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Company Name

Website Revamp Proposal

Issued 11/04/2019

Dan Brag
(778) 991-0243
A Letter From The Owner 3
Project Summary 4
Agency Experience 6
Approach & Methodology 7
Additional Thoughts 11
Technical Overview 13
Project Timeline 14
Investment 15
Server & Website Maintenance 17
Final Notes 18
Next Steps 18
APPENDIX A: Frequently Asked Questions 19
APPENDIX B: Anchor Pacific Group Case Study 20
APPENDIX C: Finzat Case Study 24

First of all, thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for Company Name’s website
revamp project.

----------------- write your customer message -----------------

Dan Brag
Owner & Founder

-----------------what will be done-----------------

Further Considerations
----------------- add a value point on top of the deliverables -----------------

----------------- add all your credentials, awards, beliefs, etc-----------------

----------------- talk about your process:
strategy, wireframes, design, development, delivery, etc-----------------

----------------- what else is in your process that you want to highlight-----------------

-----------------list all the tools and resources this project will require-----------------

We offer the following timeline for the Company Name website revamp project:

Discovery 4-5 Days

-----------------explain what you do for discovery-----------------

Design 1-2 Weeks

-----------------explain your design stages-----------------

Development 3-4 Weeks

-----------------explain your development stages-----------------

Testing 2-3 Days

-----------------explain what you’ll be testing for the delivery stage-----------------

Overall Timeline
Our estimates assume timely responses for feedback and approvals from all parties involved. Delays
in response times can lengthen the project timeline and increase the project budget. BragDeal will
assign the proper team members to the project throughout the schedule.

Getting Company Name a new website designed and developed should be looked at as an investment
to grow the business, not an expense. There are extremely high returns if everything is setup right for
traffic conversion. Below is the project breakdown for the anticipated costs to complete the Company
Name website project.
Project Phases Budget
Description Amount

*Note: 5% GST Tax not included in the total

Project Recommendations
-----------------do you recommend any other features that might not be a must at the beginning-----------

----------------- great place to put a large mockup to fill in the space if needed-----------------

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-----------------don’t forget to talk about the recurring payments-----------------

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----------------- close off the proposal nicely with any highlighted points you want to focus on----------------

----------------- what do you want them to do next if they want to proceed-----------------

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Project Summary Services
Anchor Pacific Group came to us with a simple request  Digital Strategy
but a challenging process, make the website educate  UI/UX Design
their clients while funneling them to the correct place  Front & Back-end Development
and converting them to invest with the firm.  Business Card Design
 Branding & Logo Design
With very specific requirements and set deadlines, we  Brochure Design
have delivered a website that is not just visually
appealing, but also very thought out. Each button, each
section, and each effect was carefully planned out so
that users have the best experience while navigating
through the site.

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Structure Mapping Out
Being a content heavy website, we ensured a proper organization took place. Having a full website
site flow allowed both Anchor Pacific Group and BragDeal’s team to be on the same page. It made
things much easier to follow and analyze and provided a clear view of what parts could be improved
or changed before they were developed.

By following the laid out site flow, we created a system that required minimum revisions and was
optimal for an intuitive user experience.

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The Results
As seen in Figure 6 below, in August of 2018, after letting the data collect for a while, we see that the
website average load time was 8.62 seconds. Then after we launched toward the end of December of
2018, we let the data collect once again for a while and we can see a significant improvement.

We have reduced the page load time over 2 seconds. Although it may not seem like a lot, if users have
bad internet connection due to poor signal in their area, these 2 seconds will turn in 30 and that will
get users frustrated. Moreover, search engines value fast loading websites and every millisecond

Figure 1: Before & after page load time comparison

We have significantly reduced the bounce rate. The bounce rate is how fast a user comes to the page
then leaves, ie. Bounces away. The lower the percentage, the better the website looks to search
engines as it provides value to the traffic that comes in.

Figure 2: Before & after bounce rate comparison

The above results translated into almost 50% increase in organic searches that lead to the website.

Figure 3: Before & after organic searches comparison

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Brand Re-Design
After analyzing what Anchor Pacific
Group’s market was, understanding
the competitors, and following what
we discovered during the strategy
session, we began brainstorming and

Once we had some concepts in mind,

we began the digital design process
until we have arrived to the perfect
style, look and feel that we knew
would fit best to represent Anchor
Pacific Group to their preferred target

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Project Summary Services
Finzat was referred to us for a major website revamp  Digital Strategy
from the ground up. They struggled with getting an edge  UI/UX Design
on the design and flow. Creating a design layout that  Front & Back-end Development
captures the interest of shareholders was beyond coding  Infographics Design
and organizing a corporate website. It meant finding the
gap between the casual browsers and the actual
interested investors.

The goal was to improve the user experience and

usability of the old site by enhancing the overall layout
and structure. After studying all the information we
gathered about Finzat, we designed and developed a
website that made our client say “wow”.

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Strategy & Planning
Using the discovery phase results, we created a website that utilized the Finzat branding. From a
structural standpoint, we needed to craft a design structure that both users and search engines would
appreciate. This required re-structuring all of Finzat’s old landing page, as it previously did not match
either of those marks. Using WordPress and dynamic coding made this task scalable.

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Function & Form
We polled existing clients, observed analytics and competitor behaviours to come up with a website
design that has a trust association, easy and user friendly navigation, and aesthetically pleasing. This
ensures users can find exactly what they want, when they want it.

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