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Topic: Grace for All

Thank God for guiding us here to Sabbath.

All the graces happened during the faith of journey

is my motivation.
When working at the workplace or when im with
my family, I thought often that they are the
problems. But in the end, I found out the problem
might be me.

A husband was looking for his wife at the hospital.

He cannot find his wife both at the hospital and at

home. But he found his wife in the living room, he

thought there might be something wrong with his
wife’s ears that she cannot hear him. But this is

just from the husband’s perspective.

So I often think that the problems we see at church

are from our own.

There is an artist in USA. He mentioned the

problems during marriage. You can always find
reasons to get divorced constantly. However, you
must keep looking for reasons to “keep getting”
married in order to maintain your marriage. We
have to always look from the positive perspectives.

During our faith, we need to find spiritual friends.

There are two different loves:

(1 Samuel 1:5) The background of this verse: there
are many different explanations for not being able

to give birth. Hannah cannot give birth, so people

might be wondering why.
1. You cannot give birth, but I still love you
2. You’re being submissive all the time, so I love

So what kind of love does God give us?

(Romans 5:7-8) So God loves us when we are

Even though we are not behaving good, God still

died for us. The love that God gives us is

We should not have high standards for our
spiritual workers, but have compassion.

Having mercy on our brothers and sisters is very

important, as well as marriage. In order to have a

good marriage, you have to “fall in love” many

times with the same person.
We sometimes have to deliver messages to truth
seekers. But do we really? When encountering the

long and tiring matters, we do not have

motivation. So now we always try to make our
gospel work more interesting to attract people. For
example, when inviting truth seekers to church, it’s
like they’re invited to an expensive restaurant. But
the messages we delivered is very little, which is

just like decoration in a restaurant  losing

purpose of preaching the truth. A lot of religious
events become superficial just to attract more

people on social media. Now a lot of religious

events will go to school to create population.
So church should not just be “performing” to

attract truth seekers. If those attractions and

decorations are gone one day, those truth seekers
will be gone too because they do not truly
establish a relationship with God. When a friend
coming to church, is his or her life changed? If not,

they are probably just attending a school club. A

lot of times, we only care about the numbers of
people come to our events. However, we should
care about the persons who come, if their lives are
being changed? We should examine motivation
behind those religious events.

How does faith come to an end?

Some church members’ faith is fluctuating and not

The painting, “The last feast”, is really famous.
When painting this paint, the artist needs models,

and he found a young man to draw me like Jesus.

However, he cannot find a model for Judah
because he needs to find a person who has a
personality full o hatred and evil. So he found this
person in the prison. After finishing drawing, he

showed the painting to the prisoner, and the

prisoner cried. He cried because the person that
was drawn as Jesus is the same person in the
prison. Which shows that his faith has fluctuated
and changed a lot.

Faith and freedom is not just about doing what you

want. But the true freedom is having motivation to
do what you’re already doing. There are three

people working, the first person is building a wall,

the second person is building a church, the third
person is collecting raw materials. All they’re doing

are the same, which is to build a church for the

older generations and for the future of church. But
they’re just doing from different angles. What we
are doing right now is to create a friendly
environment for our children to establish their

own faith. So it is worthy for us to spend more

time and efforts on this.

Our level of faith:

There are some spiritual works that are
entertaining. So the Holy place, the church,

becomes a performing stage. It’s all just about

entertainment but not salvation and truth.
Sometimes, we have lots of fun, but our heart is

empty. One day we might find out, we are just the

workers at church, but forget that we’re serving
the Lord. If we find out our motivation is wrong,

we need to stop and examine our heart. There

might be smoke coming out but there is no fire. So
a lot of times, we lose the “fire” and the
motivation that we had in the beginning, and we
are just an administrative worker.

We need to establish a group or a team with our

spiritual brothers and sisters. How do we always
maintain the “fire”? Is there a way? Yes, is there a
team working with you for the same purpose? Yes,
the method is to light up the fire for other teams

as well. For example, Pual, guidng Timothy. (2

Timothy 2:2) You have to pass what I teach you to
others. We need to ask ourselves: does what I’m

doing right now lead me closer to my target?

When serving at church, we might encountered
obstacles. When we kneel down and pray, we

might be heart broken. But from my experiences,

after praying, I will regain strength to strive again.
During our daily lives, there will always be
hardships. So there should always be someone or a
team to support. God has prepared many people

to work and strive with us. So we should not be

hiding in our own bubble. But we should sacrifice
ourselves for God. How to make the church more
propersous? Only when we’re willing to put our
efforts in.

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