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Discover Today’s

Internet Society

At the Internet Society, we’re proud of how well the Internet works. Our goal is to keep the
value of the Internet intact for its billion or so existing users and to clear the way for the
Today we are in a new Internet era—an era in which tech-
billions to come. We do that by supporting the work of the Internet Engineering Task Force
and by collaborating with organisational, governmental, and educational leaders to promote nology and policy are indisputably intertwined and in which
sensible and forward-thinking policies that will work to increase access to the Internet. We
training and education are, for many, social and economic
also provide much-needed educational opportunities to give the next generation of policy
makers, technologists, researchers, and Internet entrepreneurs a head start. Much work imperatives. • While the Internet has grown and changed dramatically since
remains to be done, though—especially if we are to realise our mission of ensuring an
the Internet Society (ISOC) was established in 1992, the challenge we face as an
Internet that is available to everyone, everywhere.
organisation and as a community remains the same: how do we promote, preserve,
Together we can preserve the traditions that made the
and protect the Internet’s unique development environment and ensure an Internet that
Internet possible as well as create a future in which tech-
nological innovation can thrive. is—and will always be—available to everyone, everywhere? • At the Internet
For more information, visit us at Society, we meet that challenge by building relationships.
• For years, we have served as a trusted conduit for bringing together stakeholders

like you to collaborate on solutions. Each one of our ambassadors, organisational

members, chapters, and staff plays leadership roles in promoting the open develop-

ment of Internet technology and in advancing policies that will stimulate Internet

• The
development without imposing unnecessary controls or limitations.
work we do ensures that the path to innovation will
remain open and the playing field will remain level.

A nonprofit organisation, the Internet Society was founded in 1992 as a leader in promoting the evolution and growth of the
Internet. Through our members, chapters, and partners, we are the hub of the largest international network of people and
organisations that work with the Internet. We work on many levels to address the development, availability, and technology of
the Internet.
The Internet is critical to advancing economic growth, community self-reliance, and social justice throughout the world. Become
a member of the Internet Society, and share this vision. For more information, visit

1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 102 4, rue des Falaises

Reston, VA 20190-5108, U.S.A. CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland
+1 703 326 9880 +41 22 807 1444
Photos courtesy of Hervey Allen, Geert Jan
de Groot, Mirjam Kuhne, Peter Lothberg,
Christian Maurer (Berner Presse Agentschaft),
06/08 Amanda Thomsen, and Christophe Wolfhugel.
The Internet Society • Become a Member Today

The Internet works. The Internet Society makes things happen.

And at the Internet Society, we’d like to keep it that way. Initiatives forge global partnerships, creative solutions,
and a collective vision for the future.
It works in spite of the endless technological chal-
lenges, and regardless of how many people use ISOC’s key initiatives target the critical issues Most important, many of our activities
it, and contrary to conventional business wisdom. that affect all aspects of Internet development occur at the intersection of our core func-
It works because no one owns it and because and growth. The initiatives embody ISOC’s tional areas—the areas in which technol-
no corporation, government, or individual runs it. It’s important to reflect on the Internet’s unprec- philosophy that the Internet is for everyone, ogy, policy, and education meet. And we
It works without a recognized hierarchy, or an edented success. It’s comforting to know that and they provide ISOC with a solid foun- understand that to be effective in our mission
organisational chart, or a headquarters, or a set something that has become so integral to dation from which to positively influence and successful in meeting our goals, we must be
of bylaws. The Internet is successful in large our lives and that has so profoundly rede- standards deployment, access, business simultaneously rooted and nimble.
part due to its unique model—shared glob- fined the way we live, learn, and work is practices, and government policies.
al ownership, development based on open successful only because it is developed As part of the Enabling Access initiative, ISOC
standards, and freely accessible processes openly, transparently, and collaboratively. addresses fundamental impediments to Inter-
for technology and policy development. It net advancement, particularly in such areas as
When faced with the hard work ahead of us,
relies on processes and products that are local, policy, regulation, and access; technical capac-
we as a community should be reminded: the
bottom-up and accessible to users around the ity building; and the availability of Internet tech-
Internet is not a destination; it is a platform Enabling Trust and
world. In fact, the success of the Internet stands nologies in underserved communities. Access
for innovation. Such innovation is felt in all Identity
in stark contrast to how many of us have been
aspects of life: economically, socially, politically, The InterNetWorks initiative targets the con-
conditioned to think about how success is
and personally. In its relatively short lifetime, tinued operation of the global Internet in three
the Internet has become an essential means for critical areas: common and open Internet, global
promoting democracy, health, and human rights, addressing, and security and stability.
as well as a critical tool for enabling citizens
ISOC’s Trust and Identity initiative ensures that InterNetWorks
to participate and enhance their lives on both a
users’ needs for security, transaction protection,
local and a global scale. It has become a powerful
and identity assertion and management get met ISOC Key Initiatives
instrument for promoting charitable and grass- Working toward a collaborative Internet
by building bridges that connect the research,
roots endeavors. And it has inspired an entire available to billions of users
standardisation, development, and deployment
generation to reinvent community and redefine
of new Internet technologies.
social interaction.

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