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1, February, 2019

Ahª 0 to 
The Spiritual Path

Ah§ go Ahª H$s Amoa

Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary

Chinamay Kiyawat Jai Kumar Badjatya Amit Jain

9826252345 9425105234 9820084156
Treasurer Member Member

Mukesh Singhai Yashwant Shah Dev Kumar Bakshi

9425105764 9824150334 9821231216

Core Working Committee

Team Arham (NCR)
President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary

Mahak Jain Soumya Jain Nipun Jain Vaibhav Jain

9899970002 9968979622 9810303159 8586984787

Chinamay Kiyawat Nayan Jain Prashant Jain Ruchi Jain Saurabh Jain
9826252345 9873942097 9999850308 9911373404 9868559587
Ahª 0 to 
The Spiritual Path

Editorial 06 Amerd©MZ 07



Arham Paddhati...............................................................................................................08
Six Steps towards ourselves.............................................................................................12
Panch Mudtras..................................................................................................................14
Panch Mudra For PEACE...................................................................................................20
Panch Mudra Impact........................................................................................................20

Anger Management 19

Arham Remedy: Chronic Neck Pain.................................................................................22

Is connecting to oneself so difficult?.............................................................................23
Know with Devotion........................................................................................................24

Here’s our journey ... 25 28-29

Arham Books...................................................................................................................28

Modules 30

And the logos says..........................................................................................................35

Arham Toons...................................................................................................................35
Yanmaya - The Power Of Ignorance..............................................................................36
How could a mudra impact our lifestyle?....................................................................37

Activity Map 39

Antarappa : Leaderboard 40

Arham Prayers................................................................................................................49

Letters : 49

Single Copy M.R.P. 1 Year Membership 5 Year Membership 10 Year Membership
Rs. 300 Rs. 1,100 Rs. 5,100 Rs. 11,000
Printed by : Arihant Graphics, Delhi 9958819046, 9212019046
¶h A˶§V hf© Am¡a Jm¡ad H$m {df¶ h¡ {H$ Q>r‘ Ahª EH$ Ì¡‘m{gH$ n{ÌH$m Ahª n{ÌH$m àH$m{eV H$aZo Om ahr h¢& ‘¢ nyÁ¶ Jwéda H$m
~hþV Am^mar hÿ± {H$ CÝhm|Zo Ahª ܶmZ d ¶moJ Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go OZ-OZ H$mo AmË‘-H$ë¶mU Am¡a em§{V H$m ‘mJ© àX{e©V {H$¶m h¡& Q>r‘ Ahª
Bg n{ÌH$m Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ go g^r bmoJm| H$mo ñd-AmË‘H$ë¶mU Ho$ gmW-gmW g¥OZmË‘H$ A{^ì¶{º$ H$m EH$ gwb^ Am¡a geº$ ‘§M àXmZ
H$a Ahª ܶmZ d ¶moJ Ho$ àMma-àgma H$s {Xem ‘| EH$ ‘hÎdnyU© ^y{‘H$m H$m {Zd©hZ H$a ahr h¢&
‘¢ Bg n{ÌH$m Ho$ àH$meZ go à˶j Am¡a namoj ê$n go Ow‹S>o g^r bmoJm| H$mo ^r AnZr hm{X©H$ ew^H$m‘ZmE§ ào{fV H$aVm hÿ± Am¡a ¶h
Amem H$aVm hÿ± {H$ ¶h n{ÌH$m g^r Ho$ {bE H$ë¶mUH$mar {gÕ hmoJr&

M‘Z bmb O¡Z

dÕ©‘mZ EŠgnmo ’¡$~ (àm) {b{‘Q>oS>


I congratulates Team ARHAM for bringing out a quarterly magazine “Arham - The Spiritual Path”.
Now a days due to our lifestyle everybody is dealing with lots of stress and this leads them to many physical
and mental problems. There is lack of internal happiness. In our Jain Darshan, here lies the cure for every
ailment whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. But still, people aren't getting benefitted due to lack
of guidance and proper explanation of Jain Principles. We are very grateful and indebted to Param Pujya Muni
108 Shri Pranamay Sagar Ji Maharaj for showing us the Arham Path, the right path to get rid of all our problems
through his Gyan and Dhyan.
Team ARHAM has done a marvelous job in bringing Guruji's Gyan dhara & Dhyan dhara together on a
single platform by various activities.
I take this opportunity to convey my Best Wishes to the Members of Team ARHAM.

Rajesh Jain
Managing Director
Paras Channel


It is indeed a matter of pleasure for me to learn that Team ARHAM is bringing out a quarterly magazine “
Arham - The Spiritual Path”.
In this dynamic era, everyone is moving at an unprecedented pace without any direction, without any real
purpose of life. I would like to thank a million to the almighty for giving us the blessing in the form of Param Pujya
Guruvar 108 Shri Pranamay Sagar Ji Maharaj. He is showing us the right direction, a real purpose of life by
throwing light on Jain Siddhantas.His teachings and explanations of Jain Shastras like Pravachanasar,
Tatvarthsutra etc and Arham Dhyan & Yog are the real blessings in the world.
I urge all the people to join hands with Team ARHAM in this noble cause of achieving World Peace through
Once again, I congratulate Team ARHAM on bringing out this magazine and Wishes all the success to
Mahak Jain
Investment Banker


Arham Yog and Dhyan are the most precious assets of Jain Darshan. It is a true and complete
blessing by our Guru ji, Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar Ji Maharaj. On the occasion of Pujya Shri's Diksha
Diwas, Team ARHAM has come out with such a creative idea of publishing “Arham - The Spiritual Path”
for mobilising Arham Yoga and Dhyaan. I am really glad that the team is working so hard to spread the
awareness for the betterment of everyone's life. Guru ji has helped us to come out of our stressful lives
and has ensured that we remain fit and healthy throughout. Now, the Team ARHAM is also ensuring
that it reaches to the masses and this magazine will prove a useful tool in the process of fixing our lives.
I would like to wish the team good luck for their endeavour. Also, I would like to express my
gratitude towards the 'prabhavna' being done by them.

Dr. Suhas Shah



I am glad to hear that the Team ARHAM is presenting a quarterly magazine “ Arham - The Spiritual Path”.
The process of Arham Yog and dhyan is a complete process of purification of our mind and soul. This is the
biggest platform which has enabled the people of all generations to come together and get the benefits of Jain
Darshan. Pujya Guru ji has obliged us by paving the path to benefit all mankind whether Jain or non-jain. On this
beautiful occasion, I would like to wish Team ARHAM good luck for working selflessly to spread the goodness of
this life soothing process. The whole team is working dedicatedly to promote the hidden jewel of Jain Darshan.
All of us are deeply indebted to Guruvar for showing us the right path along with motivating the youth to join
hands for spreading world peace and this magazine will act as a perfect catalyst in overcoming the barrier from
Best Wishes.
Ekta Jain
Indian Revenue Services


I have great pleasure in conveying my best wishes to Team Arham for releasing Arham - The Spiritual
Path. It would serve as a great tool to reach out to a broader audience and propagate the Arham philosophy not
just in india but at a Global level.
The magazine definitely serves the strong felt need of a medium to showcase excellent work done and
initiatives taken in silos at a unified platform. More than that, I believe it would ignite new ideas, thoughts and
initiatives from readers. Something which would open new avenues for collaboration and build synergies.
My greetings to the editorial board to keep the good work.

Mayank Jain
Management Consultant

Editorial - Chinamay Kiyawat

Dear Bhavyatma’s, A major turning point was in a camp in

It is with pride I introduce to you the Rewari when I was approached by a group of
incredible journey of “Om Arham Social professionals having the same vision as mine,
Welfare foundation” from Mandsor to Delhi. to spread the light of Arham Yoga throughout
The journey, where with immense research the world. Eventually the "Team Arham" was
and compassion, Muni Shri sparked the inner formed naming Prashant Jain for
passion of people, moving on foot from one institutionalising a vision driven organizational
town to another. structure and Nayan for driving the technology
adoption to connect to the youth.
When he came to Mandsaur the city was
quick to recognise that the fire should continue In 2018, when Munishri came to Delhi,
spreading when Muni Shri moves on, and to Rohini, the team expanded. With his blessings
institutionalise it. Thus in July 2016, the then a core working committee of Delhi NCR
society was formed, and I'm eternally grateful was formed. This is the 2nd group outside
to the members for their support and trust in Mandsaur formally managing the affairs of
me and for letting me chair the society. Arham Yoga and further expanded the scope.
A copyright to protect the trademark and logo
For last three years, I committed myself was also filed. Multiple modules were
into spreading Arham Meditation and Yoga launched during this period including the
technique to various parts of India. It is a "Train the trainer" module.
simple technique with no side effects, and has
had cured a tremendous amount of people of And today, we have 54 Arham Trainers
common problems like insomnia, blood (Antarappa’s). Now in 15+ cities every week
pressure, stress, back pain, thyroid etc on one free Arham meditation is being performed,
hand and proved to be an effective method to and the journey has begun.
improve people's concentration and intuition. The objective of this magazine is to share
However, there was a time when I was the the rich and deep history of the yet young
only certified trainer and trainee for many Arham Journey. We are eager and excited to
years. Travelled from towns to cities, relying grow more and invite your support. Research,
on the local society to sponsor the (Shivir) being a trainer, or inspiring yourself to become
meditation camps. I had personally attended better than yourself and be a part of the Team
over 60 camps and about 5000 people. I Arham.
focused on health, and positive mindset to If you are inspired, make sure you Pass It
empower the participants, with the tools, to on!!!
conquer their anger and their ego.

Ahª `moJ àUoVm
_w[Z lr àUå` gmJa Or _hmamO

g§nyU© [dœ Ho$ _mZ[MÌ na AmO ha Va\$ AamOH$Vm, qhgm, XwamMma, IyZ-Iam~m Am¡a [dÐmoh H$m H$mcm Yã~m cJ ahm h¡&
gä`-Agä` Ho$ ~rM H$m \$H©$ [_Q> ahm h¡& Eogr pñW[V _| àË`oH$ _Zwî` H$mo AnZo AÝVa§J _| Pm§H$Zo H$r Oê$aV h¡& AnZo
_mZg nQ>c na A§[H$V H«$moY, H$m_-dmgZm, Ah§H$ma Am¡a qhgm Ho$ Xw^m©dmo§ H$mo g_PH$a CZHo$ Xwîn[aUm_ Xya VH$ XoIZo H$r
Oê$aV h¡& [ejm H$m CÔoí` _mZd _mÌ Ho$ à[V hr Zht àË`oH$ jwÐ Ord Ho$ à[V H$éUm, _¡Ìr Ho$ ^md go OrdZ H$mo CÞV ~ZmZm
h¡& Bg CÔoí` H$r ny[V© AmO ñHy$c-H$m°coOmo§ _| Zht hmo ahr h¡& àË`oH$ _mZd Ho$ [dMmamo§ H$r n[dÌVm Ho$ [cE AmÜ`mpË_H$
[ejm Am¡a AmË_~moY na_mdí`H$ h¡& AnZo [dH$mamo§ H$mo OrVZo Ho$ [cE Am¡a AnZo M§Mc _Z H$mo [Z`§[ÌV [H$E [~Zm [dœ Ho$
_mZ[MÌ na em§[V, ào_ Am¡a Amngr gm¡hmX© Ho$ AmZÝXXm`r [MÌ [XImB© Zht Xo gH$Vo h¢& "Ahª Qr_' Bgr CÔoí` H$r ny[V© hoVw
EH$ gmW©H$ aMZmË_H$ à`mg H$a ahr h¡& `h à`mg g~Ho$ [cE EH$ Xrn go Xygam Xrn OcmVo hwE g~H$mo [Xì`kmZ Ho$ àH$me
go ^a|&
_oar ^mdZm h¡ -
_oar à^w go àmW©Zm AmË_e[º$ AW© hmo
_oam _Z g_W© hmo, _oam _Z g_W© hmo
Xoe Ho$ CËWmZ _| Y_© Ho$ àMma _|
gË` em§[V [_ÌVm Aqhgm Ho$ àgma _|
namonH$ma _| aho gXm h_mar ^mdZm
_oar C_« _| Zht, [H$gr ^r jU AZW© hmo&&
_oam _Z g_W© hmo, _oam _Z g_W© hmo

Ah§§ h‘mam ‘yb VÎd h¡&Ah§ h‘mam ApñVËd h¡& ApñVËd H$s dhr nm±M& EH$-EH$ H$aHo$ g~Zo {JZm na nm±M hr aho&
g^r amoZo bJo& H$aVo Š¶m? Ka na Am¶o amoVo hþE& ‘m± Zo
àm{á ha H$moB© H$aZm MmhVm h¡& ¶mÌm àmaå^ hmoVr h¡ Ah§ go Am¡a A§V ^r
Ah§ na hmoVr h¡& ¶{X Eogm Z hmoVm Vmo ‘¢ H$^r hmW Z bJVm& Ah§ ¶m{Z ‘¢ H$maU ny±Nm& ‘m± Zo {JZm Vmo nyao N>… Wo& {’$a g~Zo {JZm&
Am¡a ‘¢ ¶m{Z Ah§& ‘¢ Š¶m hÿ±? ‘¢ H$m¡Z hÿ±? Bgr H$mo g§ñH¥$V ^mfm ‘| H$hVo ‘m± Zo XoIm Vmo ^yb g‘P Am J¶r& H$hZo bJr - ~oQm>
h¢ - H$mo@h§§& Bggo ñnï> hmoVm h¡ {H$ ‘¢ Am¡a Ah§ ‘| Ho$db ^mfm¶r A§Va h¡& AnZo H$mo ^r Vmo {JZmo; Vw‘ ^r Vmo CÝht ‘| go EH$ hmo&
bmoJ Ah§ H$mo N>mo‹S>Zo H$mo H$hVo h¢& Ah§ H$mo àJ{V H$s éH$mdQ> ‘mZVo h¢& ñd¶§ H$m ApñVËd ^r OmZmo& h‘ g^r Ho$ gmW ^r Eogm
Ah§ H$m {dgO©Z H$aVo h¢& na AmX‘r Vmo ~‹S>m ^mobm h¡& ~oMmam! dh Š¶m hr hmo ahm h¡& h‘ g~ H$mo {JZVo h¢, g~ H$s ImoO-I~a
OmZo {H$ H$m¡Z ‘¢ hÿ± Am¡a ‘wPo Š¶m {dgO©Z H$aZm h¡? ‘oam Š¶m h¡? Š¶m aIVo h¢, g^r H$mo nhMmZVo h¢ naÝVw AnZr ImoO Zht&
Zht h¢? AmpIa O~ ‘¢ hr Zht ahÿ§Jm Vmo AZw^d Š¶m H$ê$§Jm? {H$gH$mo AnZr H$moB© I~a Zht {H$ ‘¢ H$m¡Z hÿ±?
OmZy±Jm? O~ ‘¢ go, ¶m{Z AnZo ApñVËd go ‘¢ hQ> OmD$±Jm Vmo Š¶m ‘¢ ah
nmD$§Jm? ‘oam ApñVËd hþE {~Zm ‘oar gÎmm hmo gH$Vr h¡? ‘¢, Ah§ ¶h ‘oam O~ ¶h ImoO àmaå^ hmoVr h¡ Vmo Vah-Vah Ho$ ^Q>H$md AmVo h¢&
YamVb h¡& Bgr YamVb na ‘¢ I‹S>m hÿ±, Bgr go ~‹T> ahm hÿ±& Bgr ApñVËd h‘ Zht H$h gH$Vo {H$ Cg na‘ bú¶ VH$ H$moB© nhþ§M nm ahm hmo& h‘
Ho$ gmW Ky‘ ahm hÿ±& {’$a Ah§ H$mo N>mo‹S>Zm h¡, dh Ah§ H$m¡Z gm h¡? XoIVo h¢ ~hþV go ~m~m, ~hþV go ¶moJr Vah-Vah bmoJm| H$s Bg ImoO ‘|
ghm¶H$ ~Z aho h¢& na H$moB© ~m~m h‘| h‘mar nhMmZ VH$ Zht H$am gH$Vm
N>moQ>r gr EH$ KQ>Zm go Bgo OmZVo h¢ - EH$ ‘m± Ho$ N>… h¡ O~ VH$ {H$ h‘| ¶h Z nVm hmo {H$ ‘¢ H$m¡Z hÿ±? ‘wPo AnZo H$mo, AnZo
nwÌ Wo& EH$ {XZ ‘m± Zo AnZo ~‹S>o nwÌ go H$hm OmAmo, ApñVËd H$mo OmZZo Ho$ {bE {H$VZo n‹S>md nma H$aHo$ OmZm hmoJm? O~
AnZo g^r ^mB¶m| Ho$ gmW Ky‘ H$a AmAmo& ~‹S>m nwÌ g~ Amn {H$gr go nyN>|Jo {H$ Amn H$m¡Z h¢? Vmo CÎma {‘boJm {H$ ‘¢ g‘mO H$m
Ho$ gmW J¶m& ZXr na nhþ±Mm& g^r Zo Zhm¶m& O~ MbZo ZoVm, gm§gX, ‘§Ìr, S>m°ŠQ>a, B§Or{Z¶a Am{X hÿ±& Ka ‘| H$moB àý nyN>oJm Vmo
H$mo V¡¶ma hþAm Vmo ~‹S>o nwÌ Zo {dMma {H$¶m [H$ AnZo g^r H$hoJm ‘¢ BZH$m nwÌ hÿ±, ‘¢ BZH$m ^VrOm hÿ±, ¶o ‘oao gJo gå~ÝYr h¢& H$^r
AHo$bo ~¡R>m IwX H$mo g‘PoJm Vmo XoIoJm ‘¢ H$mbm hÿ±, ‘¢ Jmoam hÿ±, ‘¢ ‘moQ>m
^mB¶m| H$mo {JZ bo& CgZo {JZm Vmo {JZVr nm±M VH$ hr
hÿ±, nVbm hÿ±, Xþ~©b hÿ±, g~b hÿ±& H$^r ^rVa Pm±Ho$Jm Vmo XoIoJm ‘¢ ~‹S>m
hþB©& ‘m± Zo H$hm Wm Vw‘ N>… ^mB© hmo& {’$a go {JZm {’$a H«$moYr hÿ±, B©fm©bw hÿ±, ‘mZr hÿ±, H$m‘r hÿ± B˶m{X& BZ g~‘| "‘¢" ‘¢ hr h¡& ‘¢


• Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar ji

Ho$ AmdaU AZ§V h¢& ^mdm| Ho$ AmdaU AZ§V h¢& BZ g~H$mo ‘¢ OmZH$a, VH$ ^Q>H$Z Zht {‘Q>oJr& eara Ho$ hmW, n¡a MbmZm, œmgm| na éH$Zm, ‘Z
na H$mo ‘¢ g‘PVm ahVm h¡ na AnZr {JZVr Z H$aZo dmbo nwÌ H$s Vah H$mo amoH$Zm, ZmMZm-JmZm, ‘y{N©>V hmo OmZm, noQ> ‘|, N>mVr ‘| œm§g ^a
Omo dmñVd ‘| ñd¶§ h¡ Cgo Zht g‘P nmVm& Omo AmdaU go a{hV, ‘‘Ëd boZm, amoH$Zm, {ZH$mbZm, amoeZr na {Q>H$mZm B˶m{X Z OmZo {H$VZo gmYZ
H$s n[a{Y go nao, ñd¶§ H|$Ð ‘| ~¡R>m Omo ApñVËd h¡, Cggo An[a{MV h¡& h¢ {OZgo AmO ì¶{º$ Am¡a A{YH$ ^«{‘V hþAm h¡&
Bgr{bE ^«‘ go Xÿgam| go hmoZo dmbr nhMmZ, eara Ho$ H$X-ê$n H$mo AnZr Ahª Ho$ ܶmZ go ¶m Ahª ܶmZ ¶moJ H$s nÕ{V ^r dmñV{dH$ h¡ ¶m
ñdm¶Îmm ‘mZH$a ñd¶§ H$mo ^ybm hþAm, ‘¢ H$m¡Z hÿ±, ¶o Zht OmZ nmVm& ¶h ^r h‘mam ^«‘ Xÿa H$a XoJr, Bg ~mV H$s ^r Š¶m {Z{üVVm h¡? B˶m{X
àý AmZo ^r ñdm^m{dH$ h¡& na O¡go AZoH$ {M{H$ËgH$m| go BbmO H$amZo
“Bgr ‘¢ H$mo OZmZo H$m, AnZo dmñV{dH$ ApñVËd ñdén _¢ Ho$ ~mX WHo$ hmaoo, {Zame amoJr H$mo ¶{X EH$ Am¡a A§{V‘ g‘mYmZ Ty>§T>Zo H$m
^md O¡go hmo OmVm h¡, d¡go hr ¶{X ^md {H$gr H$m hmo, Vmo dh ~{haßnm
H$s nhMmZ H$aZo H$m ‘mܶ‘ h¡, Ahª ܶmZ ¶moJ&

AnZo H$mo AnZr ^yb gwYmaZo Ho$ {bE H$moB© Z H$moB© gmYZ ~rM ‘|
(~{hamË‘m) go AÝVaßnm (A§VamË‘m) H$s ¶mÌm Ho$ nhbo n‹S>md na AmZo
H$s H$mo{ee H$ao Am¡a ñd¶§ XoIo, realize H$ao {H$ ¶hm± Š¶m AØþV h¡?
Ahª Vmo EH$ S>m°ŠQ>a H$m Am¡Oma h¡ dh operation Ho$ ~mX Xya
Vmo AmEJm& AJa {H$gr H$mo añgr ‘| gm±n H$m ^«‘ hmo J¶m h¡ ¶m Xÿa VnVr
Om¶oJm& ñd¶§ H$m amoJ Xÿa hmoH$a ñd¶§ H$mo hr ñdmñ϶ ‘hgyg hmoJm&
g‹S>H$ na gy¶© Ho$ àH$me H$r$ M‘H$ H$mo nmZr g‘PH$a Xm¡‹S> bJmZo H$m ^«‘
S>m°ŠQ>a H$mo Zht, Am¡Oma H$mo Zht& Bgr Vah Ahª Omo [H$ ewÕmË‘m e{º$
gVm ahm h¡ Vmo Cg ^«‘ H$mo Vmo‹S>Zo Ho$ {bE, {H$gr ^«‘ a{hV ì¶{º$ Ho$
H$m EH$ Am¡Oma h¡, ¶h ^r Ny>Q> Om¶oJm; O~ Amn dmñV{dH$ ApñVËd Ho$
~Vm¶o kmZ go, ghr H$s nhMmZ H$aZo H$m Cnm¶ Vmo grIZm hr n‹S>Vm h¡&
gmoY H$mo CnbãY hm|Jo& ñd¶§ ‘| ñd¶§ H$mo AZw^d H$a|Jo& AnZm Ah§
~g Bgr Vah ñd¶§ na N>mE Ah§ Ho$ AZoH$ ~mXbm| go CËnÞ ^«‘ H$mo Xÿa
dmñV{dH$ AnZr ‘yb gÎmm H$m Xe©Z H$aHo$ {XImB© XoJm& dmñVd _| Ah§
H$aZm h¡ Vmo Ahª ܶmZ H$aZm hr hmoJm& ܶmZ Vmo AÝ¶Ì {H$¶o OmVo h¢ ¶m
go Ah§ H$s Amoa hr AmZm h¡, Ahª Vmo ~rM ‘| h¡, A§V ‘| h¢& O~ AZoH$
¶moJ {gImE OmVo h¢ CZgo ^«‘ Zht {‘Q>Vm& eara H$s ItMVmZ go Š¶m
hmoJm? ¶m œm§gm| na Hw$N> Xoa {Q>H$ OmZo go ^r Š¶m ^«‘ ZeoJm? Š¶m ‘moh AmdaUm| dmbm Ah§ Ny>Q>oJm Vmo dmñV{dH$ Ah§ CËnÞ hmoJm Omo{H$
Qy>Q>oJm, Š¶m AkmZ Ho$ ~mXb hQ>|Jo? Zht - Zht& Š¶m|{H$ Bg ^«‘ H$m ‘yb ñd¶§ Ahª ñdén h¡& ewÕ ~moY, ewÕ kmZ, ewÕ Xe©Z, ewÕ AZw^y{V,
H$hm± h¡? ¶h ^«‘ H$~ go h¡? Bg ^«‘ H$mo {H$gZo CËnÞ {H$¶m? ¶h ^«‘ ewÕmË‘m, ewÕ gwI, g~ Hw$N> ewÕ h¡ Š¶m|{H$ Cg‘| A~ H$moB© {‘bmdQ>
Š¶m| BVZm ~‹T> J¶m {H$ dmñV{dH$ bJVm h¡, B˶m{X àým| Ho$ CÎma O~ Zht ahr& AnZm dmñV{dH$ ñd ApñVËd, AZ§V H$mo AnZo ‘| g‘m¶o, EH$
VH$ A§Vg go Zht CËnÞ hm|Jo Am¡a CZH$m ghr g‘mYmZ Zht {‘boJm V~ AnZr dmñV{dH$ AZw^y{V&

Arham Paddhati
• Vaibhav Jain

As illustrated by Muni Shri in “Understanding relations, actions etc

Arham”, Arham Yoga is the journey from “Aham to In the journey of purification of the Soul and
Arham”. eventually liberating itself from the vices of the
 We as a Soul has infinite power, knowledge, karma and hence world, Arham Yog defines a five
vision and eternal bliss. Its nature is only stages process. Each of these five steps uplifts the
darshan and gyan i.e. visualizing and Soul towards the eternal bliss and becoming a
observing. liberated Soul.
 When we are wandering in this world, our The first stage is Bhavvappa or Bhavyatma. It
soul is impure form. It is attached to the Karma refers to the stage when an individual has “the right
particles which in turn decreases its power and belief” and has inducted himself on the Arham Path.
knowledge. He has experienced “the Arham Experience - or self”
 In this impure state our Body and Mind are by attending shivirs and has started the practice.
mechanism for the Soul to interact with the Next two stages are instrumental in uplifting the
universe knowledge aspect of the Soul. Antarappa or
 In its pure form, Soul is not attached to mind Antaratma, the second stage is achieved when an
and body and is called a liberated Soul or JIN individual starts looking inside for self, he
(one who has conquered the Karma, Vices) understands and feels the trinity of Man, Vachan
 Soul attached with Karma is the source of all and Kaay and how are they impacting its
energy in body and is responsible for all worldly relationship with the Soul. Due to his knowledge of
feelings, emotions, happiness, sadness, bahiratma (one who thinks that body and worldly

things are the soul), antaratma (one who has started A practical interpretation of Karmic
looking inside himself) and parmatma (the pure Siddhant is the evolution of the soul with respect
soul), he is devoid of the confusion and leads a very to the purity of state (internal state) or social
peaceful and calm life. impact (external state).
Pabudhdhappa or Prabhudatma is the third A soul with more negative karma is
stage of Arham Paddhati. At this stage the individual Dependent. It finds reasons for everything
knows about the seven tatva and understand the outside. It exhibits anger, ego, deceit, selfishness
difference between Swa (self) and Par (other etc.
substance). In his pursuit to achieve the eternal A soul with more positive karma is
knowledge he feels and applies this difference in Independent. It finds reason for everything in its
every aspect of his life. own choices and exhibits positive attributes like
Jogappa or Jogatma is the fourth stage and is kshama, helping others, gratitude etc.
predominantly characterized by conduct and Another evolution of positive karma is the
character (charitra). In this stage he takes vrat (vow) Interdependent state where soul thinks of good
and sanyam (constraint) in order to achieve the for all souls.
purified state. He becomes equanimous in The final state of evolution is the pure
situations of happiness and sorrow. liberated Soul or JIN - one who has attained
Sudhappa or Shudhatma is the final stage in eternal bliss through achievement of self-
the path to liberation. In this stage he is free from existence
various vices like anger, jealousy, lust etc.

Arham Yoga
Six Steps towards ourselves • Rekha Jain

It is a six steps complete Yoga & Meditation of inhalation and exhalation in regulated way
package and the focus is towards self which increases your physical, mental,
realization. It is coming back home i.e. our own emotional and spiritual stillness.
existence as a soul, becoming the master of It is done as a sequence of Rechak
ourselves (on all levels) with less physical (inhalation), kumbhak (hold) and Purak
efforts. (exhalation).
The ideal ratio of doing so is terms of time is
1. Panch Mudras 2/4/8. However if it gets tough in the beginning
then start with slow and deep inhalation and
A combination of five mudras is to stabilize
our body and destress ourselves before
meditation. It broadly includes panch mudras
or asanas namely
Arihant mudra - to attain the ultimate powers of
Arihants ( the purified souls with omniscient
Siddh Mudra - to attain the pure energies of
Siddhas (the liberated souls).
Acharya Mudra - to procure the blessings of
Acharya Parmeshthi (souls on the path of
liberation as leaders to guide others for the
Upadhyay Mudra - to gain the knowledge of
Upadhyay Parmeshthi ( spiritual teachers with
wholesome knowledge and samyak charitra)
Sadhu Mudra - complete surrendrence to
attain the discipline of Sadhu Parmeshthi (souls
who have started walking on the true path of
liberty and conquered all attachments and
These five mudras are not only mudras, these
are the complete package of asanas, chanting
and meditation. For details refer the article
punch mudras 3. Arham Chanting
It is well known that Indian sages have used
2. Arham Pranayam beejakshars since era’s to evolve. These
(àmU + Am`m_ = àmUm`m_) beejakshars are nothing but divine energy
generators. The energy generated by the their
Breath is prana and Aayam is the process

wings to fly towards evolution, to be a better
person. Forgiveness has nothing to do with
other person. This is only to heal yourself.

5. Spiritual Feelings
The moment when our entire body is filled with
meditative energies our glands get activated
which even effects our psychosytem. At this
time spiritual feelings and positive affirmations
leave deep impacts on our subconscious
minds, transmutes our old negative believes
and energies filling us with all fresh energies to
move on positively. In this step positive
affirmations are made in order to prgram our

chanting is super peaceful and has the capacity

to heal body, mind, soul and entire cosmos.
“Om” chanting at Shakti Kendra (naval) heals
your physical body by detoxifying. “Arham”
chanting on your Gyan Kendra (between
eyebrows) disintegrates all mental and
emotional negativity and strengthen your mind
and soul at spiritual level by feeding your
system with eternal peace.

4. Loving Meditation 6. Arham Prayer

It is all about eternal love which is free from any
It is like talking to our innerself. Making our
worldly attachment. It is love for all. After
vessel bigger with love for all. After all it is in
chanting, feel yourself as a pure soul who is
giving that we recieve. (Refer to the Arham
detached with all material and emotional
bondages (of friends, family, career, luxuries
etc). Simply be an observer and just see them The energy released or produced with calm
as if nothing is permanent. This will help to & relaxed conscious & subconscious mind has
break bondages of many incarnation and will the capacity to heal us on all levels
lead to the ultimate Goal of Forgiveness and i.e.physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
Mercy. These are the only gestures which gives and financially.

“Peace of life lies in Peace of Mind”

- Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar ji.

Panch Mudra • Anjali Jain

Initially stay in this position for 3 minutes. Later
Lord Arihant, a soul who has conquered inner you can extend the time according toyour own
passions such as attachment, anger, pride and strength.
greed. Having destroyed four inimical karmas,
they realize pure self. Arihant mudra is to attain
the ultimate powers of bhagwan Arihant. METHOD OF BREATHING
 It can be done with normal breathing.
 For maximum benefits raise your hands
while inhaling. Keep your hands stretched while
holding the breathe, bring down the hands while
exhaling. Relax and Join your hand in 'Prarthana
 Repeat it 3 to 9 times.
Make the posture while chanting ‘Om Arham
Namah' without lip movement.
 Keep backbone straight.
 Helps in increasing the height of children.
 When done, while standing, it strengthens
your thigh, legs and toes.
 Controls obesity.
 Helps to control diabetes.
METHOD  Keeps laziness away.
One can attempt it in either sitting or standing  For professionals and students, gives new
posture. energy and keeps fresh.
When standing posture, need to stretch body like  Controls tiredness due to physical or
a ‘taad’, palm tree, and thus also known as professional work.
 Helps to control backache, neck ache and
Join your toes and heels, join your hands and backbone related problems.
stretch upwards, parallel to ears.
When sitting posture, sit in either Sukhasana, SIDDH MUDRA
Ardh Padmasana or Padmasana. Lord Siddh are the liberated souls. Without body,
 Join your hands and stretch upwards, they are the soul in its purest form. The soul that
parallel to your ears. has infinite knowledge, infinite wisdom, infinite
 Relax and join yours hands in Prarthna power, infinite bliss. This mudra is to attain the
Mudra pure energy of Bhagwan Siddh.

 Chant ‘Om Arham Namah’ without lip
movement and feel that Bhagwan Siddh’s pure
energy is entering in the body through your
 Affects respiratory system.
 Strengthens the lungs.
 Release excess of Carbon-dioxide from the
 Improves blood circulation.
 Strengthens the arms.
 Controls shaking of the hands.
 Controls respiratory problems.

METHOD The holy souls, who had chosen the path to
One can attempt it in either sitting or standing become complete in themselves. And are
posture. mentors for many others who are about to begin
 When standing posture, you need to stretch their journey on the same path. This mudra is to
your hands and join your palms to form anjuli procure the blessings of Acharya Parmeshthi.
mudra, with fingers bend a little inward. Keeping
your elbows straight.
 When sitting posture, sit in either
Sukhasana, Ardh Padmasana or need to stretch your hands and
join your palms to form anjuli mudra, with fingers
bend a little inward. Keeping your elbows
 Relax and join yours hands in Prarthna
Can be done from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
Increase the time period gradually according to
own strength.
 It can be done with normal breathing.
 For maximum benefits raise your hands
while inhaling. Stretch yours while holding your
breathe, exhale and Join your hand in 'Prarthana
Repeat it 3 to 9 times.

One can attempt it in either sitting or standing
 Bring your hands near to your shoulders
 Stretch your chest out
 Make gyan mudra by joining edges of the
index finger with the thumb. Join the remaining
three fingers and keep them straight.
 Palm should face upwards.
 Pull the hands backward as much as you
 Keep the neck upright.
Relax and join yours hands in Prarthna Mudra
Can be done from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
Increase the time period gradually according to
own strength.
 It can be done with normal breathing. knowledge and conduct.
 For maximum benefits inhale while forming METHOD
the mudra. Stay in the posture while holding your One can attempt it in either sitting or standing
breathe, exhale and Join your hand in 'Prarthana posture.
 Stretch both of your hands.
 Repeat it 3 to 9 times.
 Pull your palm backward and try to make up
CHANTING OF MANTRA a 90 degree angle.
Chant ‘Om Arham Namah’ without lip movement  Push your hands outwards, as if you are
and with dedication to gain knowledge or wisdom pushing a wall.
from 'Acharya Parmeshthi'.
 Relax and join yours hands in Prarthna
 Strengthens the shoulders. DURATION
 Cures thyroid related problems. Can be done from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
 Purifies the mind. Increase the time period gradually according to
 Improve thought process. own strength.
 Improves memory. METHOD OF BREATHING
 Increases Concentration.  It can be done with normal breathing.
 For maximum benefits stretch your hands
UPADHYAY MUDRA while inhaling. Hold your breathe while in the
The holy souls which possesses a more profound mudra, exhale and Join your hand in 'Prarthana
knowledge and a proficiency and expertise in Mudra'.
knowledge areas. They enlightens others who  Repeat it 3 to 9 times.
are about to begin their journey with right CHANTING OF MANTRA

Chant ‘Om Arham Namah' without lip movement  Relax and Join your hand in 'Prarthana
and with dedication to gain knowledge or wisdom Mudra'.
from ‘Upadhyae Parmeshthi’  Repeat it 3 to 9 times.
 Improves blood circulation. Chant 'Om Arham Namah' without lip movement
 Cure for cervical pain. and feel that you’re receiving the blessings of
 Improves concentration. ‘Sadhu Parmeshthi’. And bow down to all sages
of the world.
 Improves eyesight.
 Strengthens determination power.
 Relaxation in wrist pain.
 Remedy for frozen shoulder.

The souls which are dedicated for self-pursuits,
and enriching themselves with all the best
qualities. They are dedicated to purify the soul.
They control their senses and try to get detached
from the world even after being the part of it. Self-
control is their biggest asset. Celibacy (shell) is
their bed and forgiveness is their property
Do it while sitting in Sukhasana or Ardh
Padmasana or Padmasana or vajrasana.
 Stretch out your hands and join them.
 Bend towards the ground.
 Try to touch your hands and forehead on the  Activates the mind
ground.  Cures ailments of stomach.
 Do breathe out when stretching and  Keep the mind calm and controls the anger.
 Develops humbleness/politeness. Helps to
 Relax and join yours hands in Prarthna get over ego.
 Enhances positive thoughts.
 Helps keep backbone straight and flexible.
Can be done from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
 Reduces extra fat especially near stomach
Increase the time period gradually according to
own strength.
These are five mudras which will help you feel
energetic and active and improve your
 It can be done with normal breathing. concentration. Do them regularly.
 For maximum benefits bend while exhaling.
Hold your breath while in the mudra.

Panch Mudra For PEACE

Panch Mudra Impact

Entry point of divine enegeries
Spiritual Evalution
Brain, spine get strengthen
Maintain equillibrium of the body and soul

Centre for intutions and purify will

controls pitutary and pineal gland
and entire endrocrine system
Purify thoughts and emotions controls all facial organs
centre for higher creativity increase concentration.
Controls throat oesophogas, larynx
trachea, lamphatic system,
respiratory system
trigger you to take initiative

Responsible for higher

emotions like love, peace,
forgiveness, harmony etc.
heals lungs, heart,
boost immunity relax &
destress the entire
body centre controls all system
physical activities heals
colon, small intestine,
pelvic muscles
B.P, kidneys, pancrease,
adrenal glands

Instinct for self survival

Blood, bones, muscles, skin,
skeletal system, circulatory
Centre for worldly creations system, height growth for kids.
Reproductive system Urinary system.
Energies needs to be conserved to
attain physical and spiritual health

Anger Management
• Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar ji

ahVr h¢& ¶{X H$^r {~Jm‹S> hmoVm h¡ Vmo CgH$m {dH$ma hr h¡& {dH$ma h_oem
H«$moY H$m ñd^md OmZ| Zht, ñd^md h_oem ahVm h¡& O§Jb OboJm Vmo AmJ bJoJr& h_oem bJr
g~go nhbo H«$moY H$mo OmZmo {H$ H«$moY H$aZo na h_| hmoVm Š¶m h¡? Zht ahoJr& bJoJr Am¡a ~wP OmEJr& gy¶© J{V_mZ ahoJm, àH$me XoJm Am¡a
H«$moY H$aZo na ì¶{º$ AnZo Amn _| Zht ah nmVm h¡& AnZo Amn _| ahZm H$^r amhþ CgHo$ gm_Zo AmEJm& gy¶© Yy{_b hmo Om¶oJm& {dœ _| AÝYH$ma N>m
gmdYmZr h¡, awareness h¡& AnZo _| ahoJm Vmo kmZ _| ahoJm& kmZ Om¶oJm& na {H$VZr Xoa? {dH$ma Wmo‹S>r Xoa ahVm h¡& gy¶© J«hU Hw$N> K§Q>m| _|
H$m _Vb~ h¡ {H$ dh MoVZ (counscious) h¡& O¡go hr H«$moY H$m Mbm Om¶oJm& hdm ~hVr ahVr h¡& nH$‹S> H$a aImoJo Vmo J_© hmo OmEJr& na
Jw~ma Am¶m {H$ kmZ J¶m, ~moY J¶m& ~moY H$m OmZm Am¡a H«$moY H$m O¡go hr _wº$ hmoJr, ~hoJr Am¡a erVb H$a XoJr& Ob H$mo AmJ go J_© H$amoJo,
AmZm EH$ gmW hr hmoVm h¡& Xmo {damoYr MrO| EH$ gmW Zht ah J_© hmo Om¶oJm, Wmo‹S>r Xoa ~mX nwZ… erVb hmoJm& ñd^md _| hr ha nXmW©
gH$Vr h¢& O¡go àH$me J¶m A§YH$ma Am¶m& A§YH$ma J¶m àH$me (substance) ahoJm& Vmo g_P bmo {H$ H«$moY O~ AmVm h¡, AmJ H$s Vah
Am¶m& Vmo O~ ^r H«$moY Am¶o Vmo g_PZm A§YH$ma N>m¶m& {X_mJ H$m g~ Hw$N> Wmo‹S>r Xoa _| Obm XoJm& {dH$mam| go ^a XoJm& A§YH$ma {X_mJ _|
â¶yO C‹S> J¶m& O~ VH$ H«$moY Zht Wm em§{V Wr, kmZ Wm, AnZo Amn hmoJm, kmZ/ ~moY Mbm Om¶oJm& _Vb~ AmX_r Cg g_¶ AmX_r Zht
_| Wm, àH$me Wm& g~ Hw$N> Cg àH$me _| ghr ghr {XIVm h¡& AmJ hmoJm& ~moY eyݶ, {ddoH$hrZ, EH$ Agä¶ _Zwî¶& {H$VZm hr n‹T>m
A§YH$ma _| {XIZo H$m gdmb hr Zht CR>Vm& bJVm h¡ _wPo A§YH$ma _| {bIm hmo, high qualified, reputed person hmo na O¡go hr H$ht
kmZ ahm h¡ na dh kmZ, dh ~moY AÝYH$ma H$m h¡& ñd¶§ H$m ^r, {H$gr ^r g_¶ _| Jwñgm H$aoJm, {M„mEJm, C~boJm, bmoJ Cgo
Zht h¡& ñd¶§ OmZmo {H$ Vw_ Š¶m hmo? EH$ KZm A§YH$ma ¶m AZ§V H$mo A{e{jV Agä¶ hr H$h|Jo& Agä¶Vm h_mao A§Xa {N>nr h¡& Bg Agä¶Vm
XoIZo OmZZo H$s g§^mdZm H$m {Xì¶ àH$me& Vmo ñnï> hmoVm h¡ {H$ H«$moY H$mo Xÿa H$aZm hr _mZd Om{V H$s EH$ àH$me_¶ ZB© gw~h hmoJr& Bg
_| ~moY Zht ahVm& ~moY ahVm h¡ Vmo H«$moY H$m& ~moY ñd¶§ H$m Zht ahVm Agä¶Vm go ~MZo Ho$ Cnm¶ H$aZm ~hþV µOê$ar h¡& Cƒ ñVar¶ {ejm _| ^r
h¡& Vy ñd¶§ H«$moY go nao h¡& H«$moY AnZm ñd^md (nature) h¡ ¶m Zht, Bg A{ejm, Agä¶Vm go {ZnQ>Zo H$m H$moB© CnmE Zht h¡& V^r Vmo ~‹S>o-~‹S>o
¶h OmZZo H$s H$mo{ee H$amo& ¶{X nature hmoJm Vmo ~hþV Xoa ahoJm, S>m°ŠQ>a, H$boŠQ>a, {S>J«r hmoëS>a g~Ho$ Ka _| XoImo, n[adma _| XoImo, g~
OrdZ ^a ahoJm, OÝ_-OÝ_ VH$ ahoJm Am¡a ¶{X {dH$ma hmoJm Vmo OJh AmJ bJr h¡& Bgr H«$moY H$r XmdmZb ha ì¶{º$ Ho$ öX¶ H$mo Obm ahr
H$^r-H$^r AmEJm& O~-O~ AmEJm g~ ÜdñV H$a Om¶oJm& O§Jb h¡& AmË_h˶m, _S>©a, PJS>o, {ddmX, H$moQ>©, H$Mhar, qhgm, CÎmoOZm ¶o g^r
AnZr OJh g{X¶m| VH$ I‹S>m ah gH$Vm h¡, gy¶© AnZr J{V go g{X¶m| Bgr H«$moY H$s AmJ H$s bnQ>o h¢& ¶hr H«$moY H$m ñd^md h¡ {H$ dh AmX_r H$mo
go Mbm Am ahm h¡, nmZr ñd^md go erVb Am¡a Vab ~Zm ahVm h¡& AmX_r Zht e¡VmZ ~Zm XoVm h¡& kmZeyݶ ~Zm XoVm h¡&
{H$VZo hr g_¶ VH$, g{X¶m| VH$ ¶o àH¥${V H$s MrO| Eogr hr MbVr
H«$moY _| AmX_r H$aVm Š¶m h¡? eÌw go {_boJm& CgH$s qZXm H$aoJm& _m¡H$m Vbme H$aoJm& ~wam
{H$gr H$m H$a nm¶m Vmo H$a XoJm, Zht H$a nm¶m Vmo ^rVa hr ^rVa
H«$moY AmZo na AmX_r VrZ Vah go Cggo {ZnQ>Vm h¡ X~r H«$moY H$s AmJ _| gwbJVm ahoJm Am¡a ~‹S>-~‹S> H$aVm ahoJm&
 H«$moY AmZo na H«$mo{YV hmoH$a AmJ ~~ybm hmo OmVm h¡& H$^r gm_Zo H$^r nrN>o nrN>o&
 H«$moY H$mo X~mH$a ah OmVm h¡&
 H«$moY H$mo H$a ^r Zht nmVm, X~m ^r Zht nmVm,
~‹S>~‹S>mVm gm ah OmVm h¡&
AmAmo H«$moY H$s AmJ ~wPmE±
BZ VrZm| hr pñW{V¶m| _| AmX_r AnZm ZwŠgmZ H$aVm h¡&
H«$moY Ho$ Bg h_bo _| dh AnZr AmJ ¶m Vmo Xÿgao na \$|H$Vm h¡ ¶m H«$moY H$s AmJ ~wPmZm ~‹S>m AmgmZ h¡& Amn V¡¶ma ah| CZ AMyH$
{\$a Cgo X~mH$a IwX H$mo ObmVm h¡& AmJ Vmo AmJ h¡, Xÿgao na Cnm¶m| H$mo H$aZo Ho$ {bE {OZHo$ n[aUm_ 100% AmVo h¢ Am¡a
\$|H$moJo Vmo CgH$mo Obm¶oJr, IwX AnZo A§Xa X~mH$a aImoJo Vmo g\$b h¢& H«$moY ^r AnZo ^rVa h¡ Am¡a kmZ ^r AnZo ^rVa h¡&
ñd¶§ H$mo Obm¶oJr& XmoZm| hr Va\$$ go ZwH$gmZ h¡& EH$ _| Ho$db EH$ ~mV Am¡a g_P b| {H$ kmZ Ho$ gmW hr H«$moY h¡& {Og ñWmZ
ñd¶§ H$m h¡, EH$ _| ñd¶§ H$m Am¡a Xÿgao XmoZm| H$m h¡& na kmZ Cgr ñWmZ na H«$moY h¡& CÝht point na H«$moY h¡ CÝht
point na kmZ h¡& EH$ gmW layer Ho$ ê$n _| gXm kmZ Am¡a
H«$moY gmW h¢& O¡go hr H«$moY AmVm h¡ Vmo h_| _hgyg hmoVm h¡ [H$
Omo bmoJ H«$moY H$mo H$aHo$ em§V hmo OmVo h¢ do ^r ¶o Z g_P| {H$ H«$moY EH$ ~mê$X H$s Vah h_mao ^rVa ^am h¡& Eogm {dMma {Og_|
AÀN>m h¡, h_Zo H«$moY H$m X_Z Zht {H$¶m, h_Zo H«$moY H$mo X~m¶m H«$moY AmE, dh {dMma EH$ ~_ h¡& Cg ~_ H$mo \$mo‹S>Zo go nhbo ¶{X
Zht& H«$moY H$s AmJ AnZo ^rVa Zht aIr, Cggo h_mam H$moB© CgH$s ny±N> H$mo Jrbm H$a {X¶m Om¶ Vmo {H$VZm hr ~mê$X ^am
ZwH$gmZ Zht& Š¶m|{H$ ~hþV go Xme©{ZH$ n‹T>o {bIo bmoJ g_PmVo h¢ {dñ\$moQ>H$ dmbm ~_ Š¶m| Z hmo, dh dhr± \w$ñg hmo Om¶oJm& AnZo
{H$ H«$moY Am¶o Vmo Cgo amoH$Zm Zht Mm{hE, CgH$m X_Z ~hþV EH$-EH$ {dMma H$mo Cg ~_ H$s ny±N> H$s Vah ¶{X h_ R>§S>m H$a X|
KmVH$ h¡, Bg{bE dh EH$ D$Om© H$m àdmh h¡ Cgo amoHo$ {~Zm OmZo Vmo H«$moY H$m gmam ~mê$X ñdV… Zï> hmo Om¶oJm& AmB¶o Bg H«$moY
XoZm Mm{hE& Eogm AmX_r ^r H$^r ^r H«$moY go _wº$ Zht hmo gH$Vm H$mo {Z¶§{ÌV H$aZo H$s gmYZm H$a|&
h¡& H«$moY H$m ~mê$X AWmh h¡& {MÎm _| ~hþV-~hþV _gmbm bJm h¡&

Is anger inherent to us?

If anger is a part of our nature, then it'll last for long, for whole
life and even beyond. If not then it can be frequent, but not
consistent, however, it would always be destructive. For trees
remain standing at their places for centuries, water in form of
rivers and oceans is flowing from centuries, since this is
natural to them, they continue to exist as this forever. Every
substance is bound to remain in its nature.

{OVZm ObVm h¡ Cggo H$B© JwZm Vwa§V BH$Æ>m hmo OmVm h¡& Bg{bE
H«$moY H$s AmJ \$|H$Vo-\$|H$Vo ^r H$^r g_má Zht hmoJr& ¶h nhcr H«$moY H$m {dnarV VÎd j_m h¡& j_m ¶m{Z Xÿgao Ho$ à{V ~wam
Vah Ho$ AmX_r Ho$ {bE OmZZm& ^md Zht& {Xb go {H$gr H$mo ~wam Zht g_PZm& j_m Ho$ gmW em§{V
Adí¶ h¡& Vmo H«$moY H$mo OrVZo H$m àW_ Am¡a dmñV{dH$ R>mog Cnm¶
Xÿgar Vah H$m AmX_r Omo H«$moY X~mVm h¡ CgHo$ n[aUm_ ^r h¡ j_m^md _| ahZm& em§V ^md H$mo _hgyg H$aZm& em§V ^md _|
A{hVH$mar hmoVo h¢& H$maU {H$ CgH$m H«$moY ^rVa ^rVa àoea Hw$H$a ahZo na hr j_m H$s AZw^y{V hmoJr& j_m Am¡a em§{V H$m ¶{X h_
H$s ^mn H$s Vah BH$Ç>m hmoVm ahVm h¡ Am¡a {\$$a AMmZH$ go \y$Q> bú¶ boVo h¢ Vmo h_| kmZ go hr g~ Hw$N> {_b Om¶oJm& kmZ hr
n‹S>Vm h¡ Vmo g~ Hw$N> {dÜd§g H$a XoVm h¡& Eogm H«$moY AnZo ~ƒm|, g~go CËH¥$ï> dñVw h¡&
AnZr nËZr, AnZr ~hZ, AnZo _m± ~mn, AnZo {ejH$, Jwé, gJo  H«$moY Ho$ Xþîn[aUm_ ܶmZ aImo
gå~ÝYr {H$gr H$m ^r h˶mam ~Zm gH$Vm h¡& ~mX _| AmË_KmVr  ~mobZo go nhbo gmoMmo
XñVmdoO H$s Vah ñd¶§ ^r AnZm KmV H$am boVm h¡&  O~ Vw_ em§V hmo V~ AnZm H«$moY 춺$ H$amo
Vrgar Vah H$m AmX_r ^r H«$moY _wº$ Zht hmoVm h¡& _m¡H$m  ¶moJmä¶mg H$amo
nañV hmoH$a dh XoIVm h¡ {H$ ¶{X gm_Zo dmbm ì¶{º$ Xþ~©b h¡ Vmo
H«$moY H$aoJm Am¡a ¶{X ~bdmZ h¡ Vmo g§^b Om¶oJm& ~mX _| CgHo$

H«$moY Ho$ Xþîn[aUm_ h¡ {H$ H«$moY _| AmnH$s ~mV H$m à^md Á¶mXm n‹S>oJm, bå~o g_¶
H«$moY Ho$ Xþîn[aUm_, H«$moY Ho$ ñd^md H$mo g_PH$a ܶmZ _| aI gH$Vo VH$ ahoJm, na ¶h AmnH$s ^yb h¡&
hmo& H«$moY H$s AmXV {N>nr Zht ahVr h¡& H$ht Z H$ht AmnHo$ ì¶dhma AnZr Bg ^yb H$mo gwYma|& bå~o g_¶ VH$ Am¡a ñWmB© à^md h_oem
_| 춺$ hmo OmVr h¡& ~hþV go bmoJ AnZo H$mo g_PXma g_PVo hþE embrZ-em§V dMZm| H$m hr hmoVm h¡& ¶h V϶ ¶m Vmo Amn h_mao
H«$moYr ^r ~Zo ahVo h¢ Am¡a em§{V H$m ZmQ>H$ ^r H$aVo h¢& AnZo Ka _|, AZw^d go grI b| ¶m {\$a AnZo AZw^d go grIZo _| ~hþV gm dµŠV
n[adma OZm| go H«$moY H$aVo h¢ Am¡a ~hma em§{V H$m ZmQ>H$& j_m^md go ~oH$ma H$aHo$ grI|& AmnH$mo EH$ Z EH$ {XZ ¶h µOê$a AZw^yV hmoJm&
noe AmZo H$s H$mo{ee H$aVo h¢& Eogo bmoJm| H$m ^r H«$moY OëXr hr O~ Vw_ em§V hmo V~ AnZm H«$moY 춺$ H$amo
g~Ho$ gm_Zo Am OmVm h¡& H«$moY AmZo na {H$¶m J¶m ì¶dhma {N>n ¶h Š¶m ~mV hþB©? hm± g_Pmo! O~ Vw_ em§V hmo V~ gmoMmo {H$ _|
Zht gH$Vm h¡& Am±Im| go H«$moY 춺$ hmo OmVm h¡& ~mV H$aVo-H$aVo Cgna H«$moY H$a ahm hÿ±& gmoMmo! Š¶m _oam ¶h H«$moY H$aZm ~m{Od h¡,
AmnH$s ZmH$ Ho$ ZWwZo \y$b OmVo h¢ Omo ~Vm XoVo h¢ {H$ Amn H«$moYr Š¶m Bggo Hw$N> bm^ hmoJm? Š¶m h_mam expression Cg na C{MV
ñd^md Ho$ h¢& H«$moY H$m g~go ~‹S>m Xþîn[aUm_ h¡ - H«$moY go ào_ Zï> hmoJm, g~H$mo XoIZo _| AÀN>m bJoJm? B˶m{X {dMma em§{V go H$a|&
hmo OmVm h¡& H$hm ^r h¡ - H«$moYmV² àr{V… {dZme… AWm©V² H«$moY go {\$a ^r H«$moY Am¶o Vmo H$_am ~§X H$a|& AnZm V{H$¶m CR>m¶| Am¡a gmam
Amngr àr{V / ào_ H$m A^md hmoVm OmVm h¡& H«$moY Ho$ Bg Xþîn[aUm_ Jwñgm V{H$¶m na [ZH$mc H$a R>§S>o hmo OmE±& gmoMb| AmnZo AÀN>m H$a
H$mo ¶mX aI|& Amn {Og {H$gr go ^r H«$moY H$a|Jo AmnH$s CgHo$ à{V {b¶m {H$ AMoVZ Ho$ D$na AmnZo H«$moY {H$¶m, ¶h dmng H$moB©
Am¡a Xÿgao ì¶{º$ H$s AmnHo$ à{V àr{V Zï> hmo OmEJr& Mmho AmnH$m à{V{H«$¶m Zht XoJm& AmnH$m H«$moY {ZH$b Om¶oJm& Eogm H$aVo-H$aVo
AnZm hr ~oQ>m Š¶m| Z hmo? AmnH$s AnZr ào{_H$m ¶m nËZr hr Š¶m| Z Amn AnZo H$mo Yrao-Yrao em§V H$a nmE§Jo& Eogm H$aZo go H$_ go H$_
hmo? {Ogna ^r H«$moY H$amoJo dh ^rVa hr ^rVa AmnHo$ à{V nhbo BVZm hmoJm {H$ Amn H«$moY Ho$ à{V gOJ hm|Jo, AnZo gwYma H$s à{H«$¶m
O¡gm ào_^md Imo XoJm& ¶h à{H«$¶m Yrao-Yrao MbVr h¡& AmnHo$ H«$moY _| AnZm ¶moJXmZ Xo aho hm|Jo&
go Xÿgao ì¶{º$ H$m AmnHo$ à{V Omo AmXa h¡ dh ^r H$_ hmo OmVm h¡&
gm_Zo dmbm Hw$N> hX VH$ AmnHo$ H«$moY H$mo ghZ H$a gH$Vm h¡& ܶmZ ܶmZmä¶mg
aIZm Á¶mXm {XZ Zht ghoJm& H$^r AmnH$mo dh Am±I {XIm gH$Vm AnZo H«$moY Ho$ g§ñH$mam| go XrK© H$mb VH$ _wº$ hmoZo Ho$ {bE ܶmZ
h¡, hmW CR>m gH$Vm h¡, AmnH$mo AneãX, ~wam-^bm H$hH$a ^r ¶h Aä¶mg H$a|& ¶h ܶmZmä¶mg hr AmnH$mo kmZr ~ZmE aIoJm& H«$moY
~Vm gH$Vm h¡ {H$ A~ Amn g§^b OmAmo AmnHo$ à{V h_mam AmXa/ {H$ naVm| H$mo CVmaVm Mbm Om¶oJm Am¡a ^rVa go AØþV AZw^y{V,
ào_ A~ g_má hmoZo H$mo hmo& H«$moY Ho$ Bg Xþîn[aUm_ H$mo ܶmZ _| gwIX AZw^d AmnH$mo hmoJm&
aIH$a H«$moY Z H$aZo H$m AmnH$m Omo g§H$ën hmoJm dhr g~go ~‹S>m
H$m¶© hmoJm& ¶hr H«$moY go ~MZo H$m g~go àW_ Am¡a gmW©H$ H$X_ h¡&
Quick Tips
~mobZo go nhbo gmoM|
H«$moY AmZo na h_ Hw$N> ^r ~mobZo H$s VmH$V {XImVo h¢& Hw$N> ^r  AnZr œm§gm| H$mo ~mha \$|H$|& ¶h _hgyg H$aVo hþE {H$ ¶h
~mobZm ghr g_PVo h¢& h_mar ~w{Õ na N>m¶m hþAm H«$moY H$hVm h¡ {H$ _oao J§Xo {dMma, _oam H«$moY ~mha Om ahm h¡& Omoa-Omoa go {H$gr ^r
S>amo _V, ~mob Xmo& Hw$N> Zht hmoJm, Š¶m H$a boJm? Á¶mXm Mwn ahZm AmgZ na ~¡R>o-~¡R>o 5 {_ZQ> œmgm| H$mo ~mha \$|H$Vo ah|
H$m¶aVm h¡& Zht ~mobZo go dh ga M‹T>Vm OmVm h¡& Z OmZo {H$VZo Eogo  œmg gm_mݶ ~ZmH$a › Ahª Z_… H$m Omoa go bå~m Jham
{dMma AmnHo$ _Z H$mo H«$moY Ho$ {bE CH$gm¶|Jo& na Amn AnZo ~mobZo CMmaU 10-12 ~ma H$a|&
na {Z¶§ÌU nm {bE Vmo AmnHo$ _wI go AÀN>o, gab, _Ywa eãX hr  ܶmZ _| ~¡R>H$a AnZr œmgm| H$r {JZVr H$a|& œmg boZm Am¡a
{ZH$mb|Jo& ¶Ú{n H$^r-H$^ma {H$gr XþO©Z Ho$ à{V, A˶§V Xþï> ì¶{º$ N>mo‹S>Zm EH$ œmgmoÀN>dmg h¡& Eogo 54 œmgmoÀN>dmg {JZ|&
Ho$ à{V (Omo ha amoO AmnH$mo naoemZ H$aVm h¡) g_PXmar go {H$¶m
 nm±M _wÐmAm| H$m Aä¶mg H$a|&
J¶m AmnH$m Xþd©MZ H$m ì¶dhma ^r CgH$mo h_oem Ho$ {bE amoH$
gH$Vm h¡& naÝVw ¶h ~hþV H$_ hmoVm h¡& H$^r-H$^ma hmoJm Vmo  EH$ àmW©Zm H$a|&
AmnH$m H«$moY ^r gà¶moOZr¶, gmoXo{eH$ AWm©V² gmW©H$ hmoJm&  _Z hr _Z g§H$ën H$a| - AmO _| H«$moY Zht H$ê$§Jm, AmO
Bg{bE H$mo{ee H$a| {H$ AmnH$m dMZ ì¶dhma Ka _|, n[adma _|, _oam g~Ho$ à{V ào_ ì¶mdhma hmoJm& _¢ AmO ~hþV Iwe hÿ±& Ahª
g_mO _| H$mo_b, _Yw Am¡a Y¡¶© Ho$ gmW hmo& ¶hr dMZ-ì¶dhma j_mdmZ² Apñ_ Bg dmH$¶m H$mo 9 ~ma ~mob|&
(~mobZm MmbZm) AmnH$s {ejm {H$ ¶mo½¶Vm / AmnH$s ^rVar  A§V _| AnZr hWobr {Kg H$a, Am±I na aI| Am¡a VrZ ~ma
µH$m~{b¶V H$mo ~VmVm h¡& Bg{bE Xÿgam gmW©H$ Cnm¶ h¡ AÀN>m › Ahª na_ em§{V… H$m CƒmaU H$aHo$ AnZo hmW H$mo Am±I,
~mobZm, gmoM g_P H$a ~mobZm& {H$VZm hr ~‹S>m gM Š¶m| Z hmo? _mWm, õX¶ Am¡a nyao eara go ñne© H$a|&
Amn Cgo H«$moY go Zm ~mob|, ào_ go ~mob|& AmnH$mo Eogm bJ gH$Vm

Arham Remedy:
Chronic Neck Pain - Ruchi Jain

In today’s lifestyle and fast moving world stiff neck or

neck pain is one major problem which almost all
age-groups are facing, wheather a teenage
student, an adult professional, a housewife or
elderly people.

Usually this pain cost much more than just paying

heavy fees to the docotor and physiotherapist. It
also demands all the exertion to visit a
physiotherapist clinic and eating harmful pain killers
and much more. Here we are discussing servical
causes for this pain and their simple remedies with
minimum physical efforts and natural too.
spine is a perfect aligned channel for the
Chronic neck pain: Several causes disentanglement of all the meridians, tissues, veins
and muscles, hence seeing them with the fresh
 Muscular (spasm / M. F. S) cosmic energy and flush out all the toxins out of it,
 Joint pain therefore increasing blood supply to the particular
 CRPS (complex regional pain)
 Acharya Mudra (refer page): It is a backward
 PIVD (Prolapsed inter vertebral disc) movement of neck and shoulder in a special posture
 Hormonal (diabitic mononeurppathy) which compresses cervical and thorex region of the
spine and the vibrations produced out of the
Many more common causes may be there like
chanting, strengthens and detoxify the tissues and
sitting for long in a wrong posture which leads to
muscles around. Also the yellow color produced out
damage in spine.
of the prayer fixes the vertebrates to their correct
Remedies: postures.
Five mudras have been designed to heal our  Massage your big toe in upwards direction using
physical as well as spiritual body. some natural oil, specially press the joint between
toe and foot
 Refrain from cold water/ drinks refrigerated food,
Arihant Mudra, Acharya Mudra (specifically). sour food
 It is advisable to do all five mudras everytime but
 Always use think pillow to keep head & neck
can do these mudras for a longer span to relieve aligned
your neck pain
 Avoid sitting in bend neck posture or incorrect
 Arihant Mudra (refer to Panch Mudra article): It posture for long. Always prefer small breaks in
stretches the entire spine upwards and strengthens between.
your navel which takes care of your entire physical
body. The energy generated by the mantra chanting  Last and foremost practise Arham Dhyan Yog for
act as a divine cleanser for the entire spine, a minimum of 15 minutes daily.
especially head and neck area. The straightened

Is connecting to
oneself so difficult?
 Nayan Jain

It was a long night of hot Delhi summers. Bored is 2 people.

of routine office home-work, I was browsing the TED Is it easy to strike a conversation between two
videos to freshen up myself. It was then I hit across a people or just one (you). And here is where most
motivational video by Dandapani ji. He gave a very people shy away. Our fear of solitude may argue,
effective talk on the complex topic like how to train how can a person converse with oneself? But the
your mind or concentrate. The thought provoking truth is that for conversation with oneself you do not
question which he asked changed my life - when did need any additional medium. You can connect to
you get a formal class or tution on how to focus? Yet yourself anywhere and anytime. It’s easy. Easier
each of us is expected to focus; focus on office work, than talking to 2 people. Just have to do a little
studies, business etc. A seemingly innocuous practise.
question, possible as simple as Netwon’s epic
Some people might agree with me for the sake
question - why do apples fall down? I has just turned
of proceeding to the next half of this article. And the
38 then and the question sent chill across the spine.
next question is, though we agree it is a easy, but it
With more than half of my life spent, I have not even
requires distraction free environment. Let us
tried to learn what requires most focus - focus itself.
consider this:
The video continued and introduced Meditation as a
tool to help in concentrating, in connecting to Have you ever boarded a train when you and
oneself. It evoked an unsatisfiable quest to your colleague were running late. The moment you
understand more and eventually lead me to begin enter the station you have all ears for the
the Arham journey . announcement of the next train. You do not listen to
the chaos being created there. Often you miss your
The video shattered a lot of my preconceived
friend’s voice also. On the other
notions. Most of us believe that :
hand, if you had luxurious time, you and your
 meditation is something which is not for
friend would talk at length about the state of politics
everyone. Its specifically for yogis.
in India, without even noticing about the scores of
 meditation a nice todo activity for next company departure announcements made.
This precisely is the state with meditation also,
 meditation requires a serene hillock or a natural just that we mix up the two things and behave as if
scenic we are running late when in reality we have ample
But what I found was, in reality, Meditation is time. This makes us listen all announcements
like connecting to oneself. Listening to your inner unnecessarily. Key here is to stop acting in haste
thoughts and then letting them pass away. Be with and stop listening to unnecessary announcements.
yourself. Be an observer. Due to preconceived A very practical key for the same as suggested
notions like above, we tend to make it look tough, we by my colleague at Team Arham is: “plug-in your
want to avoid it. Let me ask some simple questions: headphones if you want to plug-in yourself and shut
Is it easier to have a conversation between down your eyes”.
1000 people and 10 people? Answer is of course 10 There is absolutely no requirement of “anyone
people. or anything else” if you want to connect to yourself.
Is it easier to have a conversation with 2 people
or with 10 people? Again its a no-brainer and answer

Know With Devotion
• Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar Ji

form; it changes forms by taking birth individually

eal happiness and prosperity lie in the at different places. Even after that, the sense of
act of devotion. Sometimes we want attachment remains with us.
happiness by fulfilling our wishes, by
collecting things, by detaching ourselves from We are permanent, but relationships and
materialistic things, and by either yoga or materialistic things are temporary.
pranayama. All these methods, however, are If you always want happiness and prosperity, first
not complete until we know the real nature of get true knowledge. We always want to keep all
oneself, matter, relationships, birth, death, and materialistic things with us. For this, we earn
the world. money, build buildings, create new products, want
more relationships, name and fame.
So the first step is to know everything with
devotion. If you know something, but you don’t It is clear that unhappiness is the state of mind
have faith in it, it will be lost in an adverse seeking some object. The more desires we have,
situation. So, first know the nature of oneself; it the more our mind is disturbed. This results in
is called Atman. A jiva is a substance with full unhappiness. Our rishis and munis always stay in
consciousness. The other name of oneself is a happy state. They want nothing from the outer
chaitanya; this substance can never be world. They experience knowledge that is related
destroyed by any process, nor be generated to their soul.
by any god. So we are atman, and atman lives
from beginningless time to endless time. Like
The article was published in SpeakingTree, Times
atman, the outer matter is also immortal, but it
of India on Jan 26, 2019.
changes from one form to other forms. Like
energy changes forms, jiva also changes

Here’s our journey ...
• Prashant Jain

Prayer is speaking to the conscious and public shivirs, organizing specific shivirs for
meditation is listening to the conscious - professionals, kids etc, promoting it in schools,
Munishri preparing yoga teachers, digitalization of content
Meditation has been in the roots of Jainism (facebook, youtube and mobile app), doing
since eternity. It is the ONLY mechanism to scientific research on benefits of Meditation.
liberate the soul and achieve The Moksha. It “Youth is the future. Meditation is the tool to
has been practiced of jain shraman for long but connect to oneself and stay on righteous path”
was inaccessible to the shravakas. By blessing With its start in year 2015, in the city of Mandsaur,
of Muni Shri 108 Pranamya Sagar ji, a disciple Arham Yoga saw its phenomenal success in
of Sant Shiromani Acharya Shri 108 providing benefits to the root level very early.
Vidyasagar ji, Arham Dhyan Yoga, a simplified Besides the physical benefits like knee pain,
form of Jain Meditation which is suitable for diabetes, cervical etc, it helped in the emotional
sharavaks was introduced in Mandsaur in year well being of individuals.
2015. Guruji’s vision for global peace and focus
The figure on next page shows the timeline of
on youth kept Arham Yoga apt for the new age
Arham Yoga since 2015.Since its inception it has
generation which is more logic and arguments
travelled across the globe, covered diverse
driven away from religious complexities.
demographics, available on various digital
In order to promote Arham Yoga for the benefits platforms and available in different packages for
of the society and as a mechanism for global different set of people.Recent launch of the “Vidiy
peace, Om Arham Social Welfare Foundation, Sedhi Pasikkhan Sivir” aka Antarappa’s training
was formed in year 2016 under the leadership shivir has been phenomenally successful and is
of Shri Chinamay Kiyawat ji. The foundation is helping people spread across geography to benefit
extensively working on spreading the Arham from Arham Yoga.
Way of life by taking initiatives like organizing

First published in 2015 and twice
Arham Books Compiled by Shri Chinamay Kiyawat, ""Ahª
reprinted “Arham Yoga & Meditation for ¶moJ  {gÕm§V Ed§ gmYZm'' was published in
global peace” is the first official 2017. It focuses on the basics of yoga and
literature on Arham Yoga. It introduces meditation including Pranayam, Asanas and
t h e c o n c e p t o f A r h a m Yo g a , their benefits. Detailed procedure on how to
perform an asana including the breathe
significance of “Arham” and the
movement and mantra chanting is
process including Color Therapy. beautifully covered in the book.

Authored by Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar ji, the book ""Ahª

ܶmZ ¶moJ  Ah§ go Ahª H$s ¶mÌm'' is a comprehensive reference
to Arham Yoga. It lays the foundation by clearing the
concepts behind Arham Yoga with references to historical
and religious texts. It contains the detailed procedure of
Panch Mudra, Pranayam and other techniques for
meditation. It also studies significance of meditation in
context of today’s scientific enhancements including a
research (using Aura photography) on benefits of Arham

One of the objective of the foundation is to
do scientific research in order to
scientifically validate the benefits of Arham
Dhyan Yoga and to bridge the gap with
contemporary medicare.
Holistic approach towards well being
including physical, emotional and spiritual
well being is the core of the study across
various demographics.
Recent research published in the book
compared the energies and chakra
alignment of people doing meditation using
Aura Photography (Kirlian photography)
before and after mediation.

Arham Temples
Arham which signifies the liberated souls
or Siddha is the final destination of this
journey from Aham to Arham. We all
should become Arham. The word
“Arham” thus contains the power of all
Siddha parmeshthi so far and those who
would become Siddha in future. Arham
Te m p l e o r A r h a m Ve d i i s t h e
manifestation of this power and helps us
visualize and connect with Arham easily.
First Arham Vedi was constructed in
Mandsaur in year 2015. There is Arham
temple now at Chandkhedi, Rajasthan.

As the saying goes “one size does not fit all”, with large diversity in the people around the globe with
respect to age, sex, customs, emotional needs, social and financial status, physical needs etc, one
module would not do justice to all of them instead there is a need for focused modules. Below are some
of the modules developed in Arham Yoga so far:

Introductory shivirs are usually open to public shivir of an hour duration often in auspicious presence of Muni Shri. It provides
the basic flavour of Arham Lifestyle to the people introducing them to the benefits of meditation and concept of Arham Yoga
and Meditation by practising Panch Mudra or Arham - Six Step process. Several large scale shivirs have been organized at
Kota (over 4000 people), Bundi (over 2000 people), Rawatbhata, Shaktinagar, Vaishali, Dariya Ganj, Parsh Vihar to name a


Full day shivirs are open to public shivirs, specifically These open to public shivirs are like a powerpack or a
designed to experience the complete Arham Lifestyle refresher session for people who have attended the full day
including daily routine, satvik food and multiple rounds of modules. Since due to time constraints specifically in urban
yoga and meditation. It contains specifically designed circumstances it may not be feasible to find out full day time for
processes to understand emotions, human behaviour and people, the sessions in this module are performed in early
happiness in society, in family, at work or in short in daily morning. It is specifically designed for healthier lifestyle and
life. Typically these shivirs are for 100-500 people. Focus has been the most popular module.
on complete lifestyle and specific modules help people in
health, emotion and spiritual upliftment..

Professional Shivir
Focus of the professional module is on individuals from the corporate world or
service industry. It covers yoga and meditation appropriate for office lifestyle, busy
schedule and demanding work which are a common thing nowadays. Specifically
designed workshops which takes us from Dependent to Interdependent (or
selfishness to self-existence - refer to box article Arham Paddhati). It is a unique
blend of theory, practical and interactive sessions. Kayotsarg and Jaap-Meditations
takes ones awareness and conscious to a newer level. It is a closed audience event
and spans across two days.

Module for kids was first run with the Naitik Shiksha Bal Bodh classes across

For Kids
NCR. It contains Panch Mudra and Om-Arham chanting. This module though
started as a quick experimentation, is a huge success among kids and
parents as it blends the teaching of jainism taught in Bal Bodh classes with the
practical application of Yoga and Meditation.

Vidiy Sedhi Shivir
Vidiya Sedhi Shivir (also known as
Antarappa’s pasikkhan shivir or Trainers
shivir) is a closed group shivir. It is specifically
designed for people who have the developed
the right belief (Bhavappa) and are now
interested in acquiring the right knowledge
(Antarappa) and at the same time helping
others by spreading Arham. This is like ""ñdna
àH$meH$'' one who is lightening himself as well
as others. The trainers would be able to take
sessions of basic modules in societies and local groups. The modules has direct sessions with
Muni Shri. It has designed processes for
trainers which focus on exhibiting empathy,
listening, showing respect and executing with
discipline. The module has a prescribed
course material and all trainers has to pass the
exam after a stipulated period.

For Students
Arham Yoga has been taught in more than 20+ schools now and is a regular practise in many of
them. Students have there own share of problems. At a very tender age they are exposed to
stress, peer-pressure, expectations from parents etc. The focus of the Student module is to help
students overcome negative emotions and live life positively. It also focus in increasing
concentration and creativity.

Unique Sessions:
Jail Session/ Civil Lines:
Police and prisoners are the
centerstage in the crimes around and
hence there is a different level of
emotional stress, pain, grief, gilt when
it comes to the life in jails and those of
police people. With the grace of Muni
Shri multiple such sessions have
happened in jails where inmates did
Arham Yoga and experienced peace.
Similar sessions have happened in
Civil Lines, Rohtak where police
people learnt to manage stress using
Arham Yoga.

Nature Session
A serene hillock with pockets of rock
locked rain water all around, cool
breeze flowing gently and you are on a
journey within; with your eyes closed
and guided by divine voice of Muni
Shri. People of Bijoliya experienced
the above divine like meditation where
Muni Shri took the individuals on a
journey within. A once in a lifetime

Allen Institute
In the mecca of competitive exams of
India, Kota, where the students are all
geared up to crack the next big exam;
the level of pressure each aspirant has
unimaginable. Muni Shri gave tips for
peace and how to manage exam and
career stress. More than 1000
aspirants experienced Arham Yoga
and learnt to be more focused and be in
control of the situation.

Arham Kendra
Arham Yoga and Meditation centers and halls have
been established at various places in order to
continue the practice of Arham Yoga. These centers
are operated by the local management of societies or
associated trusts directly. First such center to come
up was at Rawatbhata. Another center came up at

And the
logo says ... By Nidhi Jain

Ahª ¶moJ Ed§ ܶmZ Ho$ àVrH$ {MÝh H$m ahñ¶

Ahª ¶moJ d² ܶmZ H$m àVrH$ {MÝh AnZo Amn ‘| JmJa ‘| gmJa {H$ H$hmdV H$mo M[aVmW© H$aVm h¡&
g~go ‘ܶ ‘| ~Zr AmH¥${V à˶oH$ Ord ‘| pñWV AZ§V e{º$ ñdén na‘ ewÕ AdñWm ¶m{Z {gÕ
ñdén H$mo Xem©Vr h¡& AZ§V H$m àVrH$ h¡& "" ''AZ§V gwI {Ogo àmá H$aZo Ho$ {bE Ahª ܶmZ d ¶moJ
CÎm‘ ‘mܶ‘ h¡&
H$‘b Ho$ nwîn ‘| Xr J¶r nm±M n§Iw§{‹S>¶m± n#m na‘oð>r H$m àVrH$ h¡ Omo h‘| AnZo A§Xa pñWV ¶mo½¶Vm d²
e{º$ H$m AZw^d H$admVo h¢& h‘mao XþIm| H$m {ZdmaU H$aVo h¢& BZHo$ nm±M a§J ܶmZ H$aVo dµŠV h‘mao {MÎm H$mo
pñWa aIZo ‘| na‘ ghm¶H$ h¢&
Bg nwîn H$mo Koao hþE Mm¡~rg Mma-n§IwS>r dmbo nwîn AZ§V MVwï>¶ (AZ§V Xe©Z, AZ§V kmZ, AZ§V gwI
Am¡a AZ§V dr¶©) H$mo àmá Mm¡~rg VrWªH$am| H$m àVrH$ h¡& {OZHo$ ܶmZ ‘mÌ go h‘mao Xþï> H$‘© Zï> hmo OmVo h¢&
AWm©V², Ahª ¶moJ H$s àVrH$ {MÝh H$mo XoIZo ‘mÌ go AmnHo$ ^mdm| ‘| {dew{Õ Am OmVr h¡& ew^ ܶmZ
{H$ à{H«$¶m ewê$ hmo OmVr h¡& {Og àVrH$ {MÝh ‘| BVZm gma h¡ Vmo nyar à{H«$¶m {H$VZr AØþV hmoJr?
eyݶ H$mo öX¶ñW H$amo Vmo AZ§V {‘boJm

Arham Toons :

Myth #1 :
Meditation is NOT for children.
^«‘ 1 :
ܶmZ ~ƒm| Ho$ {bE Zht hmoVm

Yanmaya - The Power Of Ignorance
 Saurabh Jain

We do face a lot of people and situations in our etc and does not know anything. And the one who
day to day life. It is not possible that every person we knows everything (the spirit) is not visible /
meet will have a positive approach all the time perceivable hence who should I interact with or in
towards us. So it becomes important on how we other words I shall ignore.
deal with these negative situations. This seemingly spiritual or to some may
Since as a social creation we are appear religious sutra, infact is a very practical
interdependent, the option that we can avoid people sutra. It empowers one with self control and
with unfair behaviour, is easily ruled out. There confidence. Once you start observing people and
could be certain people who are always negative situations as if you are not part of it, you do not either
towards us and do not impact us much which we love or hate them just ignore them, you would feel
can safely avoid but for most other cases this is not connected to yourself and more empowered to
an option. Most people are not eternally negative tackle such situations.
but react in that way at times and in situations.
In professional life they could be our bosses, A caveat here is that while you are ignoring, you
seniors, colleagues or even juniors. We can not should focus on the spirit of ignoring and not the act
retort with the boss, scold our juniors, argue with of ignoring. For instance if there is an argument
seniors. Similarly at home, it could be the wife, going with say your spouse on which you know the
husband, parents, children or siblings. There would other person is wrong, if you choose to accept it and
be situations where we are neither able to resist not move ahead then other person might feel victory.
even register opposition. Another option is to ignore by neither arguing nor let
One important tool the world believes in is to the decision conclude. Later is not an option as here
'respect the perspectives'. Students might feel there is no ignorance but shades of arrogance.
happy with the teacher whereas teacher might find Remember only 20% of communication happens
the students non-cooperating. Suppliers might not with voice and rest 80% is via body language.
be happy about the payments whereas buyers
might be angry with the quality of delivery.So if we However if you do the former, intelligent people
try to understand other person's view or situation we might think you are being mad or foolish. You are
can develop better understanding and hence accepting wrong things. But at the very core you
solutions. Often termed as developing empathy or know that these victories and losses are temporary
being in other shoes. Even this would mean a and does not matter much in longer run. If you
dependency on others. Could there be something continued that discussion then you might be
better? dragged into an open war which never ends. In true
Muni Shri in Arham Professional Shivir sense that making fool yourself.
introduced the sutra by Acharya Pujyapad Maharaj:
“`Ý_`m Ñí`Vo ê$n§ VÞ OmZm[V gd©Wm& Muni Shri aptly put this as “H$^r H$^r h_| nmJc ^r ~ZmZm
OmZÞ Ñí`Vo ê$n§ VV… Ho$Z ~«drå`h_²&& Mm[hE Vm[H$ Xygao h_| nmJc Zm gH$|” OR “We should act as
AWm©V - Omo ê$n h_| [XImB© Xo ahm h¡ dh AMoVZ h¡, dh Hw$N Zht foolish sometimes in order for others not to make a
OmZVm; OmZZo dmcr AmË_m H$m ñdén [XImB© Zht XoVm, Bg[cE _¢ fool of us”
[H$ggo ~mocy± This article is based on the experience of the “Yanmaya
Meditation” by Muni Shri taught in “Arham Professional Shivir”
Thus whatever is visible or perceivable is non-
living including sound, light, voice, human bodies

How could a mudra impact our lifestyle?

Ruchi Jain Parnika Jain Prateek Jain Piyush Jain CA Mohit Jain Amit Kumar Jain Vipin Jain
Subji Mandi, Delhi Rohini, Delhi Saraswati Vihar, Delhi Prashant Vihar, Delhi Rewari, Haryana Rohini, Delhi Daryaganj, Delhi

Anjali Jain Shweta Jain Ajay Kumar Jain Ruchika Jain Rekha Jain Mithilesh Jain Nitin Jain
Vasundhara, Gzb. Rohini, Delhi Rohini, Delhi Pitampura, Delhi Pitampura, Delhi Tundla, U.P Krishna Nagar, Delhi

Rishabh Mittal Vinita Jain Satish Kumar Jain Dr. Preeti Jain Rishabh Jain Sanjay Jain Dr.Niketa P Shaha
Rohini, Delhi Prashant Vihar, Delhi Prashant Vihar, Delhi Prashant Vihar, Delhi Rohini, Delhi Ferozepur, Punjab Baramati, Maharashtra

Sarita Jain Kasar Dr. Ujjwala Jain Gosavi Dr. Monika Shah Dr. Anup Jain Dongaonkar Dr. Abhay Dagade Dr. Suhas Shah Pradeep Kumar Jain Dr. Suresh Jain
Nandarwar, Mah. Aurangabad, Mah. Mumbai, Mah. Jalna, Mah. Kopargaon, Mah. Mumbai, Mah. Paschim Vihar, Delhi Aurangabad, Mah.

Arun Khot Raosaheb Chougule Alka Jain Swati Mehta Dr. Nirmala Kothari Dr. Saroj Jain Pushpa Bainada Ji Surekha Doshi
Sangli, Mah. Jaysinghpur, Mah. Bangalore Pune, Maharashtra Pune, Maharashtra Jalna, Maharashtra Agra, U.P. Baramati, Mah.

Prabhawati Patil Jain Shobha Jain Deepika Jain Raksha Kiyawat Dr. Niharika Jain Deepti Jain Shikha Kiyawat Simple Sethi
Sangli, Maharashtra Kolhapur, Mah. Pune, Maharashtra Mandsaur, M.P. Sagar, M.P. Rohini, Delhi Mandsaur, M.P Mandsaur, M.P

Punit Jain Saloni Badjatya Gunjan Jain Shrenik Patni Babita Patni Dr. Neeta Jain Ujjawal Jain Nidhi Jain
Ferozepur, Punjab Mandsaur, M.P Prashant Vihar, Delhi Mandsaur, M.P Mandsaur, M.P Indore, M.P Krishan Ngr., Delhi Gurugram, Haryana

Activity Map

Antarappa : Leaderboard Most Consistent Antarappa

Anjali Jain Ajay Kr Jain Mithilesh Jain Rekha Jain

Jain Mandir Park, Rohini Sec-7 Bada Mandir, Tundla CP Block Mandir
Vasundhara, Gzb. Jain Mandir, Rohini Sec-8 Chhota Mandir, Tundla LP Block Society Park

Most Innovative Antarappa

Prabhavati Patil Jain Dr. Niketa Shaha CA Mohit Jain Dr. Anup Dongaonkar
Garbh Sanskar Shivir, Shivir for Mataji, Shivir in CA coaching Shivir during
Bambavade Kunthalgiri Institute, Shimla Panchkalyanak, Jalna

Star Performer Antarappa

Br Sanjay Jain Dr. Niharika Jain

Shivir for 200 students in Shivir for 500 students in
Abhinandan Model School, Saraswati Shishu Mandir,
Ferozepur and for 300 students Garhakota Kids Pathshala,
in Bhagwan Mahavir Jain Jain Mandir, Sagar
School, Ferozepur

Kids Favourite Antarappa

Parnika Jain Raksha Kiyawat Ruchika Jain Simple Sethi Vipin Jain
Ballabh Vihar Pathshala, Kids Pathshala, Kids Coaching, Kids Pathshala, Jain Mahila Bal Ashram,
M D Modren Junior High School Mandsaur Pitampura Mandsaur Daryaganj, Delhi

Smile Meditation @ Bala Ashram, Dariya Ganj

Muni Shri gave us the blessing with “Smile Meditation” in this Shivir. Attended by over 150+ attendees on July 08 and 11,
this was an introductory shivir by Muni Shri.
Aura Photography is used to measure the energy at various centers of the body or kendras. With help of Dr. Madhav Keerti ji
who is the founder of Holistic Nature Cure & Yoga Research Foundation we conducted a research to measure the impact of
meditation on the balance of energy on various kendras. Over 25 participants got their aura photographed one day before the
meditation and just after meditation. Results were encouraging with 90% people observing positive balance.

Two Days Shivir @ Rohini

Organized on August 18 and 19, this was the first of its kind, two day Shivir in the National Capital Region. It was attended by
over 600 participants across NCR from all walks of life. With flavours of the full Arham Lifestyle it made deeper impact on the
urban lifestyle of the capital region. Organized under the mentorship of Shri Chinamay Kiyawat ji the shivir gave three fold
benefits of the attendees - the yoga helped people for a healthier lifestyle and helped in finding remedies of various ailments
like diabetes, arthritis, insomnia, hypertension etc. Power-packed sessions of processes for emotional well-being and
meditation sessions by Muni Shri helped in the overall upliftment of attendees. Arham prayer “main hoon vo nahin jo tumhen
dikh raha hoon” when recieted by Muni Shri brought a transcendental transformation all around the place

Professional Shivir
The maiden Professional Shivir was held on October 13, 14 in
Sector 11, Rohini. It had 50 participants on an invite only basis
from various demographics and professions. IT professionals
topped the chart in terms of number of participants from a
particular profession. Most attendees were aspiring for
personal growth and managing stress. Set up in a workshop
format, the shivir had specific focus on these needs of
professionals. The Yanmaya Meditation taught them the
Power Of Ignorance and helped destress. The workshop
systematically, activity by activity, helped participants move
from the Dependent state to interdependent state.
The Kayotsarg and Mantra-Jaap meditations by Muni Shri
made the people literally cry and take a never-seen spiritual
ride. Besides interactive question answer sessions helped
clear basic doubts about the concepts, lifestyle, means of
learning, relationships, emotional baggage etc.

Taranga Shivir
Held on December 29 and 30 in the Jain
pilgrimage of Taranga ji, Gujarat the shivir
was a delight for the pilgrims. There were
about 100+ attendees. Shri Chinamay
Kiyawat took the attendee to a never before
experience. It was a unique combination of
Bhakti and Yog. The management of the
pilgrimage has announced that the local
trainers would be trained in Arham Yoga in
order to benefit the people visiting the place
each passing day.

Gurukul & Valika

Chhatravaas, Sanganer
On Dec 24 and 25, two day shivir were conducted
at “Shraman Sanskriti Sansthan”, Sanganer and
“Sanghi ji valika chhatravaas”, Sanganer by Shri
Chinamay Kiyawat ji. Focused on the young
students these shivir helped in the mental and
physical development of the students.It
rejuvenated them with fresh energies and helped
them improve concentration and focus. The
Chairman and Principal were impressed with the
ease with which Arham Yoga is able to connect
the youth with the mediation stream. They
promised to include a 20 minutes session in
students daily routine.

Bal Bodh Classes

Naitik Shiksha Samiti organises Bal Bodh classes for kids of all age across National Capital Region to teach them and
increase awareness of basic principles of Jainism. In coordination with the Naitik Shiksha team and grace of Muni Shri, a kids
module was executed along with the Bal Bodh shivirs. It included Panch Mudra and Om Arham Chanting. There were scores
of classes organized over a period of two months. Teachers of Naitik Shiksha Sansthan took special coaching class to teach
Arham Yoga. Introducing Yoga and Meditation to the kids at the tender age would ensure long term success in their life with
increased concentration and healthy body.

Trainers Shivir

The maiden Vidiya Sedhi Shivir was organized on November 11 to 12 in Prashant Vihar in supervision of Shri Chinamay
Kiyawat ji. It had 21 trainers who came from various North Indian states. Specially designed processes helped the trainers
discover their behaviours in times of stress, conflicts or unwarranted situations and guided them how to exhibit empathy and
be a good listener. Besides special meditations including the meditation by colored surround lights, As a stroke of luck
Antarapps got special learning session from Muni Shri. Executed in a closed room dedicated workshop format it had theory
classes, practical training sessions and an evaluation at the end.
The third shivir was organized on Dec 22 and 23 in Modal Town. It included people largely from central India.

Second “Vidiya Sedhi Pasikkhan Shivir” was held as part of
Vrati the five day “Tyagi Vrati Swadhyay Sammelan” at Model
Town on Dec 5 and 6. It was attended by the “vratigan” from
Swadhyay Maharashtra. With deep knowledge of Jainism principles and
leading from the front in terms of tyag and tapasya, the
attendees were masters in their careers too. For instance
Shivir there were practising doctors, naturopathic healers,
advocates, business men, professors and social leaders.

Pt Ratanlal Beneraji also observed the shivir and gave his

blessings for the cause. He felicitated the qualifying
antarappas with the certificate and kit. The shivir was
conducted by Shri Chinamay Kiyawat ji.

In his address Muni Shri inspired them to be like a lamp which

not just lightens itself but also lightens everything around.
Meditation sessions and classes by Muni Shri were
unforgettable moments and made each of the attendee
reach an emotional and spiritual high.

Young JAINA Awards in Hastinapur by Br. Sanjay Bhaiya

All the young awardees and their parents practised

Arham Yoga at the “All India Young Jaina Awards 2018”
held in Hastinapur under the guidance of Br. Sanjay
Bhaiya. It was heartening to see the young talent, who
have assembled from different parts of the world,
starting their journey of “Aham to Arham” in the
auspicious temple hall. We wish these budding talents
attain newer heights in their lives with yog and
meditation and spread the word for the benefits of the
mankind globally.

Arham Yoga

at Khajuraho.
A session
by Smt Ruchi Jain

Arham Yoga meets Team Vidhyanjali at

Khajuraho. A session of was conducted
at the annual meet of Vidhyanjali by Smt
Ruchi Jain by the pool side at Clarks Inn
hotel. The serene environment coupled
with the Panch Mudra and Arham
Prayer created a never forget
experience for all attendees. It was a
unique blend of Ahimsa products with
internal and global peace. The sessions
were also attended by the foreign
tourists and they enjoyed it.

Ahª ¶moJ {dH${gV H$aZo dmbo, h‘mao D$na H¥$nm H$aZo dmbo ‘w{Z lr
àUå¶ gmJa Or H$mo ‘oam Z‘moñVw, ~hþV YݶdmX&
Ah‘ go Ahª VH$ H$s ¶mÌm H$amZo dmbr ‘oar ideal ‘¡S>‘ S>m°ŠQ>a {Z‘©bm
XrXr {OÝhm|Zo body clean H$aZo H$m, AmË‘m go bJo hþE H$‘m] H$s JÝX{J¶m± Xÿa
H$aZo H$m, ܶmZ H$m {dH$mg H$aZo H$m Am¡a h‘mao D$na H¥$nm ~agmZo dmbr ‘¡S>‘
H$mo Iy~-Iy~ YݶdmX& O¡go hr ‘¡S>‘ Zo {X„r OmH$a àUå¶ gmJa Or ‘hmamO
go Ahª ¶moJ Ho$ trainer ~ZZo H$m ~Vm¶m, d¡go hr ‘¢Zo youtube na XoIH$a Ahª
¶moJ H$aZm ewê$ H$a {X¶m& ‘oao ECG ~hþV Iam~ Am¶o Wo Am¡a ‘wPo 3 S>m°ŠQ>g© Zo
E§{O¶moJ«m’$s H$aZo H$mo H$hm Wm& ‘¢Zo g§H$ën Ho$ gmW Ahª ¶moJ {H$¶m Am¡a ~mX ‘|
O~ ‘¢Zo eco stress H$adm H$a XoIm Vmo Cg‘| ‘oao gmao reports {~ëHw$b
normal AmE& ¶o g~ ‘oao Jwé àUå¶ gmJa Or H$s H¥$nm Am¡a Amerdm©X hr Wm,
‘¢ Yݶ hÿ± {H$ ‘wPo Eogr ‘¡S>‘ {Z‘©bm Or H$m gh¶moJ {‘bm h¡& h‘ eãXm| ‘| ^r
~¶m§ Zht H$a gH$Vo, BÝhm|Zo h‘| BVZm Hw$N> {X¶m h¡& A^r h‘| ~hþV nwéfmW© H$aZm
h¡, V^r ‘¡S>‘ H$s ‘ohZV g’$b hmoJr& ‘¡S>‘ Zo 4 {XZ h‘| BVZm g‘¶ {X¶m
CgHo$ {bE CZH$m ~hþV ~hþV YݶdmX& h‘ g~ ¶hr H$m‘Zm H$aVo h¢ {H$ ‘¡S>‘
H$m Amamo½¶ h‘oem ~Zm aho Am¡a h‘ VrZ Vm{b¶m| go BZH$m gå‘mZ H$aVo h¢&
M§Mb ~§{R>¶m, nwUo, ‘hmamï´>

Arham Letters :
Prayers Arham Pro Shvir
By Prashant Jain

Mere mann mein.. How to grow personally and professionally, how to

Mere mann mein tere man mein sabke man mein ho, lead a successful life, what is happiness about. These are
Vair naa hove pap naa hove bhav kshama ka ho |1| the questions one does ponder in life, especially when one
does achieve professional success on one hand and on the
Mere mann mein tere man mein sabke man mein ho,
Mera mangal tera mangal sabka mangal ho |2|
other hand finds he or she has grown distance between
oneself /family / culture or society. Adds on to stress, time
Mere mann mein tere man mein sabke man mein ho, pressure, and eventually lifestyle diseases. Then the quest
Mera jivan tera jivan sabka uttam ho |3| begins, where is peace, where is happiness, and the quest
for meditation.
Mere mann mein tere man mein sabke man mein ho, I was in pursuit of meditation for several years, and
Prabhu ke charno guru ke charno sabko sarna ho |4| tried several western, east asian meditation techniques. I
had the opportunity to experience the Arham meditation
Mere mann mein tere man mein sabke man mein ho, technique in 2014 at Kota Bijolia. The program was so
Tan nirmal man ho nirbhay bodhi samadhi ho |5|
enriching, that I found peace, and for a month I had
Mere mann mein tere man mein sabke man mein ho,
sharpened my intuitive skills, I could get answers in my
Dukhiyara na koi hove mann jyotirmay ho |6| dreams on the pressing challenges that i had in my mind. I
had three distinct dreams over a period of one month,
Do this prayer to seek blessings of the God and wherein I could find answers to problems that i was facing
the calmness of the mind. We are filled with blessings. during the day.
This was such a wonderful program, I committed
Omo hmo gmo hmo.. myself with Maharajshri, and Team Arham, to make this
Omo hmo gmo hmo, Omo h¡ gmo h¡& program available for working professionals / educated
Omo hmo gmo hmo, Omo h¡ gmo h¡ persons. Finally in xx2018 Maharajshri gave us blessings
h‘H$mo Š¶m, h‘H$mo Š¶m, h‘H$mo Š¶m? and the first professional program was conducted. This was
OZ‘ gw{Z{üV, ‘aU gw{Z{üV a great program, after having gone through several
H$‘m] H$m ’$b {‘bZm {Z{üV programs in premier institutes in India and international, I
{’$a g§¶moJ-{d¶moJm| Ho$ jU K~amZo go Š¶m? found the essence of personal and professional
Omo hmo gmo........ development is available right here in India, and virtually for
na VwbZm go h±gZm amoZm, gwIr Xþ:Ir ¶o nb nb hmoZm free. This is a transformational program, wherein one could
MoVZ H$mo BZ j{UH$mAm| ‘|, AmpIa {‘bm Š¶m? join the program on a saturday and come out on Sunday,
Omo hmo gmo........ and the person will never be same again. This is the power
nËZr, ~oQ>r,Xm¡bV ^mB©, H$‘© ’$bm| H$s h¡ naN>mB©& of the program, which gives you simple concepts; how a to
naN>mB© nH$‹S>Zo Xm¡‹S>o, Vmo nmEJm Š¶m? find happiness, personal and professional success and
Omo hmo gmo........ realise full potential of life, and not only for themselves, but
MoVZ H$m n[aUm‘ Zht Omo CZ ^mdm| go Š¶m&& for society as well. I wish Team Arham all the best. If you
^md ‘wº$ H$a H$‘© ’$bm| go, ~Z gmjr bI kmZ ~bm| go know a professional or student, who is seeking a
Omo hmo gmo........ transformational program for personal and professional
development, The Arham Yog Pro Shivir is a great two day
transformation program. Strongly recommend.

Arham Yoga' in City :
I have experienced it...Have you? - Gaurav Jain

Sometimes, things with lesser expectations bring meditation and try to establish inner self connect. This
a great impact in your life and same happened with me refreshed me further and all unnecessary thoughts
last weekend. Last weekend, I attended 2 days cleaned away from my memory.
workshop 'Arham Yog for Professionals' for which I Then, we took dinner before sunset and left for
had not much expectations initially but the impact it the day with a sense of relaxation and peace in mind.
created kept me overwhelmed later. Initially, I thought Till now, it was truly a good experience for me but who
that this yoga workshop will be just like normal yoga knew that next day will be an extraordinary magical.
classes which we used to do in our school days in We need to reach out to workshop hall next day at
which we do different breathing exercises. 6 A.M.
So, with these thoughts in my mind, I went for I reached there late. Muni Shri had already
workshop on 13th Oct. started the process of yoga. I quickly entered into room
When I entered workshop hall, I did darshan of without disturbing others and saw everybody was laid
Jain Saint Muni Pranamya Sagar ji and got a sense of down in corpse mode. I had no clue what was going
positivity around me. There were around 60-70 people on. Then, I just replicated what others were doing. I
in workshop at that time and all were unknown faces to went into sleeping position and closed my eyes and
me. started listening what Muni Shri was instructing. And
Workshop started and initially, some theory was thus a divine journey started.
explained related to Panch Indriya, Teen Bal, Aayu Muni Shri made us take our mind to the various
Karm and our soul(Chatainya Mahapran). Although, it parts of our body. As the process began, I was going
was really good information about which I was not deeper into myself and felt thoroughly relaxed and
aware earlier but I don't know why, I was not getting lighter. Muni Shri instructed us to take our attention to
much interest at that time. our foot, Nabhi, Hridaya, Kanth , Gyan Kendra, head,
After some time, we had quick break in which we shoulders, hands one by one slowly and observe our
got one Yoga kit having one kurta, one workbook, pen all nerves/cells around that area.
etc. We changed our dress and wore kurta given by Then, Muni Shri instructed us to feel like that our
organizers.After break, our true Arham Yoga journey body and soul are separate entities.He made us feel
started. like that our soul is leaving from our body like what will
We had our first session in which we learned how happen at our end time.
to do Panch Mudraye based on our Namokar Mantra. He let us travel through our Antim Yatra and sang
We started doing different breathing exercises with the one bhajan :
chant of Om Arham Namah. Arihant Naam Satya Hai, Sidh Naam Satya hai
After this session, I started realizing that this I cant express that feeling in my words now but a
workshop will not be like normal Yoga classes. This sensation went into my complete body at that time. I
Arham Yoga is definitely an extended version of started getting goosebumps all over body. I really felt
normal yoga in which we do 'Om Arham' enchant like that I am dead now and my soul is leaving me now.
alongwith breathing exercises which increases your
I was feeling very light and refreshed at that time.
positive energy to the next level. But, this was just
beginning and there were lot of things which I still need Then, Muni Shri told us to slowly move our toes
to explore. and hands. And believe me, for some seconds, I was
not even able to move them. And then, after some time,
After this, we had lunch break and then we had
we came back to our normal position. There was a
session in which Muni Shri gave us one sutra(Yen
divine peace everywhere. And I was just speechless at
Maya) to solve all our problems related to
that time.
Anger/Manage Stress/Relationship management. He
said that sometimes, it is good to become MAD so that Then, Muni Shri explained us about theory
no one can make you MAD. aspect of activity. This activity is called Karyotsarg.
This is long way of doing Karyotsarg. Other way of
Then, after having group activities,we did deep

doing Karyotsarg in less time is 27 times washed away with those tears. I was feeling so so
Shwasochwash. good... :)
After this, we had quick breakfast break and then After this, we had lunch break and then we had
we did another Arham Mantra session. some more sessions in which we got insights to
In this session, Muni Shri let us enchant Arham manage our stress, relations and some tips to manage
Mantra 108 times and let us feel that different letters of our life in a better way. And thus, this two days
Mantra are present in our Nabhi, Hridya, Kanth and workshop came to an end.
Gyan Kendra. I came back home with deep peace and positive
I started enchanting this mantra and believe me, attitude in my mind.
after some time, due to this powerful melodious I must say that this is truly a nice and fruitful
version of mantra, I started moving slowly initiative started by Om Arham team with the guidance
automatically. My head was just moving with mantra and blessings of Muni Shri Pranamya Sagar ji.
flow. After that, Muni Shri again recited one bhajan and I have not mentioned many things in this post as it
I don't know why, tears were started coming is becoming more lengthy but Om Arham team really
automatically from eyes. I have not remembered the used creativity and brought a thoughtful workshop
exact lyrics of bhajan but the sense was that I dont after choosing small things like A letter to myself,
need anyone in this world if I will get place in Picture Corner etc in front of our society.
Your(GOD) charan. I must recommend to all that you should try once
Whatever negativity was present in my body, that and Rediscover Yourself with Power Of Arham Yoga.

Being a trainer - Rekha Jain

_moj _mJ© ñd[hV H$r Amoa AJ«ga H$amZo dmcm _mJ© h¡ na- Img ~Zm [X`m h¡& ha ì`[º$ Ho$ _Z _| H$^r Z H$^r EH$ àý Oê$a
[hV ñd_od hr Cg_| hmoVm Mcm OmVm h¡& nwéfmW© nhco ñd[hV Ho$ CR>Vm h¡ [H$ dh Š`mo§ Or ahm h¡, Cgo H¡$go OrZm Mm[hE& `o
[cE hr H$aZm hmoVm h¡& Ahª Ü`mZ Ed§ `moJ H$m AZw^d ^r Bgr na Trainer ~ZHo$ _wPo Ehgmg hwAm [H$ _¢ AnZo [cE AnZr ñdmË_m
AmYm[aV h¡& _w[Z lr Ho$ Ûmam Ahª `moJ Ho$ Trainer ~ZmE JE Am¡a Ho$ CËnmV Ho$ [cE OrD±$ Ahª Ü`mZ Ed§ `moJ h¡ BgH$m _mÜ`_& Am¡a
EH$ Trainer ~ZH$a _oao A§Xa JµO~ H$m AmË_[dœmg Am`m [H$ trainer ~ZH$a _¢ Bg gyÌ H$mo ^r M[aÌmW© H$a ahr hy± nañnamonJ«hmo
_w[Z lr Zo h_| Xygamo§ Ho$ Xw…I XX© H$mo Xya H$aZo H$r Xdm ~Vm Xr& OrdmZm_& Š`mo§[H$ _¢Zo gXm g^r Ordmo§ go Hw$N Z Hw$N J«hU hr
AmO EH$ doctor H$mo AnZo patient Ho$ RrH$ hmoZo na em`X [H$`m h¡ na _w[Z lr Ho$ CnH$ma Ho$ H$maU AmO _¢ ^r [H$gr H$mo Hw$N
CVZr Iwer Zht hmoVr hmoJr [OVZr Iwer _wPo V~ hmoVr h¡ O~ _oao XoZo cm`H$ ~Z JB© hy±& Iwco ñWmZ na ~¡R>H$a O~ _¢ › Ahª H$m
Ûmam [gImE JE cmoJ Iwe hmoH$a H$hVo h¢ [H$ CZH$m energy Zm§X H$aVr hy± Vmo gmam dmVmdaU ewÕ hmo OmVm h¡ Amg nmg Ho$ noµS>
level ~µT> J`m `m CZH$mo cervical _| Amam_ Am J`m `m nm¡Yo Omo McH$a _pÝXa Zht Am gH$Vo [Z[üV hr `o Üd[Z`m± CZHo$
KwQ>Zmo§ H$m XX© RrH$ hmo J`m& Trainer ~ZZm AnZo Amn _| Eogm hr AmË_ àXoemo§ H$mo ^r H§$[nV H$aVr h¡ `h _oam gm¡^m½` h¡ [H$ _w[Z lr
h¡ [H$ A~ AmnH$mo _w[Z lr H$m Amerdm©X ha nc [_c ahm h¡ Zo _wPo Bg cm`H$ g_Pm Am¡a Ahª Qr_ H$m ^r _¢ YÝ`dmX H$aVr hy±
Š`mo§[H$ CZHo$ ~VmE kmZ H$mo Amn AmJo cmoJmo§ _| ~m±Q> aho hmo& Ahª [OZHo$ gh`moJ Am¡a àoaUm Ho$ [~Zm `h H$^r g§^d Zht hmo gH$Vm
`moJ H$m trainer hmoZo go _wP_| H$B© Eogo JwUmo§ H$m [dH$mg hwAm Omo Wm& _¢ g^r cmoJmo§ VH$ AnZm `o gÝXoe Oê$a nhw±MmZm Mmhy±Jr [H$
em`X _wP_| nhco Zht Wo, [H$gr Ho$ ^r Xw…I XX© H$mo OmZH$a Cgo g^r cmoJ trainer ~ZH$a _w[Z lr Ho$ Bg gnZo H$mo Oê$a gmH$ma
`moJ Ho$ _mÜ`_ go Xya H$aZo H$r _¢ nyar H$mo[ee H$aVr hy± Am¡a H$a| [Og_| CÝhmo§Zo [H$gr Om[V `m Y_© H$m Zht Ord _mÌ Ho$
_hgyg H$aVr hy± [H$ As a trainer _¢ A~ X`m Ho$ JwU go n[anyU© H$ë`mU H$m gnZm XoIm Am¡a Cgo Ahª `moJ Ho$ _mÜ`_ go gmH$ma
hy±& Om[V Am¡a Y_© Ho$ ~§YZ go hQ>H$a _w[Z lr Zo h_| àmUr _mÌ Ho$ ^r H$a [X`m&
H$ë`mU H$m Omo `o _mJ© ~Vm`m h¡ CgZo _wPo g~Ho$ ~rM _| Hw$N

Arham Pariwar :
Shiromani Sanrakshak

Sh. Chaman Lal Jain Sh. Mahak Jain Dr. Suhaas Shah Dr. Monika Shah
Shiromani Sanrakshak Shiromani Sanrakshak Shiromani Sanrakshak Shiromani Sanrakshak
Delhi Gurugram Mumbai Mumbai

Sh. Rajesh Jain Smt. Ekta Jain Sh. Mayank Jain

Shiromani Sanrakshak Shiromani Sanrakshak Shiromani Sanrakshak
Delhi Delhi Delhi

Vishisht Sadsaya

Smt. Kavita Shah Smt. Swati Mehta Smt. Sarita Jain

Pune Pune Nandarwar


Sh. Anup Dongaonkar Smt. Meena Jain Sh. Padam Kr. Jain Dr. Nirmala Kothari
Jalna Delhi Agra Pune

Smt. Pushpa Benada Smt. Surekha Doshi Smt. Alka Jain Shri Vinod Kr. Jain
Agra Baramati Bangalore Rohtak

Ahª ¶moJ àUoVm ‘w{Zlr 108
àUå¶gmJa Or ‘hmamO
Ho$ MaUm| ‘| eV² eV² Z‘Z
Jwéda H$s nmdZ OÝ‘ ^y{‘ {gagmJ§O H$m Jm¡admpÝdV qgKB© n[adma
^mobmZmW - C{‘©bm Xodr O¡Z
H$‘b Hw$‘ma - ho‘m Xodr O¡Z
{d‘b Hw$‘ma - ~g§Vr Xodr O¡Z
gwerb Hw$‘ma - AbH$m O¡Z
gwZrb Hw$‘ma - ‘mo{ZH$m O¡Z
a{dH$m§V - énmbr O¡Z
M§ÐH$m§V - gm[aH$m O¡Z
Hw$bXrn - nm¶b O¡Z
àem§V - {Pb{‘b O¡Z
gmo{ZH$, am¡ZH$, gy¶mªe, H$ën, ha‘Z, Am¶©‘Z d ‘oYm§e&
a{dem, {à¶m§er, gm¡å¶m, n[a{Y d [afm &

* {Zdmg *
hram hmCg, 16-17, Y‘m© EÝŠbod, E‘.Or. amoS>, AmJam
gy¶mªMb hmCg, EM.~r.hmCg, 2324, Y‘m© Eݳbod, E‘.Or. amoS>, AmJam
gå‘oXmMb, EM.~r.hmCg, S>r-30, ‘m°S>b Q>mCZ, {X„r

M/S H.B. SONS, 6693, Khari Baoli, Delhi - 110009

Ah§ go Ahª H$s Amoa


Address: 48C, Gautam Nagar, Road #3, Kalakhet,
Near Indore Bhavan, Mandsaur (M. P.)

Reg# 07/35/01/13314/16 dt 29.07.16 under M. P. Societies Registrations Act

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