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University of Science and

Technology of Southern

College of Engineering and


Master Thesis Guidelines

Table of Contents

Part I. Guidelines for Thesis Preparation

A. Advisory Panel
B. Proposal
C. Thesis Work
D. Acceptance for Final Defense
E. Oral Examination of Thesis
F. Approval for Binding
G. Submission of Bound, Journal Format Paper and Electronic Copies
H. Deadline
Part II. Guidelines for the Organization and Format of Thesis
A. Detailed Section of the Manuscript
1. Front Matters
a. Title Page
b. Certificate of Panel Approval
c. Abstract
d. Acknowledgement
e. Table of Contents
f. List of Tables
g. List of Figures
2. Text
a. Body of the Thesis
3. Back Matters
a. Bibliography/References
b. Appendices
c. CV
d. Certificate of Authentic Ownership
B. Technical Specifications
1. Paper Size and Quality
2. Paper Layout
3. Margins
4. Spacing
5. Font and Sizes
6. Pagination
7. Footnotes
8. Text Citations of References
9. Equations
10. Printing
11. Labeling and Binding
Part I
Guidelines for Thesis Preparation

A. Advisory Panel
1. The advisory panel is a group of qualified faculty members of the University, who will
guide the student/s in writing his/her/ their thesis. The department chairman appoints
the members of the advisory panel which comprises; i) the student’s thesis adviser, and
ii) and at least three (3) other members, one of whom is an off-campus member that is
expert on the field of study. All other members must be a faculty of the university
2. The thesis adviser shall be the chairman of the advisory panel and should be a faculty
member of the university. However during the Oral Examination, the thesis adviser is
non-voting member of the panel. In case an off-campus adviser is chosen, a co-adviser
who is a faculty member of the university must be appointed. The program chairman
will appoint the thesis adviser to the student or group of students on the basis of
his/her expertise on the chosen topic.
3. The advisory Panel will eventually become the Oral Examination Panel for the purpose
of continuity. The Oral Examination Panel will sit during the final defense of the
student/s, give suggestions, recommends revisions if necessary, decides on the
outcome of the defense and rating or grade of the student/s.

B. Proposal
1. A thesis proposal is submitted by the student/s to the members of the advisory panel
for proposal hearing. But before the submission of the thesis proposal, the student/s
should consult his/her adviser for presentation of his/her/their proposal and
consequent approval thereof.
2. The proposal hearing shall be conducted on the month of July of the current school
year preferably on the third week.
3. Approval for Proposal Hearing form (Form 1) must be filled out by the student/s and
submitted for this purpose to the program head or research coordinator.
4. The advisory panel approves the proposal (and make comments or suggestion) using
the approval for proposal form (Form 2)
C. Presentation in the College Research Colloquium
All students enrolled in Research 2 are required to present a considerable portion of their
theses during the College Research Colloquium before they are finally defended.
D. Acceptance for Final Defense
1. When the thesis work as proposed is completed, the student/s will fill up the Approval
for Defense Form (Form 3) and Nomination of members of Oral Examination Panel
(Form 4)and submit it to the department chairman together with a copy of the thesis
paper at least three (3) days before the date of oral examination. Each member of the
panel shall also be provided with a copy of the thesis paper at least three (3) days
before the date of oral examination
2. Members of the Oral Examination Panel may give a written comment before a thesis
defense maybe schedule.
3. The thesis must show evidence of the student/s’s ability for comprehensive research
and the output must give worthwhile contribution to the engineering knowledge and
to the community that is intended to benefit its research.
E. Oral Examination for Thesis
1. The student must be registered in the appropriate semester during the final defense
of the Thesis.
2. At the end of the oral examination, the members of the oral examination panel
shall submit a rating on the student’s performance using Form 4: Oral
Examination Report to the department chairman.
3. The department chairman shall notify the student of the rating he/she has
received in the oral examination, together with the revisions, if any, required in the

F. Approval for Binding

1. The student incorporates the required revisions and submits the revised copy to
the members of the Oral Examination Panel for approval.
2. Form 5: Approval for Binding must be accomplished before the student can reproduce
copies of the manuscript for binding.
3. No other pages may be added to the manuscript after it has been approved
and returned to the student for reproduction and binding.

G. Submission of Bound, Journal Format Paper and Electronic Copies

Three (3) bound copy of the approved manuscript, three (3) copies of the research paper
in a journal article form, and three (3)CDs containing the electronic files of the
manuscript shall be submitted to the office of the Dean of the College of Engineering.
H. Deadline
All required documents as stated in section G, shall be submitted to the office of the
Dean of the College of Engineering on or before submission of grades. These items must be
submitted before the adviser enters the grade for the thesis.
Part II
Guidelines for the Organization and Format of Thesis

A. Detailed Section of the Manuscript

1. Front Matters
a. Title Page
- This page contains the Research Title, Co llege, Program of Study
(Degree), Author and Date of Publication (See SAMPLE FORM : TITLE
- The title page is counted as page i (lower-cased Roman numeral), but
unmarked. Pagination is reflected in the Table of Contents.
- The research title should be in uppercase and centered. It should be
presented in descriptive words that will ensure electronic retrieval.
- The final line of the title page is the month and year in which
the Thesis is approved by the Oral Examination Panel.

b. Certificate of Panel Approval

- The certificate of panel approval is to enable the student’s adviser, the
members of the Oral Examination Panel, and the Dean of the to indicate
that the work satisfies the requirements for the degree. Date for
affixing the signatures are likewise indicated.
- The signatures should be originals and rendered in black ink.
- This is Roman page number ii, but unmarked. Pagination is reflected in –
the Table of Contents.
c. Abstract
- The heading for this page is ABSTRACT in uppercase and bold attributes,
centered without punctuation.
- The body of the abstract, printed in double or one-and-one-half space,
begins on the fourth line below the heading
- An abstract is a general overview of the research. It is a summary of the
study; a statement of the experiment or problem, the procedure
followed, the results and the conclusions.
- The maximum length for a thesis is 200 words.
- Pertinent places, full names of people and other proper nouns useful in
electronic retrieval must be included.
- If possible, use present form in all sentence construction.
d. Acknowledgement
- The word ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in uppercase and bold attribute
should be centered.
- This page expresses the student’s recognition of, and appreciation for,
any special assistance made by individuals or institutions, that are not
mentioned in the manuscript but have made an important contribution
to the study.
e. Table of Contents
- The heading for this page is TABLE OF CONTENTS in uppercase
and bold attribute, centered without punctuation.
- The titles of chapters or sections must be listed and worded
exactly as they appear in the manuscript.
- Titles for the preliminary pages and for all chapters, except
sub-chapters, are in uppercase.
- The page number for the starting page of each part is listed
flush at the right margin.
- Any space between the last word of the title and the page
number can be filled with a dot leader.
f. List of Tables/Figures
- The headings for these pages are in uppercase and bold attributes,
centered without punctuation.
- All tables and figures are arranged in increasing Arabic numeral.
- Appendices, symbols and abbreviations are arranged alphabetically.
- Greek-lettered symbols are placed before Roman/English-lettered
symbols Each acronym / symbol is indented and separated from the
definition by a dash line.
- Consistency in the inclusion of tables and figures must be observed; if
tables from one chapter are included in the list, then tables from all the
other chapters and the appendix must be included.
- Each entry must list the same caption or title used for a table in the text.
- The most common mode of presentation is to single-space within and to
double- space between each entry.
2. Text
a. Body of the Thesis
The manuscript is organized into logical chapters and sub-chapters as may
be shown below:

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Significance of the Study


• Numbering for each chapter is in Arabic numeral.

3. Back Matters
a. Bibliography/References
- Theses must list of references, and the documentation style
must follow the APA citation style for documenting sources.
- References cited in the text of a research paper must appear in a
Reference List. This list provides the information necessary to identify
and retrieve each source.
- REFERENCES is used instead of BIBLIOGRAPHY for the list of works cited.
- This must be in the same font type and point size as the rest of the
- Entries are listed alphabetically by the author’s last name or by the title
of the article/book if there is no author or editor given.
- All entries are in double-spaced. There is no additional space between
- Use the latest publishing date for the book or encyclopedia and the
complete date for newspapers, magazines or the Internet.
b. Appendices
- The appendix provides a place for a supplementary material that is not
necessary for inclusion in any of the major chapters. Tables too detailed
for the text presentation, figures, technical notes, raw data, computer
programs, musical scores, sample questionnaires, schedules, case
studies are common appendix materials.
- Appendices, presented in alphabetical order (A , B , C , D , …), and may be
single- spaced, appear at the end of the manuscript only; they do not
appear at the end of each chapter. If the material appended has more
than one page, subsequent pages of the appendix must include at least
the appendix letter and the notation that it is continued.
c. CV
- It is a professional biography of the candidate that may include place and
date of birth, educational institutions attended (after high school),
degrees and honors awarded, etc.
- It should be short, concise, written in the third person and in the same
font type and point size as the rest of the manuscript.
- It must be double-spaced.

B. Technical Specification
 Paper Size and Quality
 8.27” x 11.69” (A4), white, substance 20 book papers must be used
 Paper Layout
 Paper must be printed in portrait. Landscape is only allowed to for the purpose
of accommodating unusually large tables, illustrations, tables and the like.
 Margins
 Every page of the manuscript must meet these minimum margin standards:
Top: 1.5” (note: pagination is at header 1” from the top of the page)
Bottom: 1”
Right: 1”
Left: 1.5” (for binding allowance)
 All manuscript materials must fit within these margin requirements including
page numbers, tables, figures, graphs, etc
 Spacing
 The manuscript including the acknowledgements and CV, must be two-spaced.
This must be consistent throughout the manuscript. The abstract will be one and
half spaced.
 Footnotes, endnotes, bibliographic entries maybe single-spaced.

 Font and Sizes

 A 12-point font size is recommended for Times Roman; if Arial, Helvetica, or
Century Gothic fonts, the manuscript must be 11 or 12-point font.
 A consistent font and size must be observed throughout the manuscript.
 Italics maybe used for quotations and words in foreign language.

 Pagination
 Each page of the entire manuscript must be numbered except for the
certificate of originality / authentic authorship page and title page and
approval sheet.
 Preliminary pages are numbered consecutively in lower-cased Roman
numerals; the first page to be numbered is the Abstract page which is marked
 The text and back matters are numbered consecutively in Arabic
numerals, beginning with the 2nd page of the text which is marked 2.
 Page numbers must appear in the same location (upper right hand corner)
on each page except on the first page of Chapters where the page is counted
but not marked.
 Page numbers must be consistent with the text in font size and style. It must
also fit within the margin requirements.
 Text Citations of References
 The American Psychological Association (APA) citation style, both for in-text
and list of references, will be used for theses.
 Equations
 Equations must be numbered consecutively from (1.1), (1.2), etc., up to the
end of the paper, including any appendices. The equation number is used when
referring to equations.
 The first number refers to the chapter; the second number refers to the nth
occurrence of the equation within the chapter.
D(uv)w = αudw,v + αvdw,v + β du,,v + τ ABS(dw,u-dw,v) (3.1)
 Labeling and Binding
 The manuscript is bound using a hard cover, wrapped in transparent plastic, in
colors assigned to each program for thesis.
 The hard cover contains the title, name of the author, school, institute, place,
date of approval for binding, all of which are stamped in gold foil.
 Fourteen (14)-point Times New Roman font with bold attribute for all
elements is used.
 Except for the date, all other items are in uppercase

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