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WWW is a set of protocols that allow users to access any document on the net through a naming system based on
WWW specifies a way, the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to request or send a document over the Internet.
WWW should not be mistaken for Internet. WWW is just a small part of the Internet but is the main reason for the
popularity of the Internet.
WWW has various attributes :
 It Is User Friendly.
 Is Rich in Audio, Video, Graphics etc.
 Supports Hyperlinks i.e. links to documents or related files on the net.
 Is interactive i.e. Users can interact with the servers.
 Supports Frames i.e. display of more than one section on a single page.
(World Wide Web)
Telnet is a terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks such as the Internet. It is an old utility that lets you log
on to remote computer systems.

You can then enter commands through the Telnet program and they will be executed as if you were entering them
directly on the server console. This enables you to control the server and communicate with other servers on the

To start a Telnet session, you must log in to a server by entering a valid username and password. Telnet is a
common way to remotely control Web servers.

Telnet can be used to connect thousands of libraries and catalogs around the world. To run a Telnet session, you
need to run a Telnet client and the connect to desired Telnet site

Web Browsers and Web Servers

A Web Browser is a WWW client that navigates through the World Wide Web and displays web pages.
Example: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Netscape Navigator and Apple Safari are
some of the popular Web Browsers.

Internet Explorer (Left)


Mozilla Firefox (Right)

A Web Server is a WWW server that responds to the requests made by web browsers.
Web Sites , Web Addresses and Web Pages
A location on a net server is called a Web Site.
Each Web Site has a Web Addresses called URL (Uniform Resource Locator). URL is unique for each web page.
Such as,
Web Addresses can also be in the form of Internet Protocol address (IP address) which is a numerical label
assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol
for communication. IP addresses are binary numbers, but they are usually stored in text files and displayed in
human-readable notations, such as .
A Web Page is a document or information resource that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed
through a web browser. Web pages are requested and served from web servers using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
A Home Page is what you see when you open a web site. It is the top level web page of a web site.
A Web Portal is a web site which hosts other web sites. It has hyperlinks to many other web sites.

URL and Domain Names

The Internet structure of the WWW is based on a set of rules, called Hypertext Transfer Protocol and a page
description language called Hypertext Markup Language. HTTP uses internet address in a special format called a
Uniform Resource Locator.
A URL Look s Like: type://address/path
Where type specifies the type of server, addresses is the address of the server, and path tells the location of the
document on the server.
The Character based naming system by which servers are identified is known as Domain Name System (DNS).
There are different suffixes called domain indicators which are added to addresses of servers to indicate their type or
country which they belong to.
Example: “.com” stand for Commercial, “.edu” for Education, “.gov” for Government, “.in "for India, “.au”
for Australia, “.uk” for United Kingdom etc.

Web Hosting
The Internet requires communication between web-browser client and web-server application. Web Hosting is a
means of hosting web-server application through which electronic content is readily available to any web-browser
The system providing the web-hosting is known as a web-server.
Types of Web Hosting :

 Free Hosting : Web Hosting for no cost.

 Virtual or Shared Hosting : This type of Hosting is provided by Web Hosting companies under one’s own
domain name (Ex: One can present oneself as an independent identity to his/her web
 Dedicated Hosting : In this type of Web Hosting a company hosting large websites rents an entire server
from Web Hosting companies.
 Co-location Hosting : In this type of Hosting the company actually owns the server on which its site is
hosted and is responsible for its administration. The Hosting Company only provides rack space and physical
needs of the server like power, high speed internet etc.
Communication Protocols
 HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a networking protocol for distributed, collaborative,
hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
HTTP functions as a request-response protocol in the client-server computing model.
 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol): It is a layered set of protocols. It uses
encapsulation to provide abstraction of protocols and services. Encapsulation is usually aligned with the
division of the protocol suite into layers of general functionality. In general, an application (the highest level
of the model) uses a set of protocols to send its data down the layers, being further encapsulated at each level.
 FTP (File Transfer Protocol): It is a standard network protocol used to copy a file from one host to
another over a TCP-based network. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and utilizes separate control
and data connections between the client and server. It is a popular way to share information over the internet.
 SLIP/PPP (Serial Line Internet Protocol/Point To Point Protocol): SLIP was the first protocol for
relaying IP Packets over dial up lines. PPP is the Internet Standard for transmission of IP Packets over serial

Everything that you see on the internet is written in a special language called HTML . This language tells the
browsers how to display text, pictures, links and other multimedia on the page.
HTML is a document-layout and hyperlink-specification language i.e., a language used to design the layout of a
document and to specify the hyperlinks. It Tells the browser how to display the contents of a hypertext document.
HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags, enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within
the web page content.
Example Program:
<!doctype html>
<title>Hello HTML</title> ]
<p>Hello World!</p> ]
(Hypertext Markup Language)
XML is a markup language for documents containing structured information.

In HTML both the tag semantics and the tag sets are fixed. XML Provides facility to define your own tags and
relationships between them. All of the semantics of an XML Document will be defined by the applications that

XML does not do anything. XML was created to structure, store, and transport information with focus on what data
Example Program:
<to>Person 1</to>
<from>Person 2</from>
<body>Don't forget to post the letter!</body>

(eXtensible Markup Language)

DHTML refers to web content that changes each time it is viewed. For example, the same URL could result in
different pages depending upon parameters such as time, location, previous page viewed by the user etc.

DHTML allows a web page to change after its loaded into the browser without communicating with the server for an
update. For example a piece of text can change color in response to some kind o user action like clicking a button.
DHTML is used to create interactive and animated web sites by using a combination of a static markup language
(such as HTML) and a client-side scripting language (such as JavaScript).

(Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language)

Web Scripting
The process of creating and embedding scripts in a web page is known as Web Scripting. A Script is a list of
commands embedded in a web page. They are interpreted and executed by a certain program or scripting engine.
Most common Scripting languages are VBScript, ASP, JSP etc.
Scripts are broadly divided in two categories :

 Client Side Scripts : It enables interaction within web pages. They are downloaded at the client end and then
executed by the browser. They are used to get data from user or for customizing the page in response to user
action without reloading. VBScript and JavaScript, PHP (Hypertext Processor) are some popular
client side scripting languages.
 Server Side Scripts : These enable carrying out a task at the server end and then sending the result to the
client end. They are used when information is sent to server to be processed at the server end like Password
Protection, Form Processing, Dynamically editing a web page etc. JSP (Java Server Pages), PHP
(Hypertext Processor), Perl, ASP (Active Server Pages) etc. are some popular server side scripting

Web 2.0
The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing,
interoperability, user centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to
interact and collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking
sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications etc.
Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information. By increasing what was already possible in
"Web 1.0", they provide the user with more user-interface, software and storage facilities, all through their browser.

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