these days.

However the limitation of this calculation was applying overhead costs for
machinery, factory insurance, transportation and other taxes for local
governments, since they are relative to the location and size of the factory.
Therefor 50% of cost for labour plus material was taken as the total overhead
cost for the pole production including staff, electricity, fuel and depreciation

3.5 Conclusion

At the end of the research, a conclusion of results and recommendations for the
manufacturing of poles will be presented.

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles


Prestressed concrete theory is generally used to design the prestressed concrete

poles. They exhibit both linear and nonlinear behaviour, time dependent material
behaviour, and geometric nonlinear behaviour caused by the change in the
section properties relative to the applied loads. Additionally some time-
dependent consideration in the design of a prestressed concrete pole includes
shrinkage and creep of the concrete and relaxation of the prestressing steel.
These material behaviours are also important in determining the section

When bending forces applied to the cross section, the section properties of a
prestressed concrete pole get changed. This cause tensile forces on the face of the
pole to exceed the compressive forces exerted by the prestressed steel. The
bending moment at which this occurs is called the cracking moment. Prior to
reaching the cracking moment, the pole section has a relatively constant modulus
of elasticity and deflects in a linear manner. After the cracking moment is passed,
the pole section behaves mostly nonlinearly because of the altered properties of
the cracked section. Actually both behaviours can be present at the same time
during loading. For an example the top half of the pole may not yet have exceeded
the cracking moment and thus behaves linearly, while the bottom half of the pole
has exceeded the cracking moment and thus behaves nonlinear manner.

Deflections of the pole can produce significant additional secondary bending

moments because of P-Delta effects. So, those moments should also be considered
in the design.

As previously mentioned, ASCE guideline on “Pre-stressed Concrete

Transmission Pole Structures Recommended Practice for Design and
Installation” was used for the design of poles.

4.1. Design Criteria

The design of this type of poles can be separated into two parts.

 Design of outer shaft

 Designing the structure with guys or with multiple poles and other design
considerations necessary such as bolting. (This depends on the
requirements of the purchaser)

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles

So in this research the main focus is put into the design of Outer Shaft of the Spun-
cast prestressed poles.

4.1.1 Ultimate Strength

The ultimate flexural strength of a pole is the point at which the pole will fail.
Normally it happens by compressive failure of the concrete. Therefore the pole
should be designed for the ultimate strength at all sections of the pole to exceed
the required strength calculated from the appropriate factored loads applied to
the structure. Factored loads are generally specified by the purchaser or
applicable codes are used (e.g. ASCE 2010).

4.1.2 Cracking Strength

A prestressed concrete pole should be designing for the cracking strength to

exceed the moments calculated from serviceability requirements. If the pole
remains cracked under frequent or sustained loading, the reinforcement could be
exposed and may be susceptible to corrosion. Therefor these types of poles
should be designed to have the crack reopen or zero tension strength to exceed
the moments calculated from the service loading.

4.1.3 Shear and Torsion

Shear and torsion are not that important in concrete pole designs. But if the
concrete pole has very short embedment, the concentrated shear forces from the
moment transfer can be significant and should be accounted for in the pole
design. High shear and torsion loads can be developed from conductor or guy
wire attachments or under broken wire conditions at operation stage.

4.1.4 Deflection

The Purchaser should specify the deflection limit and the associated load cases to
be considered in the pole design.

4.1.5 Prestress Losses

The magnitude of the prestressing force in the pole is not constant but decreases
with time. This phenomenon is referred to as the prestress loss. Two kinds of
prestress losses-instantaneous and time-dependent. Instantaneous losses are
due to elastic shortening, anchorage slippage, and friction in the case of post-
tensioning. Time-dependent losses are mainly due to shrinkage and creep of
concrete and relaxation of steel. Detailed analysis of losses for prestressed

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles

concrete poles may not be necessary except in unusual circumstances. Lump sum
estimates of losses are commonly used. Depending on the materials used, 15 -
20% for total losses are common design assumptions. A good source for
information on the calculation of prestressing losses is PCI (2010). Here, a lump
sum pre-stress loss on pole is taken as 15%and the tendons are allowed to be pre-
stressed up to 90% of the yield strength.

4.2 Design Methodology

4.2.1 Ultimate Moment Capacity

A prestressed pole at any given cross section is a function of the strains in the pre-
stressing steel and concrete. The factored design moment should not exceed the
ultimate moment capacity.

Assumptions made,

 Plane sections remain plane.

 The steel and concrete are adequately bonded.
 The steel and concrete are considered in the elastic and plastic ranges,
 The concrete compressive stress at failure is 0.85f’c (as taken from
equivalent stress block methodology).
 The tensile concrete strength is neglected in flexural computations.
 The ultimate concrete strain is 0.003 in.
 The conditions of compatibility and equilibrium are met.
 While the first two assumptions become somewhat less valid after the
section has cracked, the overall behaviour of the member can still be
predicted. Determine the Area of Compressive Stress

Based on previously mentioned assumptions and the provisions in ASCE/PCI

(1997) and ACI 318 (ACI 2008), the assumed rectangular compressive stress
distribution in the concrete is used herein for simplification and is represented
by a statically equivalent concentrated force, defined by the cylinder compressive
strength f1c, the parameter β1 the distance from the extreme compressive fiber to
the neutral axis c, the parameter K such that the distance Kc locates the centroid
of the stress block from the extreme compressive fiber.

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles

Figure 4-1: Concrete stress area and assumed stress distribution in the pole section Calculate the Compression in Concrete

Equation 4.2-1: Concrete Compression

Cc = Concrete in compression

f1c = Cylinder compressive strength

Aa = Area of the annulus of concrete in compression of depth β1c (The parameter

β1c is defined as 0.85 for a concrete strength of 4,000 psi and less and is reduced
by 0.05 for each 1,000 psi in excess of 4,000 psi with a minimum value of 0.65) Calculate the Tension in Steel

Equation 4.2-2: Steel Tension

Apsi= Area of the ith Strand

fsei= Stress of of the ith Strand

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles Equilibrium of Tension and Compression is used to find the neutral

axis of the section

For the equilibrium of the section, equal forces in the pre-stressing steel and
concrete is required.

Equation 4.2-3: Equilibrium of T & C

Trial and error iteration of the location of the neutral axis c is used to solve for
the depth of the stress block, such that equilibrium between tension and
compression is satisfied. Calculate the Ultimate Moment Capacity Equation

The ultimate moment capacity of a pole section is given as the sum of the
moments of tensile and compressive forces with respect to the neutral axis.

Here Φ is the capacity reduction factor and it is taken as 0.9 in the calculations.

Equation 4.2-4: Ultimate Moment Capacity

4.2.2 Cracking Moment Capacity

Cracking starts when the tensile stress in the extreme fibre of the concrete
reaches its modulus of rupture. The cracking moment can be computed by elastic
theory to predict the behaviour of poles.

Equation 4.2-5: Cracking Moment

P = Effective pre-stress force

Ag = Gross sectional Area
yt = Distance from the centroid axis to the extreme tensile fibre
fr = Modulus of Rapture

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles

Ig =the gross moment of inertia of the section

Figure 4-2: Stress Distribution at Cracking Moment

ACI 318 (ACI 2008) defines the modulus of rupture for normal weight concrete
as 7.5√𝑓′𝑐. However, ACI recognizes a transition zone where the extreme
concrete fibre tensile stress ranges from 7.5√𝑓′𝑐 to 12√𝑓′𝑐. Currently, values of
up to 10√𝑓′𝑐 are used by Manufacturers based on individual testing.

4.2.3 Zero-Tension Moment

The zero tension moment M0 may be calculated using the relationship

Equation 4.2-6: Zero Tension Moment

Figure 4-3: Stress Distribution at Zero-Tension Moment

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles

4.2.4 Calculation of Shear Capacity

The Shear capacity of the concrete poles may calculated using following

Equation 4.2-7: Factored shear force

Equation 4.2-8: Nominal Shear strength

Since the design of circular poles are considered in this design,

Equation 4.2-9: Shear strength of concrete

Shear strength Vs contributed by the steel is computed using,

Equation 4.2-10: Shear strength from steel

f 1t = tensile strength of concrete taken as 4√𝑓 𝑐 ,

fpc = effective compressive stress of concrete due to prestress,
Q = moment of area above centroid,
I = moment of inertia of cross section,
t = wall thickness.
Av =the area of the shear reinforcement within a distance‘s’
fy = the yield strength of the steel
Vu= Factored shear force at the section considered
Vn= Nominal Shear strength

Chapter 4
Design of Prestressed Spun Cast Poles

Vc= Nominal Shear Strength provided by Concrete

Vs= Nominal Shear Strength provided by Steel
d= The distance from the compression force to the centroid of the prestressing steel,
or 0.8 times the outside diameter of the section, whichever is greater.
s= Spacing of shear reinforcement
Φ= 0.75
d = the distance from the compression force to the centroid of the prestressing steel
or 0.8 times the outside diameter of the section, whichever is greater

4.2.5 Calculation of Torsion

The design of concrete pole cross sections subjected to torsion shall be based on,

Equation 4.2-11: Factored torsional force

Equation 4.2-12: Torsion or circular prestressed

concrete poles

J= is the polar moment of inertia

ro= is the outside radius of the section.

Chapter 5
Case Studies


In Sri Lanka, we do not have big variety of customers who consume large
quantities of poles yearly. The main customers are SLT and CEB where both are
government bodies. SLT normally consume over 100,000 poles yearly, and so it
can be predicted that the CEB pole consumption is way too high. Municipal
councils or local governments does consume a significant amount of street
lighting. Therefor some alternative spun-cast prestressed poles were designed
here, to comply with the acceptable criteria of SLT and CEB.

5.1 Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB)

5.1.1 Design Loading

According to the specifications and requirements published by CEB, the design

loading on the poles can be listed in the following manner. (Refer APPENDIX-1)

Table 5-1: Design loads on CEB poles

Height of Pole (m) Buried Length (m) Ultimate Load (KN)

6.0 1.4 1.25
8.3 1.4 2.5
9.0 1.5 2.9
10.0 1.7 7.5

5.1.2 Design Parameters

Table 5-2: Design Parameters

Length of Pole (m) 6* m

Outside Diameter at top 110* mm
minimum Cover (mm) 19 mm
Diameter of a stand (mm) 4.8 mm
Yield Strength of a strand 1650 N/mm2
Diameter spiral Shear R/F 2.5 mm
Yield Strength of shear spiral 250 N/mm2
Concrete Grade (Cube Strength) 50* N/mm2
Concrete Density 24000 N/m3
Elastic Modulus of strands 200000 MPa
Elastic Modulus of concrete 35000 MPa

Chapter 5
Case Studies

Percentage Pre-stressing ratio 90 %

Pre-stress loss 15 %
slope of the surface is taken as 1:90
Fixing length/total pole height 1/9
Load application height 0.6 m
* = varies according to the size of the pole

5.1.3 Final results of the design for CEB

Table 5-3: Dimensions of the Different CEB Poles - * Ground supported length is
taken as 1/9th of pole length

Pole Type Minimum Outside Outside Outside

Wall Diameter - Diameter - Diameter –
thickness Top (mm) Bottom (mm) Ground
(mm) Supported
Level (mm)
6m 45 110 243 228*
8.3m 47 140 335 313*
9m 47 150 362 338*
10m 50 150 385 385*

Table 5-4: Results of the Design for CEB Poles

6m 8.3m 9m 10m
Size of Strands(mm) 4.8 6 6 10
No of Strands 6 6 6 8
Pre-stressing force needs to be 156.4 244.2 244.4 435.6
applied (kN)
Pre-stressing force after allow 132.9 207.6 207.7 370.3
for 15% losses (kN)
Ultimate Moment Capacity 11.56 25.34 27.79 61.32
(kNm) (>5.8) (>16.62) (>20.87) (>60.98)
Cracking Moment (kNm) 12.77 24.09 27.79 42.58
Zero Tension Moment (kNm) 5.89 12.14 13.38 25.19

Shear Capacity (kN) 44.21 61.16 64.65 86.25

Weight of the pole (kg) 302 567 673 836
(345)** (610)** (710)** (1010)**
** Weight of the normally reinforced concrete poles. According to this design
about 10% weight reduction could be observed.

Chapter 5
Case Studies

Manual Calculations for 6m pole is presented on Appendix 3 at the end of the


5.2 Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT)

5.2.1 Design loads

Design loads of SLT poles were collected from a tender document published by
SLT and is attached to the APPENDIX 2 in this report. There they have specified
the breaking load on each pole also, which is considered in the testing and
acceptance criteria of SLT published on the same document.

Table 5-5: Design loads on SLT poles


POLE (m) LENGTH (m) (kN) (kN)
5.6 1.10 2.60 3.64
6.7 1.34 3.60 5.04
7.2 1.50 3.60 5.04
8.0 1.60 3.60 5.O4
9.0 1.80 3.60 5.04

5.2.3 Design Parameters

Design parameters for SLT poles does not change significantly from Table 5-2
except fixing length/total pole height of the pole be 1/5 and load application
height be 0.5m. Refer APPENDIX 3 for design calcuations.

Chapter 5
Case Studies

5.2.4 Final results of the design for SLT

Table 5-6: Dimensions of the Different SLT Poles - * Ground supported length is
taken as 1/5th of pole length


5.6 45 110 259 229
6.7 46 130 288 256
7.2 47 130 299 265
8.0 47 130 318 280
9.0 47 150 362 338

Table 5-7: Results of the Design for SLT Poles

Category 5.6m 6.7m 7.2m 8.0m

Size of Strands(mm) 4.8 6 6 6

No of Strands 6 6 6 6

Pre-stressing force 156.2 251.88 244.3 244.5

needs to be applied
Pre-stressing force 132.8 214.1 207.7 207.8
after allow for 15%
losses (kN)
Ultimate Moment 11.63 20.23 20.6 22.09
Capacity (kNm) (10.35)* (17.5)* (18.94)* (21.24)*

Cracking Moment 10.56 16.85 17.67 19.57

Zero Tension 5.18 9.66 9.78 10.51
Moment (kNm)

Shear Capacity (kN) 41.21 53.37 54.35 56.5

Weight of the Pole 272 385 432 508


Chapter 6
Cost Calculation


The basic cost calculation for the proposed design of poles was done with
reference to the BSR-2013: Reference for BOQ, current market price of materials
and assumed electricity and depreciation costs of the factory.


 The manufacturing capacity of the factory is 100 poles per day (This will
be a minimum value considering the capacity of a typical factory.)
 50% of total material and labour costs were taken as the overhead.

The main reason for this 50% margin of overhead is the difficulties in calculation
of more realistic values for machinery, factory insurance, transportation costs
and other taxes for local governments, since they are relative to the location and
size of the factory.

According to the table 6-1, the production cost per single 6m Spun-cast
prestressed pole would be around Rs 4,321.00. And the competitor normally
reinforced concrete pole would be around Rs.5900.00. So the cost saving would
be about 23%.

Then the same cost calculation was done for all designed poles and the results
were compared with the current market price of the equivalent normally
reinforced concrete poles. It is presented in table 6-2.

Chapter 6
Cost Calculation

Table 6-1: Cost Calculation for production of 100 no’s of 5.6m length poles (SLT)

Cost Calculation for production of 100 nos of 6m length poles

Description Unit Quantity Rate Price

Concrete (Grade 50)

per pole Cu. 0.11217
for the whole batch Cu. 11.7780 Rs Rs 150,759.18

with 5% wastage mete 6 12,800.00

Prestrssing Steel- kg 511.380 Rs 185.00 Rs 94,605.47
4.8mm diameter 9
Shear Reinforecment kg 89.8809 Rs 180.00 Rs 16,178.58
Rs 261,543.23

Skilled hr 96 Rs 150.00 Rs 14,400.00

Unskilled hr 96 Rs 120.00 Rs 11,520.00

Tools & Equipment Rs 648.00

(2.5% of labour)
Rs 26,568.00

50% of material +labour Rs 144,055.61

Total cost for 100's of poles Rs 432,166.84

Cost per Single Pole Rs 4,321.67

Chapter 6
Cost Calculation

Table 6-2: Cost comparison of Proposed Poles with Equivalent Currently Using Poles

Pole Cost
size Normal R/F Spun Cast
(m) Concrete poles Prestressed Poles
5.6 Rs 5,500.00 Rs 4313.93 21.4%
6.7 Rs 7,800.00 Rs 6,050.33 22.4%
7.2 Rs 11,500.00 Rs 6,448.44 43.9%
8 Rs 11,900.00 Rs 7,081.97 40.5%
6 Rs 5,600.00 Rs 4,321.67 22.8%
8.3 Rs 12,000.00 Rs 7,575.41 36.9%
9 Rs 12,500.00 Rs 8,466.35 32.3%
10 Rs 21,000.00 Rs 15,823.17 24.7%

According to these calculations it can be observed even after huge overhead of

50% still there is 20%-40% cost reduction on price of the pole. So it is obvious
that this spun-cast prestressed poles proposed for both CEB and SLT are
financially feasible.

Chapter 7


 Spun-cast prestressed poles have lot of advantages over normal

reinforced concrete poles used in Sri Lanka as utility poles. Cost
effectiveness, long maintenance free life span of over 60 years and light
weight are some of the main advantages of them.
 ASTM C1089 and “Pre-stressed Concrete Transmission Pole Structures
Recommended Practice for Design and Installation” published by ASCE
was used to design some spun-cast alternatives for commonly used poles
by CEB and SLT as a case study. Since those two companies have different
testing and acceptable criteria for poles they choose, the designs are
slightly different from each other with some changers of several
parameters such as support length/buried length, safety factors. In the
conducted designs, the focus was on to the design of other shaft of the pole.
Grade 50 concrete was considered for all designs while high tensile steel
strands were considered to have yield strength of 1650N/mm2. Final
results of the design showed 10% weight reduction compared to
equivalent normally reinforced concrete poles.
 Final results of cost calculation for the designed poles proved that the
economic benefits which are proposed are feasible and over 20% cost
reduction can be expected by using these poles.
 Even though the initial investment for a large manufacturing facility would
be high with steam curing and other equipment, there would be ample
room to improve the business among the two potential buyers (SLT and
CEB) in Sri Lanka.
 There are various other applications of spun-casting including precast
columns and piles. Future research on manufacturing of those elements
would be beneficiary to the construction industry of Sri Lanka.



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Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3(12), 594-598.

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Past, Present, and Future. Concrete International, 14(11), 25-29.

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Voltage. Frankfurt: C I R E D.

Heritage, I., Khalaf, F., & Wilson, J. (2000). Thermal Acceleration of Portland
Cement Concretes Using Direct Electronic Curing. ACI Materials Journal,
January-February, 37-40.

Kliukas, R. (n.d.). Design Of Spun Concrete Columns Reinforced By High-Strength

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Kuebler, M. E. (2008). Torsion in Helically Reinforced Prestressed Concrete Poles.

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Mendis, D. L. (1980). Spun Concrete - An Appropriate Technology In Sri Lanka.

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Recommended Practice for Oesign and Installation. Virginia: ASCE
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ONTARIO: Utility Structures Inc.

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specification for Reinforced Concrete


ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 1- CEB Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 2- SLT Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 2- SLT Specification for Reinforced Concrete


ANNEX 2- SLT Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 2- SLT Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 2- SLT Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 2- SLT Specifications for Reinforced Concrete

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

Design of 6m Spun-cast prestressed pole for CEB load

Length of Pole (m) 6 m
Outside Diameter at top 110 mm
minimum Cover (mm) 19 mm
Diameter of a stand (mm) 4.8 mm
Yield Strength of a strand 1600 N/mm2
Diameter spiral Shear R/F 2.5 mm
Yield Strength of shear spiral 250 N/mm2
Concrete Grade (Cube Strength) 50 N/mm2
Concrete Density 24000 N/m3
Elastic Modulus of strands 20000 MPa
Elastic Modulus of concrete 35000 MPa
Percentage Pre-stressing ratio 90 %
Pre-stress loss 15 %
slope of the surface is taken as 1:90
Working Load of the pole 50 kg
Fixing length/total pole height 1/9
Load application height 0.6 m

Compressive Strength of Concrete in equivalent stress block

method [f’c (psi)] = 50*0.8
N/mm = 40N/mm
2 2

= 5801.509756 psi f’c= 5801.51

Depth of Rectangular Stress Block psi

β1 = 0.85- [(5801.509756-4000)*0.05/1000] ;
=0.76 >0.65 hence ok
Strain of concrete in compression : ϵcu (in)= 0.003
Height above the testing level= 6*(8/9)= 5.33m

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

Outside diameter of the pole at ground level =

(2 ∗ 5333)⁄
110+ 90
= 228mm R1=114mm
Inside diameter of the pole ate ground level = 137mm R2= 68.5mm

Moment of Inertia of the section at the Section at ground level

I= π*(R14-R24)/4
= π*(1144-68.54)/4 I=115358320.
4 mm4
= 115358320.4 mm4

Finding Area of Annulus

Area of a annulus= (θ-sin(θ))*r2/2

Assume, : Concrete stress block height (β’c)= 50mm

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

Sin θ1=2sin(θ/2)cos(θ/2)
√(𝑟1)2 − (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)2 ⁄ (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)⁄
=2* ( 𝑟1 )* ( 𝑟1)
(2 ∗ (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐) ∗ √(𝑟1)2 − (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)2 )⁄
= (𝑟1)2
(2 ∗ (114 − 50) ∗ √(114)2 − (114 − 50)2 )⁄
= (114)2
Area of bigger annulus=
A1= [2*cos-1((114 − 50 ⁄114 ))- 0.92917)]* 1142/2
= 6629.66mm2
(2 ∗ (114 − 50) ∗ √(68.5)2 − (114 − 50)2 )⁄
Sinθ2= (68.5)2
= 0.131
Area of smaller annulus=
114 − 50) ⁄
A2= [2*cos-1(( 68.5 )- 0.131]* 68.5 /2

= 157.75 mm2
Area of concrete in compression= 6629.66-157.75
Aa = 6472.28 mm2 Aa = 6472.28

Finding the Concrete Compression

Cc= 0.85 f1cAa
=220057.65 N

(1)Assume we use 6 wires strand

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

Figure 0-1: 6 strand arrangement

Radius of circle trough pre-stressing wires Rw= R1- (cover of
R/F+ Dia. spiral R/F+ Dia. Strands/2) =90.1mm

Distance to stands from Neutral Axis (Take strands in

compression zone are in negative side)
strand (1) =e1= depth to the neutral axis-[R1- Rw cos(300)]
=- { (50/0.76)-[114-90.1* cos(300)]}
= - 29.82mm
strand (2) =e2= 48.2mm
strand (3) =e3= 126.23mm
Maximum prestress applied on a strand= 1600*0.9*.85
= 1224 N/mm2
Area of a strand= π*4.82/4 = 18.095mm2
Tension on six strands= 6*(1224*18.095)

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

= 132889.68 N <Cc Ts=132889.68

Therefore the assumption is wrong. N

Assume, : Concrete stress block height (β’c)= 40mm

Sin θ1=2sin(θ/2)cos(θ/2)
√(𝑟1)2 − (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)2 ⁄ (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)⁄
=2* ( 𝑟1 )* ( 𝑟1)
(2 ∗ (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐) ∗ √(𝑟1)2 − (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)2 )⁄
= (𝑟1)2
(2 ∗ (114 − 40) ∗ √(114)2 − (114 − 40)2 )⁄
= (114)2
Area of bigger annulus=
A1= [2*cos-1((114 − 40 ⁄114 ))- 0.9876)]* 1142/2
= 4815.87 mm2
Since β’c<thickness of the pole
Area of smaller annulus= 0
Area of concrete in compression= 4815.87 -0
Aa = 4815.87 mm2 Aa = 4815.87
Finding the Concrete Compression
Cc= 0.85 f1cAa
=163739.58 N
But Ts=132889.68 N< Cc Cc=163739.58
Therefore the assumption is wrong. N

Assume, : Concrete stress block height (β’c)= 34.62mm

Sin θ1=2sin(θ/2)cos(θ/2)
√(𝑟1)2 − (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)2 ⁄ (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)⁄
=2* ( 𝑟1 )* ( 𝑟1)

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

(2 ∗ (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐) ∗ √(𝑟1)2 − (𝑟1 − 𝛽𝑐)2 )⁄

= (𝑟1)2
(2 ∗ (114 − 34.62) ∗ √(114)2 − (114 − 34.62)2 )⁄
Area of bigger annulus=
A1= [2*cos-1((114 − 34.62 ⁄114 ))- 0.9995)]* 1142/2
= 3909.13 mm2
Since β’c<thickness of the pole
Area of smaller annulus= 0
Area of concrete in compression= 3909.13 -0
Aa = 3909.13
Aa = 3909.13 mm2

Finding the Concrete Compression

Cc= 0.85 f1cAa
=0.85*40*3909.13 =132910.42 N
And Ts=132910.42 N ≃Cc Cc=132910.42
Therefore the assumption OK. N

Ultimate Moment Capacity

Distance to stands from Neutral Axis (Take strands in
compression zone are in negative side)
strand (1) =e1= depth to the neutral axis-[R1- Rw cos(300)]
=- { (34.62/0.76)-[114-90.1* cos(300)]}
= - 9.58mm
strand (2) =e2= 68.44mm
strand (3) =e3= 146.47mm

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

Moment due to tensile forces= 1224*18.095*2*(-

= 9.094 kNm
Moment due to compressive forces= cCc (1- K)
= 3.754 kNm
Ultimate moment capacity Mn = ф*(9.094+3.754)
= 0.9*(9.094+3.754) Mn =11.563
= 11.563 kNm kNm
Required ultimate moment capacity by CEB=
Mr = 5.8 kNm<11.563 Mr= 5.8 kNm
Hence the arrangement is acceptable and safe!

By assuming 8 wire configuration we can get a ultimate
moment capacity of 16.19 kNm and assuming 4 wire
configuration we can get a ultimate moment capacity of 8.02
4 wire configuration is rejected considering the experience
because the spacing between strands (in cross section) is too
8 wire configuration is rejected because it makes the section
over reinforced.

Cracking Moment Capacity

Modulus of Rapture fr= 10 × √𝑓 1 𝑐

= 10 × √5801.51 *.00689

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

Gross Area = Ag= 3.141592*(1142-68.52)
= 26087 mm2
Ig = 115358320.4 mm4
Maximum prestress force applied =P= 132889.68 N

𝑓𝑟 ∗ 𝐼𝑔⁄ 𝑃 ∗ 𝐼𝑔
Cracking moment= Mcr =( 𝑦𝑡) + ( ⁄𝐴𝑔 ∗ 𝑦𝑡)

=(5.25 ∗ 115358320.4⁄114) +

(132889.68 ∗ 115358320.4⁄26087 ∗ 114)

= 10.47 kNm Mcr=10.47

Zero Tension Moment Capacity

𝑃 ∗ 𝐼𝑔
M0= ⁄𝐴𝑔 ∗ 𝑦𝑡

=132889.68 ∗ 115358320.4⁄26087 ∗ 114

= 5.15 kNm M0= 5.15 kNm

Shear Capacity
f1t= 4*√5801.51 *0.00689
= 2.099 kN
fpc= 132910.42/26087
= 5.095 kN
(1143 − 68.53 )
Q = (4⁄(3 ∗ 3.141592 ∗)) ∗ ( ⁄ 2
114 − 68.52 )) ∗
= 773416.7

√(𝑓 1 𝑡)^2 + 𝑓 1 𝑡 ∗ 𝑓𝑝𝑐

Shear from concrete = Vc = ⁄ 𝑄

ANNEX 3- Design Calculations

=√2.099 + 2.099 ∗ 5.095⁄ 773416.7∗1000

=52.54 kN Vc =52.54 kN

𝐴𝑣 ∗ 𝑓𝑦 ∗ 𝑑⁄
Nominal shear strength by shear R/F= Vs= 𝑠
4.9 ∗ 250 ∗ 114 ∗ 2⁄
Vs= 2.79 kN
= 2.79 kN
Shear Capacity = (52.54 + 2.79 )*0.75
V= 41.08 kN
= 41.08 kN


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