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Job Portal APP


 User can register with valid E-mail address and Password

 User can also need to provide their name, phone number, preferred job category.


 User login with valid email and password

 User can re-set the password using registered mail-Id by clicking the “Forgot Password”
in the bottom of the page.
 New user can register by clicking “Create account”


 In the home page, list of jobs will be displayed based on the user’s preferred job category.
 By clicking any of the job then users can view full details of the job.
 In the home page there is an navigation menu which contains the follows:
o Home
o Other Jobs
o My Jobs
o Profile
o Logout

Other Jobs:

 In this page will show the common list of job categories.

 By clicking the category, it will display full list of jobs under that category.
 By clicking any of the job then users can view full details of the job.

Job View:

 In this page, user can view full details of particular job.

 Details showed: name, company name, location, salary, job posted, expire date of the job,
description of the job.
 If the user needs to apply for the job, then click “Apply” button in the bottom of the age.

My Jobs:

 In this page, shows list of jobs applied by the user.

 By clicking any of the job then users can view full details of the applied job.
My profile:

 User can view their profile by clicking “Profile” in navigation screen.

 User can edit their profile by clicking “Edit” button in bottom of the page.
 User can change their password by clicking the “settings icon” at the top right corner in
action bar.

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