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Department of Chemical Engineering.

9/22/2017 1
 Material balances are nothing more than the
application of the conservation law of mass.

 Material balance calculations are almost invariably a

prerequisite to all other calculation in the solution of
both simple and complex chemical engineering

 Material balance analysis is simply an accounting of all

materials flowing, generated, or consumed in a
chemical process.

9/22/2017 2
80 kg Salt Water
0 wt% NaCl

100 kg Salt Water

10 wt% NaCl

?? kg Residue
?? wt% NaCl
9/22/2017 3
A system is any arbitrary portion of a process set out
specifically for analysis. A control volume is any
imaginary or tangible boundary which encloses the

Types of System
Closed System
A system is closed if there is no mass passing through the
control volume during the period of analysis.
Open System
A system is open if mass can pass through the control
volume during the period of analysis

9/22/2017 4
Batch reaction in a Vessel Fluid Flow in a Pipe

Volume Control

Fluid, u0

A ===> B

9/22/2017 5
In a steady-state process, the values of all variables in the
process (such as chemical composition, temperature,
pressure, etc.) do not change with time. Otherwise, it is
an unsteady-state process.

For a steady-state process:

Δx i dx i
 0 or 0
Δθ dθ

Where xi = any process variable (T, p, …) and θ = time

9/22/2017 6
 The conditions inside the process remain unchanged with
 The conditions of the flowing streams remain constant
with time

9/22/2017 7
 Initial condition for an open steady-state  Condition of an open steady-state system
system with accumulation with accumulation after 50 minutes

 Initial condition for an open steady-state  Condition of an open steady-state system with
system with negative accumulation negative accumulation after 50 minutes

9/22/2017 8
9/22/2017 9
Initial state of a batch mixing Final state of a batch mixing
process process

9/22/2017 10
The batch process represented
as an open system

9/22/2017 11
 The Material Balance for single component process

Accumulation of Total Flow Total flow

out of the
material within
the system
= = into the
- - system

What Goes in Must Come out

Final Material Material in
Accumulation = in the System - the system
Consider a control volume

A and B A =====> B B and C

B =====> C

Balancing B within the control volume,

ΔmB = +(mass increase)B – (mass decrease)B

ΔmB = +InputB + GeneratedB – ConsumedB –

9/22/2017 13
Possible scenarios for B,

If (input + generation)B > (output + consumption)B,

then the amount B within the control volume
increases (accumulation)
If (input + generation)B < (output + consumption)B,
then the amount B within the control volume
decreases (depletion/negative accumulation)
If (input + generation)B = (output + consumption)B,
then the amount B within the control volume will
not change (steady-state)

9/22/2017 14
The general mass balance equation can be written as
Acc/Dep = Input + Generation – Output –

For a steady-state process, there is no accumulation or

depletion of materials:

Input + Generation – Output – Consumption = 0

Input + Generation = Output + Consumption

9/22/2017 15
If there is no chemical reaction, there is no means for a
material to be generated or consumed, then
Acc/Dep = Input – Output

If there is no chemical reaction and steady-state condition

exists, then:
0 = Input – Output
Input = Output

9/22/2017 16
The procedure of determining whether enough
information is given to solve the problem. To determine
the degrees of freedom (DF):
DF = U – V
Where U = number of unknown variables to be solved
V = number of independent equations relating the
unknown variables.

What are independent equations?

An equation is independent if it cannot be derived
algebraically from the other equations.

9/22/2017 17
Possible cases depending on the value of DF:
DF = 0 : there are equal number of unknowns and
independent equations and the
problem, in principle, can be solved.
DF > 0 : there are more unknowns than
independent equations and the problem
is underspecified and has infinitely many
DF < 0 : there are more independent equations than
unknowns and the problem is
overspecified and has no exact solution.

9/22/2017 18
Consider the following set of equations used for solving
x, y and z.

3x – 4y + 5z = 6
-2x + 7y – 13z = -20
x + 3y – 8z = -14

Determine whether enough equations are available to

solve for the values of x, y, and z.

9/22/2017 19
1. Read the problem and clarify what is to be accomplished.
2. Draw a sketch of the process; define the system by a boundary.
3. Label with symbols the flow of each stream and the associated compositions and other
information that is unknown.
4. Put all the known values of compositions and stream flows on the figure by each stream;
calculate additional compositions and flows from the given data as necessary. Or, at least
initially identify the known parameters in some fashion.
5. Select a basis.
6. Make a list by symbols for each of the unknown values of the stream flows and compositions,
or at least mark them distinctly in some fashion, and count them.
7. Write down tha names of an appropriate set of balances to solve; write the balances down
with type of balance listed by each one.
8. Count the number of independent balances that can be written; ascertain that a unique
solution is possible. If not, look for mare information or check your assumptions.
9. Solve the equations. Each calculation must be made on a consistent basis.
10. Check your answer by introducing them, or some of them, into any redundant material
1. Material balance equations.
2. Stoichiometric relationships based on chemical
reactions (particularly) useful when solving reactive
3. Energy balance equations (to be discussed later).
4. Physical constraints on some variables.
5. Process specifications.
6. Physical properties and laws.

9/22/2017 21
A thickener in a waste disposal unit of a
plant removes water from wet sewage
sludge. How many kilograms of water leave
the thickener per 100 kg wet sludge that
enter the thickener? The process is in the
steady state.

9/22/2017 22
 Basis:100 kg wet sludge
 The system is the thickener (an open
system). No accumulation, generation, or
consumption occur. The total mass balance is

 Consequently. the Water amounts to 30 kg.

9/22/2017 23
Sebanyak 100 mol/jam larutan etilen diklorida 40% dalam
toluena dimasukkan ke sebuah kolom (menara) distilasi. Di
dalam menara distilasi proses berlangsung secara kontinyu
dan tidak terjadi akumulasi sehingga 100 mol/jam bahan
juga keluar dari kolom. Aliran keluar kolom dibagi menjadi
dua yaitu aliran distilat (D) dan aliran dasar (B = bottom)
Aliran bottom keluar dari bawah kolom mengandung 10%
mol etilen diklorida dan aliran distilat hanya mengandung
5% toluena. Tentukan laju alir masing-masing aliran
Pertama buatlah diagram alir dan tulis hal-hal yang
diketahui (besaran kualitas dan kuantitas)
Kemudian tentukan basis (sudah ada, tidak
perlu ditentukan lagi) langsung ke persamaan
neraca bahan
 Neraca massa (mol) total :

 Neraca massa (mol) komponen (dalam soal

ini hanya satu komponen) :
F . XF = D . XD + B . XB
 (1) 100 mol/jam = D + B
B = 100 mol/jam – D

 (2) 100 . (0,4) = D . (0,95) + B . (0,1)

40 = 0,95D + (100-D) . (0,1)

40 = 0,95D + 10 - 0,1D
30 = 0,85D
D = 35,3 mol/jam
B = 100 mol/jam – 35,3 mol/jam
B = 64,7 mol/jam

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