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Heart idiom -With all my heart.

This is similar to something being from the bottom of

your heart, but it means giving a task everything you have got.

 Young at Heart - A person who is advanced in age yet still enjoys doing things that
young people do is said to be young at heart.
Jaya is young at heart and loves walking in the beach and chatting with his friends at the bar.

 From the Bottom of One’s Heart - An idiom that stands for sincerity is from the
bottom of one’s heart. If words do come from the bottom of one’s heart, then those words are
said to be pure.

You saved my life! I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

 Heartbeat Away From Something - When someone is a heartbeat away from

something then that person is an heir to a coveted position or a successor of somebody
Marga is a heartbeat away from becoming the next CEO. She is the leading candidate for
the position.

Hand Idiom- give (someone) a hand. (idiomatic) To help, aid, or assist.

 Change Hands- For an object to be passed or sold from one owner to another.

This house has changed hands several times since it was built.

 Hands Down- Obviously, unquestionably, without a doubt.


Sarah was hands-down the best skater at the competition.

 In Good Hands - In the care of somebody good or knowledgeable.


Don’t worry, your car is in good hands.

Hold Idiom- hold someone or something in contempt, hold someone or something to

ransom, hold someone to ransom.

Dead Idiom -a rude way of telling someone that you are annoyed with them and want
them to go away or be quiet.

 Dead as a doornail -obviously dead


The plants are all as dead as a doornail.

 Dead in the water -unable to function effectively.


the economy is dead in the water.

Carry Idiom
 Carry On -To persevere.
We cannot let ourselves be defeated. We must carry on!

 Carry Weight -To do one's part. To fulfill one's responsibilities.

I know I've been sick, but I'll carry my weight on the project, don't worry.

 Carry the day -to gain acceptance, as of an idea or concept.

 Example:
I thought his ideas were ridiculous, but they really carried the day with his audience.

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