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Grettings throunghout the day

Informal greeting



How are you?

Formal greeting

Good morning

Good afternoon (depending on the time of day)

How are you?

Goodmorning: is from 12am to 12pm

Goodafternoon: is from 12pm to 6pm

Good evening: is from 6pm to 10pm

Good night: id from 10pm to 12am


*Goodbyes are used when someone is leaving.

*Goodbye or simply just bye.

See you later.

2. Verbs
‘Be’ Verbs
We will see what a verb is and how we can use them in a variety of
different sentences.
A verb shows an action or a state of being.
Then the ‘be’ verbs follow the subject in the sentence:
Action Verbs
A verb shows an action or a state of being.

Action verbs however, express action and are the most common verbs.

The extra ‘s’

When an action verb follows a subject that is either a third person or
singular subject then an extra ‘s’ is needed at the end.

This is the rule for – he, she, it

Verb + (s) = Verb(s)

Negative sentences
When a sentence becomes negative it includes the word ‘not’. But if an
action is involved then the word ‘do’ is also needed. Therefore if the
sentence is negative and has an action verb then you use:

I/you/we/they – do not

He/she/it – does not (the extra s goes on do and not the verb)

Or did not for all

Some words can be joined together to form just one word. This is called
abbreviation and we use an apostrophe to show this (‘)

I/you/we/they – don’t

He/she/it – doesn’t (the extra s goes on do and not the verb)

Or didn’t for all

3. Adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns.

- Colours are used as adjectives, let`s take a look at some

- Descriptive words can describe.

- These are formed by adding the following prefixes: un, in, or dis.

- If more than one adjective is used, they should appear in a set order:
size/shape + age + colour + origin + material

- When an adjective describes a class or group of people it acts as a


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