Your Most Critical Skills

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Be real: act authentically clarifying what is important

I make decisions about how to spend my time and energy to match what
really matters to me
To break the chains of being overly defensive about the way I've managed your
time so far, you need to forgive yourself. Recognize and accept my past mistakes
and then forgive myself. I could do it in the following way: "I forgive myself for not
planning my time correctly and for missing the important events in the lives of the
people around me", or "I forgive myself for not setting limits in my work, as my
marriage and my health were affected, "time is the only thing we can not recover, it
goes away and never comes back.

Be complete: act with integrity respecting the person as a whole.

I look for opportunities to help many different people
I can try to help the inclusion of people with disabilities in everyday activities that
involve practices and policies designed to identify and eliminate barriers, such as
physical barriers, communication and attitude, that hinder the ability of people to
have full participation in society, just like people without disabilities. Inclusion
Receive fair treatment from other people (without discrimination);
Make products, communications and the physical environment more usable by as
many people as possible (universal design);
Modify things, procedures or systems to allow a person with a disability to use
them as much as possible (reasonable accommodations); Y
Eliminate the belief that people with disabilities are not healthy or are less able to
do things (stigma, stereotypes).

Be innovative: act with creativity when experiencing how things are done.
I look for creative solutions for conflicts instead of sacrificing one part of life
for another.
Analyze the causes: keep in mind the reason for the conflict, everything that
happens has one or several causes, knowing how to analyze them will help solve
the situation.
Define objectives to act: before undertaking any action, it must be clear what is to
be achieved in that situation or conflict.
Generate alternatives: you must look for different ways to resolve the conflict and
think about what can be done from a positive point of view. Although at the
moment it seems impossible, each conflict situation has many possible solutions,
we must think of all of them, from the most irrational to the most rational.
Choose the appropriate alternatives: whenever decisions are made, you have to
ask what should be done and what is the most appropriate way to act.
Put the chosen solution into practice: once it is clear how it can be solved, it must
be put into practice by choosing the most appropriate way.

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