Carol Baines Leadership Styles and Techniques Used Are

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Carol Baines leadership styles and techniques used are-

Self-confidence- when the reputation of company was going down, she too her time to make right
decisions in order to increase the reputation of company. She had self-confidence that these decisions
were right for the company. H e r s e l f - c o n f i d e n c e m a i n t a i n e d h e r determination and in
taking decision regarding to the company. Even though facing severe difficulties in her life,
Carol had strong faith that she definitely completed her target with Baines

Intelligence- “There’s two parts of leadership. You’ve got to be a good leader – you’ve got to be
somebody that people want to emulate and care about the other people. But the other guys that you
have to accept their leadership. They have to respond to it. That’s the chemistry that you never know
how that is going to happen.”-Football-Trainer at the University of Alabama

Carol used her intelligence to increase the business. She had degree of business with management. She
took the right decision not to sell the business after the death of her husband but run herself. After that
she took various decisions and made right plans for the company like marketing, the right time to
investment. Based on her understanding, she planned short term and long terms goals for the company.
Carol did proper steps by following understand the market; understand the company and its
operation; define visible and feasible short-term and long-term goals; invest in
expansion; create family-like working environment to improve employee involvement and
c o m m i t m e n t a n d h e a d t o s u s t a i n a b l e g r o w t h . In addition, Carol’s university degree
with major in management was useful for her to be confident in making decisive investment
in marketing and advertising which indeed helped the company to achieve new heights and start its
period of sustainable expansion.

Sociability- After the death of her husband, Carol spend lot of time to be familiar with the employees of
the company to create comfortable working environment, to win trust of her employees, to know their
working styles. She supported their interests. She sponsored football and basketball matches in the city.

Patience- “Patience is a defining characteristic of great leaders and successful business founders.
Patiently wait for the right opportunity and don’t swing at every pitch. More so, understanding that
success doesn’t happen overnight, and obsessing over the process- not the result- will cultivate a culture
of patience and ensure long-term success.”-Bryan Koontz, CEO of Guidefitter

Carol was very patience. Firstly she spends lot of months to understand her employees, to know their
working styles. The she planned short term and long term goals for the company.

Persistent- Carol was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had rough time with company’s reputation.
After all that she stayed calm and persistent.

Integrity- “An great leader is someone who does the right thing, even when it’s unpopular or extremely
tough to do so. You have to find something to care deeply about in your business and in each individual
that touches your business. Do what you love in the service of people who love what you do.”-Steve
Farber, President of Extreme Leadership, Inc., Author and one of Inc’s Top 50 Leadership Management
She was honest and sincere for her work. She trusted her employees. When some employees quit, she
show interest and supported other employees. She was person of strong morale principals.

Forward looking- She had step goals for the company and had a vision of future. She set up short term
goals and long term goals to make it easier for her employees. In competition with well-established
rivals, Carol took challenge to raise the reputation of the company.

Dedication and commitment- Carol Baines showed her dedication and commitment for success the
success of company and herself. Her act of devotion by holding on to her husband’s business and
dedicating herself to its growth are admirable. Despite her personal set-back in being diagnosed with
cancer and the difficulties in battling the illness, Carol Baines did not relent in her determination and
effort to lead the company. Her treatment of the employees, showing genuine interest in their activities
and personal lives endeared her to them. An effective leader must be able to carry the followers along
and Carol Baines did this extremely well. The high-esteem with which she is held by her followers, the
praise, love and respect she garners from the rank and file of the employees show that she consistently
did the right things.

Resilience- “People are afraid, and when people are afraid, when their pie is shrinking, they look for
somebody to hate. They look for somebody to blame. And a real leader speaks to anxiety and to fear
and allays those fears, assuages anxiety.”-Henry Louis Gates, former leader of the African and American
Research Institute at Harvard University

The time Carol Baines took control of the business there was pressure from the challenge of competing
against their more established rivals. Thus, without a doubt, Carol Baines’s inherent leadership traits and
personality played an immense role in the company’s expansion. These qualities include her strength of
character, her determination to lead the business rather than selling it despite the odds against her,
odds of health and rivals, her intelligence in realizing the need to familiarize herself with the company’s
operations and staff, as well as her analysis of the city’s market potential. Carol’s ability to see the big
picture was highlighted by her capacity to develop both long-term and short-term goals and practical
plans for the company’s eventual growth. That Carol did not allow her health crises, which caused
fatigue and other challenges, to diminish her to pursue her goals shows grit, a trait of being able to focus
and avoid distractions.

Transparency- “Great leaders know that one of the quickest ways to get employee feedback and earn
the trust of your employees is by being transparent”. Hendrik Klindworth, Co-Founder & CEO
of InnoGames.

Carol spends lot of time in understanding her employees, created family like environment for them and
won their trust. When some of her employees quit the company, she showed interest and faith in them
and supported.

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