Arabic Translation

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Arabic Madrasa | 2018-19

Learn to read, write and speak in the Arabic Language

Ustadh Haroon Hanif & Ustadh Amir Nawaz

Thirty seven weeks over three trimesters; Two classes per week

Liverpool Madrasa
Mondays & Fridays

Level One: 7.15pm-8.15pm

Level Two: 8.30pm-9.30pm

Felicity House, Northdale Road, Liverpool, L15 4HT

Huddersfield Madrasa
Every Sundays

Level One: 9am-11am

Level Two: 11.30am-1.30pm

University of Huddersfield, Charles Sikes Building, Firth Street, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH

Level One
Entry Requirements: Students can read and write Arabic comfortably. [Students will be tested at
the beginning.]

Curriculum: Book I & II of al-Arabiyya lin-Nashieen.

Overview: The aim is to give students the ability to read, write and speak at a basic level.
Students will be expected to acquire a vocabulary of approximately 500 words. Classes will
initially be taught in English. However, midway through the course, classes will be taught in
Arabic only.
Level Two
Entry Requirements: Students must be able to hold a basic conversation in Arabic, as well as
read and write in Arabic.

Curriculum: Book III & IV of al-Arabiyya lin-Nashieen.

Overview: Students will develop their conversational Arabic increasing their usage of the
vocabulary that they have acquired. Students will be taught rules of Arabic grammar according
to need. All classes will be taught in Arabic. Students will be required to listen to Arabic lectures,
sermons and videos. Students will be expected to deliver oral presentations and write essays in

Level Three
Entry Requirements: Students must have a high fluency in the Arabic Language.

Curriculum: Book V & VI of al-Arabiyya lin-Nashieen.

Overview: Students will further develop their conversational Arabic.

Students will sit written and oral tests at the end of each trimester.

Students will be given exercises to cover outside of class on a regular basis.

Online Practice Sessions

These are compulsory sessions where work is completed in small groups via online meetings.
These take place twice a week in between classes.

Course Fee
£645 per level; includes tuition and course texts.

How to Apply
Students can apply, via the online form, by visiting [Initial
deadline: Friday, 10th August 2018; Students can still apply after this date.]

Arabic Retreats
Arabic retreats will be held both in the UK and abroad to help students further their language
acquisition. [There will be a separate cost/fee for this.]

Course Dates
Liverpool: Monday, 3rd September 2018 - Friday, 12th July 2019
Huddersfield: Sunday, 26th August 2018 - Sunday, 14th July 2019 | 0151 733 0333

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