Words of Power

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Words Of Power

John Gurnee
The most beautiful thing someone can say to me is “You matter and your the best
person I ever met and you make my day.” When people say that it warms my heart and
makes my day as well. Everyday people will say that to me making me feel like I matter
and that I have a purpose. I cried the first time someone said that to me. I try not to cry
though cause I don't like to cry, crying is a thing I don't do and I rarely cry in public.
People don't really say that to me anymore for some reason. As matter of fact I don't get
comments anymore even though I give people comments. I give people comments of
how they look and how they treat me and what I would do without them and how my life
would be miserable without them. Lucky for me that's why I have best friends and people
who appreciate me. I also make friends by making people laugh. I give them jokes and
cheer them up when there feeling down. I got so many friends by my attitude and by
dancing and going crazy. They could also say that I'm a really good youtuber and the
best, most people know that I am a youtuber. And being a youtuber is hard work because
sometimes people will be mean to you and say stuff like kill yourself you're the worst
youtuber but people stick up for them and I have to delete those comments that are harsh
but most comments are nice and kind but the best part of doing youtube is getting paid for
it. You can make 1000$ in a year and get donations from people if they really like you.
And recording the video is hard and takes time then editing takes a long time it can take
up to 12 hours I am not lying. So when I get comments like that from people in this school
it makes me want to keep it up and keep going for 10k subscribers. I always got to say
thank you in return. Most of my friends have around 14k subscribers but I don't really care
because we collab with each other. We get to play games with each other and that's all
what matters to me. That's what makes my day as well. I always say to myself hang in
there you're almost there that way I don't get depressed in school or get bored because if
there's one thing I hate the most it is being bored and I know people can relate to that.
Being bored is just annoying and awful. Also people care for me when I go for them to
cheer them up after something bad happened like if there friends stabbed them in the
back and I come and cheer them up. I got to hold back my tears though because tears
are annoying. People are cheering me up when I cant do my work because I suck at
poetry and can't do the work that relates to it. People tell me its ok its probably not ok. I
don't know what else to write honestly.

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