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By :

1. Muhammad Randy (201810340311049)

2. Tsanaa Joenantsa (201810340311068)
3. Muhammad Ferdha A. (201810340311075)
4. Hafidh Nur Laksono (201810340311078)
5. Muhammad Amin (201810340311082)


So, we have an interview with Mrs. Marniwati who work as janitor in Muhammadiyah
Malang University. The interview is talk about “Wastewater”. The contents of the
interviews are :
Interviewers : “What do you think about wastewater ?”
Mrs. Marniwati : “Wastewater is a waste from a human activity process that can be a
Pollutan in an environment”.
Interviewers : “Why rivers right now polluted?”
Mrs. Marniwati : “Because people keep throwing the trash everywhere and don’t care
About the consequences”.
Interviewers : “Where usually you see people littering?”
Mrs. Marniwati : “Usually I found people who littering is on the road, security post,
and many more”.
Interviewers : “When do you realize that the earth is dying because of the
Mrs. Marniwati : “I have been aware of it for a long time since I went to school”.
Interviewers : “Who is responsible for wastewater ?”
Mrs. Marniwati : “I think, the one responsible for the environment is start from
Interviewers : “How to resolve this problem (about wastewater) ?”
Mrs. Marniwati : “The solution of this problem is instill awareness in ourself that we
must keep the environment clean by throwing the trash in the place”.

Mrs. Rini

And also, we have an interview with Mrs. Rini that has same interview topic, that is
“Wastewater”. Here are the contents :

Interviewers : “What do you think about wastewater ?”

Mrs. Rini : “Waste can be defined as objects that have been released by human
beings, both derived from nature itself or from the results of the
technological process performed by humans”.
Interviewers : “Why rivers right now polluted?”
Mrs. Rini : “Because it caused by waste from human and also from certain
Factories or agencies”.
Interviewers : “Where usually you see people littering?”
Mrs. Rini : “ I usually see people littering is in the river and many more”.
Interviewers : “When do you realize that the earth is dying because of the
Mrs. Rini : “I've realized it for a long time”.
Interviewers : “Who is responsible for wastewater ?”
Mrs. Rini : “Everyone has an obligation to protect the environment”.
Interviewers : “How to resolve this problem (about wastewater) ?”
Mrs. Rini : “Throw garbage in the place, By disposing of garbage according to its
place, we also take part in preserving and preserving the nature around

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