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( a c.p. singh foundation)

A Leading Chain Of C.B.S.E. Schools in U.P.




2019 - 2020
The home assignment , being given to the
students , aims at strengthening the concepts
of each student through reinforcement of
topics covered in class lectures by practicing
the questions given in the assignment.

Some sample papers in each subject have been


The maximum benefit can be gained only if the

student goes through all the topics of fragment
1 thoroughly before attempting the sample
paper. The assignment will not only act as a
reinforcement tool but will also help the
students acquire the tendency of solving the
entire paper in one sitting, just like he/she sits
in an examination for three hours. Hence ,
improving student’s time management skill in

This assignment will also fetch the student 5

marks in practical. The solutions of all the
question papers given in the home assignment
have to be written on separate A-4 sheets.

For all the subjects , the assignments have to be

submitted in different folders respectively.

Last date to submit the assignment for each

subject 5th July ’19.
ASSIGNMENT 1 : 2019-20
General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B, C, and D. Section –A contains 5
questions of 1 marks each, Section-B is of 7 questions of 2 marks each, Section –
has 12 question of 3 marks each and Section –D has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
3. Internal choice is given in all the sections. A student has to attempt only one of
the alternatives in such questions.
4. Whenever necessary, draw neat & labelled diagram.

Q.1. Give one example each of plant that reproduces by :
a) Runner b) offset
Q.2. Write characteristic of saheli as contraceptive pill.
Q.3. Mention one advantage of implants over contraceptive pills.
Q.4. What is auto-immune disease? Give an example.
Why do pollen grains of some flowers trigger “sneezing” in some people?
Q5. Write the importance of MOET.
Name the following:
a)the semi-dwarf variety of wheat, which is highly-yielding and disease-resistant.
b)Any one interspecific hybrid mammal.

Q6.How has mutation breeding helped in improving the production of mung bean crop?
Identify A,B,C,D in the table given below:
Wheat A leaf and stripe rust
B Pusa subhra black rot
Cowpea Pusa komal C
Brassica Karan rai D

Q7. A moss plant is unable to complete its life cycle in a dry environment. State two reasons.
Q8. a) How does cleistogamy ensure autogamy?
b) State one advantage and one disadvantage of cleistogamy to the plant.
Q9. Placenta acts as an endocrine tissue. Justify.
a)What stimulates the pituitary to release the hormone responsible for parturition? Name
the hormone.
b)Mention the function of trophoblast in human embryo.
Q10. What is amniocentesis? Mention one positive and one negative application of it.
Q11.How do copper and hormone-releasing IUDs act as contraceptives?
Q12. Explain the function of “anaerobic sludge digester” in a sewage treatment plant. 2
Bottled fruit juice are clear as compared to those made at home. Explain.
Q13. a) Name any two organisms and the phenomenon involved where the female gamete
undergoes development to form new organisms without fertilization.
b) name an organism where cell division in itself is a mode of reproduction.
Q14. Write the difference between wind-pollinated and insect- pollinated flowers. Give an
example of each type.
Explain the process of artificial hybridisation to get improved crop variety in :
(i) Plants bearing bisexual flowers and
(ii) Female parent producing unisexual flowers.
Q15. a) Why are seeds of some grasses called apomictic? Explain.
b) State two reason to convince a farmer to use an apomictic crop.
Q16. Name the muscular and glandular layers of human uterus .Which one of these layers
undergoes cyclic changes during menstrual cycle? Name the hormone essential for
maintenance of this layer.
Q17. What is colostrum? Why is it essential for the newborn babies?
Suggest and explain any three assisted Reproductive technologies (ART) to an infertile couple

Q18. a) Write the scientific name of the source plant of the drugs, marijuana and hashish and
mention their effect on the human body.
b) name the drug obtained from Erythroxylum coca plant and write its effect on the
human body.

Q19. a)Differentiate between inbreeding and out breeding.

b)Explain inbreeding depression and how it can be overcome.
c)Mention two advantages of inbreeding programme in cattle.
Why are beehives kept in crop fields during flowering periods? Name any two crop fields where
this is possible.
Q20. a)Mention the property of plant cell that has helped in growing crops by tissue culture.
b)Explain how it is possible to grow on a commercial scale
1)Banana crop
2)Virus –free crop plants from virus-infected good quality crop plants.
Q21. a) Why are plants obtained through micropropagation termed somaclones? Name three
food plants produced on commercial scale using this method.
b)How are Saccharum barberi different from Saccharum officinarum
Q22. a)why do farmers prefer biofertilisers to chemical fertilisers these days? Explain.
b)How do Anabaena and mycorrhiza act as biofertilisers?

Q23. Identify a,b c, d,e and f in the table given below

Monascus purpureus a b
c d antibody
e cyclosporine A f

Draw a labelled sketch of a typical biogas plant.

Q24. Mention the product and its use produced by each of the microbes listed below:
1) Streptococcus 2)Lactobacillus 3) Saccharomyces cereviseae
Q25. a) Draw a labelled diagram of L.S. of an embryo of grasss ( any six labels).
b)Give reason for each of the following:
1) Anther of angiosperm flowers are described as dithecous.
2) Hybrid seeds have to produced year after year.
a)Draw a diagram of an enlarged view of T.S. of one microsporangium of an angiosperm
and label the following parts:
1) Tapetum 2)middle layers 3) Endothecium 4) Microspore mother cells.
b)Mention the characteristic features and function of tapetum.
c) Explain the following giving reasons:
1)Pollen grains are well –preserved as fossils.
2) Pollen tablets are in use by people thes days.

Q26.When and where are primary oocytes formed in a human female? Trace the development
of thes oocytes till ovulation( in menstrual cycle). How do gonadotropins influence this
developmental process?
a) Write the specific location and functions of the following cells in human males:
1) Leydig cells 2) Sertoli cells 3) Primary spermatocytes
b)Explain the role of any two accessory glands in human male reproductive system.

Q.27. Explain the process of replication of a retrovirus, after it gains entry into the human body.
Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life-cycle of Plasmodium that causes malaria in

ASSIGNMENT 2 : 2019-20
General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B, C, and D. Section –A contains 5
questions of 1 marks each, Section-B is of 7 questions of 2 marks each, Section –
has 12 question of 3 marks each and Section –D has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
3. Internal choice is given in all the sections. A student has to attempt only one of
the alternatives in such questions.
4. Whenever necessary, draw neat & labelled diagram.

Q 1. Mention the site where syngamy occurs in amphibians and reptiles respectively.
Q 2. Name the category of the disease rheumatoid arthritis.
Expand expand LSD. Name its source organism. What category of drug is it.
Q 3. Name an IUD that you would recommend to promote the cervix hostility to sperms.
Q 4. Indiscriminate diagnostic practices using X rays etc, should be avoided. Give one reason.
Q 5. Why are proteins synthesized from Spirulina are called single cell proteins
What is meant by hidden hunger?
Q 6. Does self-incompatibility impose any restrictions on autogamy give reasons and suggest
the method of pollination in such plants .
Where is sporopollenin present in plants state its significance with reference to its
chemical nature.
Q 7. Give reasons as to why cell division cannot be a type of reproduction in multicellular
organisms .
Q 8. Placenta acts as an endocrine gland. Explain.
Q 9. A woman has certain queries as listed below before starting with contraceptive pills
answer them
i) What do contraceptive pills contain and how do they act as contraceptives ?
ii) What should you should be followed for taking these pills?
Q 10 i) Name any two copper releasing IUDs
ii) Explain how do they act as effective contraceptives in human females.
Q 11. What is biofortification ?Write its importance. Mention the contribution of Indian
agricultural Research Institute towards it with the help of two examples.
Q 12. Name the genus to which baculoviruses belong. Describe their role in the integrated pest
management programmes.

(a) Why are food juices brought from market clearer from market clearer as compared to
those made at home ?
(b) Name the bioactive molecules produced by trichoderma polysporum and monascus

Q 13. a)The cell division involved in gamete formation is not of the same type in different
organisms. Justify.
b)How does the floral pattern of Mediterranean orchid ophrys guarantee cross
a) State the difference between meiocyte and gamete with respect to chromosome
b) Why is a whiptail lizard referred to as parthenogenetic.
Q 14. State what is apomixis comment on its significance. How can it be commercially used.
Q 15. (a) With a neat labelled diagram, describe the parts of a typical angiosperm ovule.
(b) What is pericarp? Mention its functions.
(a) Draw a diagram of an enlarged view of T.S. of microsporangium of an angiosperm
and label the following parts :
i) tapetum ii) endothecium
iii) middle layer iv) microspore mother cell
(b) Explain the following giving reasons :
(i) Pollen grains are well preserved as Fossils
(ii) Pollen tablets are in use by people these days.
Q 16. Draw the following diagrams related to human reproduction and label them.
i.) The zygote after first cleavage division
ii) morula stage
iii) blastocyst stage
Q 17. a. What is the difference between a primary oocyte and secondary oocyte?
b. Write the steps in the formation of an ovum from an oogonium in human.
a) Draw a well labelled diagram of a sperm.
b) Define spermiogenesis and spermiation.
Q 18. Name the type and give the effect of the following drugs in human. LSD, morphine,
Q 19. a) Name the Indian scientist whose efforts brought green revolution in India. b) Mention
the steps that are essentially carried out in developing a new genetic variety of crops
under plant breeding programme.
Explain the process of artificial hybridisation to get improved crop variety in :
i) plants bearing bisexual flowers
ii) female parent producing unisexual flowers.
Q20. a) Explain how to overcome inbreeding depression in cattle.
b) List three advantages of inbreeding in cattle.
c) Name an improved breed of cattle
Q 21. a) Explain the advantages of cross breeding of the two species of sugarcane in India .
b) Name the improved characteristics of wheat that helped India achieve Green
Q 22. i) How is activated sludge produced during sewage treatment .
ii) Explain how this sludge is used in biogas production
Q 23. a) How has a bacterium thurigiensis helped us in controlling caterpillars of insect pests?
b) legumes fertilize the soil but cereals do not. Discuss.
Q 24. Demand for mushroom as food has lead to its culturing on a large scale. Similarly, it is
perceived that microbes to would become acceptable as food. Identify a microbe which
can be cultured as a food source and give the applicability of its culture in the given
Q 25. Describe the specific action of FSH, LH, oestrogen and progesterone in the menstrual
i) Draw a labelled diagrammatic view of human male reproductive system. ii) ii)
Differentiate between vas deferens and vas efferentia.
Q26. a) Why does endosperm development precedes embryo development in angiosperm
seeds? State the role of endosperm in mature albuminous seeds.
b) Describe with the help of three labelled diagrams the different embryonic stages that
include mature embryo of dicot plants.
Flower of tomato plant following the process of sexual reproduction produce 240 viable
seeds answer the following questions giving reasons.
i) What is the minimum number of pollen grains that must have been involved in the
pollination of its pistil?
ii) What would have been the minimum number of ovules present in the ovary?
iii) How many megaspore mother cell were involved?
iv) What is the minimum number of microspore mother cells involved in the above case?
v) How many male gametes were involved in this case?
Q27. a) Cancer is one of the most dreaded disease of humans. Explain Contact inhibition and
Metastasis with respect to the disease.
b) Name the group of genes which have been identified in normal cells that could lead to
cancer and how they do so?
c) Name any two techniques which are useful to detect cancers of internal organs. d)Why
are cancer patients often given Alpha interferon as part of the treatment?
a) Explain the process of replication of a retrovirus after it gains entry into the human
body .
b) Describe the asexual and sexual phase of life cycle of plasmodium that causes malaria
in humans.

ASSIGNMENT 3 : 2019-20
General Instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B, C, and D. Section –A contains 5
questions of 1 marks each, Section-B is of 7 questions of 2 marks each, Section –
has 12 question of 3 marks each and Section –D has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
3. Internal choice is given in all the sections. A student has to attempt only one of
the alternatives in such questions.
4. Whenever necessary, draw neat & labelled diagram.


1. Name an alga that reproduces asexually through zoospores. Why are these reproductive
units so called?
2. The present population growth rate in India is alarming. Suggest ways to check it(Any
3. A mother of one year old daughter wanted to space her second child. Her doctor
suggested CuT. Explain its contraceptive actions.

4. What is meant by hidden hunger?

Which process decreases fertility and productivity in crops?
5. Thymus of a new born child was degenerating right from birth due to the genetic
disorder. Predict its two impacts on the health of the child.
Name the type of cells the AIDS virus enters into after getting in the human body.
6. Why dogs and cats have oestrus cycle but human beings have menstrual cycle, though
all are mammals?
7. The flower of brinjal is referred to as chasmogamous while that of beans is
cleistogamous. How are they different from each other?
8. Write the effect of the high concentration of LH on a mature Graffian follicle.
Women experience two major events in their lifetime, one at menarch and the second at
Menopause. Mention the characteristics of both the events.
9. Describe the lactational amenorrhoea method of birth control.

10. Following table gives certain terms associated with ART. Fill in the spaces a, b, c and d.
IVF and ET A
b Introduction of zygote/embryo with 8 blastomeres into fallopian
C Introduction of ova of a donor into the fallopian tube.
d Introduction of semen from the husband or healthy donor into the

11. A person who is allergic to pulses was advised to take a capsule of Spirulina daily. Give
the reason for the advice.
By taking two examples explain how has biofortification helped in improving food quality.
12. Which bacterium has been used as a clot buster? What is its mode of action.

How do mycorrhizae act as biofertilizers? Explain. Name a genus of fungi that forms a
mycorrhizal association with plants.


13. Given below is alist of six microorganisms. State their usefulness to humans.
(a) Nucleopolyhedrovirus (c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(b) Monascus purpureus (d) Trichoderma polysporum
(c) Penicillum notatum (e) Propionibacterium sharmanii
(a)Which species of penicillium produces Roquefort cheese?
(b) Why does ‘Swiss cheese” have big holes?
14. Describe how do flocs and activated sludge help in sewage treatment.
15. Write three functions of LAB that are useful to man.
16. How is it that the gametes produced in the organisms in large numbers exhibit external
17. What is apomixis? Comment on its significance. How can it be commercially used?
During an excavation assignment, scientists collected pollen grains of a plant preserved
in deeper layers of soil. Analyse the properties of pollen grains which help in the
18. Explain three outbreeding devices.
19. What is pregnancy hormone? Why is it so called? Name two sources of this hormone in a
human female.
Explain the hormonal control of spermatogenesis in humans.
20. Study the following flowchart. Name the hormones involved at each stage.
Primary follicle

Graffian follicle


Corpus luteum
21. Briefly explain IVF and ET. What are the conditions in which these methods are advised?
Copper ions releasing IUDs are more efficient than non- medicated methods. Why?

22. Expand MOET. Explain the procedure of this technology in cattle improvement.

23. (a) write the desirable characters a farmer looks for in his sugarcane crop.
(b)how did plant breeding techniques help north Indian farmers to develop cane with
desired characters?

24. (a) Write the two limitations of traditional breeding technique that led to promotion of
(b) Mention two advantages of micropropagation .
(c) Give two examples where it is commercially adopted.
25. What role does pituitary gonadotropins play during follicular and ovulatory phases of
menstrual cycle? Explain the shifts in steroidal secretions.
Give a schematic representation of oogenesis in human female indicating the
chromosome number at each step.
26. Explain the following terms
(i) Benign tumour (iii) malignant tumour
(ii) Oncogenes (iv) carcinogens
(v) contact inhibition
Malarial parasite completes its life cycle In two hosts. Draw its complete life cycle and
explain various stages it follows throughout its life.
27. Give reasons why:
(i) Most zygotes in angiosperms divide only after certain amount of endosperm
(ii) Groundnut seeds are exalbuminous and castor seeds are albuminous.
(iii) Micropyle remains as a small pore in the seed coat of a seed.
(iv) Integuments of an ovule harden and the water content is highly reduced, as the
seed matures.
(v) Apple and cahew are not called true fruits.
(i) A capsicum flower has 240 ovules in its ovary. But, it produces a fruit with only 180
viable seeds. Explain giving a reason that could be responsible for such a result.
(ii) Describe the development of an endosperm in a viable seed. Why does
endosperm development precede embryo development?
(iii) Give an example of an angiosperm seed that has a perisperm. Name the part the
perisperm develops from.


TIME: 3 Hrs. M.M. 70

All questions are compulsory.
Section A carries one mark questions, Section B carries two marks questions, Section C carries three marks
questions and Section D carries five marks questions.
24. Name an alga that reproduces asexually through zoospores. Why are these reproductive units so called?
25. The present population growth rate in India is alarming. Suggest ways to check it(Any two).
26. A mother of one year old daughter wanted to space her second child. Her doctor suggested CuT. Explain
its contraceptive actions.
27. What is meant by hidden hunger?
Which process decreases fertility and productivity in crops?
28. Thymus of a new born child was degenerating right from birth due to the genetic disorder. Predict its two
impacts on the health of the child.
Name the type of cells the AIDS virus enters into after getting in the human body.
29. Why dogs and cats have oestrus cycle but human beings have menstrual cycle, though all are mammals?
30. The flower of brinjal is referred to as chasmogamous while that of beans is cleistogamous. How are they
different from each other?
31. Write the effect of the high concentration of LH on a mature Graffian follicle.
Women experience two major events in their lifetime, one at menarch and the second at
Menopause. Mention the characteristics of both the events.
32. Describe the lactational amenorrhoea method of birth control.
33. Following table gives certain terms associated with ART. Fill in the spaces a, b, c and d.
IVF and ET A
b Introduction of zygote/embryo with 8 blastomeres into fallopian tube.
C Introduction of ova of a donor into the fallopian tube.
d Introduction of semen from the husband or healthy donor into the uterus

34. A person who is allergic to pulses was advised to take a capsule of Spirulina daily. Give the reason for the
By taking two examples explain how has biofortification helped in improving food quality.
35. Which bacterium has been used as a clot buster? What is its mode of action.
How do mycorrhizae act as biofertilizers? Explain. Name a genus of fungi that forms a mycorrhizal
association with plants.
36. Given below is alist of six microorganisms. State their usefulness to humans.
(d) Nucleopolyhedrovirus (c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(e) Monascus purpureus (d) Trichoderma polysporum
(f) Penicillum notatum (e) Propionibacterium sharmanii
(a)Which species of penicillium produces Roquefort cheese?
(b) Why does ‘Swiss cheese” have big holes?
37. Describe how do flocs and activated sludge help in sewage treatment.
38. Write three functions of LAB that are useful to man.
39. How is it that the gametes produced in the organisms in large numbers exhibit external fertilization?
40. What is apomixis? Comment on its significance. How can it be commercially used?
During an excavation assignment, scientists collected pollen grains of a plant preserved in deeper layers of
soil. Analyse the properties of pollen grains which help in the fossilization.
41. Explain three outbreeding devices.
42. What is pregnancy hormone? Why is it so called? Name two sources of this hormone in a human female.
Explain the hormonal control of spermatogenesis in humans.
43. Study the following flowchart. Name the hormones involved at each stage.
Primary follicle

Graffian follicle


Corpus luteum
44. Briefly explain IVF and ET. What are the conditions in which these methods are advised?
Copper ions releasing IUDs are more efficient than non- medicated methods. Why?

45. Expand MOET. Explain the procedure of this technology in cattle improvement.
46. (a) write the desirable characters a farmer looks for in his sugarcane crop.
(b)how did plant breeding techniques help north Indian farmers to develop cane with desired characters?

24. (a) Write the two limitations of traditional breeding technique that led to promotion of
(b) Mention two advantages of micropropagation .
(c) Give two examples where it is commercially adopted.
28. What role does pituitary gonadotropins play during follicular and ovulatory phases of menstrual cycle?
Explain the shifts in steroidal secretions.
Give a schematic representation of oogenesis in human female indicating the chromosome number at
each step.
29. Explain the following terms
(iii) Benign tumour (iii) malignant tumour
(iv) Oncogenes (iv) carcinogens
(v) contact inhibition
Malarial parasite completes its life cycle In two hosts. Draw its complete life cycle and explain various stages
it follows throughout its life.
30. Give reasons why:
(vi) Most zygotes in angiosperms divide only after certain amount of endosperm informed.
(vii) Groundnut seeds are exalbuminous and castor seeds are albuminous.
(viii) Micropyle remains as a small pore in the seed coat of a seed.
(ix) Integuments of an ovule harden and the water content is highly reduced, as the seed matures.
(x) Apple and cahew are not called true fruits.
(iv) A capsicum flower has 240 ovules in its ovary. But, it produces a fruit with only 180 viable seeds.
Explain giving a reason that could be responsible for such a result.
(v) Describe the development of an endosperm in a viable seed. Why does endosperm development
precede embryo development?
(vi) Give an example of an angiosperm seed that has a perisperm. Name the part the perisperm
develops from.

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