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Contents Page No:

Chapter 1: Abstract 3

Chapter 2: Introduction 5

Chapter 3: Literature Survey 9

Chapter 4: Concept and principle 12

Chapter 5: Advantages and Challenges 17

Chapter 6: Research areas and Applications 24

Chapter 7: Conclusion 31

Chapter 8: References 32

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Compliant mechanisms Abstract

Chapter 1


Compliant mechanisms are seeing expanded use because they offer advantages such as

increased performance (e.g. high precision, low weight, low friction), lower cost (e.g.

simplified manufacture, low part count), and ability to miniaturize (e.g. makes possible micro-

and Nano mechanical devices). However, because compliant mechanisms are relatively new

compared to more traditional devices, it is difficult for designers to find examples and

resources to guide them in their work. Many people are beginning to understand the

advantages of compliant mechanisms but there is still a general lack of knowledge of how to

implement them. Although many journal articles and some texts are available to aid in the in-

depth engineering of compliant mechanisms, a more concise and visual resource is needed

to provide inspiration and guidance in the conceptual stages of compliant mechanism

design. Compliant mechanisms offer distinct advantages for use in that can address many of

the issues encountered with current rigid-link mechanisms. Compliant mechanisms are

defined as moveable mechanical assemblies that achieve their desired motion, force, or

displacement by means of the deflection of flexible members and can perform a necessary

function in the environments of space and other fields.

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Autonomous car Introduction

Chapter 2


An autonomous car is a vehicle that can guide itself without any human inputs.

An autonomous car is also known as driver less car, self driving car or robot car. It combines a

variety of sensors to perceive their surrounding data’s.

Autonomous cars have enormous potential to allow for for more productive use

of time spent in a vehicle and to reduce crashes, costs of congestion, energy consumption, and

(a) (b)

2.1 What are Compliant Mechanisms?

Stiffness is the ability of the object to withstand the deformation on response to an external force

applied on it, the contrary to this is flexibility or compliance. If something bends to do what it is

meant to do, then it is compliant. If the flexibility that allows it to bend also helps it to accomplish

something useful, then it is a compliant mechanism [1]. The idea of using compliant mechanisms

in products is catching on, but traditionally when designers need a machine that moves, they

commonly use very stiff or rigid parts that are connected with hinges
Compliant Mechanisms Introduction

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, 2018-19 5

(like a door on its hinge or a wheel on an axle) or sliding joints. But when we look at nature,

we see an entirely different idea from rigid parts connected at joints – most moving things in

nature are very flexible instead of stiff, and the motion comes from bending the flexible parts

[1]. For example, consider your heart – it is an amazing compliant mechanism that started

working before you were born and will work all day every day for your entire life. Think of bee

wings, elephant trunks, eels, sea weed, spines, and the blooming of flowers (Figure 2.1) – all

of which are compliant. Even the natural motions that seem to be exceptions to this bending

behaviour, like your knee or elbow, use cartilage, tendons, and muscles to do their work. We

see in nature the possibility of making machines that are very compact – a mosquito (Figure

2.1) is able to fly while carrying its own on-board navigation, control, energy harvesting, and

reproduction systems. Would it be possible for us to improve human-designed products if we

applied the lessons learned from nature and looked to flexibility to achieve movement? An

example of a compliant mechanism with a multi-millennia history is the bow (Figure 2.2).

Ancient bows were made using a composite of bone, wood, and tendon, and they used the

flexibility of their limbs to store energy that would be released into propelling the arrow. It is

interesting to see the sketches of Leonardo da Vinci [1] and see many compliant mechanisms

(see Figure 2.2 for an example). Even one of the great achievements of engineering –

sustained human flight – began with a compliant mechanism when the Wright brothers

(Figure 2.3) used wing warping to achieve control of their early aircraft [1]

Figure 2.1 A few examples of compliance in nature: a spine, bee wings, elephant
trunks, blooming flowers, a mosquito, sea weed, and eels
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Compliant mechanisms Introduction

Figure 2.2 Early compliant mechanism designs include the ancient bow and many
compliant mechanism designs by Leonardo da Vinci

Figure 2.3 The Wright brothers used wing warping to achieve control of their aircraft
for sustained human flight
This may all sound good, but it turns out that compliant mechanisms can be difficult to design.

Nature has done it, but nature employed very different design methods from those we mortal's

use. Great strides were made in the design of machines when compliance was left to nature and

we moved to the much easier-to-design realm of rigid parts connected at hinges. For example, the

too-sophisticated-for-its-time wing warping of the Wright Flier was eventually replaced by the

much-easier-to-work-with control surfaces provided by an aileron pivoting on a hinge. However,

over the past few decades our knowledge has advanced. We have developed new materials,

increased our computational capabilities and expanded the ability to design more sophisticated

devices. At the same time, society has developed new needs that cannot be easily addressed

using traditional mechanisms. This means that there is an increased ability to create compliant

mechanisms, and an increased motivation for doing so. One of the things that make the traditional

design of mechanical components compelling is that designers can separate different functions to

be done by different parts, and each part is assigned to do that one function. The blessing and

curse of compliant mechanisms is that they integrate different functions into fewer parts.

Compliant mechanisms can be much more difficult to design.

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Compliant mechanisms Literature Survey

Chapter 3

Literature Survey
The first application of compliant mechanism can be dated back to the medieval times,
wherein the Romans utilized compliant segments for energy storage in catapults and
crossbows. The same property of compliant mechanisms is utilized even today, however,
for providing comfort, e.g. the NASA mars rover wheel design [2].

Research in the area of compliant mechanism design that

involves transfer of motion, force and energy storage initiated about five decades ago.
The first publication in the area of synthesis of flexible link mechanisms was presented
by Burns and Crossley [3, 4]. Burns and Crossley provided a graphical technique called
as Kineto-static synthesis for the synthesis of flexible link mechanisms. The authors
considered mechanisms with flexible coupler attached to two fixed-pinned segments.
The approach allows performing dimensional synthesis for function generation with
specified output torque values at various precision-positions.

Sevak and McLarnan [5] presented a finite element analysis-based approach for

synthesis of flexible link mechanisms for function generation. The authors utilize an optimization

formulation in conjunction with the finite element analysis methods for the design of flexible link

mechanisms. The approach considers a nonlinear finite element formulation to determine the

response of a candidate compliant mechanism solution. The optimization routine compares the

results with the desired response to determine the next step for synthesis.

Salamon and Midha [6, 7] performed introductory work towards

understanding the mechanical advantage aspects of compliant mechanisms. They
categorized mechanical advantage of compliant mechanisms into three types,
depending upon the independent variable. The authors utilized the Chain Algorithm
to derive the conclusions, and presented a methodology for designing compliant
mechanisms with higher mechanical advantage. The thesis develops many
important terminologies related to mechanical advantage of compliant mechanisms.

Tantanawat et al [8] proposed an application of compliant mechanism for active vibration

isolation systems. For this type of application, an actuator and a compliant mechanism are used

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Compliant Mechanisms Literature Survey

to cancel undesired disturbance, resulting in attenuated output amplitude. The actuator provides

external energy to the system while a compliant mechanism functions as a transmitter, controlling

the amount of displacement transmitted from the actuator to the payload to be isolated. The

compliant mechanism equipped with an actuator is found to work as an active vibration isolator to

effectively cancel a known sinusoidal displacement disturbance at low frequencies, by using a

feed forward disturbance compensation control procedure.

Varma and Dixon explained the development of a novel piezoelectric based design
for a mobile robot. The design explores a compliant mechanical structure that enables
piezoelectric forces to be amplified and transmitted to legs that propel the robot through
a lift and pull scheme. The lift and pull design contracts with typical slip/stick
approaches that assume the inertia effects of the robot will allow the robot to slip on a
smooth surface. By eliminating the slipping assumption, the potential surfaces that the
proposed robot can traverse are significantly extended. Details are provided regarding
the proposed locomotion method, kinematic modelling and system constraints,
mechanical optimization and control of the meso-scale robot.

Kota et al [9] explored the applications of compliant mechanisms.

Details are presented on the design of compliant mechanisms with distributed
compliance, which employs flexural links, and has no joints for improved reliability,
performance, and ease of manufacture. Distributed compliant mechanisms derive
their flexibility due to topology and shape of 21 the material continuum rather than
concentrated flexion at few regions. The objective of the work was to employ a
unique methodology to design joint less mechanism with distributed compliance.

Lotti et al [10] discussed the reasons why simplified solutions for the
mechanical structure of fingers in robotic hands should be considered a worthy design
goal. The objective was to replace compliant finger instead of rigid finger for a robot. It
considers finger structures made of rigid links connected by flexural hinges, with a joint
actuation obtained by means of flexure that can be guided inside each finger according
to different patterns. A simplified model of one of these structures is then presented,
together with preliminary results of simulation in order to evaluate the feasibility of the
concept. The technological implementations are finally presented and the perspective
and problems of application are briefly discussed.

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Compliant Mechanisms Concept and Principle

Chapter 4

Concept and Principle


The pseudo-rigid-body model is used to simplify the analysis and design of compliant

mechanisms. It is used to unify compliant mechanism and rigid-body mechanism theory by

providing a method of modelling the nonlinear deflection of flexible beams. This method of

modelling allows well-known rigid-body analysis methods to be used in the analysis of

compliant mechanisms (Salamon, [6]). Burns [3] and Burns and Crossley [3,4] approximated

flexible couplers as a rigid link with a length five-sixths of the flexible segment. Howell and

Midha [11] analysed compliant mechanisms with small-length flexural pivots. Since the

lengths of the flexural members are small relative to the lengths of the rigid segments, the

flexural pivots are modelled as kinematic joints at the centre of the flexible segment.

Torsional springs are used to represent the member stiffness. The accuracy of this method

decreases as the relative length of the flexural member increases, and a different approach is

required for compliant mechanisms containing longer flexural pivots. Below are a group of

simple flexible members, described by pseudo-rigid-body models, as discussed above.

Figure 4.1

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Compliant mechanisms Concept and Principle

Howell and Midha [11] used closed-form elliptic-integral solutions to develop deflection

approximations for an initially straight, flexible segment with linear material properties. Figure 2

shows such a member and its pseudo- rigid-body model. The model consists of two rigid links,

connected by a "characteristic pivot" to represent the displacement, and a torsional spring to

model the beam stiffness or resistance to the applied force. This model predicts the deflection

path of the beam end for a given end load, to within 0.5% of the closed-form elliptic integral

solutions for quite large deflections. The location of the characteristic pivot is expressed in terms

of the "characteristic radius factor", gamma, which represents the fraction of the beam length at

which the pivot is located. Once gamma is determined, the deflection path may be parameterized

in terms of theta, the "pseudo-rigid-body angle."

Figure 4.2

Pseudo-rigid-body models for individual flexible segments offer a simplified method of

determining the deflections of large-deflection members. The availability of such a method for

individual segments suggests its use to model more complex systems which include flexible

segments. This pseudo-rigid-body model concept proves to be very useful in simplifying the

analysis and synthesis of compliant mechanisms. Its advantage lies in its ability to develop a

pseudo-rigid-body model of a compliant mechanism, and then use the large body of knowledge

available in the field of rigid-body mechanism analysis and design. In this way, the pseudo-rigid-

body model concept acts to unify compliant and rigid-body mechanism theories. Figure 3 shows

another example of a compliant mechanism and its pseudo-rigid-body model.

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Compliant Mechanisms Concept and Principle

Figure 4.3

In analysis, the kinematic motion, input requirements, and component stresses may be

determined quickly and efficiently by means of the pseudo-rigid-body model. The greatest

benefit of the pseudo-rigid-body model concept is realized in compliant mechanism design.

In the early design stages, the pseudo-rigid-body model may serve as a fast and efficient

method of evaluating many different trial designs to meet the specific design objectives. It

also allows the design of systems to perform more complex tasks than would otherwise be

possible. If a designer relies solely on prototyping or full numerical analysis, an initial design

must be obtained before it can be modelled or built. The pseudo-rigid-body model, on the

other hand, may be used to obtain a preliminary design which may then be optimized. Once a

design is obtained such that it meets the specified design objectives, it may be further refined

using methods such as nonlinear finite element analysis, and it may then be prototyped and

tested. The development of design methods using the pseudo-rigid-body model is a priority

of any research which further helps in better design of a compliant mechanism.

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Compliant mechanisms Concept and Principle

Working principle

Deflection of flexible members to stores energy in the form of strain energy.

Strain energy is same as elastic potential energy in in a spring. A compliant
mechanism also transfers or transforms motion, force, or energy. Unlike rigid-
link mechanisms, compliant mechanisms gain at least some of their mobility
from the deflection of flexible members rather than from movable joints only.

An example of a compliant crimping mechanism is shown in Figure 2a. The input force is

transferred to the output port, much like the vice grips mechanism, only now some energy is

stored in the form of strain energy in the flexible members. Note that if the entire device were

rigid, it would have no mobility and it would be a structure. Figure 2b. shows a device that is

used to focus a lens, and it also requires compliant members to perform its function.

Figure 4.4

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Compliant mechanisms Advantages and Challenges of compliant Mechanisms

Chapter 5

Advantages and challenges of compliant mechanisms

Advantages of Compliant Mechanisms

There are a number of reasons why a compliant mechanism may be considered
for use in a particular application. Some of these advantages are listed below. [1]

1. Part Count
One advantage of compliant mechanisms is the potential for a dramatic reduction in the total

number of parts required to accomplish a specified task. The part count can be reduced by having

flexible parts instead of springs, pins, and traditional rigid hinges. The number of components

required for a compliant mechanism can be considerably less than for a rigid version of the same

mechanism. Some mechanisms may be manufactured from an injection-mouldable material and

constructed of one piece. For example, consider the fully compliant crimping mechanism shown in

the figure below, along with its pseudo-rigid-body model. Due to symmetry, only half the

mechanism is shown. The number of components required for the compliant mechanism are

considerably less than for the rigid mechanism. The reduction in part count may simplify

manufacturing and reduce manufacturing and assembly time and cost.

Figure 5.1

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Compliant Mechanisms Advantages and Challenges of compliant Mechanisms

2. Productions processes
Compliant mechanisms can be simple to manufacture because they lend themselves well to

various manufacturing processes. Because they get their motion from flexible regions, many

compliant mechanisms can be fabricated flat from planar sheets of material. For example, the

compliant crimping tool shown above can be fabricated from a single sheet of polypropylene.

Compliant mechanisms can be manufactured using many methods including machining,

stamping, a laser cutter, a water-jet cutter, 3D printing, and EDM.

3. Price
Because they have fewer parts and simple manufacturing processes, compliant mechanisms

can be very inexpensive to manufacture. The reduction in part count may simplify

manufacturing and reduce both the manufacturing and assembly time and cost. Compliant

mechanisms can be simple to manufacture because they lend themselves well to various

manufacturing processes. For example, some mechanisms may be manufactured from an

injection-mouldable material and constructed of one piece, as shown in the photo below.

Figure 5.2

4. Precise motion
Traditional mechanisms can lose precision due to backlash and wear. Compliant mechanisms

can allow precise motion by reducing or eliminating backlash and wear. Rigid-body

mechanisms get their motion from physical pins and hinges sliding against one another.

Mechanical wear happens when parts rub on one another as they move. Eventually this can

rub away or modify the material, which effectively changes the geometry and movement of

the mechanism. Because compliant mechanisms use bending material instead of traditional

pins and rigid hinges, the wear can be greatly reduced (because no parts are rubbing on each

other). Backlash is caused by the tolerances of interconnecting pieces. The backlash in

compliant mechanisms may be reduced or eliminated because there are no (or fewer)

interconnecting pieces. This fact has often been used in the design of instrumentation.

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Compliant mechanisms Advantages and Challenges of compliant Mechanisms

5. Performance
Compliant mechanisms have a smaller number of movable joints, such as pin
(turning) and sliding joints. This results in reduced friction and need for lubrication.
These are valuable characteristics for applications where the mechanism is not
easily accessible, or for operation in harsh environments that may adversely affect
joints. This is especially important in space applications because lubricants tend to
"outgas" (basically evaporate) in a low-gravity environment. The compliant pointer
device, shown below, is a device that was specifically designed for use in space.

Figure 5.3

Compliant pointer device

6. Proportions

Another advantage of compliant mechanisms is the ease in which they are miniaturized.

Simple micro structures, actuators, and sensors are seeing wide usage, and many other

microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) show great promise. The reduction in the total

number of parts and joints offered by compliant mechanisms is a significant advantage in the

fabrication of micro mechanisms. Compliant micro mechanisms, like the one shown below,

may be fabricated using technology and materials similar to those used in the fabrication of

integrated circuits.

Figure 5.4 Compliant micro mechanisms

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Compliant Mechanisms Advantages and Challenges of compliant Mechanisms

Figure 5.5 A multi-layer compliant microelectromechanical system (MEMS). A scanning

electron micrograph of the device (top left) with a close up of compliant segments (top right),
and the device shown in two stable equilibrium positions (bottom)

7. Portability

It is possible to realize a significant reduction in weight by using a compliant

mechanism over their rigid-body counterparts. This may be a significant factor
in aerospace and other applications. Compliant mechanisms have also benefited
companies by reducing the weight and shipping costs of consumer products.

8. Predictability
Since compliant mechanisms rely on the deflection of flexible members, energy is stored in

the form of strain energy in the flexible members. This stored energy is similar to the

potential energy in a deflected spring, and the effects of springs may be integrated into a

compliant mechanisms design. This can be used to easily store and/or transform energy to

be released at a later time or in a different manner. A bow and arrow system is a simple

example of this. Energy is stored in the limbs as the archer draws the bow. This potential

energy is then transformed to kinetic energy of the arrow. These energy storage

characteristics may also be used to design for specific force-deflection properties, or to

cause a mechanism to tend to particular positions

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Compliant mechanisms Advantages and Challenges of compliant Mechanisms

Challenges of compliant mechanisms

These compliant mechanisms can perform complex tasks, but it has some
challenges that comes along. Some are listed below: [1]

1. Combination of complex systems

Perhaps the largest challenge is the relative difficulty in analysing and designing
compliant mechanisms. Knowledge of mechanism analysis methods and the
deflection of flexible members is required. The combination of the two bodies of
knowledge in compliant mechanisms requires not only an understanding of both,
but also an understanding of the interactions of the two in a complex system. The
pseudo-rigid body model helps bridge this gap.

2. Non-linear equations
Since many of the flexible members undergo large deflections, linearized beam equations are

no longer valid. Nonlinear equations must be used that account for the geometric

nonlinearities caused by large deflections. Because of these difficulties, many compliant

mechanisms in the past were designed by trial and error approaches. Such methods are only

applicable for very simple systems that perform relatively simple tasks, and are often not

cost efficient for many potential applications. Theory has been developed to simplify the

analysis and design of compliant mechanisms and the limitations are not as great as they

once were. Even considering these advances, however, compliant mechanism analysis and

design is typically more difficult than for rigid-body mechanisms.

3. Energy storage
Energy stored in flexible elements was discussed above as an advantage since it can be used

to simplify mechanisms that incorporate springs, to obtain specified force-deflection

relationships, and to store energy that is transferred or transformed by the mechanism.

However, in some applications having energy stored in flexible members is a disadvantage.

For example, if a mechanism's function is to transfer energy from the input to an output, not

all of the energy is transferred since some is stored in the mechanism.

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Compliant Mechanisms Advantages and Challenges of compliant Mechanisms

4. Fatigue
Fatigue analysis is typically a more vital issue for compliant mechanisms than for
their rigid-body counterparts. Since compliant members are often loaded cyclically
when a compliant mechanism is used, it is important to design those members such
that they will have sufficient fatigue life to perform their prescribed functions

5. Limited motion
The motion from the deflection of compliant links are also limited by the strength of

the deflecting members. Obviously, a complian t link cannot produce a continuous

rotational motion such as that possible with a pin joint. While these challenges may
be overcome, it is important that the difficulties and limitations of compliant
mechanisms are understood. Such knowledge is helpful in determining which
applications will benefit the most by utilizing compliant mechanism technology.

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Compliant Mechanisms Research areas and Applications

Chapter 6
Research areas and Applications

Extensive research is being carried out to develop and increase the applications on
compliant mechanisms, some of those are research areas are: [12]

(i) Origami
(ii) Deployable structures
(iii) Bio MEMs
(iv) MEMs
(v) Lamina emergent mechanisms (LEMs)
(vi) Morphing surfaces
(vii) Thick origami
(ix) Bistable mechanisms
(x) Curved folding
(xi) Developable surfaces (mechanisms)

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Compliant mechanisms Research areas and Applications

Applications areas of compliant mechanisms are as follows:[12]

(i) Consumer products (bottle lids, snap fit products)

(ii) Accessories in the machinery and appliances (over running clutch)

Figure 6.1

There are several variations of over-running clutches, but the four main types include the

spring clutch, the roller or ball clutch, the spring clutch, and the ratchet and pawl clutch.

This design most resembles the ratchet and pawl clutch, and was produced by the

Compliant Mechanisms Research Group at Brigham Young University.

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Compliant Mechanisms Research areas and Applications

(iii) Micro and Nano systems (Micro machined Accelerometer,

Micron force sensor)

The prototype of a micro mirror actuator confirmed that this design can
reduce the number of parts from 18 to 7, a remarkable 40% reduction in
part-count. With further refinement in tolerances and gear mesh.

Figure 6.2. Simplistic rendering of an actuator utilizing Distributed Compliance in its design.

(iv) Smart materials-based systems (Displacement amplification,


Piezoelectric translators (transducers) are high precision ceramic actuators that convert

electrical energy directly into linear motion. They are ideal for high speed, or force, with

virtually unlimited resolution applications such as semiconductor testing and inspection,

super-resolution microscopy, bio-nanotechnology, astronomy and aerospace technology.

Because of the compliant mechanism the performance capabilities of this actuator far

exceed that of currently competing piezo-amplifier systems and bender-type

configurations in terms of block force, stroke, and frequency capability - opening the door

to new, compact, high-power actuation systems.

Figure 6.3. Monolithic motion amplifier (50x)

driven by a piezo actuator and operating at

300 Hz (output displacement ~2mm).

The joint-less mechanism enables

precise and repeatable motion control.

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Compliant mechanisms Research areas and Applications

(v) Aerospace (Adaptive compliant wings, Shape morphing wings)

A company called Flex Foil™ variable geometry control surfaces represent a major

improvement over conventional aircraft flap. By exploiting the natural elasticity of

aviation grade materials, the Flex Foil™ control surface changes the camber of a wing

during flight by shape morphing rather than through the heavy and cumbersome

mechanisms of conventional wing assemblies. FlexSys has developed the world's first

seamless, hinge-free shape morphing wing whose trailing and leading edges can adapt

on demand to variable flight conditions in real time.

Figure 6.4. Illustration of flexsys adaptive compliant control surfaces. Strong, reliable, lightweight, low-
power, scalable, and no moving parts in the shape morphing mechanism

(vi) Biomedical (An Artificial heart valve, Mechanical

characterization of biological cells)

Figure 6.5

This compliant directional bone surgery tool was developed for the University of
Michigan Office of Medical Research. The low cost stamped carrier conforms to
the bone curvature to more easily remove cartilage layers.

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Compliant Mechanisms Research areas and Applications

Automotive (Tweel, Non-pneumatic tire)

A composite wiper of elastomeric mono form design

The composite thermoplastic, hinge-less wiper of 30% glass filled PBT, and moulded as a

single piece, reduces part count and associated assembly by 75%, cuts weight in half, and

costs two thirds less than the legacy, hinged metal design. Unlike the traditional hinged

mechanism, this wiper also provides constant spring pressures, tuned in the design process,

through each arm, to the blade. Thus, greatly improving wipe quality.

Figure 6.6

Compliance where the elasticity of materials is embraced and used to create motion.

Advancements in composite materials and additive manufacturing will fuel the future of these

Elastomeric Monolithic designs by increasing strength/flexibility ratios

Robotics (External pipe crawling device, actuator characteristic

modification, micromechanical signal processors)
Adaptive grippers have many uses for the handling of delicate objects where over

compression might damage an objects surface, structural or internal integrity. Until

now, "adaptive" has been synonymous with "complex" needing sensors and grippers

made of rigid parts connected by pins and springs. A Compliant Adaptive Gripper can

be a single, monolithic structure with gripping forces distributed throughout structure

not to exceed a given requirement.

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Compliant mechanisms Research areas and Applications

Figure 6.7. Expansion Gripper-With just a few parts and optimized compliant beam
springs, a compliant adaptive gripper or internal contact.

Figure 6.8. Iris Gripper-This 3D printed IRIS adapts to shapes and grips with spring force dictated by material and
subtle differences in the beam shape. Could be tuned for constant force/pressure throughout travel.

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Compliant mechanisms Conclusion

Chapter 7

Introducing of compliant joints in the mechanism structure is desirable, because

compliant mechanisms have less weight, wear, clearance, friction and noise than
their rigid-body counterparts. On the other hand, the mobility of the compliant
mechanisms is limited, that is, they can realize relatively small displacements.

The many advantages of compliant mechanisms compared to their rigid-body counterparts

have produced a growing interest in compliant mechanism. However, they are expensive

method compared to pseudo-rigid-body-model and inverse analysis model.

The implementation of compliant mechanism technology through the use of the PRBM
can aid designers in developing compliant mechanisms that are innovative, have
decreased weight and part-count and demonstrate increased precision. The compliant
brakes have proven commercially viable as they are currently mass produced and the
compliant derailleur has proven attractive to various derailleur manufacturers as a
decrease in weight is significant and minimal tooling changes may be made to existing
derailleurs to accommodate the compliant design. Compliant space mechanism research
hopes to inspire collaboration between government space agencies (such as NASA),
companies in the space industry, and academia. Overall, it would present opportunities
for game-changing technologies and lead to enhanced capabilities in space exploration.

Compliant mechanisms have made a huge contribution in the design process of various

fields such as automotive industry, aerospace industry, MEMS, Medical devices, Robotic arm

with minimal impedance due to its own mass & Assistive mechanisms, for adaptive

structures, components in transportations, hand-held tools, etc. A brief re-view of the most

utilized compliant mechanisms offers many inherent benefits including low cost, zero

backlash, ease of manufacture, scalability and in reducing the number of components which

therefore Reduces manufacturing cost and additionally increase the performance.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, 2018-19 31

Compliant mechanisms References

Chapter 8
[1] Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms, First Edition. Edited by Larry L.
Howell, Spencer P. Magleby and Brian M. Olsen. C 2013 JohnWiley & Sons,
Ltd. Published 2013 by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

[2] NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, “In-situ Exploration
and Sample Return: Autonomous Planetary Mobility” 25 September 2014

[3] Burns, R. H., and Crossley, F. R. E., “Kinetostatic Synthesis of Flexible

Link Mechanisms,” ASME Paper 68-MECH-36, 1968

[4] Burns, R. H., “The Kinetostatic Synthesis of Flexible Link Mechanisms,”

Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1964

[5] Sevak, N. M., and McLarnan, C. W., “Optimal Synthesis of Flexible Link
Mechanisms with Large Static Deflections,” Journal of Engineering for
Industry, Trans. ASME, May 1975, pp. 520-526

[6] Salamon, B. A., and Midha, A., “An Introduction to Mechanical Advantage
in Compliant Mechanisms,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Trans. ASME, Vol.
120, No. 1, June 1998, pp. 311-315

[7] Salamon, B. A., “Mechanical Advantage Aspects in Compliant Mechanism

Design,” M.S. Thesis, Purdue University, 1989

[8] Proceedings of DETC 2004 International Design Engineering Technical

Conference September 28 – October 2, 2004 Salt Lake City, Utah

[9] Joo, Jinyong & Kota, Sridhar & Kikuchi, Noboru. (2001). Large
deformation behaviour of compliant mechanisms.
[10] Lotti, F., Tiezzi, P., Vassura, G., & Zucchelli, A. (2002). Mechanical structures for robotic
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By Jared Butler, Landen Bowen, Eric Wilcox, Adam Schrager, Mary I. Frecker, Paris
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Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 10, 061007-1 to 061007-9 September 2018

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atria I T, 2018-19 32

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