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i: needle U book aI sign
i runny u: routine aU round
I symptom u immunize OI avoid
e stress V dull I@ piercing
& practice 3: nurse e@ careless
A: heart @ polite U@ reassure
Q body eI patient
O: ward @U throat

p therapy f clarify h health
b bandage v vaccine m numb
t telescope T strength n backbone
d admit D withdraw N aching

achievement /@"tSi:vm@nt/ n something awareness /@"we@n@s/ n knowledge body language /"bQdi l&NgwIdZ/ n the
that somebody has done successfully or understanding of an issue or a way you place and move your body
aching /"eIkIN/ adj (of a pain) continuous situation and what this shows about your
and unpleasant but not particularly awkward /"O:kw@d/ adj difficult thoughts and feelings
strong to deal with book /bUk/ v to make an appointment
admit /@d"mIt/ v to receive somebody backbone /"b&kb@Un/ n the spine to see somebody, for example a doctor
into hospital for medical treatment barriers (to prevention) /"b&ri@z t@ or a nurse
affective disorders /@"fektIv dIs%O:d@z/ n prI%venSn/ n situations, ways of boring /"bO:rIN/ adj (of a pain) passing
types of mental illness in which a person thinking, etc. that prevent people from through one part of the body to
has extreme moods and emotions, such behaving in a way that would reduce another
as depression or mania their risk of developing an illness in bottle up /%bQtl "Vp/ v to hide your
aggressive /@"gresIv/ adj angry, and the future feelings of anger, sadness, etc. from
behaving in a threatening way bd /%bi:"di:/ abbrev two times a day. other people, over a long period of
annoyed /@"nOId/ adj slightly angry From the Latin phrase bis (in) die. time
anxiety /&N"zaI@ti/ n the state of feeling bendy /"bendi/ adj able to be bent easily break down /%breik "daUn/ v to fail to
worried or nervous benefit /"benIfIt/ n the helpful and useful continue
anxious /"&NkS@s/ adj feeling worried effect you receive from a medicine or burning /"b3:nIN/ adj very painful, similar
or nervous treatment to the feeling of touching something
apologize /@"pQl@dZaIz/ v to say that binge /bIndZ/ n a short period of time very hot
you are sorry for doing something when somebody does too much of CAGE /keIdZ/ n a series of questions used
wrong or causing a problem a particular activity, especially eating to judge whether a person drinks too
argumentative /%A:gju"ment@tIv/ adj or drinking alcohol much alcohol. The name CAGE refers
having the tendency to often argue bleep /bli:p/ v to call somebody on their to some of the words used in these
with other people bleeper (= a small electronic device questions: Cut, Annoyed, Guilt, Eye
assumption /@"sVmpSn/ n something that you carry with you and which opener.
that you believe to be true even makes a sound when somebody is careless /"ke@l@s/ adj not paying
though you have no proof trying to contact you) attention to or showing interest in
attach /@"t&tS/ v to fasten or join one BMI (Body Mass Index) /"bi: em %aI/ what you are doing
thing to another /"bQdi m&s "Indeks/ n a measurement clarify /"kl&r@faI/ v to make something
avoid /@"vOId/ v to stay away from that compares a person’s height and clearer or easier to understand
something; to try not to do something weight in order to judge whether close /kl@Us/ adj very involved in the
they weigh too much, too little, or an activities of somebody else and
appropriate amount communicating with them regularly
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cognitive /"kQgn@tIv/ adj connected with depression /dI"preSn/ n a medical excruciating /Ik"skru:SieItIN/ adj
mental processes of understanding condition in which a person feels very (of a pain) extremely severe
cognitive behavioral therapy sad and anxious, with little energy or excuse me /Ik"skju:z mi/ phrase used
/%kQgn@tIv bI"heIvj@r@l %Ter@pi/ n interest in life politely to get somebody’s attention,
a form of treatment for mental illness devise /dI"vaIz/ v to invent or create a especially somebody you do not know
that attempts to treat the condition new way of doing something exercise /"eks@saIz/ n physical activity
by changing the way a patient thinks diet /"daI@t/ n 1 the food that a person that you do to stay healthy or become
and behaves usually eats and drinks each day stronger
colleague /"kQli:g/ n a person that you 2 a reduced amount of food that a fade /feId/ v to become very weak
work with person eats because they want to lose and die
collective /k@"lektIv/ adj done or shared weight; a time when a person only flamboyant /fl&m"bOI@nt/ adj (about a
by all members of a group of people eats this reduced amount person) tending to attract attention
come and go /%kVm @n "g@U/ v to be disbelief /%dIsbI"li:f/ n an inability because they dress or behave in an
present for a short time and then go or a refusal to accept that something exciting or unusual way
away is real or true foolproof /"fu:lpru:f/ adj (of a plan,
come round /%kVm "raUnd/ v to become discriminate /dI"skrImIneIt/ v to unfairly method, etc.) certain to succeed
conscious again treat one person or group worse/ g /dZi:/ abbrev gram
concentration /%kQnsn"treISn/ n the better than another gastroscopy /gæ"strQsk@pi/ n a medical
ability to direct all your attention on dislike /dIs"laIk/ v to not like somebody examination of the stomach using an
one thing or something endoscope
consent /k@n"sent/ n permission from a distracted /dI"str&ktId/ adj unable to pay general practitioner
patient for a doctor to do a particular attention to something because you /%dZenr@l pr&k"tIS@n@(r)/ n a doctor
medical procedure are thinking about something else who is trained in general medicine
cooperate /k@U"Qp@reIt/ v to work district nurse /%dIstrIkt "n3:s/ n a nurse and who treats patients in a local
together with another person in order who works in a particular area and community rather than at a hospital
to achieve something who visits patients in their homes go over /%g@U "@Uv@(r)/ v to explain
cooperation /k@U%Qp@"reISn/ n the act diversity /daI"v3:s@ti/ n the quality or something carefully, especially by
of working together to achieve fact of including a range of people of repeating it
a shared aim different race, class, religion, etc. good practice /%gUd "pr&ktIs/ n a way
coping mechanisms donor card /"d@Un@ kA:d/ n a small card of doing something that is a good
/"k@UpIN %mek@nIz@mz/ n ways or that a person carries which gives example of how it should be done and
methods for dealing with difficult permission for doctors to use parts of which can be copied by other groups
situations their body after their death or organizations
critical /"krItIkl/ adj saying what you drain /dreIn/ v to remove liquid gripping /"grIpIN/ adj (of a pain) feeling
think is bad about a person or thing dull /dVl/ adj (of a pain) not very severe, as if something is squeezing or
croup /kru:p/ n a disease affecting but continuous holding a part of your body very hard
children that makes them cough a lot -ectomy /"ekt@mi/ suffix concerning the guilty /gIlti/ adj feeling ashamed
and have difficulty breathing surgical removal of an organ or a part because you feel that you have done
crushing /"krVSIN/ adj (of a pain) feeling of the body something wrong
that something is pressing down efficient /I"fISnt/ adj doing something habits /"h&bIts/ n actions or activities
extremely hard on a particular area of well and thoroughly with no waste of that you often do frequently, usually
your body time, money, or energy without thinking
culture /"kVltS@(r)/ n the customs, beliefs, empathy /"emp@Ti/ n the ability to halal /"h&l&l/ adj (of meat) from an
and way of life of a particular country understand another person’s feelings animal that has been killed according
or group Note: The words empathy and sympathy to Muslim law
defensive /dI"fensIv/ adj behaving in an are often confused. health visitor /"helT vIzIt@(r)/ n a trained
angry or offended manner because encourage /In"kVrIdZ/ v to give nurse who visits people in their
you feel that people are criticizing you somebody hope and support homes in order to give them advice
denial /dI"naI@l/ n a refusal to accept endoscope /"end@sk@Up/ n a small on medical care, for example advising
that something unpleasant or painful camera on a long thin tube which can new parents on how to look after
is true be put into a person’s body in order to their baby
view the areas inside
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hobbies /"hQbi:z/ n activities that you mania /"meIni@/ n a mental illness in numb /nVm/ v to make a part of
do for pleasure when you are not which a person has extreme moods your body unable to feel anything
working during which they become very active (= to make it numb); anaesthetize
honest /"QnIst/ adj always telling the and highly excited numbness /"nVmn@s/ n the inability to
truth Marie Curie nurse /%m&ri kjU@ri "n3:s/ n feel anything
I’d rather /%aId "rA:D@(r)/ phrase I would a type of nurse who takes care of O/E /@U i:/ abbrev on examination
prefer to people who are dying from illnesses obesity /@U"bi:s@ti/ n the condition of
ignore /Ig"nO:(r)/ v to pay no attention such as cancer being very fat, in a way that is not
to something mark /mA:k/ v to indicate the position of healthy
IM /%aI "em/ abbrev intramuscular something, for example by drawing or obtain /@b"teIn/ v to get something, such
immunization /%ImjunaI"zeISn/ n the writing on a person’s skin in order to as consent from a patient for an
action of protecting a person from show where to insert a needle operation
a disease, usually by injecting them metaphysics /%met@"fIzIks/ n the branch od /%@U "di:/ abbrev every day; once a day.
with a vaccine of philosophy that deals with the From the Latin phrase omni die.
informed consent /In%fO:md k@n"sent/ nature of existence, truth, and offend /@"fend/ v to make somebody feel
n permission for a medical procedure knowledge upset or angry because of something
that is given by a patient after the midwife /"mIdwaIf/ n a person who is you say or do
procedure has been explained by a trained to help women give birth to om /%@U "em/ abbrev every morning.
doctor, nurse, etc. babies From the Latin phrase omni mane.
INH /%aI en "eItS/ abbrev by inhalation mini–mental state examination /%mIni on /%@U "en abbrev every night. From the
initial assessment /I"nISl @%sesm@nt/ n mentl steIt Igz&mI"neISn/ n a short Latin phrase omni nocte.
the formal judgement of a doctor test that is used to judge if a person organ transplant /"O:g@n %tr&nsplA:
or a nurse concerning what illness has dementia (= a severe decline in nt/ n a medical operation in which
a patient is suffering from and what mental functioning, usually due to a damaged organ, such as a heart
is the best way to treat this, made old age) or kidney, is replaced with one from
after they interview the patient for mini-targets /"mIni tA:gIts/ n a small another person
the first time aim or objective that you try to -oscopy /"Qsk@pi/ suffix concerning the
instrument /"Instr@m@nt/ n a tool achieve in the near future act of examining or viewing a part of
or device used for a particular task, moderate /"mQd@r@t/ adj eating or the body
especially for delicate or scientific drinking sensible amounts; not -ostomy /"Qst@mi/ suffix concerning the
work extreme act of creating an opening in a part of
intense /In"tens/ adj very great; very motivate /"m@UtIveIt/ v to make the body
strong somebody want to do something overweight /%@Uv@"weIt/ 1 adj weighing
interrupt /%Int@"rVpt/ v to say or do that requires hard work or effort more than is healthy
something that makes somebody stop multicultural /%mVlti"kVltS@r@l/ adj for or 2 n the condition of weighing more
what they are saying or doing including people of several different than is healthy
isolation /%aIs@"leISn/ n the state or races, religions, languages and panic /"p&nIk/ n a sudden feeling of
feeling of being alone or separate traditions great fear that makes you unable to
from other people multidisciplinary /%mVltidIs@"plIn@ri/ think calmly
IV /%aI "vi:/ abbrev intravenous adj involving several different areas of partnership /"pA:tn@Sip/ n a relationship
job application /"dZQb %&plI"keISn/ n medicine between two people or two
a formal, usually written, request NEB /%en i: "bi:/ abbrev by nebulizer organizations who work together
for a job non-judgemental /"nQn dZVdZ%mentl/ on a particular activity
key /ki:/ adj most important; essential adj (used about a person’s attitude) pass away /%pA:s @"weI/ v to die. Pass
kick /kIk/ v to stop doing something not critical of other people away is used instead of the word die
harmful that you have done for a long non-verbal communication /%nQnv3:bl in order to avoid upsetting somebody
time, for example a bad habit k@mju:nI"keISn/ n the expression of patient /"peISnt/ adj able to wait for
kosher /"k@US@(r)/ adj (of food) prepared ideas and feelings without the use of a long time or accept difficulties
according to the rules of Jewish law words or speech without becoming angry
lifestyle /"laIfstaIl/ n the way in which a not be yourself /%nQt bi jO:"self/ phrase persistent /p@"sIst@nt/ adj (of a pain)
person lives, for example the type of to not be in a normal state of body or continuing for a long period of time
job they have or the type of hobbies mind without interruption or occurring
they enjoy regularly
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perspective /p@"spektIv/ n a particular process /"pr@Uses/ n a series of things respectful /rI"spektfl/ adj showing
view or way of thinking about that are done in order to achieve respect and consideration for
something a particular result other people
piercing /"pI@sIN/ adj (of a pain) feeling prohibited /pr@"hIbItId/ adj not allowed responsibility /rI%spQns@"bIl@ti/ n a duty
as if a sharp object is being pushed or permitted, especially by law to deal with or take care of something,
into the body prone /pr@Un/ adj having the tendency so that you may be blamed if
pinprick /"pInprIk/ n a short, mildly to suffer from a particular illness or something goes wrong
sharp sensation, similar to that condition restless /"restl@s/ adj unable to stay still;
produced by a pin when it breaks your psychological /%saIk@"lQdZIkl/ adj moving continuously
skin connected with a person’s mind and rewarding /rI"wO:dIN/ adj (of an activity)
PO /%pi: "@U/ abbrev by mouth. From the the way in which it works satisfying because you think it is
Latin phrase per os. psychosis /saI"k@UsIs/ n a serious mental useful or important
polite /p@"laIt/ adj having good manners illness in which the patient loses role /r@Ul/ n the function or position of
and showing respect for the feelings contact with reality, for example by somebody or something in a group, an
of others hearing voices organization, a situation, etc.
politeness /p@"laItn@s/ n the fact of psychotherapy /%saIk@U"Ter@pi/ n the routine /ru:"ti:n/ n the way you normally
having good manners and showing treatment of mental illness by talking do things, especially when this follows
respect and consideration for the with a patient rather than by giving a fixed order
feelings of others them drugs RTA /%A: ti: "eI/ abbrev a road traffic
pop /pQp/ v to go somewhere or put qds /%kju: di: "es/ abbrev four times each accident, such as a car crash. This is
something somewhere quickly or for a day. From the Latin phrase quater die also referred to as an RTI (= road traffic
short time. This verb is normally used sumendus. incident).
with a word such as up, off, etc. ◊Pop reassurance /%ri:@"SU@r@ns/ n the act of run (a temperature) /%rVn @ "tempr@tS@(r)/
up on the table, please. ◊ Could you giving advice or help that removes a v (used about a person’s body) to have
please pop your clothes off. person’s doubts or fears a higher temperature than is normal
PR /%pi: "A:(r)/ abbrev through the receptionist /rI"sepS@nIst/ n a person due to illness
rectum. From the Latin phrase per whose job is to deal with patients as runny (nose) /"rVni n@Uz/ adj producing
rectum. they arrive at a doctor’s practice, take a lot of liquid, for example when you
practice /"pr&ktIs/ n the place where appointments over the telephone, etc. have a cold
a doctor of general medicine (= a referral letter /rI"f3:r@l %let@(r)/ n a letter sample /"sA:mpl/ n a small amount of
general practitioner) advises and written by a doctor that directs their material taken from the body and
treats their patients; the work or patient to another person in the tested in order to obtain information
business of a general practitioner medical service for further treatment about a patient’s physical condition
practice manager /"pr&ktIs reflection /rI"flekSn/ n careful thought SC /%es "si:/ abbrev subcutaneous
%m&nIdZ@(r)/ n the person who is in about something, for example about scalding /"skO:ldIN/ adj (of a pain) very
charge of running and organizing a your work or behaviour; a written strong and giving a feeling of burning
practice, for example by managing the record of these thoughts scenario /s@"nA:ri@U/ n a possible
staff, dealing with financial matters, regretful /rI"gretfl/ adj feeling sadness situation, especially one that you
etc. or disappointment because of imagine in order to discuss what you
practice nurse /"pr&ktIs %n3:s/ n a nurse something that you have done or not would do in that type of situation
who works in a practice, and who done self-harm /%self "hA:m/ n the practice
performs routine medical procedures reliable /rI"laI@bl/ adj able to be trusted of deliberately injuring yourself, for
such as giving injections to do something well; that you can example by cutting yourself
prefer /prI"f3:(r)/ v to like one thing or rely on sensitive /"sens@tIv/ adj aware of and
person better than another resignation /%rezIg"neISn/ n the state able to understand other people and
prepare /prI"pe@(r)/ v to make of having accepted an unpleasant their feelings
something ready to be used situation because it cannot be sensitivity /%sens@"tIv@ti/ n the ability to
prn /%pi: A:r "en/ abbrev as needed; when changed understand other people’s feelings
required. From the Latin phrase pro re respect /rI"spekt/ n polite behaviour that and taking care not to offend them
nata. shows that you consider someone settle into /%setl "Intu/ v to begin to feel
procedure /pr@"si:dZ@(r)/ n a medical important comfortable with a new way of life or
operation a new way of doing things
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severe /sI"vI@(r)/ adj (of a pain) extremely sterilize /"ster@laIz/ v to kill all the throat /Tr@Ut/ n a passage in the neck
bad or serious bacteria in or on something in order through which food and air pass on
shock /SQk/ n a strong and unpleasant to make it clean their way into the body; the front part
feeling of surprise as a result of an stick to /"stIk t@/ v to continue doing of the neck
unexpected event something in spite of difficulties or thunderclap /"TVnd@kl&p/ adj (of a pain)
shooting /"Su:tIN/ adj (of a pain) used problems sudden and very intense
to describe a sudden sharp pain that strength /streNT/ n a good quality or tip /tIp/ n a small piece of advice about
moves quickly across an area of the ability that a person has something practical
body stress /stress/ n anxiety or worry caused treatment options /"tri:tm@nt %QpSnz/ n
shy away from /%SaI @"weI fr@m/ v to by pressure at work or problems in the different methods of treating an
avoid something somebody’s life illness that are available and offered
side effect /"saId I%fekt/ n an extra and support /s@"pO:t/ n encouragement and to a patient
usually bad effect that a treatment help that you give to somebody or ṫ ṫ /%ti:"ti:/ abbrev two tablets
has on you, as well as curing illness something TTOs /%ti: ti: "@Uz/ abbrev to take out.
or pain sympathy /"sImp@Ti/ n a feeling of Medicines that a patient is given to
sign /saIn/ n a physical or mental feature understanding for somebody; the act take home with them when they leave
of a particular illness that is observed of showing that you understand and hospital
by a doctor but which the patient is care about somebody’s problems TWEAK /twi:k/ n a series of questions
not aware of Note: The words empathy and sympathy used to judge whether a person drinks
sociable /"s@US@bl/ adj enjoying spending are often confused. too much alcohol. The name TWEAK
time with other people symptom /"sImpt@m/ n a physical or refers to some of the words used in
social drinker /"s@USl/ n a person who mental change that is noticeable to a these questions: Tolerance, Worried,
drinks alcohol only when they meet patient and which indicates that they Eye-opener, Amnesia, and K/Cut down
other people in a bar, restaurant, etc. may have a particular illness upset /Vp"set/ v to make somebody feel
sore /sO:(r)/ adj (of a part of the body) tactless /"t&ktl@s/ adj saying or doing unhappy, anxious, or annoyed
painful and tender things that are likely to annoy or to vague /veIg/ adj 1 not clear or precise
spasmodic /sp&z"mQdIk/ adj 1 (of a pain) upset other people 2 (of a pain) mild; not very severe
caused by your muscles becoming take up /%teIk "Vp/ v to start to do a new value /"v&lju:/ v to think that somebody/
tight in a way that you cannot control activity, such as a sport or hobby something is important
2 (of a pain) happening suddenly for tds /%ti: di: "es/ abbrev three times each visualization /%vIZu@laI"zeISn/ n the act
short periods of time; not regular or day. From the Latin phrase ter die of seeing something
continuous sumendus. ward round /"wO:d raUnd/ n a regular
spiritual /"spIrItSu@l/ adj connected with teamwork /"ti:mw3:k/ n the activity of visit that is paid by a doctor or a group
the human spirit, rather than the body working well together as a team of doctors in a hospital to each of the
or physical things teetotal /%ti:"t@Utl/ adj never drinking patients in their care
SpR /%es pi: "A:(r)/ abbrev specialist alcohol weakness /"wi:kn@s/ n a bad quality or
registrar. A senior doctor who works telescope /"telIsk@Up/ n a piece of lack of ability that a person has
in a hospital and who is an expert in a medical equipment, consisting of a withdraw /wID"drO:/ v to remove
particular area of medicine. thin tube with lenses, that you look something from somewhere
stat /st&t/ abbrev immediately. From the through in order to examine areas withdrawn /wID"drO:n/ adj very quiet
Latin phrase statim. inside the body during an operation and not wanting to communicate
stereotype /"steri@taIp/ v to form an tender /"tend@(r)/ adj (of a part of the with other people
opinion of a person based on fixed body) painful when you touch it WR /%dVblju: "A:(r)/ abbrev ward round
ideas about their class, race, etc. rather terminally ill /"t3:mIn@li %Il/ adj suffering
than considering that person as an from an illness that cannot be cured
individual and which will lead to death

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