Class Rules and Etiquette

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Class Rules and Etiquette

1. Bowing: Different schools have different bows. Ours is with the feet together, touching, and hands on
the side of the thighs. Bend forward slowly at the waist. The head is not raised, although the eyes are (so
don't bend so low that you cannot see forward). Students should not raise up before the black belt
instructor they are bowing to.

2. Students will bow, as a form of respect, upon entering and leaving the Dojo floor.

3. Students should never pass between a black belt and other students.

4. After being directly instructed, the student should bow to the teacher with a "yes Ma'am", or "thank
you Sir".

5. When a black belt calls the students over for personal or group instruction, the students should stay
at least an arm's length away.

6. Students should not challenge a black belt to spar, or ask the instructor if he or she would test you for

7. Sparring should only be done in class under the supervision of a black belt. Bowing is done to the
black belt first, and then to the opponent. Reverse the order at the end of the match.

8. Students must wear appropriate sparring gear at all times when participating in sparring matches.
This includes head gear, mouthpiece, hand gear, foot gear, and cup for boys.

9. Students should be very respectful and quiet while they observe others sparring or testing.

10. While sparring, contact to the face or throat area is forbidden and will be punished with push ups.

11. Refrain from talking during class, especially while the instructor is speaking. (There is plenty of time
for that before and after class!)

12. Be sure to practice self control while in ready stance, and refrain from talking, fidgeting, playing with
your peers, or horseplay.

13. If you have to use the restroom, raise your hand and inform the instructor so you can be bowed out -
and back in - to class.

14. If you have any questions, raise your hand and wait to be addressed by the instructor, rather than
talking over everyone.

15. When seeking the attention of the instructor, address him/her as "Mr. - name", "Miss - name", or
"Mrs. - name".

16. Always wait for commands before attempting to practice techniques - this is important for the safety
of the students standing around you.

17. No student will provoke violence inside or outside of class.

18. If you arrive late to class, you must stand in ready position and wait to be bowed in by the instructor
before joining class.

19. No watches or jewelry should be worn during class.

20. No chewing gum during class.

21. Parents of underage children are requested to stay during class to cheer on their child.

I agree to abide by the above stated rules.

_________________________________________ ________________________

Student Signature Date

_________________________________________ _________________________

Parent / Guardian Signature Date

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