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Mental Health Awareness

and Mental Illness Stigma

Presented by Alicia Roberts

Just Some Stats
One in five people will be diagnosed with a mental illness in their lifetime

In the United States, 38,000 people will commit suicide annually

90% of suicide attempts are caused because

of mental illness

One in four teenagers have anxiety. Anxiety

untreated or cared for often leads to more

29.9% of people with mental illness are

between the ages of 10-24
Heart Disease
Our Class Stats
57.7% feel ashamed talking about their mental
53.8% have seen a therapist
50% have been diagnosed with a mental illness
15.8% are on medication
100% know someone with a mental illness
38.9% 1-3 people, 61.1% 4+
Why is Mental Health Important?
Stigma, stigma, stigma

Physical effects

Overall well-being

Place in society
History of Mental Health
6500 BC-2700 BC: Trephination

1900 BC: Hysteria (uteri, PMS), repention, evil spirits

400 BC: Humorism (Hippocrates) (to 19th century)

11th-15th Century: Supernatural hauntings! Astrology,

superstition, witches, metabolism, hypnosis

16th Century: asylums

19th Century: Humane treatment

What do we do now?
“The good news stories in medicine are early detection, early intervention”

1. Teach open mindedness

2. Educate
3. Implement proper treatment and
minimize stigma
Resources to Learn More

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