Impact of Job Satisfaction On Outcom

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Impact of job satisfaction on outcome


Submission Date (march 15, 2019)


Matia Arshad

Zohaib ahmed

ROLL # 17460920-097


BBA 4th (A)

Submitted to Mam Ayesha

Department of management scienses

i. Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover:
Unlike the relationship between satisfaction and performance, research has concluded a moderate
relationship between job satisfaction and turnover. High employee turnover is a matter of
concern for the management as it disrupts the normal operations and continuous replacement of
employees who leave the organization is costly and technically managerial concern is mostly for
the turnover which arises because of job dissatisfaction. The employees, thus, tries to keep the
employees satisfied on their jobs to minimize the turnover. Though, high job satisfaction in itself
cannot keep the turnover low, but considerable job dissatisfaction will definitely increase the
employee turnover. The employee turnover is affected by certain other factors also, in addition to
job satisfaction.

ii. Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism:

It has been conclusively proved that there is an inverse relationship between job satisfaction and
absenteeism. When satisfaction is high, absenteeism is low and when satisfaction is low,
absenteeism is high. Less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to
avoidable reasons. This is known as voluntary absenteeism as against unavoidable absenteeism
which is due to illness or other emergency reasons. Management must be concerned with
voluntary absenteeism, because it is related to job satisfaction. Absenteeism can be modified by
certain factors. Research has found that people who believe that their work is important have
lower absenteeism as compared to those who do not feel that way. Moreover, it is important to
remember that while high job satisfaction will not necessarily result in low absenteeism (because
of unavoidable absenteeism), but low job satisfaction will definitely bring about high

iii. Job satisfaction and job performance:-

The relationship between job satisfaction and performance is an issue of continuing debate and
controversy .An alternative view is that performance leads to satisfaction. However, a variety of
studies suggest that research has found only a limited relationship between satisfaction and work
output and offer scant comfort to those seeking to confirm that a satisfied worker is also a
productive one. Labor turnover and absenteeism are commonly associated with dissatisfaction,
but although there may be some correlation, there are many other possible factors. No universal
generalizations about worker dissatisfaction exist, to offer easy management solutions to
problems of turnover and absenteeism. The study suggests that it is primarily in the realm of job
design, where opportunity resides for a constructive improvement of the worker's satisfaction

Individual performance is generally determined by three factors. Motivation, the desire to do the
job, ability, the capability to do the job, and the work environment, the tools, materials, and
information needed to do the job. If an employee lacks ability, the manager can provide training
or replace the worker. If there is an environmental problem, the manager can also usually make
adjustments to promote higher performance. But if motivation is the problem, the manager's task
is more challenging. Individual behavior is a complex phenomenon, and the manager may not be
able to figure out why the employee is not motivated and how to change the behavior. Thus, also
motivation plays a vital role since it might influence negatively performance and because of its
intangible nature

iv. Job satisfaction and OCB:-

Organizational Citizenship behavior (OCB) is a type of behavior which is also known as the
Extra Role Behavior, Motivate the employees to go beyond what is expected from them by
organization and job descriptions, this type of behavior have its benefits for both production
parts employees and organizations.

In Egypt and especially in Cement industry the term (OCB) still new concept and till now the
companies didn’t realize the importance of having this type of behavior among its employees.

This research aim to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction (Intrinsic and Extrinsic)
as independent variable and Organizational Citizenship Behavior as dependent variable among
Beni Suef Cement Company employees, this study will provide guidelines to help the senior
management of the company to measure and understand how Job satisfaction affect
organizational citizenship behavior of their team members.

v. Job satisfaction and workplace:

Job satisfaction in the workplace is a difficult concept to grasp due to its individualistic and
situational nature. What one employee desires from work, another may not. For instance, one
employee may put salary in high regard, while another may find autonomy the most important.
Unfortunately, one aspect alone will most likely not effect an employee's job satisfaction.

 Company Policies
 Salary/Benefits.
 Interpersonal/Social Relations
 Working Conditions
 Achievement Recognition

vi. Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction:-

Customer satisfaction is important because service organization manages should be concerned

with the pleasing our customers. A number of companies act on this evidence. Satisfied
employees help produce satisfied customers. Satisfied employees are likely to assist customers
with a more pleasant demeanor and a higher level of customer service this creates a more
satisfying customer experience, increases customer loyalty, and ultimately drives increased
profitability. Conversely, low employee satisfaction and overall low employee morale
can negatively affect company operations greatly, causing dissatisfied customers and hurt
profitability. When you provide employees with the tools and skills they need, employee
satisfaction rises as does the ability to service customers better. Employee satisfaction raises
employee productivity, and higher productivity means greater service and value to your

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