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Appreciation Paper

The person that I appreciate the most and that has helped me out all my life and in the last

4 years, is my dad. I can’t say what I was like before I met him because I wasn’t alive for that,

but if I never knew my dad or did not have him in my life it would be a lot different. My dad is

one of the 3 men that I admire in my entire life. He has always been there for me when I needed

him, and he never gave up on me even when he knew I was wrong. If I never knew my dad I

would not know how to do things a father would teach their sons, I would’ve never got into

sports since I was 4, I wouldn’t know the value of money and hard work, and I wouldn’t be the

man I am today without him. My dad is not perfect at all, he makes mistakes like we all do, he

can be very hard on me with certain things but it is for a reason, he expects a lot out of me

because he wants the best for me, and he will do anything for his family. My dad is tough but

fair, intelligent in a classroom and out of one, I know my dad is tough on me for reasons that I

don’t fully understand yet, but he wouldn’t do anything that would affect me negatively. My dad

always tells me that he is nowhere near perfect, and he is human but he strives to be perfect for

himself and his family. Most sons want to be just like their father and I’ll admit there is certain

traits I want but he tells me that he doesn’t want me to be like him at all, he wants me to be

better. My dad has been here for be all my life, he’s missed maybe one or two games in my

entire life, if I need anything he will take care of me, but will also make me earn it. I depend on

my dad a lot and lately he’s been depending on me and I am 100% ok with that because I’d do

anything for him. Looking back at the last 17 years, I am grateful for my father, everything

wasn’t always perfect but he taught me how to make what you can out of what you have. My dad

will definitely be a huge influence in my future because this is when I’ll need him the most.
When I am living on my own or starting a family, he is most definitely going to be in my life

because the best years are coming up and I am going to need him.

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