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~Job Shadowing~ 

❏ 4th period is their PSL 

❏ Plans for extra activities revolving around curriculum if students finish early  
❏ She also gives out homework over new things they learn  
❏ She is very patient and repeats instructions twice so students understand 
❏ She checks for understanding by asking questions  
❏ Changes attitude depending on what type of class she has  
❏ Shy=More energy(keep them excited) Hyper=clamer/more strict (Keep on task) 

❏Why did you want to become a teacher?  
● I always was the teachers pet and enjoyed hanging out and helping the teachers. I also loved 
being able to teach kids so i got another teachers degree.  
❏How do you approach discipline?  
● She thinks she is too lenient. She was always the good kid and didn’t understand why kids 
were so off task. She says that she is still learning how to discipline. She normal keeps 
them guessing not knowing if she will actually go through with punishment which makes 
kids stay on task.  
❏How do you plan your lessons?  
● Pioneer plans on a lesson plan template. She first goes through the TEKs she has to cover as 
well as last year's lessons. She will look at the Timeline and when they need to take CBA’s 
and plan their lessons to best fit the students.  
❏How do you interact with parents?  
● I don't really communicate because sometimes teachers overly communicate and it can 
stress parents out and take away responsibility from the students. She will only send out 
something if it is really important.  

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