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Critical Analysis of Saraiki Language Movement 1

Critical Analysis of the Saraiki Language movement

Summaiya Qureshi
Southern Punjab has been comparatively neglected by successive governments, lacks

development and is not given its due share in both economic and political matters. This kind of

discrimination has led to the rise of conflict situation. i.e. Saraiki movement. The Saraiki people

distinguish themselves on the basis of language, ethnicity and culture. This paper attempts to

critically comment on the movement, its pros and cons, its reasons and achievements. The paper

also attempts to bring overview of the Saraiki language its origin, its background and its status.

Keywords: New province, southern Punjab, socio economic deprivation, Saraiki language,


Introduction to Saraiki language:

According to Wagha (as cited in Rahman 1996) the word 'Saraiki' derived from Sindhi

word 'Siro' means north. Multan is the north of Sindh, so Saraiki is the language of this area.

Cristopher Shackle (as cited in Ayres, 2009) commented that the word Saraiki is used to describe

the language of immigrants who migrated from north to south particularly Baloch tribes. Ayres

(2009) stated that prior to 1960; the language denoted by Saraiki was referred as ‘Multani’ or

‘Bahawalpuri’ dialect of Punjab or in the taxonomy of the Grierson’s colonial era a western

Punjabi (Lehnda) dialect. Saraiki nationalist used the term Saraiki for all the dialects of Southern

Punjab in 1960. (Rahman, 1996). According to Wagha (as cited in Rahman, 1996) Southern

Punjab is a Saraiki speaking area and is quite underdeveloped. Multani, Uchi, Riasati, Derewali,
Critical Analysis of Saraiki Language Movement 2

Hindko, Lahanda, Jathi are the names that were used by local people for the Saraiki language.

Rahman (1996) states that to create and emphasize on the different cultural, linguistic and ethnic

identity of Saraiki, Saraiki activist termed Saraiki in its own right not as dialect. Secondly, they

developed its script and orthographic forms. For the call of Saraiki province they also developed

the map of Saraiki province, given in the book by Riaz Hashmi. According to Riaz Hashmi (as

cited in Rahman, 1996) all the districts of Multan, Muzaffargarh and D.G.K should be included

in the former state of Bahawalpur and make it Saraikistan.

In the reference to culture, the Saraiki people are more similar to Sindhis then Punjabis.

(Gankovsky as cited in Rahman 1996). Rahman (1996) commented that Saraiki people are more

homebound as compare to Punjabi people; they do not like travelling for employment. Moreover

they are oppressed in Punjab, because of bureaucracy and feudal lords. According to the 1998

Punjab population censor report, overall Saraiki speakers constitute 17.4 present of the Punjab,

21.4 present in rural and 8.4 present in urban areas speak Saraiki language. (Census report 1999).

Critical review:

Saraiki movement was started in 1960, not as a political movement but as linguistic and

cultural movement. In 1972, when Bahawalpur movement was ended, Saraiki nationalist did first

attempt to politicize the issue of economic and cultural development in Saraiki area.

Similar to other movement, Saraiki movement has its pros and cons. If we compare

Saraiki movement with other language movements, it comprises of very little journalistic

writings and limited academic works. Moreover the movement took placed after so many years

of partition. Although all the other linguistic and political movements were present prior to
Critical Analysis of Saraiki Language Movement 3

Pakistan, it is because of the reason that Saraiki was not recognized as separate identity or

language in pre-partition days.

In reference to large scale conflicts that are linked to Bengali, Sindhi, and Urdu Mohajir

movements, Saraiki movement is little known. The only violent turn it took was on April 24

1970, in which two protesters were killed and numbers of get injured. But if we take insights into

the history, other movements, for instance Sindhi movement witnessed hundreds and thousands

of killings in 1980's. In this regard, Saraiki movement has fewer conflicts and is less brutal.

In context of their demands, only some of their demands are justified based on their

grievances. Complaint about allocation of non-Saraiki and Bihari by Federal government on the

Saraiki areas is one of them. They also feel that Saraiki area is being economically exploited, as

Saraiki area generates more income than what is spent on it. Another issue was the identification

of Saraiki as separate language, which get settled after 18th amendment, but the economic issue

and land issue should be settled. These are the reasons out of many Balochistan is still suffering

and east wing get separated from Pakistan in 1971.

The Saraiki movement is successful at some levels. It is because of this movement that

now Saraikis are counted as one of the five indigenous nationalities of Pakistan and Saraiki as

distinct language in the constitution of Pakistan, along with use of language in some formal and

informal domains. It is also successful in creating the sense of separate identity among Saraiki

people, who didn't know the name of their language before this Movement; they used to call

Saraiki with local names of that area. Although, they didn’t get success in forming the pressure

group like Sindhis, Muhajirs, Bengalis etc.

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One of the cons of the movement is the demand of separate province on the basis of

linguistic lines. As the matter of fact Pakistan is multilingual and multicultural country, if we

start dividing country on the linguistic basis, then the claim for Hindko, Bihari, Potohari and

Majhi province will soon surface and claim of uncontrollable movements for a separate province

can take birth.

Another claim is about retaining the constitutional status of Bahawalpur, before one unit

system and put Saraiki districts under its control. Saraiki nationalities gave reason for the

demand that Bahawalpur and Saraiki is very far from Lahore and they also not get representation

in the power, which resulted in deprivation of the socio-economic condition of Saraiki area.

Though the fact is that the area under the influence of feudalism and bureaucracy. On the other

hand, there is no truth about the claim of political representation, because there are many Saraiki

people who have represented their area on political grounds. Some of them are Farooq Laghari

(President of Pakistan 1933-1997); Shah Mahmood Qureshi (PTI); Muhammad Ali Duraani

(PML-O); Makhdoom Javed Hashmi (PML-N) etc. These people could not influence the policy

makers to improve the socio-economic condition of the region. Therefore, the question for

separate province for Saraikis is crucial one, as these Politians and leaders representing Saraiki

area have not done anything for socio-conomic conditions in past 70 years, so how will they

change things now.

Another issue is the timing of movement which does not fit the social, political domestic

conditions of Pakistan. As the country has already facing so many challenges in these areas, as

well as at international level. Most importantly when the movement was started in 1972, the
Critical Analysis of Saraiki Language Movement 5

country has lost its east part and facing serious conflicts in the country. Due to this fact the

movement is greatly criticized.


The main issue in the Saraiki area is not about power, it’s their social, economical

deprivation of the area, which needs immediate attention. The representatives of Saraiki area

should take steps and policies should be formulated to bring reforms in judiciary, education,

economic and social sector, improving governance, using the resources honestly and developing

the industrialization. The resources to solution should be found through platform of civil society

and debates at the parliament and provincial assembly of the Punjab and the KPK. These issues

should be addressed, so that the situation does not get worst and people of Saraiki area do not

feel that they will not get rights and they will dealt with injustice as they are till now.
Critical Analysis of Saraiki Language Movement 6


Awan, F. (2010). Movement for Saraiki Province: The Pros and Cons. Saraiki Waseb
Development Organization (SWADO): A project for literacy, development and social reforms in
the Saraiki region of Pakistan. Retrieved from

Demand for Saraiki Province. (March, 2011). PILDIT

Rahman, T. (1996). Language and Politics in Pakistan. Karachi, Pakistan: Oxford University

The origin and politics of the Seraiki movement. (May 24, 2009). Dawn. Retrieved from

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