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Question 1

Work is being done on the street where you live. The noise is disturbing you.

Write a letter of complaint to your local council. In your letter :

- Introduce yourself
- Explain what the problem is
- Suggest solutions to the problem

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to register a complaint about the disturbance caused by construction work on my

street. I have been a resident of Durga Coral Society, Panathur Road since the past five years.
I am a business analyst by profession and belong to a city called Jabalpur in India.

Let me explain the situation in more detail. As you know, the Panathur road area is known to be a
quiet locality and is ideal for families to live in.
However, since the past two weeks, road construction work has been causing incessant noise
round the clock, making it difficult for me even to get proper sleep.
Additionally, construction workers often play loud music during their working hours which
compounds the problem.

Can I suggest that you kindly instruct the construction site manager to prohibit workers from
playing loud music during work hours?
In addition, if you could kindly restrict the duration of the construction work to ten hours per
day, it would help the residents get some peaceful sleep.
These steps would make a big difference in the day to day lives of Durga Coral Society residents.

Thank you for your consideration.

Question 2
The government's investment in arts, music and theatre is a waste of money. Governments should
invest these funds in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Government's expenditure and budget has always been a subject of political debate. Some people
believe that investment in cultural segments such as arts, music and theatre is unnecessary. This
essay will argue why government investment in these areas in completely justified and labeling
this investment as a 'waste' is a fundamentally flawed argument.
It is common sense that the state must allocate sufficient funds for public services. Economies,
especially developing ones, deserve ample focus on basic necessities such as education,
healthcare and infrastructure. In recent years, there have been a few instances where countries,
especially in South America and Africa have failed to get their priorities right in this regard. They
have ended up spending a significantly high amount of money on areas other than public
services, despite their sensitive economic situation.
It is, therefore, understandable that the resulting crisis led some people to adopt extreme negative
beliefs about government spending in areas other than public services.

However, not only do arts, music and theatre play an indispensable role in shaping and
preserving a society's culture, they also generate a lot of employment. As per recent studies, arts
and culture were a major source of revenue for most developing countries in the last decade.
Thus, these areas definitely require due government attention. Therefore, cherrypicking incidents
of poor governance and concluding that investment in arts, music and culture is unnecessary, is
completely preposterous.

This essay argued why people arguing against government expenditure in arts, music and theatre
are overlooking the cultural and economic contribution of these elements in the society.
In my opinion, this argument is completely one-dimensional and I fully disagree with it.

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