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An adult who had impacted my life these past 4 years, would have to be my sister - in - law i

love her as if she was my real sister. I have a lot of love for her i grew up with her basically my

whole life. Before i met my sister- in - law i think i’m still sorta the same person i was then. I

don’t know how my life would turn out because she guides me more than my real family. She’s a

white gonna be 30 this september beautiful mother of 3 great children. She has lived with me

since i was like 8 and moved out when i was a sophomore in high school lol i also raised my first

nephew she had because he lived with me and i seen him everyday. But my sister-in-law has

helped me throughout school and with taking me where i need to go when no one could. I just

know i can always rely on her. My sister-in-laws personality is really sweet i told her she should

be a life coach. Haha so when me and my best friend stopped being friends she was there for me.

When my dog almost passed she was there for me. I am always there for her when she needs it

but recently i haven't talked to her. Recently we’ve been working on my college stuff. When i

say that she has been there for me it’s always her helping me out or me helping her out. She has

recently became a RNA and how she’s going to school still to further her education. She is a

mother of 3 still doing what she gots to do it’s just a mothers instinct to provide and she does real

good at it. My sister-in-law’s influences have all been good i believe lol but i don’t know how

my life would've turned out without her i’m pretty sure i woulda been fine but who knows a

person can take a huge toll on your life.

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