Action Plan Template - Google Docs2

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5/20/2019 Action Plan Template - Google Docs

Mountain Middle School 8th Grade Science 

Adaptation and Collaboration Project
Action Plan 
Prepared by: Kylin, Royal, Lily, Lucy, James, Kaylyn on Wednesday, May 15 2019  
Reduce impacts on wildlife of pollution and urban spread and prevent further pollution. 
Results (How will you know when you have reached the goal? What does success look like?): 

Individual Action Steps: What should individuals in our  List resources needed:  
community do to help reach this goal?     
Plant gardens  Mosquito nets  
Compost  Soil / plants 
Put mosquito nets over windows  Compost bin 
recycle   Recycling bin 
Spread awareness 

Community Organizations Steps: What should local organizations  List resources needed: 
do to help meet this goal (think local businesses, schools, companies,   
Community gardens / vertical gardens  Soil and plants 
Spread awareness   
Recycling punch cards ( if you recycle a certain amount you get your  Punch cards  
punch card full then you get a decrease in taxes )   
Provide compost bins for communities members  Compost bins 
Provides recycling bins for community members   Recycling bins 

National and Global Steps: What should governments both  List resources needed: 
nationally and worldwide do to help meet this goal? 1/2
5/20/2019 Action Plan Template - Google Docs

Mountain Middle School 8th Grade Science 

Adaptation and Collaboration Project

Charge money for producing more than a certain a weight of trash a 

week. 2/2

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