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The government should take away the obese children from their parent

Pemerintah harus menyingkirkan anak-anak yang obesitas dari orang tua mereka

Thank you ladies and gentlemen.Today,we are debating the motion "The goerment should
take away the obese children from their parent"
Obesity is an excessive medical condition with excess fat in the body then accumulates so
that there will be health problems.

We, on affirative team,strongly support this motion,We have ... point,those are
Health,*Hospital cost* and Dicipline.

Our first point is Health

: In health, something excessive is not good if the disease is more severe, other diseases
arise such as high blood disease, so the government took action to take obese children
from their masters to be rehabilitated in the right way until the child's condition is much

*pegangan* Jika ditanya mengenai Cara yang benar Rehabilitasi

The government can handle it by providing a diet for obese children, teaching children to
move more actively by exercising. The government can facilitate them with the presence of
Health Experts who teach them to eat fruit and vegetables and reduce Junk Food,
encouraging them to exercise and tell what are the benefits

- Someone usually do not want to do something because they do not know what the
benefits of what they do

*Pegangan* Jika ditanya mengenai Biaya Hospital

This is where the role of government in facilitating the underprivileged, where they provide
BPJS as an aid for the less fortunate, so the cost is not an excuse for parents to give their
children to the government

Our second point is Dicipline

: Children's daily activities depend on the condition of their body, if they experience bad
conditions such as obesity, this will cause their activities disrupted because of his body is
too heavy so that experiencing difficulty to move, breathe, experiencing psychological
disorders, experiencing social disturbances.This the function of regularity in regulating the
diet in children so as not to experience the obesity
worse, the role of government is what works to regulate the child because Parents can not
take care of their children and spoil their children too. It deals with the Government
Program in suppressing overweight and obesity rates tailored to the epidemiological

*hasil riset*
According to the Basic Health Research year ... there are ... obesity cases, this is one of the
main factors that trigger the emergence of various non-communicable diseases, including
hypertension, stroke and diabetes mellitus.

Director of Community Nutrition Department of Health Ina Hernawati said "This program is
more directed to change behavior, cultivate a healthy lifestyle through health promotion
activities, Because this problem can be overcome by the regulation of nutrition and

*Pegangan* Jika ditanya kenapa mengalami sulit bergerak dan bernafas

That's because the body is obese excess fat, so that other organs are difficult to adapt to

*Pegangan* Jika ditanya Gangguan psikis

Why they experience it, it is because obese children often experience depression and lack
confidence, This causes the ridicule and ridicule of his friend because of excess body, If
allowed to be depressed and pressure.

*Pegangan* Jika ditanya Gangguan social

This makes social relationships with friends disturbed causing the exclusion of friends, this
is what causes obese children feel getting rejection from the environment and social.

*Pegangan* (Tetapi orang tua memiliki peran yang penting untuk anak)
If parents have an important role to take care of their children, the child being cared for by
the parents will not experience obesity if they are well cared for.

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