Has No Significant Effect On Students' Disposition To Critical Thinking and Their

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Student has their long list of assessments that define their success. In educational

institution, that success measured by academic performance. This is how well student

meets standards set out by the local government and the institution itself. As career

grows stronger in the workplace, the importance of students doing well in school has

caught the attention of parents, legislators and government education departments. In

inverse, employers are look to hire new graduates. On the other hand, educational mobile

games can promote and increase language development, critical thinking, emotional

development, intelligence and imagination (Zhang Yibing, 2012) According to (Birgit

Schmitz December). They indicate that mobile learning games may have the potential to

bring about cognitive learning outcomes (Lujiaozi Wang 2011). Says that the students

they interviewed are having problems with health and studies because of online gaming.

If students are spending too much time playing computer games, they may not be getting

enough social interaction at home. (Holy Smith 2018) showed that participants who

indicated that they did play video games had significantly lower GPAs than participants

who indicated that they did not play video games. ( Jancee Wright, 2011) Individuals

seek out entertainment and avoid boredom at all times be it appropriate or inappropriate.

It has been demonstrated that individuals with low self – esteem use cell phones to form

and maintain social relationships (T Tripura Sundari, 2015). Perhaps playing video games

can have different effects on different people. As it diverts the focus away from academic

material for some, it may work as a brain stimulant that boosts the mental capability to

perform better academically for others. (Ronny Khadra College of Coastal Georgia)

2012) has no significant effect on students’ disposition to critical thinking and their

educational achievement. (Mohammad Seifi 2015).The Department of Education says

that gaming is the first step for reinventing education and making it more relevant to

students today. The government’s goal is clear: capture the attention of students during

school hours (Bea Represa, 2015).

Significance of the study

This study aimed to impart knowledge about how mobile gaming affects the academic

performances. These are the following beneficiary of this study.

To the parent. This study will give them knowledge about how mobile gaming affect

their children’s academic performances. They will give their children restrictions or

limits in playing mobile games if it has a negative effect in their school performance.

To the students. This study will definitely help them in accessing themselves in terms of

playing mobile games. This will enrich their awareness about how to use it responsibly.

To the other and future researchers. This study can stand as their guide in conducting a

new and improved one, or they can use this to maximize the study itself.

To the teachers. This study will give them more knowledge about the performance of

their students and will help them assess and improve their students if he or she has a low


Related Review Literature

According to Zhang Yibing (2012) Educational mobile games can not only stimulate a

child's interest in learning but also can promote and increase language development,

critical thinking, emotional development, intelligence, and imagination. As Birgit

Schmitz (December 2012) indicated that mobile learning games may have the potential to

bring about cognitive learning outcomes as Jancee Wright (2011) indicated that they did

play video games had significantly lower GPAs than participants who indicated that they

did not play video games and according to Tripura Sundari (2015) Individuals seek out

entertainment and avoid boredom at all times be it appropriate or inappropriate. It has

been demonstrated that individuals with low self – esteem use cell phones to form and

maintain social relationships and Ronny Khadra (et.al. 2012) says that playing video

games can have different effects on different people. As it diverts the focus away from

academic material for some, it may work as a brain stimulant that boosts the mental

capability to perform better academically for others as well as Lujiaozi Wang (2011)

interviewed some students are having problems with health and studies because of online

gaming; and some of them are having bad relationships with friends and families,

however, some of them have a good relationship with their parents. The study has no

significant effect on students’ disposition to critical thinking and their educational

achievement. According to Mohammad Seifi and Bea Represa (2015) says that gaming

is the first step for reinventing education and making it more relevant to students today.

The government’s goal is clear: capture the attention of students during school hours and

educational games are developed to increase pupils’ motivation, communicate

information, improve specific skills and test competencies. They can allow for

personalized learning by being able to target specific learning difficulties and can also be

used with groups of children, allowing players an active role that demands a wide range

of skills. (The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, 2012) and If students

are spending too much time playing computer games, they may not be getting

enough social interaction at home. Holly Smith (2018) says that Educational

services are often not tangible and are difficult to measure because they result in the form

of transformation of knowledge, life skills and behavior modifications of learners.

(Tsinidou Gerogiannis, &Fitsilis, 2010). Goddard (2003) stated that environment and the

personal characteristics of learners play an important role in their academic success. The

school personnel, members of the families and communities provide help and support to

students for the quality of their academic performance. This social assistance has a

crucial role for the accomplishment of performance goals of students at school

Education encounters, in modern times, challenges in all aspects of social, economic &

cultural life; the most important of which are over-population, over-knowledge, education

philosophy development & the change of teacher‘s role, the spread of illiteracy, lack of

the staff & the technological development & mass media. Aloraini (2005) showed that

much of the controversy about video games centers around their impact on academic

performance. Matched groups of community college students, differing in the amount of

their game‐playing, were compared on selected academically‐related variables in two

studies. Frequent game‐players were not more likely to absent themselves from

psychology classes than infrequent players. There was no significant difference between

frequent and infrequent players on a measure of locus of control, or on GPAs. However,

infrequent players received significantly higher scores on psychology exams. The

discrepancy between GPA results and results on psychology exams was discussed and

recommendations were made for future research. Janice D. Campbell (2006) said that the

effects of video games on children's academic performance give a mixed signal. Some

studies that specifically track test results have shown an apparent link between increased

gaming and decreased academic performance. However John Lister (2010) says that

studies the track particular skills that could be used in academic work sometimes show

gaming to be beneficial. This apparent contradiction is largely caused by the complexity

of analyzing games and the difficulty of conducting controlled experiments on children.

Eskasasnanda (2017) revealed that students play video games online due to peers’

pressure; and online video games are liked because they are considered more modern,

practical, realistic and varied. Initially, students play online video games to relieve the

fatigue due to studying at school, but subsequently, they are becoming addicted, and

reach a condition that they find it difficult to stop playing games. This condition will

directly affect their achievement in school. As an Aaron Robinson (2010) says game

simulating stressful events such as those found in the battle or action games could be

training tool for real world situation. The study suggests that playing action video games

can be used to train soldiers and surgeons. Kaiser (2010) says that playing videogames

does have their positive views, as for re- creational purposes, but it could also do the

opposite and it can be a distraction instead. Castillo (2018) tells that playing online games

do not affect their grades badly for they know how to limit themselves. They know that

they need to control themselves in order to function well in their class that is why they

only play games during vacation and weekends with a lot of time compared when they

have classes. Lastly, according to Alcalde (2012) studies indicate that children who play

computer games can improve visual intelligence skills. Parents believed that computer

use is related to better academic performance of the children. It was found that high

school students who used educational software at home scored significantly higher on

computer literacy tests than other students. Computer use at home is also associated with

improvements in general academic performance. Other studies also found that students

who own computers at home had higher over-all grades, particularly in Math and

English, than those without home computers.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focus on how mobile gaming can affect the Grade 11 Accountancy, Business,

and Management Senior High School Students of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School

Inc, who serve as the respondents of the study in their academic performance. The 100

respondents from Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management Senior High

School Student of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School Inc, have to complete

questionnaires given by the researchers. This conducted during the first semester of

School Year of 2018-2019.

Research Question

The main objective of this study is to know the Academic Performance of Grade 11

Accountancy, Business, and Management. This study concentrated to the Academic

performance of Grade 11 Mobile Gamers.

1. What is mobile gaming?

2. How many students are playing mobile games?

3. What are the effects of mobile games to the students?

Conceptual Framework

This study aims to the Academic Performance of Grade Eleven Accountancy, Business,

and Management Mobile Gamers. The researchers therefore gather information through



>Students >By survey >High or Low

>Time questionnaires. Performance.
>Mobile games

Fig. 1 Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

The researcher sought to find the Academic Performance of Grade11 Accountancy,

Business, and Management Mobile gamers. The researchers will provide questionnaires

to the students of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School. Inc. Validation is the most

important process in conducting a questionnaire, if it is not validated the researchers will

not be able to provide those questionnaires to their respondents. Lastly after the

respondents answered the questionnaires, the researchers will compute the results of the

survey papers to get the input and will get the result for the output. Based from the results

all of the students got passing grades in their academic performance.

Definition of Terms

According to Merriam Webster in this study the educational is relating to the provision

of education it is what you get in the school.

Merriam Webster said Behavior is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself,

especially toward others.

According to Google dictionary Psycho Social is relating to the interrelation of social

factors and individual thought and behavior or simply how you think towards other

people or society.

According to Merriam Webster Influential is having great influence on someone or


According to Google dictionary Habitual is done or doing constantly or it is what you

always do.

Merriam Webster said that Sedentary Behavior refers to activities that require very

low energy expenditure and where sitting or lying is the dominant posture.

According to Google dictionary Interest is the state of wanting to know or learn about

something or someone.

According to Google dictionary Critical thinking refers to the objective analysis and

evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment or being on focus to make choices



This section aims to describe the study through the use of sampling procedures and

research design with the help of Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management as

their respondents


The validators must have knowledge about conducting a research. They should review

the research study to construct their problem and conclude a questionnaire. The ages of

the validators are 20 to 23 years old and must be an expert individual in the field of



The researchers considered the Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and Management

Students of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School Inc. Comprising of members male

and female 60 percent of the female and 40 percent are male. They were the chosen

respondents because their strand has to do with the research of researchers.

Sampling Procedure

The sample consist of 60 respondents from Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and

Management students of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School Inc. The respondents

will be selected from different sections of Accountancy, Business, and Management

Strand. The list of the students will be given by the advisers of each section. The

researchers therefore will use the Random sampling method to avoid bias, individuals in

a population has an opportunity to be selected. The researchers will distribute the survey

papers to the section of Revelation, Jonah, Micah and Jacob.

Research Design

In order to see the Academic Performance of Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and

Management Mobile gamers of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School Inc., descriptive

method was used. As a descriptive study, it collected detailed information to describe the

researchers and numbers of mobile gamers. It allowed the researchers to carefully

describe and understand the behavior and the performance of the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers selected 60 students from the Grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and

Management of Magalang Christian Ecumenical School Inc. The respondents will be

selected from the sections of the chosen track, 15 from the section of Revelation, 15

respondents from Jonah, 15 respondents from Micah and 15 respondents from Jacob. The

chosen respondents will be given a survey paper and has to finish it within 15 minutes,

after that the papers will be collected by the researchers.

Results and Discussion

Do you play mobile games? f %

Yes 45 75.0
No 15 25.0

How old are you when you started playing mobile games?
2-3 yrs old 2 3.3
4-5 yrs old 7 11.7
6 - 10 yrs old 17 28.3
others 34 56.7

Which of these games do you play?

Mobile legends 35 58.3
Rules of survival 22 36.7
None 3 5.0

What gadget do you use while playing mobile games?

Tablet 7 11.7
Smart Phone 44 73.3
Others 9 15.0
TOTAL 60 100
Table 1.1 First question; Results shows that 45 (75%) answered yes, they were playing

mobile games while 15 (25%) out of 60 respondents answered no. Second question:

Results shows that 2 (3.3%) started 2-3 years old; 7 (11.7%) answered they started

playing at the age of 4-5 years old; 17 (28.3%) answered they started playing mobile

games at the age of 6-10 years old and 34 (56.7%) out of 60 respondents specified their


Table 1.2
How often do you play the video game? f %
Sometimes 22 36.7
Rarely 14 23.3
Always 11 18.3
Never 13 21.7

How many times do you play in a week?

2-3 times 17 28.3
4-6 times 18 30.0
Others 25 41.7

What is your playing time?

10 - 11 am 3 5.0
1-2 pm 7 11.7
2-3 pm 17 28.3
Others 33 55.0

In an average week, how many hours do you spend in gaming?

1-4 hours 33 55.0
5-9 hours 11 18.3
10-14 hours 4 6.7
Others 12 20.0
TOTAL 60 100
Table 1.2 Explained the time the respondents used when playing mobile games. Fist

question: How often do you play mobile games? Results shows that 22 (35.7%) answered

sometimes they play mobile games; 14 (23.4%) answered they rarely play mobile games;

11 (18.3%) answered they always play mobile games; 13 (21.7) out of 60 respondents

answered they never played mobile games. Second question: How many times do you

play in a week? Results shows that 17 (28.3%) respondents played 2-3 times a week

while 18(30%) played 4-6 times a week and 25 (41.7%) out of 60 respondents specified

their answer. Third question: What is your playing time? The results shows that 3 (5.0%)

are playing from 10-11 am while 7 (11.7%) answered 1-2pm then 17 (28.3%) answered

2-3 pm and 33 (55.0%) out of 60 respondents specified their answer. Fourth question: In

an average week, how many hours do you spend in gaming? The results shows that 33

(55.0 %) answered 1-4 hours in an average week; 11 (18.3) answered they spend 5-9 hour

a week; 4 (6.7%) answered 10-14 hours in an average week and 12 (20.0%) specified

their answers out of 60 respondents.

Table 1.3 Relationship Between Social Media and Acadmic Performance
What is your current grade average? f %
87 17 28.3
85 13 21.7
95 1 1.7
Others 29 48.3

Does mobile games increase/s your language development that you use in your studies?
Yes 31 51.7
No 29 48.3

Does mobile gaming help/s you to develop your critical thinking skills when it comes to academic activities?
Yes 37 61.7
No 23 38.3

Does mobile gaming help/s you to be more intelligent?

Yes 32 53.3
No 28 46.7
TOTAL 60 100
From table 1.3 - it shows how is the relationship between social media and academic

performance of Grade 11 ABM. The 1st question stated is what is their current average?

We have 60 respondents and the survey shows that only 1.7% for an average of 1 out of

60 students gets 95, 21.7% gets 85 for an average of 13 students, 28.3% gets 87 for an

average of 17 students while the remaining 29 students says that they acquired grades not

given on the list surveyed. The second question tells if mobile games increase their

language development which is used in their studies. 31 students said Yes and 29 says No

which means that they are gaining knowledge in their language through mobile gaming.

Third question tells if it helps them develop their critical thinking academically. There is

higher percentage who says Yes for an average of 37 students while 23 says No And the

last question from the table shows if mobile gaming helps them to be more intelligent. 32

students answered Yes and 28 answered No which tells that it helps them to develop their


Table 1.4
During what days do you normally play mobile games? f %
Monday, Wednesday and Friday only 1 1.7
Tuesday and Thursday only 9 15.0
Weekends only 26 43.3
Everyday 19 31.7
Others 5 8.3

Whom do you play mobile games with?

Classmates 19 31.7
Friends 29 48.3
Family 11 18.3
Others 1 1.7

Do you enjoy what you are doing?

Always 31 51.7
Maybe 25 41.7
Never 4 6.7

Does mobile gaming negatively affect your academic performance?

No, because I can manage my time between mobile gaming and school activities. 41 68.3
Yes, because I cannot manage my time in mobile gaming and school activities. 19 31.7
TOTAL 60 100

Table 1.4 shows their interaction socially. It shows the day they normally play mobile

games. The lowest is from M-W-F, it encompasses only 1.7% of the 60 respondents for a

total of 1 student, 15% for a total of 9 students, 31.7% said they play every day for an

average of 19 students and the highest is weekends because 43.3% percent play during

these days.. They play mobile games with friends who show 48.3% on the survey, with

classmates of 31.7%, with family of 18.3% and they do play with others but got the

lowest of 1.7%. We also asked them if mobile gaming negatively affect their academic

performance and it shows that 41 students says it is not affecting them because they can

manage their time between playing and school activities while only 19 students says yes

because they cannot manage their time efficiently.

Table 1.5
How can you balance your time between mobile gaming and doing school works? f %
I play mobile games after I did my school works. 27 45.0
I finish the game first before doing my school works. 7 11.7
I manage my time in doing my school works and playing mobile games. 26 43.3
What do you think is the reason why you got such grades? 0.0
Because I cannot balance my time for gaming and academic activities. 8 13.3
Because I can balance mobile gaming and academic activities 39 65.0
Because I do not play mobile games. 13 21.7
Indicate how many years have you been playing mobile games? 0.0
One year 13 21.7
1-2 years 12 20.0
2-3 years 18 30.0
Others 17 28.3
How many hours do you sleep during school days? 0.0
4-5 hours 2 3.3
5-6 hours 29 48.3
7-8 hours 25 41.7
Others 4 6.7
TOTAL 60 100
Table 1.5 shows that the questions that were made about how mobile gaming affects

academic performance of the students. First question: How can you balance your time

between mobile gaming and doing school works? Results shows that 27(45%) out of 60

respondents answered they play mobile games after they do their school works; 26

(43.3%) out of 60 respondents answered they manage their time in doing school works

and mobile gaming; 7 (11.7%) out of 60 respondents answered they finish first the game

before doing their school works. What do you think is the reason why you got such

grades? Results show that 39(65%) out or 60 respondents answered they can balance

mobile gaming and academic activities; 13 (21.7%) out of 60 respondents answered they

do not play mobile games; 8 (13.3%) out of 60 respondents answered they cannot balance

their time in gaming and academic activities. Third question: Indicate how many years

have you been playing mobile games. Results shows that 18 (30%) out of 60 respondents

have been playing mobile games for 2-3 years; 17 (28.3%) out of 60 respondents

specified their answer; 13 (21.7%) out of 60 respondents have been playing mobile

games for a year; 12 (20%) out of 60 respondents have been playing mobile games for 1-

2 years. Fourth question; How many hours do you sleep during school days? Results

shows that 29 (48.3%) out of 60 respondents get 5-6 hours of sleep during school days;

25 (41.7%) out of 60 respondents get 7-8 hours of sleep during school days; 4 (6.7%) out

of 60 respondents specified their hours of sleep during school days; 2 (3.3%) out of 60

respondents get 4-5 hours of sleep during school days.


The researchers found out that most of the students are playing mobile games. The

researchers sought the effect of mobile games to the students and based from the

researcher respondents mobile gaming does not affect their academic performance.

Research shows that mobile game helps the respondents to develop critical thinking skill

when it comes to academic activities. Therefore the researchers found out that most of the

students can also balance their studies while playing mobile games. All of the students

got passing grades in their academic performance.

Magalang Christian Ecumenical School, Inc.

Marbea Subd., Sta. Cruz, Magalang, Pampanga


Name (optional): Age:□15 □16 □17 & above

Grade & Section: Gender: □Male □Female

Instructions: Put a check mark in the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Do you play mobile games?

Yes No

2. How old are you when you started playing mobile games?

2-3yrs old 4-5 yrs old 6-10 yrs old Others specify_____

3. Which of these games do you play?

Mobile legends Rules of survival

4. What gadget do you use while playing mobile games?

Tablet Smart Phone Others specify

5. How often do you play the mobile game?

Sometimes Rarely Always Never

6. How many times do you play in a week?

2-3times 4-6 times Others specify______

7. What is your playing time?

10-11 am 1-2 pm 2-3pm Others specify

8. In an average week, how many hours do you spend in gaming?

1-4 hours 5-9 hours 10-14 hours

Others specify______

9. What is your current grade average?

87 85 95 Others specify ______

10. Does mobile games increase/s your language development that you use in

your studies?

Yes No

11. Does mobile gaming help/s you to develop your critical thinking skills when

it comes to academic activities?

Yes No

12. Does mobile gaming help/s you to be more intelligent?

Yes No

13. During what days do you normally play mobile games?

Monday, Wednesday and Friday only

Tuesday and Thursday only

Weekends only


Others specify

14. Whom do you play mobile games with?

Classmates Friends Family others specify

15. Do you enjoy what you are doing?

Always Maybe Never

16. Does mobile gaming negatively affect your academic performance?

No, because I can manage my time between mobile gaming and school


Yes, because I cannot manage my time in mobile gaming and school


17. How can you balance your time between mobile gaming and doing school


I play mobile games after I did my school works.

I finish the game first before doing my school works.

I manage my time in doing my school works and playing mobile games.

18. What do you think is the reason why you got such grades?

Because I cannot balance my time for gaming and academic activities.

Because I can balance mobile gaming and academic activities.

Because I do not play mobile games.

19. Indicate how many years have you been playing mobile games?

One year 1-2 years 2-3 years

Others specify_____

20. How many hours do you sleep during school days?

4-5 hours 5-6 hours 7-8 hours Others specify_____















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