Transcript Attendance Reflection 1

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I believe my attendance does not reflect on my capabilities, a couple reasons for that would be

because I recently got hired at starbucks. My attendance there is A 1 ! I have an average

attendance my attendance today shows that i have been present for 94.5% of the time since
school begun. I have been tardy many times but “better late than ever” no? Haha the only class i
have trouble getting to on time is my class all the way in the back of the school. It is also first
period which starts at 8:10 It’s not a good excuse but that’s all I got. I have some good friends
who have worst attendance then me but they are some of the best people i’ve ever met and i’m so
happy I have met them. So what I am trying to say about my attendance is that it’s good I am
also on top of my things my lowest grade is a D and the subject is math. I also have been coming
to saturday school to help out my attendance my tardy’s in total are 22. That is so crazy they all
just add up to where i cant keep track but that is why i have been going to saturday school to help
me out. I also don't think my attendance reflects me because i will be there for my friend if they
need me anytime or I am there to learn at school when I am not absent.

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