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What were the best and worst parts of Senior Project/Senior Seminar?

The best part was

installing the bridge. The worst part was the process because I would I have to make sure
everything was precise.
List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project. I know how to use a
drill. I have a better understanding on how to come about building bridges.
What problems did you encounter, and how did you handle these problems? The problem I
have encountered was how I was going to bring the sections of the footbridge to the nature, but
then I figured out that I could use my uncles trailer to bring it.
Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most? How did you
feel about and react to this challenge? The biggest stretch from this project was from making
the measurements, drilling in the screws, and making sure the boards were correctly placed.
While I was building the footbridge, I had to double check each board that I cut to make sure it
was the correct length.

How has Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work habits,
capabilities, confidence, poise, presentation, etc.)? The Senior Project has helped me out a
bunch. I learned how to use a drill and how to use an electric saw.

What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior Project/Senior Seminar
process again? If I could do something different for my Senior Project, I would have done it
about Basic Training because I had more fun doing that instead of building the footbridge.

What advice do you have for next year’s seniors? My advice for the next year’s seniors is that
they should something that fits the career path that they want to take.

Has this experience influenced your future plans? This helped me out on how to better
visualize a project and what steps I need to take in order to accomplish that project.

What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what justification do you
have for that grade? I would give myself an A because the steps that I took to complete it. I
made sure everything was precise like figuring out what wood I need, making sure the
measurements were on point, and making sure the wood was lined up right.

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