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On this page i will be researching all about Amazon

also what they do to attract their customers.
● Name: Amazon Prime.
● Size: By 2022 there will be 56 million Amazon Prime Video Subscribers alone in the
U.S., and 122 million worldwide. Within four years it's projected that Amazon Prime
Video will grow its customer base globally to 122 million subscribers, with 45.9% from
the U.S.
70% of Americans with incomes of $150,000 or more who shop online have Amazon
Prime memberships.

● Type of Product or Service: Amazon product lines include several media (books,
DVDs, music CDs, videotapes, and software), apparel, baby products, consumer
electronics, beauty products, gourmet food, groceries, health and personal-care
items, industrial & scientific supplies, kitchen items, jewelry and watches, lawn and
garden items, musical instruments, sporting goods, tools, automotive items and toys
& games.
● Aims and Objectives of the Website: Every business nowaday have the website
but amazon have the website which contains all the important information about
The purpose of an information centric website is to convey specific, helpful
information to a specific audience so that the reader learns something new or
understands more about amazon.
● Features of the website:

● How the website attempts to interact with the user:

Online websites which helps to stay in touch with the customers while they
are far away. It is also really important to use the website effectively to be able
to attract more customers.
When setting up a website it is likely you have a clear idea of what you want –
how you want it to look, how you want to layout the information etc. The
question you really need to ask yourself is ‘what do I think my users will
It is hard to stay objective but this is the only way you will be able to head in
the right direction towards a successful website. Your views are obviously still
important but you need to balance these with what your visitors will need from
your website to make sure you are hitting the right note.
● How the website gains the attention of the user:
It is really important for a website to be attractive to be able to attract the visitors
attention. Keep them on the website for like 8 seconds while they might start reading
about you and become interested in your service or the product.
To be able to gain the visitors attention the website will have to be attractive such as
colorful and should include some images also not too much writing. If the website
doesn't include pictures and too much writing the visitor will leave straight away.
Here is a link which contain more information in details to keep the visitor on your
● How has the business amended:
Amazon was found in 5 july 1994 when the internet did not existed. They started of
selling face to face as the time pas and technology got invented. Afterward they
created new websites to make it easy for their customers to buy online. Nowadays
most of their customers buy online rather than going in their stores to shop. They
became one of the most valuable retailer nationally. They have their customers all
over the world amazon stay in touch with them by social media. As they have the
special staff who stays online to answer the customers questions. Amazon knows
how to use the websites effectively to attract the customers.

❖ M1 to be covered here Compare the two websites:

1. What features are the same:
Here are 2 different websites from amazon but they are selling different
products the same thing is both websites are built really well to motivate their
customers to buy their product. Both of them are really focused on the the
product or service they are selling.

2. What features are different:

Both websites are completely different to each others. They are selling
different things. As you open the first website all the products pop up and
catch the eyes of the customers. If they have the any special offers going on
at that time. Which will show on the home screen. I think that's the best way to
keep the customers on your website for longer. Second website is selling
service. They are telling their customers that amazon is the best place to
work. They are motivating their customers to join in if you have enough
3. Why those features are effective for that organisation:
All the features that these two websites have are really important toward the
business. They are telling peoples to ask if they have any questions. As they
have effectively explained everything they have, what they are selling. Why their
product is better than their competitors. I think they have effectively targeted their
customers. They have also used social media which is the most useful thing going
on nowadays. Social media helps to stay in touch with all the customers at the same
time. They can send email to all of their customers in no time.
4. Which most effectively engages the user and why:

Both methods of selling are an effective way of selling and approaching customers. Selling
through stores increases convenience for the customers and gives them the ability to touch
and try clothes on. Stores add the human element to the company through sales advisors,
customer service and general shopping experiences. Having a positive shopping experience
in stores can turn an occasional customer to a loyal customer. Selling online through
website, phone app and social media allows the company to sell products as well as
maintain communication with customers. This offers customers more choice and allows
amazon to market their products more effectively to a larger target market. Ordering online
gives the customer more options on how to shop and customers with busy lifestyles will
benefit with delivery.

● Name: J Sainsbury plc
● Size: is the third largest chain of supermarket in the united kingdom with a
16.9% share of the supermarket sector. Founded in 1869, by john james
sainsbury with a shop in Drury lane London, the company became the
largest retailer of groceries in 1922, was an early adopter of self-service
retailing in the United Kingdom and had its heyday during the 1980s. In 1995,
Tesco overtook Sainsbury's to become the market leader, and Asda became
the second largest in 2003, demoting Sainsbury's to third place for most of the
subsequent period until January 2014, when Sainsbury's regained second
place. In April 2019, whilst awaiting to merge with rival Asda, Sainsbury's was
again demoted into third place as their rival placed second.

● Type of Product or Service:

Sainsbury sells different types of products including anytype of food ,
different types of clothes where its for old or young people . the also sell small
items that their customer needs the most foer example books, uniforms and
Sainsbury's self-service shop .In 1956, Alan Sainsbury became chairman after
the death of his father, John Benjamin Sainsbury. During the 1950s and
1960s, Sainsbury's was a keen early adopter of self-service supermarkets in
the United Kingdom; the first self-service shop within the country was a co-
operative shop opened in 1942. On a trip to the United States of America,
Alan Sainsbury realised the benefits of self-service shops and believed the
future of Sainsbury's was self-service supermarkets of 10,000 sq ft (930 m2),
with eventually the added bonus of a car park for extra convenience. The first
self-service branch opened in Croydon in 1950.

● Aims and Objectives of the Website:

The aims and the objectives of the website is that it shows shows the
customers the product of the business have so that the can oder or talk to
the business. Sainsbury has a website where their customers can find every
product they want .

● Features of the website:

● How the website attempts to interact with the user:
When making website the user know what they have to put or write the to
the website, so that they know what exactly they need to add to the website. If
the business wants to attract more customer they have to make their website
really attractive for example puting image of product with a high quality .

● How the website gains the attention of the user:

The website gets th attention of the user by the images and the colorful
product they have it in there . the price and the quality of the product they got
in the website attracts the customers attention. Which is really good for the
sainsbury because they will be getting lot of money because all their
customers will buy their product through the website.

● How has the business amended / changed their online

activities in line with changes in the online environment:
Sainsbury's was established as a partnership in 1869, when John James
Sainsbury and his wife Mary Ann opened a shop at 173 Drury Lane in
Holborn London.Sainsbury started as a retailer of fresh foods and later
expanded into packaged groceries such as tea and sugar. His trading
philosophy, as stated on a sign outside his first shop in Islington, was: "Quality
perfect, prices lower.Sainsbury now became well known business and has
stores in everywhere.

● M1 comparing the two websites:

● What features are the same:
The two websites are business websites meaning they are the similar and
they both show their product through the website so that it's easy for the
customers to see the product and buy from them . they both show the similar
product because if one website doesn't work their customers can try to see
the product from the other website.

● What features are different:

Both websites have different selling price to the similar product they have , for
example if the customers don't like one product they can buy the product from
other website .
● Why those features are effective for that organisation:
The features are effective for the organisation because they both show every
product the business have and with out these websites the business can't
show their product to their customers and they will not attract more
customers so that why both features are very effective to the organisation.
● Which most effectively engages the user and why:
Both websites engages the user because they both got the same product
meaning the two websites have a product with best quality . bpth of the
websites engages the user because both got different product with different
selling price.
Social media.
Both business Amazon and sainsbury have lot of social media including Twitter,
Facebook,Instagram,Youtube. They both use social media to attract more
customers because most people use social media all the time meaning it will be easy
for the business to show their product to their new customers through social media.
Amazon has lot of followers sainsbury showing that A mazon have lot of customers
on social media then sainsbury .

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