EMCEE Final Na Ba

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ERIIC: Good afternoon everyone!

RAL: Welcome to our..

BOTH: WU-P Accounting Conference 2.0: Resiliency and Paramountcy through unending valor
and excellence!

RAL: To formally start our seminar, may we invite you to rise as we ask God’s presence through
this song.

ERIC: Please remain standing for the singing of our National Anthem.

II. Opening & Welcoming remarks

RAL: “What helps you persevere is your resilience and commitment.”

ERIC: “The moment we believe that success is determined by an ingrained level of ability as
opposed to resilience and hard work, we will be brittle in the face of adversity."

RAL: Good afternoon everyone. Our event today will surely gives us a lot of learnings. So please
sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of the day. I am Rose Ann Landicho.

ERIC: I am Eric John Estioco. We welcome you all once again to our WU-P Accounting

RAL: You know what Eric, it’s so nice to see everyone wearing their corporate attires, gathered
here in this event to listen and learn on our seminar.

ERIC: You’re right, Ral. Truly, this seminar will help us a lot with our course and future
profession. To give us his opening remarks, let’s welcome one of the ever supported JPIA
adviser, Prof. Jelwin Bautista, CPA. Let’s give him a big round of applause.

RAL: (quote a statement from the opening remarks) Thank you, Sir Jelwin. That was a good
message to start our seminar.

ERIC: To also give his welcome remarks/greetings, let’s hear from our Program head of BSA
and BSAT, Professor Elmin Franchezko Valdez, CPA, MBA. Let’s give him a big round of
ERIC: Thank you Sir Elmin!

III. 1st and 2nd talk

RAL: So Eric, without further do, let’s proceed to our 1st talk. Our 1st session is about the one of
the biggest question in business and in life nowadays: Is it better to have skills or connections?
And to talk and teach us more about this, let us welcome our 1st speaker.

ERIC: Graduated from university of the cordilleras, Cpa since 2006, Worked local
and abroad for almost 5 yrs, Started public practice since 2012, Currently with 12
employees 6 of them are CPAs, Present PICPA President Cabanatuan, Cofounder
of Nueva Ecija Training and Review Center (cpale review) est. 2014, Married to a
nurse and entrepreneur, Blessed with 2 boys

RAL: Let us all clap our hands as we welcome, Mr. Bryan V. Realigue, CPA.

-after talk-

RAL: Wow. *quote from his talk* Thank you Mr. Bryan V. Realigue, CPA.

RAL: Wow, Eric. That was just the start of our session and I really learned a lot.

ERIC: Same, Ral. But as you said, that was just the start. To proceed to our 2nd session about the
updates on the CPA Licensure Examination, let us introduce our speaker.

RAL: *Intro of speaker*

ERIC: Let us welcome Mr. Angelus Edward Jose, CPA, MBA. Let’s give him a big round of

-after talk-

ERIC: Wow. That was a really helpful session for all of us specially to our graduating students.

RAL: Yes, Eric. Thank you Mr. Angelus Edward Jose.

IV. Ice breaker/Snacks

ERIC: So guys, are you still excited to listen and learn more? Aha! So guys lets have some
Pinoy henyo (song lyrics) & Sing the song in the tune of.
*ice breaker*

V. 3rd talk

ERIC: So I think everyone has been refreshed, Ral.

RAL: Yes, Eric. So let’s proceed to our 3rd and last session for today’s seminar.

ERIC: Graduated Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at the University of Santo Tomas, Alfredo
M. Velayo College of Accountancy as Summa Cum Laude and Batch Valedictorian, 1st placer of
the October 2018 CPA Licensure Examination, Recipient of the Student Certificate of
Distinguished Performance of the September/October 2018, Certified Management Accountant
Examination testing window Rector’s Awardee and Benavides Outstanding Achievement
Awardee, Held various leadership positions in the UST Central Student Council and
Accountancy Journal, Currently an Audit Associate at Isla Lipana & Co. , a member firm of

RAL: Let’s welcome Ms. Lahaira Amy Reyes, CPA. Let’s give her a big round of applause.

-after talk-

RAL: Wow, Eric! I was so inspired and at the same time encouraged by Ms. Lahaira’s road to

Eric: Yes Ral. *quote something from the talk*

VI. Awarding of token and plaques

RAL: To acknowledge our speakers, let’s call MR. ELMER CORPUZ, JR & MS. NIKKI
MALICAT for the awarding of token and plaques.

ERIC: Let me read the citation. *read what was written in the plaque*

…awards this plaque of appreciation to:


-photo op-
ERIC: Let’s give them a round of applause.

RAL: Before we proceed to our next set of awarding, the WUP-JPIA prepared a short video clip.
Please refer to the audio visual presentation.


ERIC: *feedback

RAL: For the awarding of certificates to the members of the BEAST, let’s call MR. ELMER
CORPUZ, JR & MS. NIKKI MALICAT. Please come on stage once your name has been called.

*Elmer lists of members (by 10)

-photo op-

RAL: Let’s give them a round of applause.

ERIC: To acknowledge and recognize the TOP 10 members of the BEASTS who truly transcend
and exemplified in academic excellence, may I call MR. ELMER CORPUZ, JR & MS. NIKKI
MALICAT. Please come on stage once your name has been called.

*Elmer lists of members (TOP 10)

-photo op-

ERIC: Let’s give them a round of applause.

RAL: Before we end the program, the WUP-JPIA prepared another short video clip. Please refer
to the audio visual presentation.


ERIC:: To give us her message, may I call on the stage the Executive President of WUP-JPIA,
MS. NIKKI MALICAT. Let’s give her a big round of applause.

RAL: *feedback
ERIC: And for our closing remarks, let’s hear it from PROF. JHIDEO TOBITA, CPA. Let’s give
him a big round of applause.
BOTH: Our accounting conference has been ended. We would like to thank everyone for making
this event a memorable one. Again, this ERIC JOHN ESTIOCO & ROSEANN LANDICHO
your host for today’s event. Thank you for coming!

12:00 - 1:00 Registration

1:00 - 1:05 Doxology
1:05 - 1:10 National anthem
1:10 - 1:15 Opening remarks ... Prof. Jelwin Bautista, CPA
1:15 - 1:20 Greetings ... Prof. Elmin Franchezko Valdez, CPA, MBA
1:20 - 1:25 Introduction of 1st speaker
1:25 - 2:25 ... Mr.Bryan V. Realigue, CPA
2:25 - 2:30 Introduction of 2nd speaker
2:30 - 3:30 Mr. Angelus Edward Jose, CPA, MBA
3:30 - 3:55 Ice breaker and Distribution of Snacks
3:55 - 4:00 Introduction of 3rd speaker
4:00 - 5:00 Ms. Lahaira Amy Reyes, CPA
5:00 - 5:05 Awarding of token and plaques to the speakers
5:05 - 5:10 AVP- Events
5:10 - 5:25 Awarding of certificates to the members of the beast
5:25 - 5:35 Awarding of top 10
5:35 - 5:40 Mayor's Speech
5:40 - 5:50 AVP- Signing off
5:50 - 6:00 Closing remarks ... Prof. Jhideo Tobita, CPA

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