2004 Swamee, Prabhata K. Rathie, Pushpa N. - Exact Solutions For Normal Depth Problem

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Exact Solutions for Normal Depth Problem

Prabhata K. Swamee & Pushpa N. Rathie
Department of Statistics , University of Brasilia , Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil
Published online: 03 Dec 2010.

To cite this article: Prabhata K. Swamee & Pushpa N. Rathie (2004) Exact Solutions for Normal Depth Problem, Journal of
Hydraulic Research, 42:5, 543-550, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2004.9641223

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2004.9641223


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Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 42, No. 5 (2004), pp. 543–549
© 2004 International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research

Exact Solutions for Normal Depth Problem

Solutions exactes pour le problème la profondeur normale
PRABHATA K. SWAMEE, Emeritus Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Roorkee 247667, India (author for correspondence)

PUSHPA N. RATHIE, Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Brasilia, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil

Normal depth is a key parameter occurring in the design of canals. It also occurs in the analysis of varied flow in canals and natural streams. The open
channel resistance equation involves implicit form for all the practical canal sections. The solution of the implicit equation for normal depth involves
tedious method of trial and error. Presented herein are the exact equations for normal depth for various open channel sections.
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La profondeur normale est un paramètre principal dans la conception des canaux. Il s’introduit également dans l’analyse de l’écoulement variés dans
les canaux et rivières. L’équation de résistance des canaux à surface libre se présente sous forme implicite pour toutes les sections pratiques de canal.
La solution de l’équation implicite pour la profondeur normale recourt à la méthode pénible d’essai et erreur. Les équations exactes de la profondeur
normale pour différentes sections de canal sont présentées ci-dessous.

Keywords: Canals, normal depth, open channel, resistance, uniform flow.

1 Introduction of the channel surface roughness ε for the establishment of

hydraulically rough flow:
The flow depth corresponding to uniform flow is known as the
normal depth. The normal depth is determined by the open chan- ε ≥ 30ν[Q(gS0 )2 ]−0.2 (3)
nel resistance equation. Credit for not only the first but also the
most lasting resistance equation, the Chezy equation, is usually where ν = kinematic viscosity of fluid; and g = gravitational
given to the French engineer Antonie Chezy (Rouse and Ince, acceleration. The applicability of Eq. (2) is further restricted to
1963). The Chezy equation given in 1768 has the following form: (Christensen, 1984):

Q = CA RS0 (1) 0.004 ≤ ε/R ≤ 0.04 (4)

where Q = discharge; C = Chezy’s roughness coefficient; S0 = Relaxing Eqs (3) and (4) Swamee (1994) gave the following
channel bed slope; A = flow area; and R = hydraulic radius dimensionally consistent uniform flow equation:
defined as the ratio of flow area A to the flow perimeter P . Chezy’s  
 ε 0.221ν
roughness coefficient is not constant but it varies in a wide range Q = −2.457A gRS0 ln + √ (5)
12R R gRS0
Another commonly used resistance equation is attributed to an
Irish engineer Robert Manning. Manning’s equation is given by For a triangular, wide rectangular, and narrow rectangular sec-
 tions both Chezy’s and Manning’s equations are explicit. On the
Q= AR 2/3 S0 (2) other hand, for these sections Eq. (5) is explicit only for narrow
rectangular section. For all other sections Eqs (1), (2) and (5)
where n = Manning’s roughness coefficient. Manning’s rough- being implicit, no analytical solution is available.
ness coefficient is a function of the surface roughness. Manning’s The present investigation was taken to obtained analyti-
equation is applicable to hydraulically rough surfaces. Hager cal solutions in terms of rapidly converging infinite series for
(1989) gave the following condition on the average height commonly occurring open-channel sections.

Revision received December 11, 2003 / Open for discussion until February 28, 2005.

544 Swamee and Rathie

2 Available methods 2.4 Trapezoidal and circular sections

For trapezoidal and circular sections tables (King and Brater,
2.1 Triangular section
1963) and graphs (e.g. Chow, 1959; Henderson, 1966; French,
For a triangular section of side slope m horizontal to 1 vertical 1986) have been prepared by employing Manning’s equation.
Chezy equation gives the normal depth yn as Using Eq. (5) for circular section Swamee (2001) obtained the
 √ 1/5  2/5 following equation for yn :
2 1 + m2 Q
yn = √ (6) 
m3 C S0 Qmax 0.886
yn = 0.943D 0.0683
On the other hand, Manning’s equation yields the following result Q
for normal depth:    0.357 −12.25
 √ 1/4  Q 1.69
 × 1+ −2 +1
2 1 + m2 Qn 3/8 Qmax
yn = √ (7)
m5/2 S0 (15)
Using a curve fitting, Swamee (1994) obtained the following
solution of the implicit equation (5) for yn : where D = diameter; and Qmax = maximum channel discharge
  9.6 given by (Swamee, 2001)
ε(1 + m2 )2.9 Q  
yn = 0.468 √  ε 1.43ν
Downloaded by [Northeastern University] at 12:51 05 January 2015

m15.4 gS0 Qmax = −D 2 gDS0 ln + √ (16)

0.04 3.46D D gDS0
7ν(1 + m2 )3.1 Q9.4
+ (8) Barring small depths yn ≤ 0.3D, the maximum error involved
m15.6 (gS0 )5.2
in Eq. (15) is 1.5%. For parabolic, round-bottom and round-
corner trapezoidal channel sections, Babaeyan-Koopaei (2001)
2.2 Wide rectangular section has obtained graphical solutions for normal depth. Analytical or
approximate equations are not available for these sections.
For a wide rectangular channel the Chezy equation (1) gives the
following equation for yn :
Q 3 Lagrange’s theorem
yn = √ (9)
Cb S0
where b = bed width. On the other hand, Manning’s equation for Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736–1813) in 1770 gave a theorem by
a wide rectangular section gives which solution of an implicit equation can be found in terms of
  an infinite series (Whittaker and Watson, 1965). The theorem is
Qn 3/5 stated as follows
yn = √ (10)
b S0 Under certain conditions, a function f (y), where y is a root
Using Eq. (5), the following solution for a wide rectangular of the equation
channel was given (Swamee, 1994):
  y = a + θ φ(y)
9.911 0.04
yn = 0.213 ε √ + 70ν 1.2
where a = constant; and θ = parameter, is given by
b gS0 b(gS0 )5.61

(11) θn dn−1 
f (y) = f (a) + [f (x)φ n (x)] (18)
(n + 1) dx n−1 x=a

2.3 Narrow rectangular section

For a narrow rectangular channel, the Chezy equation yields 4 Rectangular section

yn = √ (12) 4.1 Chezy equation
Cb bS0
whereas Manning’s equation for a narrow rectangular channel For a rectangular channel of bed width b the Chezy equation (1)
gives is converted to
22/3 Qn βn
yn = √ (13) Mb = (19)
b5/3 S0 (1 + 2βn )1/2
On the other hand, Eq. (5) yielded the following exact solution √ 
(Swamee, 1994): where βn = yn /b; and Mb = Q/ Cb2 bS0 . After simplifica-
  √  −1 tion Eq. (19) is reduced to the following cubic equation:
0.576Q 6b gbS0
yn = √ ln √ (14)
b gbS0 εb gbS0 + 3.75ν βn3 − 2Mb2 βn − Mb2 = 0 (20)
Exact solutions for normal depth problem 545

For Mb ≤ 27/32, the solution of Eq. (20) is obtained as rectangular channel. Substituting y = 1/βn , Eq. (24) is rewritten
 in the form
Mb2  32Mb2 y = Nb−1 (2 + y)−2/3 (29)
βn =  1+ 1− 
2 27 Comparing Eqs (17) and (29), the following equation is obtained:
  1/3  ∞  n−1
1 d  
32Mb2 βn−1 = (2 + x) −2n/3
+ 1 − 1−    (21) n=1
Nbn (n + 1) dx n−1 x=0
Equation (30) simplifies to
√ ∞
2(−5n/3)+1 (1 − 2n/3)
On the other hand, for Mb ≥ 27/32, Eq. (20) is solved as βn−1 = (31)
Nbn (n + 1)(2 − 5n/3)
2 ψ Equation (31) reduces to
βn = 2 Mb cos (22)
3 3    
2−2/3 0.363708 2 0.39685 3
βn−1 = − +
where Nb Nb Nb
1 27 0.439845 0.478982 5 0.513012 6
cos ψ = (23) − + −
Nb Nb Nb
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Mb 32
 7  8  
0.542458 0.568061 0.59049 9
+ − +
Nb Nb Nb
4.2 Manning equation  10
Manning’s equation (2) for a rectangular section is converted to − + ··· (32)
5/3 It can be seen that for a narrow rectangular channel putting
Nb = (24) Nb → ∞ in Eq. (32) yields Eq. (13).
(1 + 2βn )2/3

where Nb = Qn/(b8/3 S0 ). Substituting y = βn , Eq. (24) is
5 Trapezoidal section
reduced to

3/5 For a trapezoidal channel of bedwidth b and side slope m, the

y = Nb (1 + 2y)2/5 (25)
flow area and the flow width are written as
Equation (25) has the form of Eq. (17) with a = 0; θ = Nb ; A = yn (b + myn ) (33)
and φ(y) = (1 + 2y)2/5 . Thus, Eq. (18) with f (y) = y yields 
P = b + 2yn 1 + m2 (34)

y= (1 + 2x)2n/5 (26)
(n + 1) dx n−1 x=0 5.1 Chezy equation

Simplifying Eq. (26) and then using y = βn gives Using Eqs (33) and (34), Eq. (1) is changed to
[mβn (1 + mβn )]3/2

3n/5 Hb = √ (35)
2 n−1
[(2n/5) + 1]
Nb (1 + 2βn 1 + m2 )1/2
βn = (27)
(n + 1) [(−3n/5) + 2] √
n=1 where Hb = m1.5 Q/(Cb2 bS0 ). Substituting
where  denotes the gamma function. Eq. (27) is rewritten as 1 2
y = mβn + (36)
 6/5  9/5  12/5 2
3/5 Nb Nb Nb Eq. (35) is reduced to:
βn = Nb + + −
1.2044 2.7679 2.3550 
 18/5  21/5  24/5 1 2/3  √ 1/3
Nb Nb Nb y = + Hb 1 + m−2 + 1(2 y − 1) (37)
+ − − 4
2.2124 2.3624 2.2227 Equation (37) has the form of Eq. (17). Thus, Eq. (18) with
 27/5 √
Nb f (y) = y − 21 yields
+ + ··· (28) ∞
1.9268 √ 1 Hb
dn−1 1
y− = √
Thus, the solution of Eq. (24) is expressed in terms of an infinite 2 n=1
(n + 1) dx n−1 2 x

series. Although for Nb → 0, Eq. (28) reduces to the description   √ n/3
of normal depth in a wide rectangular channel, for Nb → ∞ × 1 + m−2 + 1(2 x − 1) (38)
Eq. (28) is not capable of describing the normal depth in a narrow x=1/4
546 Swamee and Rathie

Using Eq. (36), Eq. (38) is written as Equation (45) has the form of Eq. (17). Thus, Eq. (18) with

  f (y) = y − 21 gives
1 Hb
dn−1 1  
βn = √ √ 1 ∞
dn−1 1
m n=1 (n + 1) dx n−1 2 x y− = √
 2 n=1
(n + 1) dx n−1 2 x
  √ n/3 
× 1+ m−2 + 1(2 x − 1) (39) "  √ #2n/5
x=1/4 × 1 + m−2 + 1 2 x − 1 (46)
On simplifying, Eq. (39) is rewritten as
Using Eq. (36), Eq. (46) is written as
1 2/3 1 2 4/3 ∞
1 Pb
dn−1 1
βn = Hb + −1 + 1 + m−2 Hb βn = √
m m 3 m n=1 (n + 1) dx n−1 2 x
+ 1 − 1 + m−2 Hb2 "  √ #2n/5
m × 1+ m−2 + 1 2 x − 1
1 8
− −15 + 20 1 + m−2 − (1 + m−2 ) x=1/4
3m 3 Equation (47) is simplified to
− (1 + m−2 )3/2 Hb + · · ·
(40) 1 3/5 1 4 −2 6/5
27 βn = Pb + −1 + 1+m Pb
m m 5
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Equation (40) is not valid for large values of Hb , For large Hb , 2 2 9/5
+ 27 − 30 1 + m−2 + 2 Pb
writing y = 1/βn in Eq. (35) and simplifying gives 25m m
m3/5 (m + y)3/5 1
y= √ (41) + − 865 + 984 1 + m−2
Hb (y + 2 1 + m2 )1/5

16  12/5
Using Eqs (17), (18) and (41), the following equation is obtained: − 2 15 + 1 + m−2 Pb

m3n/5 2 −2
βn−1 = + 2 13 − 14 1 + m + 2 Pb3 + · · · (48)
Hb (n + 1) m m

n−1    Equation (44) for y = 1/βn yields
d −n/5
× (m + x) 3n/5
2 1 + m2 + x [m(m + y)]5/8
dx n−1 x=0 y= 3/8 √ 1/4 (49)
(42) Pb 2 1 + m2 + y
Using Eqs (17), (18) and (49), the following equation is obtained:
Equation (42) is reduced to

m5n/8 d
βn = 3n/8
m6/5 0.07579m7/5 m − 6 1 + m2 n=1 Pb (n + 1) dx n−1
βn−1 = 2/5
− 4/5
"  −n/4 #$
21/5 (1 + m2 )1/10 Hb (1 + m2 )7/10 Hb × (m + x)5n/8 2 1 + m2 + x (50)
 √ x=0
0.01320m8/5 12 + 14m2 − 9m 1 + m2 Equation (50) is reduced to
+ √ 
(1 +
m2 )13/10 Hb 0.84090m5/4 0.08839m3/2 m − 5 1 + m2
! √ ! βn−1 = 3/8
− 3/4
0.000574m9/5 !−168m − 189m3 + 4(14 + 41m2 ) 1 + m2 ! (1 + m2 )1/8 Pb (1 + m2 )3/4 Pb
+ √ 
(1 + m2 )19/10 Hb 0.00465m7/4 35 + 42m2 − 30m 1 + m2
+ 9/8
+ ··· (43) (1 + m2 )11/8 Pb
0.00781m1/2 5 + 20m2 + 15m4 − m(15 + 171m2 ) 1 + m2
+ 3/2
5.2 Manning equation (1 + m2 )5/2 Pb
+ ··· (51)
Using Eqs (33) and (34), the Manning equation (2) is converted to

[mβn (1 + mβn )]5/3 6 Circular section

Pb =  √ 2/3
1 + 2βn 1 + m2
For a circular section of diameter D denoting ηn = yn /D; the
√  geometric elements of the section are written as
where Pb = m5/3 Qn/ b8/3 S0 . Substituting (36), (44) is " #

converted to A = 0.25D 2 cos−1 (1 − 2ηn ) − 2(1 − 2ηn ) ηn (1 − ηn ) (52)
1 3/5 
 √ 2/5
y = + Pb 1 + m−2 + 1(2 y − 1) (45) P = D cos−1 (1 − ηn ) (53)
Exact solutions for normal depth problem 547

6.1 Chezy equation Equation (59) has the form of Eq. (17) with a = θ = 1/2; and
Substituting Eqs (52) and (53) in Eq. (1) the following equation

1  −1
is obtained: φ(y) = 1 − 2 cos cos (1 − 2y)

 −1 √ 1.5 − 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (60)
cos (1 − 2ηn ) − 2(1 − 2ηn ) ηn (1 − ηn )
MD = (54)
8[cos−1 (1 − ηn )]0.5
Thus, Eq. (18) with f (y) = y gives

√  1

where MD = Q/ CD2 DS0 . Assuming y = ηn , Eq. (54) is y= +
written as 2 n=1 2 (n + 1)


d 1
× 1 − 2 cos cos−1 (1 − 2x)
1 1 % 2/3 dx n−1 64MD2
y= − cos 4MD [cos−1 (1 − y)]1/3 3 n
2 2 
 & − 2(1 − 2x) x(1 − x) (61)
+ 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (55) x=1/2
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Simplifying Eq. (61) and then using y = ηn gives

Equation (55) has the form (17) with a = 1/2; θ = −1/2; and  
ηn = 1 − cos
% 2/3     
φ(y) = cos 4MD [cos−1 (1 − y)]1/3 3π 2 π3 π3
 & + sin − sin + ···
+ 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (56) 128MD2 512MD2 256MD2

Thus, Eq. (18) with f (y) = y yields

6.2 Manning equation

Using Eqs (2), (52) and (53), the following equation is found out:
1 (−1)n
y= +  √ 5/3
2 n=1 2n (n + 1) cos−1 (1 − 2ηn ) − 2(1 − 2ηn ) ηn (1 − ηn )
 n−1 ND = (63)
d % 2/3 210/3 [cos−1 (1 − ηn )]2/3
× cos 4MD [cos−1 (1 − x)]1/3
dx n−1
 where ND = Qn/ D 8/3 S0 . Assuming y = ηn , Eq. (63) is
+ 2(1 − 2x) x(1 − x) (57) written as
1 1 % 3/5
y= − cos 4ND [cos−1 (1 − y)]2/5
2 2
Simplifying Eq. (57) and then using y = ηn gives  &
+ 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (64)

  Comparing Eq. (64) and (17), a = 1/2; θ = −1/2; and

1 1 64π 2 1/3
ηn = − cos MD % 3/5  &
2 2 3 φ(y) = cos 4ND [cos−1 (1 − y)]2/5 + 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y)
1 MD 128π 2 1/3 (65)
+ − 5/6 2/3 sin MD + ··· (58)
4 3 π 3
Thus, Eq. (18) with f (y) = y yields

Equation (54) can also be written as 1 (−1)n
y= +
2 n=1 2n (n + 1)

 n−1  '
1 1 1  −1 d
cos 4ND [cos−1 (1 − x)]2/5
y= + 1 − 2 cos cos (1 − 2y) ×
2 2 64MD2 dx n−1
  $ n
− 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (59) +2(1 − 2x) x(1 − x) (66)
548 Swamee and Rathie

Simplifying Eq. (66) and then using y = ηn gives Knowing R, g, S0 , ε and ν, the revised value of C can be obtained
  by Eq. (72). Using the revised C with pertinent normal depth
1 1 32π 3/2 2/5
ηn = − cos N equation an improved value of normal depth can be obtained.
2 2 3 D
 Repeating the process, the normal depth corresponding to Eq. (5)
1 2 31/6 ND 64π 3/2 2/5 can be found out.
+ − sin N + ···
4 5 π 3 D Similarly, assuming an arbitrary value of n = 0.015 s/m1/3 and
obtaining the corresponding normal depth for Manning’s equa-
tion [Eqs (28), (32), (48), (51), (67) or (71) as the case may be].
Equation (63) can be rewritten as Knowing the normal depth, the hydraulic radius R can be worked
   out for a given channel section geometry. Comparing Eqs (2) and
1 1 1
y= + 1 − 2 cos 3/2
cos−1 (1 − 2y) (5), the Manning’s roughness coefficient is obtained as
2 2 32ND  √   −1
5/2  2.457 g ε 0.221ν
 n=− ln + √ (73)
R 1/6 12R R gRS0
− 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (68)
Thus, the revised n can be obtained by Eq. (73). Using the revised
n with the corresponding normal depth equation an improved
Comparing Eqs. (68) and (17), a = θ = 1/2; and
 value of yn can be obtained. The process can be repeated to the
1  −1 desired accuracy.
φ(y) = 1 − 2 cos cos (1 − 2y)
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 5/2 8 Conclusions
− 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (69)
Exact analytical equations for normal depth have been obtained
Thus, Eq. (18) with f (y) = y yields for rectangular, trapezoidal and circular sections. It is hoped that
∞ the equations are useful to water resources engineers.
1 1
y= +
2 n=1 2 (n + 1)

dn−1 1  −1
× n−1
1 − 2 cos 3/2
cos (1 − 2y) A = flow area
dx 32ND
n  a = constant
 5/2 b = bed width
− 2(1 − 2y) y(1 − y) (70)
C = Chezy’s coefficient
D = diameter
Simplifying Eq. (70) and then using y = ηn gives f = function
π 5/2 g = gravitational acceleration
ηn = 1 − cos √ 3/2 Hb = parameter (trapezoidal section)
128 2ND
     m = side slope
5π 3/2 π 5/2 π 5/2 n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
+ √ 3/2 sin √ 3/2 − sin √ 3/2
64 2ND 128 2ND 64 2ND Mb = parameter (rectangular section)
MD = parameter (circular section)
+ ··· (71)
Nb = parameter (rectangular section)
ND = parameter (circular section)
7 Normal depth for dimensionally consistent equation P = flow perimeter
Pb = parameter (trapezoidal section)
For all channel sections when Eq. (18) is used along with Eq. (5), Q = discharge
it gives rise to a divergent series. This is on account of Eq. (5) Qmax = maximum discharge carried by circular section
not fulfilling the conditions laid down for the validity of Eq. (18). R = hydraulic radius
Thus, it is not possible to obtain a closed form solution using yn = normal depth
Eq. (5). This situation can be circumvented by assuming an arbi- βn = non-dimensional normal depth
trary value of C = 100 m1/2 /s and obtaining the corresponding (rectangular and trapezoidal sections)
normal depth for Chezy’s formula [Eqs (21), (22), (40), (43),  = gamma function
(58) or (62) as the case may be]. Knowing the normal depth, ε = average roughness height
the hydraulic radius R can be worked out for a given channel ηn = non-dimensional normal depth (circular section)
section geometry. Comparing Eqs (1) and (5), Chezy’s constant θ = parameter
is given by ν = kinematic viscosity
  φ = function
√ ε 0.221ν
C = −2.457 g ln + √ (72) ψ = angle
12R R gRS0
Exact solutions for normal depth problem 549

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