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MR Number...................: 958856
Patient Name.................: AFSHAN YASEEN
Age / Gender.................: 30 Y Female
Order By........................: Shaheen Ashraf
Report run @ LABAIOCONS12
Accession No.................: 1811160380
Verify @ 16/11/2018 16:26
Service Code..................:24098
Performed On..................:16/11/2018 15:46
VERIFIED REPORT Performed By..................:Dr. Shireen Kazmi


LMP: 09/10/2018

Single intrauterine gestational sac with yolk sac is visualized.

Fetal pole could not be appreciated in it as yet.

GS measures 10.3 mm, which is equal to about 4 weeks.

Gestational age according to LMP is 5 weeks and 5 days.

Gestational age according to ultrasound is about 4 weeks.

Cervical length is 31 mm.

A thick walled cystic area of 30.3 x 21.6 x 25.5 mm with volume of 8.7 ml is seen in left adnexa. A septation is seen within it.
Trace of fluid is also seen in pelvis .


Single intrauterine gestational sac of about 4 weeks.

Thick walled left ovarian cyst.

Perform & Reported By

Dr. Shireen Kazmi

This is a verified report, it does not need stamp or signature

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