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Idea Book
Self-directed prompt
What is love? Is it a feeling? Is it an emotion? Is it just knowing you are loved?

The definition of love is an intense feeling for deep affection. There are 2 types of love.

Love of a person and love for an object. For both, you have the same amount of love.

You can love a person and you can love a stuffed animal in the same way. But the only

differences is that when you love a stuffed animal you don’t get the same type of love

you get when you love a person or an animal. When you love a person or animal if the

relationship goes both ways. You can feel loved by the animal or the person but you can

also give love. Love is something very special. But you are very lucky if you can find it in

any way possible. But the best way to be loved is when you are in private when it's just

you and whatever you love.

Love can be both in public and in private. When you love in public, it shows the

affection you have for that person. People notice when you have the right type of love

by how you look in Public. If you’re in a good loving relationship, people will notice

because you look genuinely happy and you also look like you are living the best life you

can. Being in a good and healthy relationship is good for you, physically, mentally, and

emotionally. It can help you have more energy and be more alert if you’re in a good

mood, you will have a good mindset and not sweat the small stuff, and it will make you

have better relationships. Being loved in front of people just shows people you and your

significant other have a relationship, but from what the public eye sees it looks like love.

But what happens behind closed doors? What happens when it's just you and that

person? Is it a greater kind of love, is it the same, or is it worse?

Love should be in Private. You don’t ever feel more loved than when it's just you

and the person all alone. When you and this person are all alone you are able to pick up

on their bad habits, things they always say, how they look at you one on one, how they

treat you, but most importantly you get to see the person for who they really are. You

get to see all of there emotions. You get to see them at the best parts of there day but

most importantly you get to see them at the lowest of days. You will never feel as loved

as when you are having the worst day of your life, and it seems that nothing will get

better. But then that person, your person comes and picks you up when you are like

this. Not only does it show how much they love you but it also shows that they aren’t

going to just leave you when you need them most. Being loved in private is something

so special. It helps you realize how much this person means to you but it also allows

you to see how much this person helps you no matter what.

Getting to have a person be there for you when you feel you can barely get out of

bed because things are so bad, is so comforting to know that you have someone like

that. But it also gives you the ability to appreciate them. Being loved is one thing but

being loved in private just the two of you is something you may never get to explain in

words. But only because its, not a normal feeling you have.


Google Search​, Google,

Idea book 3
think about how you identify yourself as an American and how do you identify yourself
as a global citizen.
Having global intelligence means having capacities that enable us to coexist and

co-create with other people other than our selves. It also includes how we as people live

our lives and how we act in a day to day manner. Being an American and global citizen

are two different things but they go hand in hand with each other and with what each

other want.

Americans, everyone has there own views on what exactly an American is. The

google definition of what is an American is a native or citizen of the united states.

Personally, I think that definition has some truth but also has some faults. The definition

is at fault because not everyone who is a citizen is an American. Just because a small

piece of paper doesn’t say you don’t belong in the united states doesn’t mean that you

aren’t American. But an American does mean you are born in the united states, and yes

I did just contradict the first statement. But we all feel like we belong somewhere even

when we know we should be in that place for whatever reasons it. The definition of

being a global citizen is that everyone has rights and responsibilities as citizens of the

world. Being a global citizen doesn't only mean you live in the world because everyone

does. But it means that you know what's right and wrong in the world. Taking

responsibility in your actions is a big thing because it allows everyone to be held

accountable for what they have done. But having the responsibility of being a global

citizen isn’t so much as being good to the glob it's being good to everything in it and

respecting what everything in this world has to offer no matter what that opportunity is.

Everyone had a part in this world somehow. But Americans have a greater responsibility

to act responsible and behave. People have there own image of how we are and what

we should be doing. So being an American means doing your part when you are

needed too. Like when we have elections, vote. Voting will help the United States and

also help where ever you live to make your laws and your representatives help you and

our Country.

Global citizens do their part in the world. They think with both sides of there

brain, know there enemies, don’t let stereotypes affect them, think like other people who

don't have what they have or where people who live differently then them, know that

one thing could affect a bigger picture, and they also know that if they want to see

something change that they have to be the one to take action and not let someone else

do their responsibility for them. Global citizens do things that everyone can do. They just

take action and do it. They are the people in our world that help us when times are

tough. But also when we need a new idea. They always have new ideas or new ways to

fix something.

I am both an American and a global citizen I do my best to make sure that I can

help myself and others at the same time. Global citizens are normal people of any

descent, but what makes global citizens so special is that they are doers. They make

sure everything gets done when it's supposed to but also how it's supposed to.

Idea book 3
Write an essay explaining whether or not companies should tackle modern-day issues
to promote their brand.

Climate change, a war in the middle east, inequality, poverty, religious conflicts,

corruption, food and water security, education, safety, unemployment, immigration, and

government are all problems we face today in the world. These topics are all very

serious and are very powerful. One way the world gets to know about what is going on

in the world is by watching the news. But the news gives information but can leave you

with some confusion. Commercials that give their opinion on these topics or on other

topics that are very near and dear to the world can often be mistaken as doing wrong in

the world. Commercials are a way of advertisement, by commercials giving their opinion

on certain issues helps other people become more aware of what's going on in the


The definition of commercial is concerned with or engaged in commerce.

Meaning they're job is to be concerned with the topic at hand. But it also means they

have to promote their company and what they are selling. So when companies

advertise different things going on in the world from there point of view its to show the

rest of the world that there is something going on and we should be concerned about it.

Bringing in their own opinion on the situation does affect how other people see the topic

but it also helps others see different perspectives of how the situation should be

handled. One thing it also does is it allows other people to understand what is going on

in our world.

Companies that tackle modern-day issues have a reason to. They want there to

be a change in the word, they want to see a difference. The problems they’re talking

about are hard to digest at times but they are real things happening in the world. They

are real things that affect each and every one of us somehow.Showing them what they

want to see something different happen in this world id their way of showing the world

that there are some pretty bad things going on. But everyone can help change the

negative and turn it into something positive.

Commercials help other people get news without getting too far into it that you

can’t talk about it any longer. One thing that is enjoyable about commercials is that they

like to appeals to either pathos and ethos. They either make you feel so some sort of

way because most of the time you can relate in one way or another. Commercials help

see others viewpoint. But it helps us see what others what to think

Loudenback, Tanza. “The 10 Most Critical Problems in the World, According to Millennials.” B
​ usiness Insider​, 
Business Insider, 26 Feb. 2018,​. 
Google Search, Google,

Idea Book
Should cities with extensive public transportation systems ban passenger cars and
force people to walk. Bike. or use public transportation. Is this a good idea?
Every city has a lot of traffic, especially in big cities. Traffic causes a lot of

different problems, it causes people to be late, causes people to get bad road rage, but

it also causes a lot of pollution because of all the gas, oil, and chemicals used to power

a car. According to, there are ten substances that are the biggest

contributor to air pollution. A few of the substances are Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen

oxide, and ​Chlorofluorocarbons, there are seven more that are also very important for

how air pollution is developed substance wise.​ But one way we can help lessen air

pollution is using public transportation, biking, walking, or carpooling. All of these things

will lessen how many cars are on the road but it will also help with air pollution.

For cities to put a ban on using passenger cars is a little extreme to start with. It

would be best if they started slowly by implementing laws that say you can only drive

your own car no more than three times a week, and all the other days of the week you

either walk, bike, take public transportation or even carpool with multiple people.

Eventually, after this law is in place you can gradually start to change the law a little.

The next step could be making drivers only use their car once a week and the other

times they have to use public transportation. Then the final law that can be put in place

is that only in a medical emergency you could use your car and the rest of the days you

use public transportation. The reason why you would say only in a medical emergency

would be because sometimes you don’t have time to wait twenty minutes to wait for the

next bus or train. Gradually implementing these laws would help air pollution go down

by a ton. But it would also decrease how many autos crashes and how much traffic

there is.

One of the big reasons why air pollution from cars is so harmful to the

environment is because there are a lot of harmful toxins being released from car

engines and into the air. With the air being polluted it causes the air to have horrible

chemicals and not really be fresh air because of all the harmful chemicals. It also affects

our plants and animals. When the plants get some of the chemicals it causes them to

not provide nutrients for foods, shelter, and oxygen because of how polluted it all is.

One of the main things that are affected when the air is polluted is our oxygen from

trees. The pollution will cause the trees to not give off any oxygen, then it will eventually

cause us, humans, to not get any oxygen because the pollution killed it all.


“Chemical Pollution Examples.” T
​ he World Counts​, w

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