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Electrical noise

and transients
Application Note

Electrical noise is the result of • The first is that electrical to noise, we need to keep in
more or less random electrical effects do not require direct mind that signal circuits occur
signals getting coupled into cir- connection (such as through at high frequencies, that noise
cuits where they are unwanted, copper conductors) to occur. is typically a broad spectrum of
i.e., where they disrupt informa- For an electrician who’s been frequencies, and that we need
tion-carrying signals. Noise trained to size, install and test to consider the frequency-
occurs on both power and signal wiring, this may not be intu- dependent behavior of
circuits, but generally speaking, it itive. Yet think of lightning, or potential sources of noise.
becomes a problem when it gets of the primary and secondary
on signal circuits. Signal and data of an isolation transformer, or Coupling mechanisms
circuits are particularly vulnerable of the antenna to your radio: There are four basic mechanisms
to noise because they operate at there’s no direct, hard-wired of noise coupling. It pays to
fast speeds and with low voltage connection, but somehow understand them and how they
levels. The lower the signal volt- complete electrical circuits are differ one from the other because
age, the less the amplitude of the still happening. The same a lot of the troubleshooter’s job
noise voltage that can be toler- electrical rules-of-behavior are will be to identify which coupling
ated. The signal-to-noise ratio in operation for noise coupling, effect is dominant in a particular
describes how much noise a cir- as will be explained below. situation.
cuit can tolerate before the valid • The second concept is that we
information, the signal, becomes can no longer stay in the 1. Capacitive coupling
corrupted. realm of 60 Hz. One of the This is often referred to as
Noise is one of the more benefits of 60 Hz is that it’s a electrostatic noise and is a volt-
mysterious subjects in power low enough frequency that age-based effect. Lightning
quality, especially since it must power circuits can be treated discharge is just an extreme
be considered with its equally (almost) like dc circuits; in example. Any conductors sepa-
mysterious twin, grounding. To other words, basic Ohm’s Law rated by an insulating material
lessen the mystery, there are two will get you most places you (including air) constitute a capac-
key concepts to understand: need to go. But when it comes itor—in other words, capacitance
is an inseparable part of any cir-
cuit. The potential for capacitive
coupling increases as frequency
increases (capacitive reactance,
which can be thought of as the
resistance to capacitive coupling,
20 - 30 V decreases with frequency, as
logic signal can be seen in the formula:
XC = 1/2πfC).
2. Inductive coupling
Noise This is magnetic-coupled noise
and is a current-based effect.
Every conductor with current
flowing through it has an associ-
ated magnetic field. A changing
current can induce current in
3-5V another circuit, even if that circuit
logic signal
is a single loop; in other words,

Figure 1. Lower voltage, faster signals increase sensitivity to noise.

Common examples of connec-
tions that put objectionable noise
currents directly onto the ground:
• Sub-panels with extra N-G
• Receptacles miswired with
N and G switched
N • Equipment with internal solid
state protective devices that
ØC have shorted from line or neu-
tral to ground, or that have not
failed but have normal leakage
current. This leakage current is
limited by UL to 3.5 mA for
Noise Coupling Ø-G N-G
plug-connected equipment, but
there is no limit for perma-
nently wired equipment with
Ground potentially much higher leak-
age currents. (Leakage currents
Figure 2. Noise coupling. Ground noise measured as ø-G or N-G noise. are easy to identify because
they will disappear when the
device is turned off).
the source circuit acts as a trans- necessary. Input and output • Another common example is
former primary with the victim cables should also be isolated the so-called isolated ground
circuit being the secondary. The from each other in the same rod. When it is at a different
inductive coupling effect manner. earth potential than the source
increases with the following fac- grounding electrode, a ground
Magnetic fields are isolated by loop current occurs. This is still
tors: (1) larger current flow, (2) effective shielding. The material
faster rate of change of current, conducted noise, even though
used must be capable of conduct- the direct connection is
(3) proximity of the two conduc- ing magnetic fields (ferrous
tors (primary and secondary) and through the earth.
material as opposed to copper).
(4) the more the adjacent con- The reason that a dedicated cir- • Datacom connections that
ductor resembles a coil (round provide a metallic path from
cuit (hot, neutral, ground) should one terminal to another can
diameter as opposed to flat, or be run in its own metal conduit
coiled as opposed to straight). also conduct noise. In the case
when possible is that is in effect of single-ended, unbalanced
Here are some examples of magnetically shielded to mini-
how inductive coupling can cause connections (RS-232), the con-
mize inductive coupling effects. nection to terminal ground is
noise in power circuits: Both inductive and capacitive
• A transient surge, especially if made at each end of the cable.
coupling are referred to as near This offers a path for ground
it occurs on a high-energy cir- field effects, since they dominate
cuit, causes a very fast change currents if the equipment at
at short distances and distance each end is referenced to a
in current which can couple decreases their coupling effects.
into an adjacent conductor. different power source with a
This helps explain one of the different ground.
Lightning surges are a worst mysteries of noise—how slight
case, but common switching physical repositioning of wiring 4. RFI (Radio Frequency
transients or arcing can do the can have such major effects on Interference)
same thing. coupled noise. RFI ranges from 10 kHz to the
• If feeder cables are positioned 3. Conducted noise
10 s of MHz (and higher). At
such that there is a net mag- these frequencies, lengths of wire
netic field, then currents can While all coupled noise ends up start acting like transmitting and
be induced into ground cables as conducted noise, this term is receiving antennas. The culprit
that share the raceway. generally used to refer to noise circuit acts as a transmitter and
• It is well known that signal coupled by a direct, galvanic the victim circuit is acting as a
wires and power conductors (metallic) connection. Included in receiving antenna. RFI, like the
should not be laid parallel to this category are circuits that other coupling mechanisms, is a
each other in the same race- have shared conductors (such as fact of life, but it can be con-
way, which would maximize shared neutrals or grounds). trolled (not without some thought
their inductive coupling, but Conducted noise could be high and effort, however).
instead be separated and frequency, but may also be 60 Hz.
crossed at right angles when

2 Fluke Education Partnership Program Electrical noise and transients

RFI noise reduction employs a • A low-impedance path can be Signal grounding
number of strategies: used to shunt away the noise. To understand the importance
• Fiber optic cable, of course, is This is the principle behind of “clean” signal grounds, let’s
immune to electrical noise. filtering and the use of decou- discuss the distinction between
• Shielded cabling (such as coax pling caps (low impedance to Differential Mode (DM) vs.
cables) attempts to break the high frequency, but open at Common Mode (CM) signals.
coupling between the noise power line frequencies). But a Imagine a basic two-wire circuit:
and signal. sometimes-overlooked, yet supply and return. Any current
• Balanced circuits (such as critical, aspect is that the that circulates or any voltage
twisted pair) don’t break the ground path and plane must read across a load between the
coupling, but instead take be capable of handling two wires is called DM (the terms
advantage of the fact that the high-frequency currents. normal mode, transverse mode
RFI will be coupled into both High-frequency grounding and signal mode are also used).
conductors (signal and return). techniques are used to accom- The DM signal is typically the
This noise (called Common plish this. The SRG (Signal desired signal (just like 120V at a
Mode noise) is then subtracted, Reference Grid), first devel- receptacle). Imagine a third
while the signal is retained. In oped for raised floor computer conductor, typically a grounding
effect, the balanced circuit cre- room installations, is an effec- conductor. Any current that flows
ates a high impedance for the tive solution. It is essentially now through the two original
coupled noise. an equipotential ground plane conductors and returns on this
• Another example of the high- at high- frequency. (For further third conductor is common to
impedance-to-noise approach information on high-frequency both of the original conductors.
is the use of RF chokes. grounding, see the references The CM current is the noise that
Whether used with data or listed on the back page.) the genuine signal has to over-
power cables, RF chokes can come. CM is all that extra traffic
offer effective high-frequency on the highway. It could have
impedance (XL increases with gotten there through any of the
frequency). coupling mechanisms, such as
magnetic field coupling at power
line frequency or RFI at higher
frequencies. The point is to con-
trol or minimize these ground or
A Matter of Life and Death CM currents, to make life easier
for the DM currents.
Sometimes PQ troubleshooting is (slightly flat-topped). A further
a matter of life and death. look at the signal wires told him Measurement
Dave was the on-site field that they had been laid parallel
CM currents can be measured
engineer at the hospital. One to the power cord. The coupling
with current clamps using the
day he got a call from a very between signal and power wires
zero-sequence technique. The
concerned nurse in the ER. One caused the 60 Hz “Heartbeat” on
clamp circles the signal pair (or,
of their patients had died. But as the EKG machine. The moral of
in a three-phase circuit, all
upsetting as that was, it wasn’t the story is to always isolate the
three-phase conductors and the
the main source of concern. signal and power conductors—
neutral, if any). If signal and
What was really unusual was before it becomes a matter of life
return current are equal, their
that this particular corpse had a and death.
equal and opposite magnetic
fields cancel. Any current read
Dave soon arrived at the
must be common mode; in other
scene. A quick glance told him
words, any current read is cur-
that the dead had not come back
rent that is not returning on the
to life. The problem lay else-
signal wires, but via a ground
where. The nurses pointed out
path. This technique applies to
what they had seen, a signal on
signal as well as power conduc-
the EKG indicating a heartbeat.
tors. For fundamental currents, a
But there was something
ClampMeter or DMM + clamp
unusual about this signal (above
would suffice, but for higher
and beyond the fact that it
frequencies, a high bandwidth
seemed to be coming from a
instrument like a power quality
dead body). He noticed that the
analyzer or oscilloscope should
signal was a 60 Hz sine wave
be used with a clamp accessory.

3 Fluke Education Partnership Program Electrical noise and transients


Cursor moves to
display peak
Min/Max values.

Real-time stamp.

Figure 3. Transient capture on a power

quality analyzer.

Transients should be distin- capacitor, on the other hand, cre-

guished from surges. Surges are a
• Utility capacitor switching
ates a momentary short circuit
transients are an example of
special case of high-energy tran- a commonly-occurring high- when it’s turned on. After this
sient which result from lightning energy transient (still by no sudden collapse of the applied
strikes. Voltage transients are means in the class of light- voltage, the voltage rebounds and
lower energy events, typically ning) that can affect loads at an oscillating wave occurs. Not
caused by equipment switching. all levels of the distribution all transients are the same, but as
They are harmful in a number system. They are a well a general statement, load switch-
of ways: known cause of nuisance ing causes transients.
• They deteriorate solid state tripping of ASDs: they have In offices, the laser copier/
components. Sometimes a sin- enough energy to drive a printer is a well-recognized “bad
gle high energy transient will transient current into the dc guy” on the office branch circuit.
puncture a solid state junction, link of the drive and cause an It requires an internal heater to
sometimes repetitive low overvoltage trip. kick in whenever it is used and
energy transients will accom- every 30 seconds or so when it is
plish the same thing. For Transients can be categorized not used. This constant switching
example, transients which by waveform. The first category has two effects: the current surge
exceed the PIV (peak inverse is “impulsive” transients, com- or inrush can cause repetitive
voltage) rating of diodes are a monly called “spikes,” because a voltage sags; the rapid changes
common cause of diode failure. high-frequency spike protrudes in current also generate tran-
from the waveform. The cap
• Their high-frequency compo- switching transient, on the other
sients that can affect other loads
nent (fast rise times) cause on the same branch.
them to be capacitively cou- hand, is an “oscillatory” transient
because a ringing waveform rides Measurement and recording
pled into adjoining conductors.
on and distorts the normal wave- Transients can be captured by
If those conductors are carry-
form. It is lower frequency, but DSOs (Digital Storage Oscillo-
ing digital logic, that logic will
higher energy. scopes). A power quality analyzer
get trashed. Transients also
which includes DSO functions,
couple across transformer Causes has the ability to capture, store
windings unless special Transients are unavoidable. They and subsequently display up to
shielding is provided. are created by the fast switching 40 transient waveforms. Events
Fortunately this same high of relatively high currents. For are tagged with time and date
frequency component causes example, an inductive load like a stamps (real time stamps). A
transients to be relatively motor will create a kickback voltage event recorder will also
localized, since they are spike when it is turned off. In capture transients at the recepta-
damped (attenuated) by the fact, removing a Wiggy (a sole- cle. Peak voltage and real time
impedance of the conductors noid voltage tester) from a stamps are provided.
(inductive reactance increases high-energy circuit can create a
with frequency). spike of thousands of volts! A

4 Fluke Education Partnership Program Electrical noise and transients

Transient voltage surge devices and are tested and certi- instead of ten years. The solid
suppressors (TVSS) fied to UL 1449. UL 1449 rates state components in a TVSS
Fortunately, transient protection TVSS devices by Grade, Class will themselves deteriorate as
is not expensive. Virtually all and Mode. As an example, the they keep on taking hits from
electronic equipment has (or highest rating for a TVSS would transients.
should have) some level of pro- be Grade A (6000 V, 3000 A), • A lower Class might permit too
tection built in. One commonly- Class 1 (let-through voltage of much let-through voltage that
used protective component is the 330 V max) and Mode 1 (L-N could damage the load. Class 1
MOV (metal oxide varistor) which suppression). The proper rating is recommended for switch
clips the excess voltage. should be chosen based on the mode power supplies.
TVSS are applied to provide load’s protection needs: • A Mode 2 device would pass
additional transient protection. • A lower Grade might result in transients to ground, where
TVSS are low voltage (600 V) a TVSS that lasts one year they could disrupt electronic
circuit operation.

Voltage susceptibility profile

The new ITIC profile (Information being developed for 230 V/50 Hz increased. The field trou-
Technology Industry Council) is equipment and for adjustable bleshooter must keep in mind
based on extensive research and speed drives. Sensitive equip- that the profiles are recommen-
updates the CBEMA curve. The ment should be able to survive dations and that a particular
CBEMA curve (Computer Business events inside the curve. Events piece of equipment may or may
Equipment Manufacturers outside of the curve could require not match the profile. Having said
Association, now ITIC) was the additional power conditioning that, the profiles are still useful
original voltage susceptibility equipment or other remedial because, when recorded events
profile for manufacturers of com- action. A major change in ITIC is are plotted against them, they
puters and other sensitive that the ride-through times for give a general idea of the voltage
equipment. Similar curves are outages as well as the tolerance quality at a particular site.
for sags have both been
Percent of nominal voltage (RMS or peak equivalent)



Applicable to 120, 120/208, and

120/240 nominal voltages


110 110 V
100 Voltage-Tolerance
90 envelope 90 V


0.001 c 0.01 c 0.1 c 0.5 c 1 c 10 c 100 c 1000 c
1 µs 1 ms 3 ms 20 ms 0.5 s 10 s Steady
state Fluke Corporation
Duration of disturbance in cycles (c) and seconds (s) PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206
©2004 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Figure 4. ITIC Curve. Printed in U.S.A. 10/2004 2403190 A-US-N Rev A
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