Prueba Proficiencia Único Ejemplar para Estudiantes Word

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Parte 1


Responda las preguntas de la 1-5 de acuerdo con el ejemplo.

Relacione las descripciones 1-5 con las diferentes funciones de una compañía (A-H).

A. Ball.
1. All the members of the same team wear this. B. Bike.
2. You need this if you want to play tennis. C. Competition.
3. At the end of this there is usually a winner. D. Field.
4. This is a place outdoors where you can play sports. E. Player.
5. If you travel on it, you will do exercise and save time. F. Prize.
G. Stadium.
H. Uniform.


Responda las preguntas de la 1-5 de acuerdo con el ejemplo.

Lea las ideas planteadas en la columna de la izquierda (1-5) y asócielas con las palabras de la columna de la derecha (A-H).
Sobran dos opciones.

G. It is cheaper to buy things today than

0. BREAKFAST SERVED 7: 00 – 9:00
H. This tells you how to get help.
I. Do not go faster than this
7. NO VACANCIES J. You can see this sign by the sea.
8. MAXIMUN SPEED 60 MPH K. This hotel is full.
9. PUSH BUTTOM FOR ASSISTENCE L. Some people have this in an office.
10. NO SWIMMING, DANGEROUS CURRENT!!! M. You can eat here in the mornings.
N. Be careful, animals on the road!

Parte 2

Responda las preguntas 6-10 de acuerdo con el ejemplo.

Complete las cinco conversaciones. En las preguntas 6-10, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuesta.

Ejemplo: A. It starts at two.

What time is the
B. I´m going to work

C. I`m working hard.


6. When does the Fair trade open? A. Yes, it`s true. I`m getting married in July.
B. Next Tuesday at ten.
C. The match starts at eight.

7. When did you join the company? A. I started working here two years ago.
B. I`m going to get a job.
C. I work from Monday to Friday.

8. How long is it from the airport to A. It takes 30 minutes by taxi.

the centre of town? B. Next Friday at five.
C. It doesn`t start until 9 o`clock.

9. If sales don`t improve soon A. I`ll buy two.

B. Your job here will be quite safe.
C. We`ll have to fire some workers.

10. Be sure to speak to our tourist guide. A. which provides an excellent selection of music.
B. who will tell you about interesting places to visit.
C. where you can enjoy some snacks and drinks.

Parte 3
Responda las preguntas 11 a 18 según el texto.
Lea el texto. De las preguntas 11-18, marque la opción correcta A, B o C en su hoja de respuesta.

Pets improve the social side of life

Increasingly, pets (0) described as family members offering (11)

important opportunity for social connection. Unlike people, pets (12) social
benefits without some of the pressures that come with human friendship, making animal
companionship appealing for both extroverts and introverts. For example, research tells
us that dogs increase opportunities (13) socializing with new people
(14) all pets bring the family together for social interactions and serve as
companions for children (15) are less inclined to socialize with other people.
Dr. Grimmett says that some children see their pets almost like partners. “(16) children talk to their
pets like people. They include their pets in daily activities. Their pet is available to interact with even when other
humans are busy.”

Mathers and colleagues’2010 study revealed that children often have special bonds with (17) pets. In
their study, pets taught the children about trust, compassion, and non-judgment, giving them a “safe”place to
turn (18) times of trouble or sadness.


0. A. are B. is C. am


11. A. a B. an C. the

12. A. offer B. eliminate C. destroy

13. A. for B. to C. of

14. A. for example B. also C. but

15. A. who B. where C. that

16. A. much B. a little C. many

17. A. his B. their C. its

18. A. in B. away C. on
Parte 4
Lea el texto y responda las preguntas.
En las preguntas 19-25, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuesta.

The Incredible Machine

Everyone has a favorite attraction at an amusement park, and I am no different. However, unlike most people who seem
to prefer rollercoasters, my favorite ride is a little gentler. Every time I go to Coney Island, Navy Pier, or the Santa Monica
Pier, I absolutely have to ride the Ferris wheel.
The Ferris wheel is simple and yet also quite complex. That is, riding it is easy, but how it works is complicated. A series
of carts are attached to a wheel, which is attached to a rim. That rim rotates vertically around an axis, and gravity keeps
the carts upright. As simple as the ride seems, only advanced engineers can make safe and fun Ferris wheels.

What It Lacks in Thrills…

While the Ferris wheel is not as thrilling as a rollercoaster, it is still very exciting. The fact of being high in the air makes it
so much more entertaining than a lot of rides. I mean, how often do you hang from that high up in daily life?
Nevertheless, I have to admit, I don’t seek Ferris wheels out because of their excitement. Rather, I find them very
relaxing. At the top of the Ferris wheel, you get beautiful sights of the park. You also get a sense of calm that you don’t
get in the hustle and bustle of the park below.
Additionally, Ferris wheels are also gorgeous to look at when they are lit up at night. In fact, the original Ferris wheel was
designed as much to be seen as to be ridden.

It happened at the World’s Fair

The first Ferris wheel was made by and named after George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. He designed it for the Chicago
World’s Fair in 1893. It was the tallest attraction there, standing 264 feet high.
However, visitors to the fair were impressed by the size of the ride as well as the mechanics of it. In 1893, anything that
was not turned by hand was considered a sight to see. And the wheel, which was a machine, was truly incredible to see.
Further, as one visitor put it, the wheel was amazing because it seemed to be missing support. That is, it did not look like
it could stand on its own. And yet it did and even rotated!

They Keep Reaching Higher and Higher

Ferris wheel technology has only improved since then. Most of today’s Ferris wheels are much larger than that first one.
The largest in the world is the "Singapore Flyer," which stands slightly taller than twice what Ferris’s did!
Today, the Ferris wheel is the most common amusement park ride. But that does not mean you should take them for
granted. Instead, be thankful for Ferris’ invention. The next time you’re at an amusement park, don’t just look up at the
impressive wheel in the sky on your way to a newer attraction. Take it for a spin!

0. The author’s favorite attraction is: A. Ferris Wheel
B. Coney Island
C. Little Gentler

19. As used in paragraph 1, the word attraction refers to:

A. sense
B. park
C. ride
D. vision

20. The author states that even Ferries are not as scaring as the rollercoaster, they still are:
A. Interesting
B. Boring
C. Exciting
D. Outdated

21) It can be understood that Coney Island, Navy Pier, and the Santa Monica Pier are all examples of:

A. amusement parks
B. Ferris wheels
C. vacation spots
D. boat docks

22) What does the author like best about Ferris wheels?

A. the impressive engineering and beauty of them

B. the excitement and thrills they guarantee
C. the beautiful sights and relaxation they allow
D. the fact that most amusement parks have one

23) A difference the author shows between the Ferries from the past and the present is:

A. They look very much from the ones in the past

B. They are safer and more attractive
C. They are more advanced thanks to technology

24) According to the passage, the Ferris wheel was originally designed for:

A. Coney Island
B. the world’s fair
C. Disneyworld
D. Singapore

25) This passage was written to:

A. describe the author’s favorite amusement park rides

B. explain the original design of Ferris wheels and how they work today
C. describe the history of Ferris wheels and why they are so popular
D. explain the history of Ferris wheels and why the author likes them

Parte 5
Responda las preguntas de la 26-35 de acuerdo con el siguiente texto
Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio y marque A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas.

0. Ejemplo: A. an B. a C. the D. ------

Respuesta: A B C D

‘Brain age’ can be predicted using MRI scans and

machine learning to prevent early death

(0) person’s ‘brain age’ can (26) be

predicted using MRI images and machine learning, a
method that can be (27) to help determine patients who might be at increased risk of poor health or early (28)

A team of neuroscientists led by researchers at Imperial College London (30) trained computers to use MRI data to
provide a predicted (29) age for people based on their volume of brain tissue.

When the technique was tested (31) a study population of older adults in Scotland, the researchers (32)
that the greater the difference between a person’s brain age and their actual age, the (33) their
risk of poor mental and physical

The researchers stress that while the technique is a long way from being used in clinical practice, they are hopeful it might one
day be used (34) a screening tool, helping to identify those at risk of cognitive decline and (35)
before the age of 80, providing an opportunity for early intervention.

26. A. before B. now C. later D. after

27. A. used B. bought C. searched D. eliminated
28. A. dying B. death C. die D. dead
29. A. face B. heart C. brain D. feet
30. A. have B. having C. had D. has
31. A. on B. in C. at D. for
32. A. find B. finding C. found D. finds
33. A. high B. higher C. as high as D. less high
34. A. for B. in C. like D. as
35. A. living B. enjoying C. dying D. studying

20 C


22 C
1 (OPCIÓN 1) H
23 C
2 (OPCIÓN 1) A
24 B
3 (OPCIÓN 1) C
25 D
4 (OPCIÓN 1) D
26 B
5 (OPCIÓN 1) B
27 A
1 (OPCIÓN 2) F
28 B
2 (OPCIÓN 2) E
29 C
3 (OPCIÓN 2) C
30 D
4 (OPCIÓN 2) B
31 A
5 (OPCIÓN 2) D
32 C
6 B
33 B
7 A
34 D
8 A
35 C
9 C

10 B

11 B

12 A

13 A

14 B

15 A

16 C

17 B

18 A

19 C

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