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Unit Features

• This unit is designed to teach students how to make

arrangements and make changes to those arrangements on
the phone. Student will learn how to make apologies as well
as some tips and language for using proper etiquette on the
• Student will also learn how to reply to a missed call in a
follow up e-mail and how to properly make excuses.
• The grammar focus is on the future tense using going to.
Background Check

Typically in western culture, business call are quite formal

unless a person is very well acquainted with the person on the
other line.

Examples dialogues:
A: Hello, may I speak to Miss Lee Please?
B: I’m terribly sorry, but she is in a meeting at the moment.
A: Hello, I’m terribly to bother you but I’m looking for someone
in the accounting department.
B: Certainly sir. Tell me the name and I’ll be happy to direct
your call.
1 Warm-up

Five types of arrangement you would make on the phone.

Example: Dinner plans

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________

1 Warm-up

B With your partner, discuss your list. Which of them

would be easy to rearrange, which would be difficult?
Choose the two that would be the most difficult to

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

C Compare your ideas with another pair. What do you think

of their ideas?
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

2 Photo Match

A Listen to and read the following dialogues, and then match the
people to the places.

2 Photo Match

Dave Jane Robert Eric

3 Vocabulary

Arrangements and Changes to

A Read the words below and mark any that you do not understand.

 1. cancel  2. delay  3. postpone  4. schedule

 5. arrange  6. set up  7. rearrange  8. reschedule
 9. put off  10. move back  11. conference call  12. appointment

Answers may vary.

3 Vocabulary

B With a partner, look at the list again. Which words are

nouns, which are verbs, and which are both?

Nouns Both Verbs

Move back
Set up
Conference call Schedule Arrange
Appointment Rearrange
Put off


4 Sentences: Blank Fill

A Complete the sentences below using the words in the box.

cancel agenda appointment conference call delay schedule

1. Dave, I’m sorry. I have to ____________________ our meeting this week.

2. OK, we can ____________________ our meeting till 3:30 p.m.
3. I have an ____________________ with my doctor at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
4. Do you have the ____________________ for the meeting?
5. Sorry, my ____________________ is full. Can we meet tomorrow instead?
6. I have a ____________________ with our San Francisco office later today.

4 Sentences: Blank Fill

C Practice making sentences using the words

from Exercise 3 with a partner.

D Write down three of your sample sentences.

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
Answers may vary.

In both their business and personal lives, people sometimes

need to change their plans. Listen to the dialogue and answer
the questions below.


6 Listening: Blank Fill

Listen to the dialogue again and try to fill in the blanks below.

Man: Hi, Becky. How are you?

Woman: Hi, Trevor. Pretty good. Are we still (1) ____________ later today?
Man: That’s why I am calling. I’m afraid I will have to (2) ____________
Woman: Cancel it? Why?
Man: I’m really (3) ____________, but I have to work late. I have a
conference call with our head office in (4) ____________.
Woman: Well, maybe we could just put it off until you finish work.
Man: OK, could we delay dinner until (5) ____________?
Woman: Sure. Should I call the (6) ____________? I reserved a table at The
Golden Palace.
Man: OK. Try to move the reservation back a few hours.
Woman: Great. I’m so happy we only have to delay dinner, not cancel it.
Man: Me too. I’ll see you there at 9.
5 Listening Dialogue

In both their business and personal lives, people sometimes

need to change their plans. Listen to the dialogue and answer
the questions below.

1. Is this a business or personal call?

2. Why is Trevor calling Becky?
3. Where is the head office?
4. What time will they meet?
5. What is The Golden Palace?

8 Grammar Check

going to VS. will

8 Grammar Check

A Read at the following telephone conversation between two

friends. Fill in the missing blanks with be + going to or will/won’t.
Then practice the dialogue with a partner. There may be more
than one correct answer.

A: Hey, you finally answered your phone! What are you (1) ___________
do tonight?
B: I’m sorry. I was studying before. I have a test tomorrow, so I
(2) ____________ probably stay home and study.
A: Are you kidding? It’s Friday. A group of us (3) _______________ go out
for dinner and drinks. Everyone (4) _____________ be there. You
should come!
B: What time are you going to meet everyone?

8 Grammar Check

A: We (5) ______________ meet at the station at 9 p.m.

B: Hmm, OK. Maybe I (6) _____________ study until
8:30, and then (7) _____________ come to meet you.
A: Great! We (8) _____________ wait for you in the
bookstore beside the station. The station
(9) ________________ be busy!
B: OK. I (10) ______________ see you in the bookstore
at 9 p.m.

7 Guided Writing

An E-mail
Sometimes you may be too late to call back in response to a
missed call. In that case, you can send an e-mail to the caller.
Help Trevor write an e-mail to his colleague in Amsterdam.
Use the information from Trevor’s schedule and the phone
message below.

Morning Meeting with Jeff

Afternoon Sales review
Morning Staff training
Afternoon Out of office – Dentist’s

7 Guided Writing

Message for: Trevor Wright

Name of Caller: Jan Kees
Caller’s Company: Blade Computers – Amsterdam
Caller’s Phone Number: +33 687 996 223
Date: 5/24
Time of Call: 4:30 p.m.
Reason for Call: Rescheduling our conference call
a. Please call back. 
b. Caller will call back.
c. Other (specify)

7 Guided Writing

8 Grammar Check

B Complete the list of activities and excuses in the table

below. Then, with a partner, practice making and declining
invitations. Don’t forget to give a good excuse.
Example: Q: Would you like to go to a movie this weekend?
A: Sorry, I already have plans. I’m going to have dinner with friends.

Activities Excuses
go to a movie this weekend have dinner with friends
go to dinner tonight walk my dog at that time
go to KTV after class study then
go for coffee tomorrow night be out of town then
(your idea) ________________ (your idea) ________________
(your idea) ________________ (your idea) ________________
(your idea) ________________ (your idea) ________________
Answers may vary.

9 Reading Comprehension

Telephone Etiquette
A Read the following article. Circle any words that you don’t

9 Reading Comprehension

9 Reading Comprehension

B Study the column above, and then choose the BEST answers to
the following questions.
1. What type of word is etiquette?
a. A verb b. A noun c. Doesn’t say
2. What is telephone etiquette?
a. A noun b. The rules of behavior in a situation
c. The normal way to speak on the phone
3. What may seem obvious?
a. The person you are talking to can’t see you.
b. That you should think about it a little more.
c. The rules of telephone etiquette
4. When you answer the phone, what should you do?
a. Say hello b. Ask the caller who they are
c. Introduce yourself and/or your company
5. How should you act on the phone?
a. Quick b. Quiet c. Polite
6. What is a verbal handshake?
a. Your introduction b. Your name c. An insult
9 Reading Comprehension

C In groups of 3 to 4 students, discuss the tips on Page 14.

Now think of three tips to make yourselves more
confident on the phone.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________

Answers may vary.

9 Reading Comprehension

D As a group, present your tips to the class.

10 Listening

Rearranging a Meeting

Listen to the extract and answer the following questions.

1. Who does Dave work for?
a. Power International b. Geltech c. Cynthia
2. Why is Cynthia calling Dave?
a. To tell him about her CEO
b. To postpone their meeting
c. To ask him to dinner
3. Is Cynthia available on Monday?
a. Yes b. No c. Doesn’t say
4. What time will Dave and Cynthia meet?
a. On Tuesday b. On Wednesday c. At 2 p.m.
5. Who is the CEO?
a. Cynthia’s boss b. Cynthia’s friend c. Dave’s boss
11 Speaking

Stock Phrases
A When talking on the phone, it is useful to know some stock
phrases. These can help the conversation flow. Read the
following sentences with a partner. Circle any words you do
not know.

11 Speaking

11 Speaking

B In pairs, practice calling each other using

the phrases above.


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