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Group Leader: Mirkomil Maksudov

Group Helpers: Richard

Hayes & Jonathan

PROBLEM: Should Minimum Wage be Raised?

How can we solve this problem in our community?
1. One way us Americans can solve the problem of Minimum wage being
too low is to push for the government to raise it over time or reduce
housing costs.

These solutions would probably turn Minimum Wage into a living wage.

The cause of the problem is the wage itself, due to it being so low prevents
many people from advancing through life, this is because many people cannot
afford to live with the low wage because they cannot afford things like housing to
support themselves and their families.-Richard Hayes

“The cause of the problem is the minimum wage itself, this why so many
people are losing their homes and have to ask their family members to stay for a
couple of days until they get a good job and the money to rent a room for the
family.”-Jonathan Lopez

The current minimum wage is $8.25 and they want to increase it to $15.00

The people who are affected by minimum wage are:

-Fast Food Workers

-Teenagers who work
-Adults who work

The number affected cannot be effectively approximated

due to the number of people in the U.S.

Through statistics, most people over the age of 20 years

old are affected.

If the wage is not increase, many Americans in New York,

includintg us students, will probably have a hard time in
the future.

Are the organization’s attempts for dealing
with the problem adequate?

Yes,organizations like The Center

of popular democracy [CPD]
support a raise in minimum
wage.What they are doing is
spreading awareness about the
issue, to spark protest to raise
Minimum Wage, this photo shows
a man protesting to raise the wage
while holding a poster/sign to
spread his views.
How are organizations trying to solve the
WHICH organizations are working on it?

Some campaigns like “Raise the Wage!” have many

followers and many push to raise minimum wage through
protest in large areas and try to convince the government
to raise the wage, they do these actions non-violently of
course. There are also organizations that try to spread
the word to others to raise minimum wage.

Which sphere of society is trying to
fix the problem?
The government and the civil society are trying to fix this problem.The
government is trying to boost it up to $15 an hour. Many organizations have been
made to protest against the current low wage and many others are for the wage

The government is try to fix the problem. the government is trying to boost the
minimum wage to $12 an hour. If the government boost it to $15 business like
What is the public policy
that deals with the problem?
What the government is doing to solve the problem is to increase the wage
slowly over the next few years Doing so will allow those that are suffering from low
income to then be able to earn a liveable wage and to be able to support

The Public Policy that tries to deal with the problem are organizations by
communities, who are trying to persuade the government to raise minimum wage.

Is the public policy for dealing with the problem
adequate? Why or why not?
-Is minimum wage an adequate amount of money to take care of people’s needs?
No, it is not enough money to afford things like housing and needs to be raised to allow poorer
people to be able to live, very unpractical.
-Is there enough affordable housing?
No, much of the housing in NY and beyond are VERY expensive and highly unaffordable, most
costing hundred of thousands of dollars. With a Minimum Wage increase, houses will be more
-Is college tuition fair? Do students receive enough financial support?
Usually not, many student gain access to college through loans but can usually never pay off
these loans leaving the students in debt. In regards for financial support, it depends on the
person. Tuition can coast a few thousand dollars to a few ten-thousand dollars.

Is the public policy being enforced?

The public policy is being enforced, but it is slow.The government can’t just raise
it up to $15 an hour.People should wait but they are struggling every year,every
month,even days for that $15 dollars.I can tell because of all the articles social
media and news.

Democrats and Republicans
Who would be more likely to support
your policy, Democrats or Republicans?
Speaking of the 2 parties, I will say that the Democratic party is trying to solve
the problem. Why the Democrat party is trying to solve the problem is because they
care about the people and want them to be able to support themselves.The things
that they stand for is economic,jobs, families and most importantly people, the
environment, and America as a whole.
Essential Questions
What are the problems in our community?
Minimum Wage being too low preventing people from supporting themselves.
How does the government solve problems through
public policy?
By informing the people and raising awareness and passing Acts.
How do organizations solve problems?
By spreading information and starting efforts to make change.
How can we create our own solutions to the problems in our community?
By taking initiative and fixing the issue.
How does one political party affiliation influence the way that one addresses problems?
When a political party raises awareness, it informs that party’s followers. Making change.
Are the ways that people are solving our community’s
problems adequate? Yes and No, some ways are good and others bad. It depends on the group
and its views.
-A Large increase of Minimum Wage will cause an increase of prices.
-A small increase will not increase it.
-Minimum Wage: the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement (such
as one with a labor union).
-Living Wage: A theoretical wage level that allows the earner to afford adequate
shelter, food and the other necessities of life. The living wage should be substantial
enough to ensure that no more than 30% of it needs to be spent on housing.
What do you think is the best way
to solve the problem?

think the best way to solve the problem is for other people who are not doing much
should offer food to homeless people.]-Mirkomil Maksudov
[Reduce the cost of housing across the U.S. and raise minimum wage]-Richard Hayes
[Raise Minimum Wage]

( I think the best way to solve the problem is for is to lower the cost of housing in the
u.s. and for people to protest to raise minimum wage)-jonathan lopez
How could you influence the
government to adopt your policy?
How would you promote it?

You could influence the government to raise minimum wage through protesting
or joining an organization that is for raising the minimum wage.-richard hayes

You can influence the government by posting lots of comments and pictures of
people suffering from minimum wage so the government knows more of the problem
throughout the world.-Mirkomil Maksudov

Sources Used
or something
like that, I don’t
really know if its
that powerful

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