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Cristian’s masterpiece

Are you conservative or liberal?

What is Conservatism?
•The idea of holding traditional attitudes and values and cautious
about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or

•Right-wing, social hierarchies, private ownership of business,

pro military, capitalism, anarchy, feeling of being free and small
What is liberalism?

•Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional


•Left-wing, equality, supports workers rights, socialism,, pro-choice,

democracy, higher taxes for programs, progressive.
Usually someone who agrees with liberal views and conservative views.
These type of voters always have a big impact on elections because no
one knows which way they’ll go some lean more to one side than others.
Most moderates register as independents or whatever party they lean
towards more.
I am ...
I am a moderate voter that leans left because I think we really need to
do something about climate change and the way we’re taking care our
plant, we also need to not make laws that don’t tell women what to do
with their bodies, and I also think if someone wants to join the army
and fight for you and your rights we should let them no matter what
their sex is/was. Whenever topics like these come out on tv or the
mainstream media I try to look up up both sides of the story.
These few people are
either running for
president or have been
in Congress.

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