Les Miserables Quiz

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Benigno “Ninoy” S.

Aquino High School

Aguho Street, Comembo, Makati City

Les Miserables
by Victor Hugo

Name: _________________________ Year & Section: ____________________

I. THE CHARACTERS: Determine the role played by the following actors/actresses in Les
Miserables. Then give a brief description of each character.
Actor/Actress Role Played / Description
Hugh Jackman

Russell Crowe
Role Played: _________________________________________________

Anne Hathaway
Role Played: ______________________________________________

Amanda Seyfried
Role Played: ______________________________________________

Eddie Redmayne
Role Played: ______________________________________________
Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter
Role Played: ______________________________________________

II. NOTING DETAILS: Read the questions and encircle the correct answer from the given choices.
1. Why was Jean Valjean imprisoned?
a. He killed someone. c. He stole a loaf of bread.
b. He stole silver candlesticks from a priest. d. He stole a horse.
2. What was Jean Valjean's prison number?
a. 24601 b. 26401 c. 24571 d. 29081
3. Complete the lyrics, “What have I done sweet Jesus, what have I done? Become a thief in the
night, become a ________________?
a. Prisoner by day. b. Dog on the run. c. Slave in the sun. d. Liar by day.
4. What does Jean Valjean's promise to the dying Fantine?
a. To pay for the funeral. c. To tell her husband of her faith.
b. To never forget her. d. To take care of her daughter.
5. Where did Cosette work as a small child?
a. in a wealthy household b. She didn't have a job. c. in an Inn d. in a factory
6. What did Jean Valjean give the young Cosette?
a. a candy b. a doll c. a flower d. a dress
7. What is the name of the law enforcer who is after Jean Valjean?
a. Javert b. Bonair c. Aimon d. Traver
8. What is the true identity of Eponine?
a. She is an orphan. c. She is the daughter of an Inn Keeper.
b. She is the servant of a wealthy man. d. She is the sister of Cosette.
9. Why is Eponine unhappy when she learns of the love between Marius and Cosette?
a. She fears for the happiness of Cosette.
b. She knows that Marius doesn't love her.
c. She does not like the idea of Cosette being happy.
d. She knows that her friend is just using her to get together with Cosette.
10. Where does the story mainly take place?
a. France b. Brussels c. London d. Venice
11. How is Marius wounded in battle?
a. He is shot. c. He is trampled by horses.
b. He is drowned. d.The barricades are hit by a bomb.
12. Who saves Marius?
a. Fantine b. Jean Valjean c. Cosette d. The Thernardiers
13. What song does Jean Valjean sing when he discovered the love between Cosette and Marius in
the musical?
a. One Day More c. I Dreamed a Dream
b. On My Own d. Bring Him Home
14. What happens after Marius and Cosette are wed?
a. The rebellion is victorious. c. Javert finds and captures Valjean.
b. They have a child. d. Valjean dies.
15. Which characters survive?
a. Jean Valjean, Javert, Cosette c. Javert, Eponine, Gavroche
b. Marius, Cosette, Thernardiers d. Enjolras, Courfeyrac, Fantine

III. CRITICAL THINKING. Discuss the following questions fully.

The Homeless and the Poor
1. Who do you think is responsible for the problem of the poor? Themselves? The government? The
society in general? Why?
2. How do you think the poor people feel about the way they are treated? Explain your answer.

Crime and Punishment

3. Should all crimes be punished in the same way? Should the reason behind a crime have anything
to do with the punishment? Discuss your answer.
4. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? How did you feel? Would it have mattered if
someone had stolen from you to feed his/her family? Explain.
5. How does our society treat people on parole or ex-convicts? Are they able to lead normal lives
again? Why or why not?

Love and Principle

6. If you are Marius, would you follow your heart and be with Cosette or would you sacrifice your
personal happiness for a larger goal? Why or why not?
7. Jean Valjean has a lot of secrets to keep from Cosette like his being an ex-convict and the truth
about Cosette’s mother. If you were Jean Valjean would you also not tell these to your child or do
you think she needs to know the truth? Why or why not?

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