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My artwork matters because what i am doing is
not just art it is spreading awareness about a topic
that i strongly believe matters. The reason why this is
so important is because I see people struggling in
their everyday lives. For example my Tia once visit
me and she had a wheel chair and she couldn't pass
so my tio had to help her walk to the house and it
took them like half an hour something that could of
just been 1 minute or even seconds.
Well the tools i used was a professional
Camera . I also used the program book wright to
create the book itself, and don't forget Photo Shop!
An SD Card was also used to make the book. I put in
the SD Card into the camera so like that my photos
can save then I would download them by computer,
then I edited them in photo shop so they wouldn't be
to light or too bright. Then I put them in this book in
This issue was important to me because I
actually live in these apartments and I see people
having to deal with this issue in their day to day lives.
Sometimes I see families visiting each other and I see
how they struggle because of how skinny the path is,
this is why I am doing this book because I want to
spread awareness of how much these people
struggle due to a problem of the path being to skinny.

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Artist Statement Continues....

My goals as an artist was to take pictures

about this important issue that affects many
families like my own. I'm also doing this because
it is a important issue that is slowly growing and
affecting others as we speak. its not a issue that
is really talked about so with my art i hope to
improve this matter and show others how much it
really matters not only now but also in the future.
What i leaned while doing this assignment
was that you can make a big difference by not
only talking about issue like these but also using
art as a form of expression to get the massage
around. my final piece of art was not exactly how
i would have liked it but its goal remained the
same. To get a message around about a
important topic. i hope this will influence others
because now i know you can express yourself by

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Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
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Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
Proof Copy: Not optimized for high quality printing or digital distribution
The name of the author is Kimberly Camanero.
Kimberly Camanero was born in USA California in
November 16 2004. Her experience in photography
is she took 1 year in photography in high
school.The thing that interests Kimberly Camanero
in photography is that she can take pictures of
anything using a professional camera. Kimberly
chose this topic because she found it unfair that
when they built the apartments complex they didn't
even think oh how are people with wheelchairs are
going to pass or people with disabilities so this is
why she chose this topic. What Kimberly learned in
photography is how to use a professional camera
and how to take pictures with that type of camera
she also learned composition rule of thirds and
everything a professional needs to know.

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